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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Reina brought Marko, Thatch, Joz and others to find Whitebeard, he didn’t mention what Joz said just now, but really discussed the big banquet with Whitebeard.
After the discussion was over, Reina asked Whitebeard alone: ” Brother, I’ll go out in two days and come back before the big banquet. Is it alright? ”
” Well! Is it because of Robin? Did you find her? ” Whitebeard nodded and asked.
” Well, the connecting bridge in the East China Sea! ”
” If you have time, go and warn that Qiwuhai, you don’t have to do it, but let him know that Robin is our man! ” Whitebeard said with narrowed eyes.
” I know, he is a member of the revolutionary army, and he is an undercover agent in the navy! It seems that he has developed an artificial man called a pacifist. The strength is not bad, but the cost is a bit more expensive, even more expensive than the naval warship. ! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Oh? How’s the strength? The navy’s warships are not cheap! ” Whitebeard immediately became interested and asked.
” In terms of strength … it’s not a problem to deal with ordinary combat team members, but it’s not enough for the captain! But it’s enough to catch pirates in the first half of the great route! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
” That’s not bad! Find a chance to get one back and show it to the doctor! ” Whitebeard said, rubbing his chin.
” I guess it’s not enough now. The Navy has just developed it, and it’s precious! It’s estimated that even if it is scrapped, it will be recycled. Let’s wait for a while and then look at it! And isn’t the doctor not interested in this kind of thing? In other words, are we looking for a few more? A scientist back? ” Reiner said with a smile.
” Scientist? Why? ” Whitebeard asked in confusion.
” Brother, don’t underestimate the scientists. The chief scientist of the Navy, Dr. Vega Punk, is not an ordinary person. In addition, his former colleague M. Caesar Courant, the weapon madman , is helping Lingling and Kai as far as I know. Do more research! ” Rayner said, shaking his head.
” Oh? How about Lingling and Kai? What are they studying? ” Whitebeard asked curiously.
” Hasn’t Sister Lingling always wanted the power of the giants? But it backfired. Now she and the giants can be said to be incompatible! So she listened to Caesar’s words and is doing research on giants! As for Kaido … Does eldest brother know about his capable army? ” Reina said after thinking about it.
“The Legion of Ability!? ” After thinking about it, Whitebeard said: ” It seems that there are some guys, but those are not able people, right? ”
” Those are the users of artificial devil fruits! ” Reina said with a smile: ” Actually, they are not really real devil fruit users, but they are still stronger than ordinary people! ”
” Artificial Devil Fruit? Is Kaido able to do this now? ” Whitebeard asked in surprise.
” That’s why I said, big brother, don’t underestimate scientists! ” Reina nodded and said, ” Caesar is still half-baked, but Dr. Bergapunk has really made a big breakthrough in the bloodline factor. ! ”
” Gu la la la la … You can figure it out for yourself! But if you’d better discuss it with the doctor first, and see his opinion! ” Whitebeard said after thinking about it.
After leaving Whitebeard’s residence, seeing Joze and Thatch who were still waiting for him at the door, Reina smiled and nodded to them with his hand, and left directly.
” Saatchi, what do you mean by co-captain? ” Joz asked incomprehensibly.
” I guess we should be careful! ” Saatchi shrugged and said helplessly.
” What about now? ”
” What else can I do? Since Reina hasn’t mentioned it again, let’s pretend it never happened! It’s all Lakyo’s fault for such a bad idea! ” Saatchi said with a wry smile.
After a little preparation on Xuanyue Island, Reina set off for the Chambord Islands.
On the way, he received a report from his subordinates. According to Reina’s news, he had found the rest of the Straw Hats except Robin and brought back their letters.
Rayner had them send the letter to the Chambord Islands, where he was rushing now.
When Reina arrived, she realized that the letter had already arrived, so Reina took the letter and ran to Aunt Xia’s shop, but did not see Reilly.
” That guy hasn’t come back for a long time … Do you think he went to the daughter country to play crazy? ” Aunt Xia asked with a mocking expression.
But Reina saw killing intent in her eyes.
Don’t look at what she looks like now, she was also a character back then, a legend from the same era as Whitebeard, Rayner, Roger, and Rayleigh.
It’s just not as famous as they are.
” Sister ~ don’t look at me like that? It’s none of my business! I’ll go right now to help you catch him back! ” Reina said with a wry smile.
” Forget it, let him be outside, so that I can be quiet too. You just need to watch for me and don’t let him die outside! ” Aunt Xia said after blowing out a smoke ring.
” This shouldn’t be possible, right? Who has nothing to do to trouble him! It’s not that the Navy doesn’t know that you have retired. There is no special reason, so it shouldn’t provoke you? ” Reina shook his head and said.
” No, this time he helped little brother Meng Qi, which is basically a violation of the rules. Now that he has retired, he can’t manage these things. If he does, he will bear the consequences. We still understand these things! ” Aunt Xia shook her head. said.
” The Navy doesn’t have the energy to deal with you now! At the same time provoke our Whitebeard Pirates and Rayleigh, they shouldn’t be so idiots? ” Reina said with some disbelief.
” It’s hard to say, but you still have to make good preparations, otherwise it will be bad if they are caught off guard! ” Aunt Xia nodded and replied.
” Okay, I’ll bring the news! ” After Lei Case said goodbye to Aunt Xia, he continued to move towards Amazon Lily . Although he knew where Rayleigh and Luffy were training, he still went to compare Hancock first. Well, that girl is not a worry-free guy.
When Reina arrived at Amazon Lily , the guard told him that Hancock was not here, but on the small island next to her. She would sneak past every day and only return in the evening.
In desperation, Reina went directly to the island where Rayleigh and Luffy practiced. He found Rayleigh and Luffy, and also found Hancock.
” This is your friend’s reply to you! ” Reina first threw him the reply letter from the Straw Hats to Luffy, and then looked at Rayleigh and asked, ” Why are you interested in bringing apprentices? ”
Reilly just smiled and didn’t answer Reina’s question.
” Hey … Reina! ” At this time, Hancock, who was beside him, couldn’t help but say, ” Why did you come back here? ”
Reina looked at Hancock, it seemed that the other party was very dissatisfied now and didn’t understand where he had offended the other party, so Reina had to say: ” Isn’t this here to send him a letter? ”
” You need to do this kind of thing yourself? Come on … are you here to beat up Luffy-kun? ” Hancock asked cautiously.
Although she said that before, she really didn’t expect Reina to come over in person. She knew very well that she couldn’t beat Reina.
And Reina is full of black lines. What he said before was just a joke, not true. It is estimated that Hancock took it seriously.
” Why is there no letter from Robin here? ” Luffy asked Reina after reading the replies from his partners.
” Because I’m planning to go there now, she just received your message and didn’t reply to you! ” Reina rolled her eyes and replied.
” Thank you so much! ” Luffy didn’t have Hancock, and thanked Reina directly.
” You kid, just follow Rayleigh to learn your skills! If there is a next time … I’m really welcome! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Don’t worry, no! I will never allow anyone to hurt my companions again! ” Luffy said firmly.
” Okay, then you and Rayleigh will practice on the island! I’m leaving! ” Reina waved his hand and was about to leave.
However, Reilly stopped Reina and told him not to leave for the time being.
” Anything else? ” Reina asked back.
” Yes, although the giant beasts on this island are good, they are also lacking. I heard that you can summon a very powerful super monster. Would you like to keep it for Luffy as a practice object? ” Rayleigh looked curious. suggested.
Reina’s face darkened. He knew that Reilly was talking about the Nine-Tails, but let’s not mention that the Nine-Tails summoned can only stay for ten minutes, and Reina wouldn’t spend 50,000 inulin in this place!
” Where did you hear that? That’s not a psychic beast like Yoyo and a hard shell, it’s a monster! A monster … understand? I can’t control it, the meaning of its existence is to kill! So it’s not a last resort. How could I summon that thing out? ” Reina explained directly.
” Huh? You can’t control it? ” Rayleigh was taken aback and asked in surprise: ” Then why is there information that you summoned a powerful monster in the battle with the navy? ”
” You also said that you were in a battle with the navy! Naturally, it was summoned to kill the navy! ” Reina rolled her eyes and replied.
” Then you can guarantee that it will not accidentally injure your own people? ”
” Are you stupid? I exchanged my bait for Whitebeard’s request to retreat from the defeat. After all the acknowledgments have retreated, I will be able to summon it soon? ” Reina didn’t bother to continue talking to Rayleigh, got up and left.
” It doesn’t seem to be the same as the rumors ~ The tailed beast … What kind of existence is it? Why is that kid Reina so taboo? ” Rayleigh frowned deeply as he looked at Reina who was leaving.
In fact, he asked it on purpose just now, but from the very first sentence, he felt Reina’s resistance and dislike. He believed that if it wasn’t for him, Reina wouldn’t even say so much.
He naturally didn’t know that Reina didn’t want to say more, because he felt bad for the 50,000 points that were lost. You must know that he managed to save nearly 180,000 points during this time, and now there are only 130,000 points left. Now, it’s a little further away from the 200,000 mark, so Reina didn’t want to mention it anymore.
As for Luffy and Hancock on the side, they were confused and didn’t understand what they were talking about, but they could see that Reina was quite unhappy when he left.
” Uncle Rayleigh, is it that Uncle Rayner doesn’t want to lend me something to practice? It’s okay, I believe I can do it myself! ” Although Luffy is an idiot, in a way, he is quite sensitive.
Rayleigh just shook his head with a wry smile, without explaining too much. After all, not many people know about this kind of thing now.
Hancock, on the other hand, looked thoughtfully at Reina who was leaving, and then said to Luffy, ” Luffy-kun, then I’ll go back today and see you tomorrow! ”
” Hancock … Luffy is practicing right now. If you really do it for his own good, don’t come here every day … It will disturb him! ” Reilly said helplessly.
” Should you shut it down? You bad old man … very bad! Humph! ” Hancock snorted arrogantly, and then left.

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