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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” That is to say … Now you and Luffy are in Amazon Lily ? ” After Reina received Hancock’s call, Reilly explained the situation like Reina.
” That’s right, Luffy thinks that it’s not the time for them to go to the new world, and they want to practice with me, but his partner was scattered by Bartholomew Bear ! I want to ask you if I can give it to him. Bring a message to my friends and see you in the Chambord Islands in two years! ” Raleigh said with a smile.
” Brother … Are you treating me as a messenger? I’m dignified …”
” Okay, you can say yes or no!? When you asked me for help, I wasn’t so wordy, right? ” Rayleigh interrupted Reina directly and said.
” Okay, okay … You can always do it! You can still run on me now!? It’s such a simple thing, you bring Luffy to the Chambord Archipelago to do something, won’t it make headlines? I’m afraid of straw hats at that time. Can’t the group see it? ” Reina said with a smile.
” Isn’t it your help? Why should I do this? Now the world thinks that the Straw Hats have collapsed, and just take advantage of this time to disappear from the public’s field of vision for a while, you can say help or not! ” Rayleigh also Said with a smile.
” Okay, I understand! It just so happens that I’m going to find Robin. You ask the straw hat boy to write a few letters, and then I’ll send someone to the Chambord Archipelago to pick it up and have someone deliver it to them! ” Reina nodded, said.
” Hahaha … I knew, did you find the news about Robin? ” Rayleigh replied with a big smile after listening.
” Of course … This is my own flesh and blood, so can I not be nervous? Tell me the straw hat boy how he promised me? When we meet next time, see if I don’t beat him! ” Reina pouted and replied.
” Hahaha … Now he’s my disciple, don’t break me, you guy! ” Rayleigh said with a smile.
” Reina … Luffy-kun … but … but … Anyway, my concubine will never allow you to move Luffy-kun! Otherwise, I will definitely not let you go! ” Rayleigh finished his words, and the phone worm was over there. Then came Hancock’s anxious voice.
Reina was stunned, why did Hancock still get together with Luffy? Is it really destiny?
” Hancock … you … don’t … ? ” Rayner asked tentatively.
” Ah ~~”
” Don’t worry about her, after you confirm what I just said, just go to the Chambord Islands and leave me a message, I will go back occasionally! ”
After Rayner asked, he heard a scream from the phone bug, and then Rayleigh’s voice came.
” Oh! Alright! ” Reina nodded in confusion and agreed to Rayleigh.
With Reina’s promise, Rayleigh took Luffy and began to practice on the island next to Amazon Lily .
And Reina also began to tell the subordinates to find the news of the Straw Hats, and pointed out the direction for them. After all, even Robin’s place has not changed, so the rest should not have changed.
At the same time, Reina also asked to recognize the supplies for the voyage. He planned to go to Amazon Lily in person , and then take a detour to the East China Sea. He was always a little worried if he didn’t see Robin safe and sound.
And the so-called bridge of connection, he always felt a little strange.
As for the blank history 800 years ago, he has already guessed almost the same by collecting and understanding it.
But before he went to Ralph, he wasn’t sure yet.
And Whitebeard doesn’t seem to be interested in this, so Rayner is not interested in this either.
If it wasn’t for Olvia’s desire to figure out the historical text before, he wouldn’t touch that thing.
Later, after learning about Robin’s existence, he also helped to collect some, and learned some from the chat with Robin, plus some original guesses, now Reina thinks … that’s the same thing, and They have nothing to do with the Whitebeard Pirates.
The huge kingdom that disappeared should want to do something, so it was opposed by the ancestors of the current Tianlong people. In the end, they united to defeat the huge kingdom and established the current world government.
And now the reason why the world government hides that history is that some people think that what the giant kingdom wants to do is right, and inherit their legacy and really do it.
So what do the people of that kingdom want to do? Make them so scared?
Reina, through some evidence and news, speculates that they want to link the four oceans and the great route!
Eight hundred years ago, it was very likely that the world’s four major oceans and the great shipping routes were simply separated from each other, and there was no communication between islands, even many islands today.
Later, the huge kingdom appeared. They wanted to change all of this, and wanted people to travel freely in all oceans, so they transformed Upside Down Mountain!
When Reina first saw Upside Down Mountain, he found serious artificial excavation marks, but he didn’t take it seriously at first. Looking back now, Upside Down Mountain was probably the one they used to connect the four oceans and the great shipping route. engineering.
In addition, the first half of the Great Route and the second half of the Great Route are not connected. If you want to pass, there are only two ways. One is to ask for the approval of the World Government and take Mary Joa through the red soil continent. This is the safest choice.
The other is to dive into the seabed for 10,000 meters to reach the fish-man island, which is just below the red earth continent, and you can enter the new world through here.
Then the huge kingdom wanted to link the new world and the first half of the great route, so it was only natural to choose this place.
In the letter of apology on Fishman Island, Reina believed that it was Joey Boy of the Great Kingdom who negotiated with the fishmen before the action. If they opened up the passage to the New World and the first half of the Great Route, then the fish at the bottom of the red soil continent The Isle of Man is bound to be affected.
Then they were likely to have accepted the people of Fishman Island and promised them to make Ruoya’s Ark to transfer them away and let them live on land.
But before they acted, they were stopped, so they couldn’t fulfill their promise and left a note of apology on Fishman Island.
So why did those countries at that time, including Alabasta in the first half of the Great Route and the Kingdom of Dressrosa in the New World, stop them?
Rainer guessed that it was likely that after they created the Upside Down Mountain, the world’s oceans changed, which must have caused many big bad changes in the world at that time.
People think that is the reason why they destroyed the Red Continent, so they united to stop the huge kingdom, and placed the headquarters in Mary Joa to guard it and prevent people from having the opportunity to destroy it again.
And why did the people of the kingdom of Alabasta return to Alabasta after the battle? Missing the homeland is one thing, and on the other hand, it is also likely that they learned about the idea of the huge kingdom during the battle, and even shaken their beliefs, so they will return to their homeland after the battle.
And this also makes the other Tianlong ancestors quite afraid. You must know that the Nafirutali family of Alabasta is their allies!
Even they were almost infected by the thoughts of those people, so if some precautions were not taken, there would definitely be more people who would inherit their thoughts one after another.
So in the end they made a decision, that is, to dust off this piece of history and destroy all news about the huge kingdom.
As for the D family, just look at people like Luffy and Roger. They yearn for freedom, aren’t they very similar to the ancient giant kingdoms? They also yearn for freedom and want to break the inherent cage.
And when Roger arrived at Ralph Drew, why did he say they came too early, knowing all the causes and consequences?
Because the world government at that time was not as corrupt as it is now, and it was not the time to launch a war to eliminate them, so he could only leave with regret.
Then he used his own death to open the era of the great pirates and accelerated the demise of the world government. He knew that there would always be someone who would arrive there again, and then launch a war that swept the world, breaking the inherent cage and destroying the world. of oceans are connected together for true freedom.
Think about it … What was the purpose of the Bridge of Links that the world government started building 800 years ago? Does connecting all the islands in the world coincide with the purpose of the huge kingdom?
This is the method they came up with, the method to achieve the goal without destroying the red soil continent.
But this command was not well implemented, and it turned out not only to be a project that could never be completed, but also a nightmare for all slaves.
So Reina is like taking this opportunity to see what the bridge of connection looks like and whether it can achieve the purpose of linking the world.
But before he set off, Saatchi and Joz ran to him with black lines on their faces.
” Reina … I heard that you want to go to sea? ” Saatchi asked straight to the point.
” Ah ~ what’s wrong? Is there a problem? ” Reina nodded and asked.
” No, Dad said, you haven’t taken care of yourself yet, you can’t leave Xuanyue Island! ” Joz nodded and said directly.
” What? What did the eldest brother say? ” Reina was stunned and asked in surprise: ” I didn’t go out to trouble the Navy, I just wanted to see Robin! ”
Under normal circumstances, if he wanted to go to sea, Whitebeard would not refuse, so this time Joz came over and said that Whitebeard would not allow him to go to sea, and he was really confused.
” In short, Dad said, before the big banquet, you must not leave Xuanyue Island! ” Joz still shook his head and said.
” Let’s go! I’ll go meet Big Brother myself! ” Reina shrugged and stood up.
” No, no! It’s the end when you see Daddy! ” Saatchi and Joz blocked Rayner’s way and said directly.
” You two … won’t you lie to me by falsely spreading the words of Big Brother? ” Looking at the two people blocking him, Reina asked suspiciously.
” No! ” Saatchi answered quite affirmatively, but Joz’s eyes flickered a little, and he didn’t dare to look at Reina at all.
” Look at me … Joz! Did eldest brother say that? ” Reina directly opened the wheel and asked Joz.
” Said … said …” Joz took a step back and replied nervously.
” Oh ~~ I said it! Forget it! Since it’s my brother’s order, I won’t go out to sea! ” Reina nodded and said.
His words made Saatchi and Joz suddenly sighed with relief, especially Joz, who looked relieved, causing Reina’s mouth to twitch slightly.
” But the two of you came just in time. Come with me to find Marco. About the big banquet, I still have some things to discuss with him and the big brother. Let’s go together! ” Reina said while smiling. Go out between the two.
Looking at Reina who went out, Saatchi and Joz looked at each other.
” It’s all your fault , what are you afraid of him doing? Can he eat you? ” Saatchi patted Joz, and said with some hatred of iron.
Joz was a little aggrieved, but he also knew that his performance just now must be seen by Reina, so he remained silent and did not speak.

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