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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After Zefa learned about it, he had lost confidence in the navy, and the final customized battle plan to attack the Whitebeard Pirates made Zefa make up his mind to quit the navy.
On the way back to Xuanyue Island, Reina talked with Ain. According to Zefa, he wanted Ain to pick up Binz, and let the latter two decide what to see. In short, they could no longer follow him. .
This made Ain very puzzled, but she couldn’t disobey the teacher’s order, and Binz really wanted to be rescued, so she deliberately let Reina take it away during the battle in order to join Binz.
And told Reina everything on the way, now she and Binz are no longer in the navy, so I hope Reina can see Zefa’s face and let them both go and let them continue to pursue theirs. teacher.
However, Reina naturally wouldn’t let these two capable people go, so he stabilized Ain with words first, telling them that Zefa didn’t know where he went now. They went out to search, and they would definitely not be able to help the Whitebeard Pirates. Look for.
So let them live here now, and let them decide what to do when they have news from Zefa!
And Reina told her that Zefa must have had their own ideas for letting them leave, and maybe they would be in danger if they followed.
As soon as Ain heard that it might be in danger, he wanted to find Zefa as soon as possible, which made Reina regret saying such a thing, but fortunately, Ain really didn’t have any good channels to find Zefa, so he had to agree. Stay on Xuanyue Island first.
Entering the bottom layer of the underground space, here is the introduction by the doctor, because there are many things Frank does not understand very well.
But even after the doctor explained it again, many captains, like Frank, were confused and couldn’t understand at all.
” In short, these places are very important and cannot be destroyed by the enemy, so Frank arranged our residence here, and it also means that I will protect it! ” Reina saw the expressions of Joz and others, and he I knew they didn’t understand, so I used the most direct words to say it.
Sure enough, after listening to Reina’s words, the captains all came to a sudden realization, and they all said they understood, and Dr. Sière rolled his eyes.
” Doctor … According to your idea, are these places planning to install outer ships? ” After sending the captains away, Reina continued to discuss with the doctor about the transformation of Xuanyue Island.
” That’s right, the space at the bottom is too small to make use of it. I made the entire interior of the island out of steel and made it into a stretched form. Now the entire Xuanyue Island looks like a small island from the outside. In fact, it is already a fortress!
When we need to dive, the inner space will be folded to half of the space, and then I design the bottom to place the outer wheel. At that time … we will be a fortress that can walk on the seabed! ” Dr. Ahsie said excitedly.
” It’s all made of steel? ” Reina swallowed and asked cautiously, ” How much is left of the ore we dug up last time? ”
” Remaining? There’s no more left! The shell of an entire island, do you still want to have it left? ” Ah Dr. Sière looked at Reina like an idiot, and said disdainfully.
” Nothing left? Nothing left? That … that’s a mine! ” Reina only felt his eyes darken, and then became dizzy.
They smelted all the ore on the mining island, and then filled the entire sky island and the Moby Dick with the smelted fur iron ore , and now the doctor told him to use it all up, even if Rayner didn’t care about money Man, his heart tightened suddenly, and he almost fainted.
” What do you think? I’ve secretly used up all the ore on Lakyo’s side. Otherwise, why would Frank pit him and talk about using gold to build a house for him? ” The doctor nodded and said.
” What? You’ve used up all Lakyo? ” Reina twitched his lips and shook his head. ” So what are you going to use to build him a house of gold? As a pirate, it’s impossible for him not to know about gold. If there is any trouble, it will cause unnecessary misunderstandings! ”
” Don’t worry, I have calculated, so I deliberately left him enough gold to make a golden house. Anyway, we have the final say on the cost. There will be no problem with reporting more. If there are other problems, I also told Frank, Let him push me on the head, Captain Lakyo will give me this face! ” The doctor said indifferently.
Reina was speechless for a while, people had already thought about it, and there was no need for him to do much.
After visiting the underground space and everyone came out, Reina asked the doctor, ” Where’s the giant bubble maker from Fishman Island? Why didn’t I see it? ”
The doctor smiled slightly and said, ” I haven’t done this yet. I have to put it on at the last time, and I don’t know if the guy you are talking about will be able to spawn that seed! If there is no problem … before the big banquet, it should be all possible. Done! ”
” That’s good, you can find time for Binz to help you do the work! Now they have a request from us, and they won’t refuse! By the way, Frank … You didn’t bully him anymore, did you? ” Reiner said here. , looked at Frank and asked.
Frank replied with a strange look: ” That … I didn’t bully him! But … there might be a small problem! ”
” Huh? That’s it? When I came back, I brought his companions with me, and promised them that they would leave! ” Reina put away his smile and said.
” There’s no problem with this, but that guy … seems to be obsessed with the plants that you brought back last time, vice-captain, and studies there every day, so I don’t care about him! ” Frank said a little embarrassedly.
Last time, he promised to get the other party, but he still didn’t get it.
” Fu ~ that doesn’t matter, if you kill me, it will be bad! ” Reina said with a sigh of relief.
” That’s impossible, I really want to kill him, the doctor must not kill me first! ” Frank replied with a smile.
In the following time, Reina and Ace rested on Xuanyue Island to recover from their injuries, and the captains who went out also rushed back one after another because they heard about the war with the Navy.
After learning about Reina and Ace’s injuries, many captains came over to greet them.
Reina was fine. After chatting a few words with the captains who came to visit him, he let them go about their own business. Now he was just taking the opportunity of being injured to think about the return of his life.
But before he was fully cultivated, Saatchi found him with a piece of information and a newspaper with a solemn face.
” What’s the situation? ” Seeing Saatchi’s appearance, Reina asked with a smile, ” Why did you send me the information? Didn’t the information handed over to Lakyo? ”
” Lake has something else to do, so I’m here to give you this! ” Saatchi said, shaking his head.
” Huh? ” Reina wiped the sweat from his forehead, took the information in Lakyo’s hands, and looked at it carefully.
His trauma is almost healed now, so he can already do simple training. If he doesn’t complete the daily work hours and interrupt the continuous check-in, he will really go crazy.
However, after he read the information, he slowly raised his head, looked at Saatchi, and asked, ” Where is the source of the information? ”
” It’s based on our undercover in the navy and some other sources, so we can be sure of the authenticity! As for the Straw Hat gang that the newspaper said is suspected to be a group extermination, it should be fake! ” Saatchi said softly.
” I see, have you shown Ace the information? ” Reina nodded and asked, ” Straw Hat Luffy is his younger brother, so he should also be very concerned about this news! ”
” Not yet, I will come to find you first after reading the information! ” Saatchi shook his head and said.
” Well ~ Since there is no news of their deaths, don’t worry, they should be fine! Please report it, didn’t you say it? Rayleigh finally shot! ” Reina said with a smile.
” But … Rayleigh only saved the Captain Straw Hat, and Robin was beaten by the tyrant Bear ! ” Saatchi looked at Reina in surprise, he thought Reina would be furious.
” That guy is the revolutionary army’s undercover agent in the navy, and the straw hat boy is the son of the revolutionary army leader Long! Do you think the tyrant Xiong will kill Robin and the others? ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” What? ” After hearing Reina’s words, Saatchi looked at Reina in surprise and asked, ” How did you know this information? Is it accurate? I didn’t expect the Revolutionary Army to have a spy in the Qiwuhai! ”
In fact, after Reina finished speaking, he believed it, but the news was too sudden, so he subconsciously doubted it.
” So … the world government’s Shichibukai system is completely a joke … Except for dispelling the enthusiasm within the navy, it has no effect at all! But … it’s better to find Robin’s whereabouts first! You Let our intelligence department pay attention to Robin’s news! ” Rayner said after thinking about it.
” It has been done, but no news has come back yet! ” Saatchi nodded and replied.
” Pay more attention to the revolutionary army … They seem to have been looking for Robin’s whereabouts! ” Reina said to Saatchi, recalling the plot of the original book.
” Revolutionary Army … We have never had any contact with them … They are also quite mysterious, I am afraid that they will not be able to find them for a while! ” Saatchi said with some embarrassment.
” Then let our people contact the tyrant Xiong and beat my daughter … It’s impossible for me as a father to ignore it! ” Reina said with narrowed eyes.
” I know, you can rest in peace! I’ll take care of it! ” Seeing that Reina seemed to want to teach Tyrant Bear a lesson in person , Saatchi quickly interrupted.
Seeing Sage’s nervous look, Reina smiled and said, ” Okay, I get it! Don’t worry, I won’t mess around, I just want to get in touch with Tyrant Bear and see where he got Robin. go! ”
” After contacting him, I’ll come to you again! ” Saatchi heard the words, left a sentence and ran away.
Looking at Saatchi who ran away, Reina touched his nose, does he look like such a terrifying person?
But after Saatchi left, Reina also began to think. He originally thought that without Blackbeard and the top war, the Straw Hats would not need to be separated, but now it seems that the fate of this world is not so easy to change. He will fix everything automatically.
But it’s hard to say right now, without the top war, maybe the Straw Hats will gather together again soon.

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