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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Dr. Reina finished talking, it was no surprise to Reina that this is the masterpiece of Perona and Olga.
But it was not made by the two of them subjectively, but by the doctor accidentally.
” In other words … you and Binz created the forest here? ” Reina said helplessly.
The doctor nodded and said with a wry smile: ” Yes, I was doing experiments with Binz at the time, but I forgot about it when I was doing it. When we reacted, it was already like this! ”
However, the original doctor planned to cut down the forest after discovering it, and the wood just happened to be used. However, in just a few days, Olga had already played quite well with Perona, but brought Perona here. Found it here.
So the two guys made a transformation and turned the empty island into what it is now.
When the doctor saw that his laboratory seemed to be more hidden, there was nothing wrong with it, so he was too lazy to do it.
” Okay! Since you don’t object to the Doctor, I won’t say anything! But you two … don’t do nothing for me all day long. Now that the reconstruction of Xuanyue Island has not been completed, go and help me too. In another few days, there will be a big banquet, so don’t make a fool of me, you know? ” Reina told Perona and Olga on the side.
” Liuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu “” “It’s like you’re doing something, we didn’t do anything! Isn’t the layout right here? In the future, Sky Island can also help Dad in battle! ” Olga stuck out her tongue, right. Reina said.
Relying on the favor of Dr. Sière and Whitebeard, she is not afraid of Reina at all. As long as it is not a matter of principle, she is justified.
Reina glared at Olga, but didn’t say anything, but asked the doctor, ” How are Binz and Ain doing recently? I heard that they both looked for me? ”
” Yeah! They want to inquire about their teacher’s whereabouts! ” The broadcast time nodded and said, ” Both children are very good. If you can … you can help them! ”
” I see, since there is a doctor interceding, after the banquet is over, I will let the intelligence department pay special attention! Now that guy Zefa is only one person, it is not easy to find him! So I can’t guarantee that I will be able to. Find him soon! ” Reina nodded and said.
” It’s enough to have you, I think they will understand! ” The doctor nodded and said with a smile: ” I’m afraid you have a lot of things recently, so go ahead and do your own thing, I’ll just tell them about it! ”
” Then thank you Doctor, I’m really busy recently! I just came back, and my eldest brother left the matter to me! ” Reina said helplessly.
” Hahaha … Who asked you to be the chief steward of the Whitebeard Pirates? Those who can do more work! ” The doctor said with a smile.
After the two chatted for a while, Reina left.
However, he had just returned to his home, and before his ass was hot, Senor came to the door.
” You kid … won’t you be waiting for me at the door all the time? I haven’t even had a sip of water yet! ” Reina said helplessly.
” That … sorry … I just …” Senor touched the back of his head a little embarrassedly.
” Where’s Lucian ? Outside the door? Bring her in! I’ll tell you how to massage her! ” Seeing Senor’s appearance, Renner knew what he was thinking, so he had to let him take Lucian with him. Come to Xi’an.
After so many years, Senor finally saw hope that Lucian could recover, and was naturally very nervous.
After a while, the three came to Reina’s bedroom.
” Put Lucian on the bed first, I’ll tell you the method, you do it! ” Reina didn’t do it himself, but he directed and let Senor do it himself.
” Because her body has not exercised for a long time, her body has forgotten how to act! But she usually takes good care of her, and you also give her frequent massages as I said, so she should recover quickly! ” Reina explained while pointing at Senor.
” Wow ~ I didn’t expect that there is such a reason in this. If it weren’t for Mr. Reina, Lucian really doesn’t know what would have happened! ” After learning Reina’s massage techniques, even Senor was sweating profusely. .
” Okay, you’ve finished learning, remember to wash Lucian with warm water when you go back! ” Reina waved his hand and said directly to Senor.
Senor took Lucian away after Chaohe Reina bowed and saluted.
In the next time, Reina started to prepare for the big banquet with Frank, but he didn’t know if he was over-hearted, or what, he always felt that this big banquet was different.
Especially those captains, who looked at each other from time to time, seemed to be preparing something.
Reina was not afraid of their rebellion, because if these captains rebelled, they would suffer heavy losses without having to fight the Whitebeard Pirates.
So Reina guessed that these guys were planning to surprise Whitebeard at the big banquet.
However, Reina carefully observed several times and found that they were quite alert, and most of the time they did not communicate with words, but used gestures and eyes, so even Reina was a little unclear about what they were going to do for a while. .
Even after he asked the captains to inquire privately, the group of guys knew what he found, and they became blatant and began to keep people pestering Reina, trying to prevent him from exploring.
” You guys … what are you trying to do? ” Reina asked, looking at Lei Qing Maku Gay who was looking for him to drink.
” Hahaha … It’s not a bad thing anyway, wouldn’t it be better if you don’t know? ” Makugai said with a smile, raising his glass.
” How can that be? What if you make any trouble? Our big banquet is being watched by the whole world. You should know how many uninvited reporters are there every year! ” Reina smiled wryly said.
” Don’t worry, as long as you don’t stop it, we will arrange everything! So isn’t this here to hold you back and give the rest enough time to practice? ” Makugai said with a smile.
” Then you have to tell me, what are you going to do? Otherwise, what if something unexpected happens? ” Reina shook his head and said.
Makugai hesitated for a while, then nodded and said: ” It’s not a big deal, we have prepared a gift for Dad! ”
” Gift? What gift? Wouldn’t it be something bloody? ” Reina asked tentatively.
” Hey hey … We didn’t say that! Just tell you our purpose, what else do you want to ask? ” Makugai said immediately dissatisfied.
” Okay, okay … I won’t ask, but don’t make any fools for me, or you will know the consequences! ” Reina said with some distrust.
” Don’t worry! Just wait for the surprise! ” Makugai replied with a big smile.
After this conversation, Reina didn’t pay attention to the little actions of those guys, but because of this, he also found that a lot of people seemed to be involved this time, and even some captains were involved.
This made Reina a little curious, what kind of thing is it worth such a move? ?
In addition to these, Reina often took the three of Belmer around for a walk. They had some restrictions when they first came to Xuanyue Island, but although they haven’t fully integrated into it, they can already hang out on the island by themselves. .
” How do you feel? Those guys shouldn’t be difficult to get along with, right? ” Reina asked with a smile, walking along the commercial street with Nuoqigao.
” Well, everyone is very good! ” Nuoqi nodded and replied with a high smile.
” That’s good. If you like it, you can stay here for a while longer. The big banquet will take place in a few days, so I’m a little busy these days. After the big banquet is over, I’ll take you for a good stroll together! ”
” Will this … be too much trouble? ” Nuoqigao hesitated and asked.
” Hahaha … no trouble! I’ll ask Marco to come with us, how about we go to Nami? ” Reina said with a smile.
” Really? That’s great! ” Nuo Qigao replied in surprise.
In fact, their purpose of going to sea is to see if they can meet Nami.
After coming to Xuanyue Island, they were too embarrassed to speak when they saw that Reina was so busy. Now that Reina took the initiative to mention it, Nuoqigao was naturally very happy.
She knew that Ah Jian and Belmer must also miss Nami very much.
Nuoqigao is such an understanding woman, so when she hears Reina’s words, she will be extraordinarily happy.
It’s just that she didn’t know what Reina had in mind.
That night, the final preparations for the big banquet were almost done, and the pirate group under Whitebeard was all in place. The commercial street was even more lively, but it was unknown how many spies from other forces were among them.
But neither Reina nor Whitebeard paid any attention to them. The mere spies couldn’t get any of their core information, so they ignored them at all.
” Wow ~~ Is that the giant clan? It’s really … too big! ” After dinner, Nuoqigao, Belmer and Ah Jian went out for a walk together, and happened to see little Oz who was chatting with Ace.
” Is this the giant clan? It’s really bigger than a hill! ” Ah Jian also said with a look of amazement.
” Little Oz is an ancient giant with a bigger body than ordinary giants! ” Ace sat on Oz’s hand and said with a smile: ” Who are you? Why haven’t I seen you? ”
” Ah! We’re not pirates! Mr. Reina invited us here! ” Bellmer explained quickly.
They’ve been through this a few times, so now they know how to explain it.
” Eh? Is it a guest invited by the vice-captain? ” Little Oz immediately grinned.
He also admired and rushed to Reina, so when he heard that it was Reina’s invited guests, he immediately stretched out his other hand, indicating that they could come up.
The three of them were not afraid, they climbed directly onto the palm of Little Oz, and said with a smile: ” Everyone seems to respect Mr. Reina very much! ”
” Well! The deputy captain is our big housekeeper. Anyone can ask him for help, so everyone respects him! ” Ace took a sip of wine, nodded, and said.
The outspoken Belle Meyer and Ah Jian soon became friends with Little Oz and Ace.

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