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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Is this the windless belt? ” Nuoqi stood high on the back of the hard shell, looking at the calm sea around him, with a look of surprise!
” That’s right, this is the windless zone, the home of the sea kings. There are super-large sea kings here, with a length of more than a few hundred meters, but they rarely go out to sea, unless a boat comes over and disturbs them! ” Reina He said with a smile while lying on a reclining chair with Belle Meyer and drinking fine wine.
” Then … then let’s just come in like this … no … is there any problem? ” A Jian, who was beside him, asked tremblingly.
” Don’t worry, although the hard shell does not belong to the sea king class, it is also a sea beast, so if it’s just passing by, there will be no problem under normal circumstances! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Under normal circumstances? ” Ah Jian was stunned for a moment, then sat down on the ground, pointed to the sea not far away and asked, ” Is this a normal situation? ”
Reina and Belmer looked at the same time, and saw a zebra-like head sticking out of the sea, with a neck and head dozens of meters long in front of them.
” Clam? I’ve walked the windless belt many times, and it’s really rare to encounter sea kings out for food. I didn’t expect to encounter them this time! ” Reina said with a wry smile.
” Foraging? ” The other three suddenly looked at Reina in panic and asked, ” So what are we going to do now? Run away? ”
” Escape? You can’t escape! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” This is the lair of the sea kings, and the escape command will attract more predators! ”
Watching Reina get up and come to the front, the three of them involuntarily stepped back and stood behind Reina.
A circle of domineering arrogance radiated from Reina. After the sea king in front of him hesitated for a while, he slowly sank into the seabed, and the hard shell took the opportunity to move forward quickly.
” Phew ~~~” Seeing that they should have passed the place just now, the three of them exhaled slightly.
” Uncle Reina, why did the sea king leave just now!? ” After the panic just now, Nuo Qigao, who saw such a huge sea king for the first time, asked Reina excitedly.
” That’s because I used domineering just now! So … let it know that I’m not easy to mess with, and I’m not a weak food, so after it measured it, it left. ” Reina explained with a smile .
“That’s it, I didn’t expect that the Sea Kings could communicate like this! ” Nuo Qigao said with a sudden realization.
” This is not communication … Whether it is a human being or a sea king… in this world … there is only one truth, that is, strength is king! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
Nuoqigao nodded thoughtfully, indicating that he understood.
Along the way, Nuoqigao saw too many things that he had never seen before, or that he thought it was incredible, which made Bellemer feel that it was a very wise choice to bring Nuoqigao out this time.
After they passed through the Chambord Archipelago and arrived at Fishman Island, when Nuoqigao and first came out, they were completely two people.
Originally, they didn’t need to go to Murloc Island, but after hearing about the existence of Murloc Island, Nuoqigao and Belmer both expressed their desire to visit, so Reina made a special detour to the Murloc. island.
And Reina originally planned to wait for them to meet Luffy, but learned that Luffy was practicing, so they didn’t go there.
After visiting the fish-man island under the sea for a whole day, due to time constraints, Reina and the others had to set off again and rush to Xuanyue Island.
As the deputy captain, he had to arrive at Xuanyue Island a few days before the start of the grand banquet, because at that time, Xuanyue Island would definitely be quite busy. Frank, who only became the head of Xuanyue Island this year, might not be able to hold back. scene.
” Hey ~ Reina, why after we entered this sea area … there seem to be more ships around! ” Nuoqigao asked Reina, who was exercising, curiously.
” Because … we have already entered the sea area where Xuanyue Island is located! The time for the big banquet is coming soon, and naturally many ships will come over! ” Reina wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile.
Ah Jian, who was beside him, also stopped, took a sip of water, and said, ” So … we are about to reach our goal? ”
After sailing with Reina, I saw that Reina is so strong and still training every day, so Ah Jian also started to exercise with Reina every day. Although he will not become a strong man right away, it is clear that with Reina’s guidance After that, it worked great.
” Reina! There is a ship approaching! ” At this time, Bellmer found that several ships seemed to notice that they were approaching them.
Reina looked at it and said with a smile: ” It’s all right! Have you seen their sails? There is a pattern of our Whitebeard Pirates on it, indicating that it is our pirate group. ”
” Ah? Your pirate group still has a pirate group? ” Nuo Qigao asked with a look of surprise.
She really didn’t understand these things, so she thought that the Whitebeard Pirates was a super powerful and super powerful pirate group.
” Of course! Our Whitebeard Pirates have sixteen combat teams, each with 100 members, plus a captain! These are the permanent configuration of the Moby Dick ! There is also a Xuanyue Island for us. The base camp of the island, all non-combatants live on the island, there are almost a thousand people! ”
Reina smiled and said:
” Besides Xuanyue Island, there is also an empty island. On the empty island, Dr. Sière is in charge, and his scientific research is wrong. There are not many people, but in addition to the researchers, there is also an empty island guard. The strength is slightly worse than the combat team on the Moby Dick , and the captain’s position is currently vacant! ”
” That is to say, there are about 3,000 people in your Whitebeard Pirates alone? ” Nuoqigao asked after swallowing saliva.
” Ah ~ it’s almost! In addition to our Whitebeard Pirates, we should have forty-five pirates allegiance now. They vary in size and number! So I really haven’t counted the number carefully. ! ” Reina nodded.
” No wonder you are called the number one pirate group in the world. With such a military force, it’s easy to capture a country, right? Not to mention that you have so many strong men! ” Ah Jian shook his head and said with some palpitations.
” From the point of view of the navy, your existence is really a headache! Even if they have the power to destroy you, they wouldn’t dare to do anything casually, right? ” Bermel said with a sad expression.
” Reina … is that you? ” At this moment, a guy with a lightning beard on the approaching pirate ship shouted towards Reina.
” Oh ~~ it’s Makugai! Why did you arrive so late? ” Reina immediately replied with a smile when she saw the person coming.
” Ah ~~ something was delayed on the way, but you, what are you doing? ” Makugai asked curiously.
” Take care of a little private matter! ” Reina said, waving her hand.
“I heard that you were injured? It doesn’t look serious! It seems to be serious from what they said! ” Makugai looked at Reina carefully, and then said with a smile.
” It’s okay, I can’t die! ” Reina smiled and didn’t say much.
While Reina and Makugai were chatting, the three of Bermel didn’t make a sound, just stood there quietly.
” Rena, here I come! ”
” I’m here, Reina! ”
At this time, on the pirate ship approaching on the other side, two identical twin brothers with opposite scars on their faces shouted to Reina.
” Yo ~ it’s Brother Decalban! Let’s go, it’s inconvenient to talk here, let’s go back to Xuanyue Island and talk about it! ” Reina waved his hand, making Hard Shell speed up, and headed directly towards the defense line of Xuanyue Island.
” Huh? We’re not with them? Isn’t this one of yours? ” Bermel asked curiously.
” The two brothers and teachers said the same thing, but one said it directly and the other said it backwards, which makes people speechless! ” Reina spread his hands and said helplessly.
” Hahaha …” The three Bellmers laughed when they saw Reina’s appearance.
After a short time, they arrived at the port of Xuanyue Island. After Bellemer and the three of them went ashore with their luggage, Reina released the hard-shell spiritism.
” Go and inform eldest brother, I’m back! But I brought a few guests back. After I arrange them, I will go to eldest brother! ” Reina first commanded the port guard, and then said to the three of them: ” Let’s go, I’ll stay where you go to rest first! ”
After returning to Dao Xuanyue Island, Reina also noticed the changes here. First, the accommodation area was much less, and the houses were basically demolished. In addition, the trading area originally located in the port was enlarged a lot, and the merchants there were more It’s a lot more than before.
Reina knew that this was Frank and the doctor’s idea. He had also told him before that the permanent residents of Xuanyue Island had all moved directly to the underground space. The ground was mainly when some guests and members of the pirate group came over. residence.
After Reina chose a slightly better room for each of the three, he found another Frank’s subordinate and asked him to be responsible for introducing Xuanyue Island to the three, while he himself came directly to Whitebeard.
At this time, Whitebeard was drinking wine with the captains of various pirate groups in the banquet square, and those captains also told Whitebeard what they had seen and heard this year.
” Big brother! ” Reina smiled and came to sit beside Whitebeard.
” Come back? I heard you brought back a few guests? ” Whitebeard asked curiously.
He thought it was a scientist, because Renner said before leaving that he wanted to find more scientists to join.
” Yeah! It’s a friend I met in the East China Sea, not a pirate, so I brought it back to the banquet! ” Reina said with a smile.
He did not reveal his plans at this time.
” Yeah! ” When Whitebeard heard the words, he didn’t ask any further questions, but said directly: ” That little guy from Brother Doflaming’s family has looked for you a few times, and it seems that something has happened, but I didn’t pay attention to your absence. , you wait and see for yourself! The other two disciples of Zefa also seem to have looked for you! But they were taken away by the doctor again! You can find out the specific situation yourself! ”
Reina’s face darkened, he had just returned, and Whitebeard left the matter to him again.

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