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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Reina, who left the banquet square, first went to Senor Pique’s place. He had looked for himself several times, probably because his wife’s condition had changed, so Reina went to him first.
” Mr. Reina, are you back? ” On a hillside, Reina met Senor who was pushing Lucian out for a walk.
” Yeah! Did you find me? Is there something wrong? How is Lucian’s situation? ” Reina walked over, stood beside Senor, and asked softly.
” It’s much better. I went to see you last time because I found that Lucian’s fingers moved! Didn’t you say that as long as the limbs start to move, it proves that the treatment is effective? ” Reina said.
” Oh? Is it? When did it happen, and has this happened since then? ” Reina asked happily after hearing this.
” Well, just yesterday, his finger moved again, and I feel as if she wanted to say something! ” Senor said, reached out and stroked Lucian’s face, and replied gently.
” That’s really good news! ” Reina smiled and nodded, ” It means that our treatment is effective, maybe Lucian will wake up soon! ”
” Yeah! Thank you for all this! ” Senor turned his head and said seriously.
” No, this is the result of your own efforts! But since this method has been proven to be effective, and everything on my side has been completed, have you made a decision? Are you going back to the Don Quixote family? ” Reina Sitting down slowly, holding the wheelchair with one hand, he turned Lucian’s hand over and began to take her pulse.
Maybe he didn’t think clearly, maybe he didn’t want to disturb Reina’s diagnosis for Lucian, so Senor didn’t answer.
” Yes, I’m in good health, keep it up! ” After a while, Reina let go of Lucian’s wrist, put the blanket back on, and said with a smile.
” Young master, I will definitely go back! But not now, I want to wait until Lucian is completely healed before going back! Then quit the pirate group, and live with Lucian in the future! ” He also sat down on the other side of Lucian and said directly.
” You know, the consequences of your going back … Maybe your young master will kill you! ” Reina said.
” As a man, I can’t escape my responsibilities, even if I pay some price for it … I have to face it! ” Senor looked up at the sky and said softly.
But he didn’t see it, and when he said this, the hand of the route moved again.
” Really ? Maybe … some people don’t think so! ” The scene that Senor didn’t see, but was caught by Reina, he pointed to the finger of the route and said to Senor.
Senor was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Lucian with some surprise. This time, he clearly saw Lucian’s lips trembling.
” Ray … Mr. Reina … you … look! Lu … Lucian she … does she want to talk!? ”
” Don’t get excited … Lucian … I know you may be able to hear us now, but don’t get excited now, you have to know that you haven’t controlled your body for a long time, so it will be a little reluctant at first, but don’t worry … Let’s take your time! ”
” Mr. Senior, don’t get excited, if you can … back up a bit, stand in front of Lucian, and let her see you! ” Seeing Lucian ‘s condition, Reina immediately got up and squatted on her side. beside him, and began to guide her movements.
Sure enough, after hearing Reina’s words, Lucian’s lips stopped shaking, her fingers stopped, and her breathing seemed to slow down a bit.
” First of all, if you can hear me … just blink your eyes, the eyelids are easier to control, you can try to control your eyelids! ” Reina slowed down his voice and began to guide Lu Xi’an makes some moves.
However, Reina and Senor found that Lucian did not move at this time.
” Mr. Reina …” Senor became a little anxious.
” Don’t worry, Mr. Senor … Please believe in Lucian, what you have to do now is to give her confidence and tell her that you will always be by her side! No matter what happens … you will never leave her! We Give her some time, she can do it! ” Reina said to him, reaching out to stop the approaching Senor.
” Phew ! ” Senor took a deep breath, and the dyed cloth returned to where Lucian could see, and said to her: ” Sorry, Lucian, although I have told you this countless times, but I Still want to be serious … say it again! ”
” You know what? I felt the way you felt back then! When I found your fingers trembling that day, I went crazy looking for Mr. Renner, but they told me … Mr. Renner went to sea, and I couldn’t find him at all. ! ”
” Going back to the room, I can only watch your trembling fingers slowly stop, that feeling of powerlessness … that feeling of urgency … I have personally experienced that when the child had an accident, you couldn’t find me. Pain! Lucian …”
Looking at Senor who was shedding tears as he spoke, Reina stepped back a little and gave space to the couple.
Reina just watched Senor kneel in front of Lucian, telling the story of this time, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying.
While preventing Reina from leaving, he saw the corners of Lucian’s mouth slowly rise, and then tears flowed from his eyes!
” Hoo ~ it’s done ! ” Reina knew that Lucian had definitely heard Senor’s words, so she responded.
” Okay! Mr. Senior, you can stop! I can tell you very clearly now… Lucian has a high possibility of regaining consciousness! ” Reina patted Saini who was still talking Al, said with a chuckle.
” Huh? ” Senor looked at Reina in confusion.
Reina pointed to Lu Xi’an’s face, and only then did Senor notice the raised corners of Lu Xi’s mouth and the tears on her face.
” Ray … Mr. Rainer, Lucian she … she … what happened to her? ” Senor asked in surprise and joy.
” This only proves one thing … that is that Lucian heard your words and gave a reaction! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Really … ? This … is this true? ” Senor sat down on the ground, as if his entire body had lost strength.
” Okay, Mr. Senor, congratulations, starting today, Lucian’s treatment can enter the next stage! But … there is one thing I hope you can promise me! ” Reina looked at Lucian, Putting away his smile, he said to Senor.
” Please say, as long as it is within his power, Senor Pique will never make any delays! ” Senor said firmly.
” The matter of returning to the Don Quixote family … I hope you can get Lucian’s approval before executing it, how about it? ” Reina said seriously.
” This …” Senor hesitated for a while, but did not answer immediately.
” She’s a poor fellow … if I treat her well, she loses her husband again … for her … too cruel! ” Reina glanced at Senor and said softly.
Looking at the silent Senor, Reina sighed, shook his head, and said, ” Take Lucian back first! Don’t bring this up in front of her in the future, it will affect her treatment! I’ll teach you later. A set of massage techniques is used to relax the meridians and activate blood circulation. You massage Lu Xi’an three to four times a day! ”
Senor was startled, nodded, and said, ” I understand, I will do as you ask! ”
After he pushed Lucian for a while, he turned around and said to Reina, ” Sorry, Mr. Reina … I was not …”
” Okay, don’t talk too much, take care of Lucian, remember to go there at night to pick up things, and teach you how to massage by the way! ” Reina waved and interrupted Senor’s words.
He understood that Senor misunderstood him at first, thinking that he was thinking of recruiting himself to the Whitebeard Pirates.
After thinking about it carefully, I realized that Rayner was purely for his and Lucian’s good.
After Senor and Lucian returned, Reina walked towards the sky island with a wry smile.
Now Binz and Ain are temporarily in the research room on this side of the sky island, helping Dr. Ahsie to do some research.
But before Reina landed on the sky island, he felt a strange energy.
” Ha ha ha ha ~” A few transparent ghosts were flying around in the air.
” Perona? Why are you here? ” Reina asked with a frown.
” Ha ha ha ha ~” But the ghosts didn’t answer Reina, but slowly drifted towards a place.
” What the hell are these guys tall? A good research lab … why make it so gloomy!? ” Looking at the changes on the empty island, Reina said with some dissatisfaction.
The original empty island was quite empty. Except for the research room and some buildings, most of them were grass, which gave people a feeling of relaxation and joy.
But now the empty island has turned into a forest, and there are tall trees everywhere. After blocking the sun, it becomes a bit gloomy, especially Perona’s little ghost shuttles through it, which has a terrifying atmosphere.
However, all this was ignored by Reina at all, and he walked directly towards the location of the laboratory in his impression.
However, when he arrived at the laboratory, he was a little surprised by the sight in front of him.
” This … what happened here? ” Looking at the middle of the forest, the original location of the laboratory seemed to have become a place that had been left unmanaged for a long time and had become quite dilapidated.
Only the buildings that were vaguely exposed from some moss made Reina sure that this was where the laboratory was located.
” Crackling ~~” Just when Reina was about to activate the experience, the dilapidated laboratory door suddenly opened.
” What the hell are you doing? ” Seeing that no one came out after the door was opened, Reina frowned immediately.
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha …” Perona in ghost form floated out from the wall of the laboratory and said with a smile to Reina: ” How is it? We transformed it well, right? ”
” Bang! ” One punch knocked Perona’s ghost body away, and Reina walked directly into the laboratory with a cold face. He wanted to ask the doctor now what was going on.
However, when he entered the laboratory, he found that the inside was still the same as before, and even more luxurious, not what he saw outside.
” Bastard Reina!! Why are you hitting me all of a sudden? ” Perona’s ghost body also flew back at this time, covering her face and roaring at Reina angrily.
” Where’s the doctor? I don’t have time to pay attention to you now. I’ll take care of you when I finish talking with the doctor! Humph! ” Reina knew that he must have misunderstood something, but he must not show weakness in front of Perona, otherwise the little guy won’t know What will it be like.

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