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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
The Marine Headquarters Marin Vando, the tyrant Bartholomew Bear with a Bible , just came out of the Warring States office. He was questioned by the suburbs of the Warring States period. Because of the report by Kizaru, it was because of him that the Straw Hats gang came together. All run away.
However, he was silent without any answer, and the Warring States period had nothing to do with him.
Now he is an important bargaining chip for the world government and an important part of Dr. Bergapunk’s ” Peacemaker Plan ” , so he doesn’t need to pay attention to the Warring States at all.
However, when he was waiting for Kizaru in the open space, a naval sergeant passed by him, not only bumped him, but also made a rude remark, as if he was deliberately provoking him.
He knew that this was because of his status as the king of the Qiwuhai, which made many navies dissatisfied, but he was usually afraid of his strength, so he just didn’t show it.
But just when he was about to start, he suddenly discovered that the other party seemed to have given him something.
Basholomi Xiong, who was originally an undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army , gave the other party a glance and continued to sit down and wait for the arrival of Kizaru. He didn’t do anything drastic, but the other party also scolded and left.
When there was no one around, Bartholomew Xiong glanced at the note he had clipped in the book. There was an address on it, and there was nothing else.
Bartholomew Bear, who continued to read the Bible , didn’t seem to plan to go there immediately.
After a while, Kizaru found Bartholomew Bear and said, ” Let ‘s go! ”
” I still have something to do! ” said Bartholomew Bear , closing the Bible.
” Okay, I’ll let Zhan Taomaru pick you up at that time! ” Kizaru nodded, turned around and left.
He was an admiral in the navy who was in charge of leading the scientific force, and it was impossible to wait for him alone for Bartholomew Bear .
The location of the scientific troop is a secret. Except for him and Zhan Taomaru, no one in the entire scientific troop knows the correct location, so every time he goes back, he or Zhan Taomaru will escort Basholomi Bear in person .
After seeing Kizaru leave, Bartholomew Xiong was not in a hurry, walked slowly to the port, and then let the warship take him to the island written on the note.
” You wait for me here, I’ll be back soon! ” Bartholomew Bear said to the marines after arriving at the destination .
” Yes, Lord Bartholomew Bear! ” The soldier saluted and replied .
Bartholomew Bear, who got off the boat, went directly to the only tavern on the island. After walking in, he found that there were not many people inside.
After seeing Bartholomew Bear come in , the boss came directly to him, put down a phone bug, and left.
” Hey … the tyrant of the Seven Wuhai Seas, Bartholome Bear ? ” When he picked up the phone, a strange voice came from inside.
” Who are you? ” Bartholomew Xiong asked after thinking about it.
” Reina! Benelli D. Reina! ” Reina on the other side of the phone bug smiled and replied.
Hearing Reina’s self -reported home, Bartholomew Bear, who had been quite calm, immediately narrowed his eyes.
He just came out of Malin Fando, and naturally he knew about the failure of Aokiji and Garp to ambush the Whitebeard Pirates. Although Reina and Ace were seriously injured, neither of them was caught, and Magellan was seriously injured again, which made him push forward. The big man in the city was a little upset.
The most important thing is that Reina’s danger level has been repositioned, and the bounty has risen directly from the previous 1.5 billion Bailey to 2 billion!
Although he didn’t know why the World Government and the Navy suddenly felt that Reina’s danger was greatly increased, but he knew what this bounty represented.
The original Reina’s 1.5 billion bounty has not been moved for a long time. Thinking of big pirates like them, the navy will basically not increase the amount for them, and 1.5 billion is the level of the deputy of the Four Emperors.
But now Reina’s bounty has suddenly skyrocketed, which means that Reina’s threat to the World Government has already approached the Four Emperors.
This is kind of scary!
You know, in addition to their own strength, the bounty amount of the four emperors is also added by the Pirates, but the Whitebeard Pirates where Reina is a member will not be added to him, but will be given to him. Whitebeard, because Whitebeard is the captain.
Then Reina’s two billion bounty is quite problematic.
At least in the eyes of Bartholomew Xiong , Reina must have done something to make the world government quite fear him, so that such a situation will occur.
” It turned out to be the vice -captain of the famous Whitebeard Pirates … Your Excellency Chitong Reina! I don’t know what your Excellency asked me to come here for? ” Bartholomey Bear stiffened and said softly .
“I heard that you defeated the Straw Hats? Then you should know the purpose of me looking for you, right? ” Reina chuckled and replied.
In the battle cry of Judicial Island, Reina’s assistance to the Straw Hat gang to avoid the slaughtering order has spread all over the world, and his relationship with Robin has basically been exposed.
So Reina believes that Basholomi Bear, who is an undercover agent of the revolutionary army , must know Robin’s identity, so he will say this.
But he didn’t know that Bartholomey Bear had been assisting Vega Punk’s research, so he didn’t know much about the outside world, but when he was on the Dreadnought Dhow, Robin had already told Bartholomew · Bear’s own identity, Reina can be regarded as a crooked hit.
After being silent for a while, Bartholomew Xiong slowly asked, ” Is it for Nicole Robin ? ”
” Now that I know, I won’t talk nonsense anymore. Tell me about Robin’s whereabouts. I can assume that this has never happened! Otherwise, I don’t mind declaring war on your revolutionary army! ” Reina said in a deep voice.
When Bartholomew Xiong heard Reina’s words, his expression turned cold. In the other party’s words, he was very sure of his identity as a revolutionary army, so who leaked it?
Those who knew his identity were high-level leaders of the revolutionary army, and most people would never know.
” Her bridge in the East China Sea! There are our comrades there, don’t worry, it won’t cause any harm to her! ” Bartholomew Xiong said after hesitating for a while.
” Okay … but you better tell your comrades that if Robin does any damage to you, I’ll put it on your head, so you better take care of him! ” Hang up the phone bug.
Now that he is back in the same plot as the original, Reina doesn’t have to worry. As a member of the protagonist group, Robin should be fine.
But thinking of the lack of the top war, I don’t know what their next actions will be, but these are not what Reina has to worry about now, because the annual banquet of the Whitebeard Pirates is about to be held. , so now his focus is on this matter.
On the other hand, although Rayleigh of the Chambord Islands rescued Luffy, he still took Luffy to the vicinity of the daughter country after all the twists and turns.
And the curious Luffy also broke into Amazon Lily . When Rayleigh found Luffy, he had already dealt with the king of Amazon Lily , Boya Hancock .
” Uncle Rayleigh, why do they seem to use domineering? ” After seeing Rayleigh, Luffy finally asked the question buried in his heart.
He always thought that domineering was a move that only masters could use, but after seeing that all the soldiers in the daughter country could use it, Luffy realized that maybe after going to the new world, they would encounter many such enemies.
I also understand why Reina said that they would enter the new world after they realized the domineering.
” As warriors of the daughter country, this is their innate ability! In the new world, you will find … domineering is the most basic skill. Without domineering, it is impossible to do anything in the new world! ” Rayleigh said with a smile .
Rayleigh’s answer also made Luffy even more convinced that it’s too early for them to enter the new world!
” Uncle Rayleigh! Can I learn the use of domineering with you? ” Luffy said seriously.
” But … this kind of thing can’t be learned in a short time! Your companions should be trying their best to rush towards the Chambord Islands? We can’t stay here for too long! Now your tyrannical domineering has been Fully awakened and achieved our desired goal! ” Rayleigh said with a smile.
It turned out that he brought Luffy here. It was precisely because he discovered Luffy’s aptitude for overbearing looks that he wanted to bring him here for training. Unexpectedly, the daughter country and his party directly made Luffy fully awakened to overbearing looks.
“That ‘s right! If only I could inform them now! In that case … I can stay here to train! ” Luffy nodded, saying regretfully.
” Who to notify? Luffy-kun … As the king of Amazon Lily, my concubine can help you! ” Hancock appeared out of nowhere and said to Luffy.
In her opinion, as long as Luffy can stay here, it will be fine.
Rayleigh and Luffy heard the words, and after looking at each other, they told Hancock what happened in the Chambord Islands. Because they took action against the Tianlong people, they attracted the general, and his partner was killed by one of the seven Wuhai Tyrant Bear has given everyone news .
” It turned out to be the hand of that guy! Humph ~ The next time I see him, I must avenge Luffy – kun! But Bartholomew Xiong is not weak, and he is also the only one among the seven seas under the king. A guy who is completely obedient to the world government! ” Hancock replied directly after listening: ” But if you just find your companion … I have a solution! ”
” What way? ” Luffy asked in surprise when he heard that he could find his companion.
” Wait! ” Hancock said, turning around to his two sisters and saying, ” Bring the phone bug that Reina sent! ”
” Huh? Big sister … You want to …” The third child , Poya Marigold, looked at his eldest sister in surprise and asked, ” Do you want to contact Reina? ”
” That’s right, the Whitebeard Pirates are the number one pirate group in the world. You can’t imagine how powerful their intelligence department is! ” Hancock nodded and said.
” Huh? Why do you have Reina’s phone bug? ” Reilly asked in surprise.
” Because my place … is also an intelligence point for the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Hancock said directly.
” So that’s the case … I said how could this girl of you promise to become a king under the Seven Martial Seas … It turned out to be a game set up by that kid Reina in advance. It’s really terrifying! ” Reilly immediately understood Reina’s plan, Han Cook is the nail he placed in the sea of Qiwu under the king.
” Hey, I became the king of the Shichibukai, not for Reina and the Whitebeard Pirates! It’s because of the needs of the people! ” Hearing Rayleigh’s words, Hancock immediately secretly looked at Luffy, while a little nervous. explained.
She was afraid that Luffy would misunderstand what relationship she had with Reina, so she explained it very quickly.
” Ah ~ Hancock is really amazing! ” Luffy didn’t understand at all, just praised without soul.
Even so, Hancock secretly swears in his heart that he must be a successful queen and make Luffy impress.
” But with the help of the Whitebeard Pirates, it’s easier than finding Luffy’s companions! ” Rayleigh said with a smile.
” Whitebeard Pirates? Reina? Are you talking about Robin’s father? ” Luffy asked curiously.
” That’s right! I forgot, Robin is also your comrade! Hahaha … Maybe if you contact him now, he will have found Robin! That guy is quite nervous about his daughter! ” Riley laughed said.

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