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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Reina … Wait! ” When Reina was just about to leave in a hard shell, he was stopped by Hancock who was coming from behind.
” What? Is there something? ” Reina turned around, saw Hancock, smiled helplessly and said, ” Don’t worry, I won’t shoot at your Luffy-kun! ”
” No … that … the thing that Rayleigh said just now, can you lend it to Luffy? Since Rayleigh has spoken, it must be useful to Luffy! I hope you can lend it to Luffy. , if there is a price to pay … our daughter island can bear it! ” Hancock said after hesitating for a while.
This is Reina, if it were ordinary people, she would have taken it away.
And she also knew that the things that Rayleigh couldn’t borrow must be quite precious, so she said that whatever price it takes, their daughter country can bear it!
” That kind of thing doesn’t help Luffy, don’t listen to Rayleigh’s nonsense, if I really get it, Luffy won’t be killed in a minute … You know? ” Reina shook his head and said: ” And this kind of price … your daughter country can’t afford it! So don’t think about it anymore! ”
Hancock frowned immediately when she heard the words, she thought it was Reina reluctant.
” What is it? You actually said that our daughter country can’t afford it? You tell me … see if I can afford it? ” Hancock said with a cold snort.
” Okay, if you want it, you can … exchange for the head of Magellan, the deputy warden of the advancing city! As long as you can get his head, I can help you too! Of course, the head of the Navy Warring States or any of the three generals. All right! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Huh? ” Hancock looked at Reina dubiously and asked, ” What is it that can be compared to these people? ”
” You’d better not know, because of this … our Whitebeard Pirates were almost wiped out by the Navy, are you sure your daughter country can afford it? ” Reina said with a chuckle.
Hancock’s face changed when he heard the words.
She was not worried that Reina would lie to her, but she did not expect Reina to say such a thing.
Even their Whitebeard Pirates can’t bear it, let alone their daughter country. If it is really like what Reina said, she is afraid that she will become the sinner of the entire daughter country!
Seeing that Hancock was silent and did not speak, Reina let Hard Shell leave directly and headed towards the East China Sea.
At this time, somewhere in the sky above the great route, on an island formed by an island, the golden lion laughed and looked at the information in his hand, and said to his subordinate Indigo, ” Has the experiment been successful? ”
” That’s right! According to the analysis … it should be a success, now it depends on how you use it! ” Indigo replied with a smile.
” Very good, go find enough beasts for me now, inject them with this medicine, and then tame them! ” The golden lion Shiki’s eyes exuded a kind of light called ambition, and said to Indigo.
” Yes, Captain! ” Indigo was also inexplicably excited and replied loudly.
They have been waiting for this moment for too long.
But after Indigo left, the golden lion Shiji fell into contemplation … He felt that there was something missing.
After half a sound, he felt the half of the rudder on his head, and the golden lion suddenly realized that in order to prevent the tragedy from recurring, he seemed to lack a navigator.
When it comes to navigators, he feels that before he can act, he must find a satisfactory navigator.
But in the first half of the great route, he felt that he should not be able to find satisfactory navigators, so he planned to go to the new world and look there!
After all, the slightly more powerful pirates have all gone to the new world, and those who stayed in the first half of the great route are not of sufficient level.
So after explaining to his subordinates, the golden lion Shiji went to the new world alone, where he was going to find a navigator who could bring him good luck.
As for Reina, who is heading towards the East China Sea, he has long forgotten about the Golden Lion Shiki. After all, this guy has been hidden for so long that many people in the world have forgotten his existence, so Reina naturally forgot his existence. exist.
But soon, Ski believes that everyone in the world will think of him and the fear of being dominated by him.
After arriving in the East China Sea, Reina did not rush to the bridge of connection, but first came to the village of Cocosia. He and Belmer, Noqigao, Ajian and the others have not seen each other for a long time. As old friends, let’s meet first. It is also right to see them, not to mention that they are still on the way.
” Reina ~~ Why are you here? ” Sure enough, after seeing Reina, everyone was very happy.
” Ah ~ I came to the East China Sea to do some business, so I came to see you! How are you guys? ” Reina said with a smile.
” Hahaha … We are all getting older! It’s you, nothing has changed at all! ” Button replied with a big laugh.
” Wearing this wound … Was it done by A Long’s group? ” Looking at the wound on A Jian’s face, although it had scabbed over, he could still see that the injury must have been serious at the beginning.
” You already know? ” Ah Jian was taken aback and asked.
” Have you met Nami? ” Bellemel hesitated and asked, ” I read in the newspaper that they seemed to have attacked Judiciary Island, and the newspaper said that you were instructing them behind them. ”
” Hahaha! I met them on the Great Route. The captain of our second division is Nami’s captain, Straw Hat’s brother! And my daughter is also on their boat! ” Reina will tell Nami again. .
” Hahaha … that’s really fate! But it’s better if you are with them. At least I think you can help them share a little bit of things like Judiciary Island. Otherwise, they are so impulsive and don’t know how the World Government will deal with it. Where are them! ” Bellemel said with a smile after hearing Reina’s explanation.
” Hahaha … Those guys now know that they need to improve their strength! ” Reina smiled and told them about the crimes of the Straw Hats.
Hearing that they were actually scattered, Belmer and others were still a little worried, but when Reina said that they had found all of them, they were relieved.
” Nuo Qigao! How is it? Do you still want to stay here? If you want … I can take you out to sea to Xuanyue Island! ” Reina looked at the very mature Nuo Qigao and said with a smile.
” No, I’ll stay here with Bermel and Ah Jian! ” Nuoqigao hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said.
She does envy Nami a little, and she can travel around. She believes that when she sees Nami again, she will have a lot of stories.
But she is different from Nami. She has no talent, she is just an ordinary person. Even if she goes to sea with Reina, she just lives in a different place. In that case, it is better to accompany Belmer here.
And Reina’s plan is because there are too many bachelors in the Whitebeard Pirates … This group of heroes who are running on the sea are all uninhibited and have no plans to start a family at all. big, so Rayner has already started to find the right person for them.
As for whether it can be achieved in the end, it depends on whether the two sides can see each other.
But this is also what Reina thought after seeing Nuoqigao, so after he heard Nuoqigao said he didn’t want to go, he didn’t say anything more.
That day, Reina stayed in the village of Cocosia for a whole day, and set off towards the bridge of connection early the next morning, but when he arrived at the bridge of connection, apart from the people from the world government and the navy, let alone Robin Now, the slaves who work here are gone.
” What’s going on here? ” Rainer jumped off his hard-shelled back to a pier still under construction, and asked the World Government members who were helping the wounded.
” Who are you? What are you doing here? ” Instead of answering his question, the other party asked Reina with a frown.
The movement here quickly aroused the vigilance of the rest of the people, and they all looked towards this side.
” I asked you, what happened here, you just need to answer me! ” Reina said blankly.
However, the people of the World Government and the surrounding navy soldiers did not really answer Reina, but surrounded him and held their guns at him, seeming to regard him as an intruder.
” Wait …” At this moment, a non-commissioned officer looked at Reina in horror and said, ” You … you are … the great pirate … Akahito Reina? ”
” What? Chi Tong? Is he Chi Tong? Why is he here? ”
” Red pupil? That big pirate with a bounty of 2 billion baileys? ”
After being recognized, even if Reina didn’t do anything, the surrounding navy and World Government members couldn’t help but retreat in fear.
” Akihito Reina! Why did a big man like you come back here? ” Finally , a naval officer stood up with a sullen face and asked Reina.
Reina smiled lightly, turned to look at each other, and asked, ” Answer me … what happened here? Why are you the only ones here? ”
“The revolutionary army attacked here and took all the staff away! ” After a while of silence, the navy general said.
” Revolutionary Army? ” Reina frowned and said, ” You said they rescued the slaves here? ”
Reina’s words surprised the naval officer for a moment, and then nodded somewhat embarrassedly.
Although their words mean the same thing, they are indeed two completely different terms.
” Those guys … what do you want? ” Reina touched his chin, not knowing what the Revolutionary Army was doing to take Robin away, but he also knew that the Revolutionary Army should not hurt Robin.
Since Robin was not found here, Reina planned to wander around to see if the so-called link was of any use.
Watching Reina leave, the surrounding soldiers involuntarily made way for him.
” By the way … Where is the starting point of this bridge of connection? ” When Reina came to the side of the hard shell, he suddenly turned his head and asked the people of the world government.
” Gulu …” After hearing Reina’s question, the people of the World Government looked at each other, a soldier with a spear swallowed and pointed to a small island not far away.
Reina couldn’t believe that he saw it, and asked in surprise: ” Eight hundred years … you have built such a distance? The slaves you put here every year, even if they are only killed by you, the corpses are longer than this length. Is it going to be long? ”
” This … because to build bridge piers, it must be done at the bottom of the sea. We simply don’t have that many murloc slaves … workers! ” A member of the World Government said with some embarrassment.
Reina shook her head and turned to leave.
It seems that the world government really didn’t take the bridge of connection seriously. Otherwise, with the ability and financial resources of the world government, the construction of underwater bridge piers should have been solved long ago.

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