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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After leaving the bridge of connection, Reina went to the sea restaurant Balati. The owner of the restaurant, Zeff the Red Foot, once went to the great route and was also Sanji’s teacher. He was like his father.
” What do the guests need? ” Just as Reina sat down, a waiter came up.
He had an impression of this person, but he couldn’t remember his name, but he wasn’t here to make trouble, he just wanted something to eat.
” Get some of your specialty dishes and some good wine! ” Reina said with a smile without looking at the menu at all.
” Okay, then we’ll provide you with our signature set menu. What do you think? ” The waiter immediately knew that he was a big customer and laughed even more happily.
” No problem, just look at it! ”
” Okay, a total of 100,000 Baileys! ” the waiter said with a smile.
” Oh? One hundred thousand? That’s not cheap!? ” Reina smiled and took out one hundred thousand Bailey and threw it to the waiter.
” Thank you for the guests. The dishes here are very innovative and the taste is quite good, but these are not very expensive, but the guests just ordered good wine, and now a slightly better wine needs 100,000 Baileys! ” After the waiter took the money, he explained it with a smile.
” I see … By the way, is your boss there? I heard that his craftsmanship is good. I wonder if I can be lucky enough to eat the food he made? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” Sorry, guest, our boss rarely cooks himself. Unless there is a special reason, the boss usually doesn’t cook in person! ” The waiter nodded at Reina and left to order.
Reina didn’t necessarily want to eat the dishes that Zeff made, so he didn’t force it.
After a while, several very delicate plates were brought up, but although they all looked very delicious, there were not many. This should be a so-called noble recipe, not a pirate.
After tasting some, Reina nodded with satisfaction. Overall, the taste is not bad, plus the restaurant has some style. If you add drinks, 100,000 Baileys are not too expensive, but this does not mean that you can satisfied him.
After calling the waiter, Reina directly took out a stack of Baileys without counting them, and threw them on the table, saying, “The dishes and drinks are not bad, but I am not satisfied … If your restaurant does this today, The dishes that I am satisfied with are here, so these are all of you! But if you are not satisfied … then I will take back these Baileys, do you want to try them? ”
After hesitating for a while, the waiter said: ” Whether this can be satisfied depends on the mouth of the customer. Even if you are satisfied, you can also say that you are not satisfied. Does this mean that we must lose? ”
” Are you suspecting that I’m here to cheat? ” Reina asked with a slight smile.
Although the waiter didn’t say it clearly, it seemed that he meant it.
” So that’s it … Whether I’m satisfied or not, Bailey here belongs to you, but if I’m satisfied, I’ll double it? How? ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” No! ” Before the waiter spoke, an old man with a tall chef’s hat walked down from the second floor and said to Reina, ” If the customer cannot be satisfied today, the Bailey guests here can take it back, or even take it back. I can take back the old Bailey too! ”
Reina looked sideways and saw the boss, Zeff, walking over with a smile and said, ” I wonder if the guests are satisfied with my proposal? ”
” You know me? ” Reina knew immediately that the other party should have recognized him.
” I still know the logo of the Whitebeard Pirates! If I’m not mistaken … Your Excellency should be the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, the great pirate Beneri D. Reina, known as the Red Eye, right? ” Boss Zeff said softly.
Reina nodded, looked at the Whitebeard Pirates logo leaking out of his arm, and said with a smile: ” Yes, I didn’t expect there are people who recognize me in the East China Sea, I accept your proposal! I hope you I am satisfied with the dishes! ”
” Of course … it’s not delicious … don’t charge for it! ” Zeff smiled and walked towards the back kitchen with the waiter.
On the way, the waiter kept asking Reina’s identity, but Zeff didn’t pay any attention to it at all, and he went to the back kitchen and started cooking directly.
Reina’s identity made him have to be vigilant, otherwise he would anger the other party. Today, Bharati is afraid that it will become a thing of the past.
Soon, Zeff came to Reina’s table with several waiters.
” Yes, time is fast! I hope the taste doesn’t let me down! ” Reina smiled and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.
The movement here naturally attracted the attention of the diners around, and everyone was talking about it, not knowing which Bharatty restaurant this was.
” Boom! ” But Zeff didn’t pay attention to this, and waved his hand to let the chef and waiter behind him put all the dishes on the table.
” Hahahaha … It’s not a loss for Zeff the Red Foot! Hahaha … Don’t eat it, you win this time! ” Reina said with a big laugh before he tried it.
Hearing Reina’s words, the surrounding chefs and waiters immediately cheered.
It turned out that the dishes that Zeff served this time were not some expensive dishes, nor were they quite delicious, but the pirates’ favorite sticks with meat and bones, as well as some of the most common barley wine.
Zeff smiled slightly, sat down opposite Reina, and asked, ” A big man like you … why did you come to the East China Sea? ”
” Ah ~ it’s a little thing. I happened to pass by here. I remembered that Sanji said that his cooking skills come from a sea restaurant in the East China Sea, so I’ll come and have a look! See if you guys are really that good! ” Reina smiled said.
” Sanji? ” After hearing the name in Reina’s mouth, including Zeff, they were all stunned.
” That’s right! It’s that … Sanji Black Foot! ” Reina nodded, pointing to Sanji’s wanted notice in the middle of the restaurant.
“I really didn’t expect … that stinky boy … have you been able to get in touch with a big man like you now? ” Zeff said in disbelief.
” Their captain, Straw Hat Luffy, is the younger brother of the captain of the second division of our pirate group! Besides … my daughter is also in that pirate group! ” Reina replied with a smile.
But as soon as Reina finished speaking, she found that all the chefs and waiters, including Zeff, were a little terrified.
They knew exactly what kind of guy Sanji was, and that bastard couldn’t walk when he saw a beautiful woman, so they were deeply afraid that Reina was looking for trouble.
” Hahaha … Don’t worry! Sanji is still very gentle towards ladies, and my daughter speaks highly of him! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Huh ~” Zeff quietly sighed, it seems that the education of Sanji over the years has been very successful.
Reina and Zeff ate something together, and after chatting for a while, they got up and said goodbye, and told them that Sanji is now on the great route, so they don’t have to worry, and also took a picture with Zeff to express that he If he is not afraid of trouble with the navy and the world government, he can put this photo in the middle of the restaurant in the future.
After leaving the sea restaurant Barati, Reina thought for a while, but did not go to Windmill Village, but went to Cocosia Village again.
” Why are you here again? ” When he saw Reina again, Ah Jian’s face was sluggish. Are the current bosses so laid back?
” What you said … It seems that I am very unwelcome! ” Reina rolled her eyes and replied.
” Isn’t that …” Ah Jian said a little embarrassedly: ” But didn’t you say that you should go to some bridge to find your daughter? Didn’t find it? ”
” Yeah! She left one step ahead! ” Reina nodded and said, ” It’s about time for our pirate group’s annual banquet, so I hurried back! But … I still want to ask Nuoqi. Gao, let’s see if she wants to go to Xuanyue Island with me, I can send her back then! Of course, you and Bermel can go together if you want! ”
Ah Jian was stunned, he didn’t expect Reina to say this, so he didn’t know how to answer for a while.
” Let’s go! This matter … I think Bellmer has to decide in the end! You can’t speak! ” Reina smiled and shook his head, walking towards Bellmer’s orange grove.
” Huh ? Wait … wait for me! ” Ah Jian realized when he saw Reina walking away.
” So … now it’s up to you to decide! ” When Reina and Ah Jian came to Belmer’s house, they told her and Nuoqigao what they meant.
” This … this is too sudden …” Nuo Qigao said somewhat at a loss.
Reina looked at Belmer. He knew that the other party was quite a resolute woman and would not hesitate.
” Why do you want to invite us over? ” Belmer, who was smoking a cigarette, asked after thinking for a while.
” It’s an occasional thing. It happened that I came to the East China Sea and saw you guys, so I had this idea! This is not what I thought about it for a long time, but only after seeing Nuoqigao! ” Reina said directly: ” She and Nami are sisters, but … Nami now has her own adventure, but what about Nokigao? Not to mention the great route, she hasn’t even finished the East China Sea, right? ”
Reina’s words hit Bellemer like a bullet. She nodded and said, ” You’re right, Nuoqigao should also go out and see the world. I owe her for this! ”
” Belmer ! ” Nuoqigao looked at Bellmer with a look of astonishment. She didn’t feel that Bellmer owed her, and it was her choice to stay in Cocosia Village. She liked it here, and there was nothing else. reason.
Belmer patted Noqigao’s head and said with a smile: ” I know you don’t think I owe you, but it’s your business! Anyway, I think it’s alright! According to Renner, it should be There’s nothing wrong with going on a trip! A big man like him won’t lie to us! ”
” This …” Nuoqigao hesitated for a while, then looked at Reina and said, ” Okay! Then … I ‘ll trouble you! ”
In fact, about going to sea, she still has some yearning in her heart, to see what this world looks like, to see different worlds.
” Okay then, you guys pack some clothes, and then I’ll go to town to buy some supplies with Ah Jian! I don’t have enough supplies to sail with so many of us! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Okay … let’s go! I’ll take you there! ” A Jian nodded, and took Reina to the town to shop.
They didn’t ask Ah Jian what he meant, and even Ah Jian himself forgot, anyway, he must be by Bermel’s side.

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