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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
In the early morning of the big banquet, Reina came to the square in front of the main building early, where all the programs today will be held.
With the passage of time, there were more and more people in the square, and it was not until everyone arrived that Whitebeard and Reina came out together with the captains.
” Everyone … it’s time for the annual big banquet again, not much to say … Saatchi! ” Rayner stood up first and said loudly.
” At this time of the year, it’s our busiest time. Speaking of which, can you bring more food every time you bring gifts? Especially little Oz … You’re going to eat several sea kings by yourself. Class …” Saatchi shook his head and stepped forward, deliberately teasing.
” Hahaha … Little Oz … I’ll show us another one this time, one sea king in one bite! ”
” Oh ~~ Dad … You taught Captain Thatch to say this, right? We only go home for dinner once a year, and you still dislike us for eating too much, isn’t it good! Haha …”
Saatchi’s words immediately detonated the audience, and the pirates below laughed and laughed.
” Gu la la la … stinky boys, your gifts haven’t been delivered this year! Reina has long been dissatisfied! Gu la la la …” When Whitebeard heard this, he immediately burst out laughing when he was sitting in the middle. .
” Oh ~~ Vice-Captain, don’t worry, what we have prepared is coming soon! ”
” This year’s gift is very special! ”
At this time, everyone will naturally not continue to hide. In fact, Whitebeard and Reina already know what they are preparing, but they don’t know the specific things.
Saatchi, who came down from the high platform, ignored them, waved his hand, took all the chefs away, and went to the banquet square at the back to make preparations. There are ingredients that have been prepared a long time ago. Their job today is to Just keep cooking.
” Humph! A bunch of bastards … If you can’t come up with anything that pleases me today, I’ll throw all of you into the sea to feed the fish! ” At this time, Reina finally couldn’t help but scolded with a smile.
” Brothers ~ Since the vice-captain and the old man have said so, let’s take out what we have prepared! ” Frank, who was standing below, suddenly stepped forward and shouted loudly.
” Frank? There’s actually something about you here? ” Reina was stunned. He was a little surprised to see Frank come out, but then he understood that, as the steward of Xuanyue Island, if he didn’t participate, these Human planning should not be so easy.
On the other side, Senor, who was pushing Lucian, looked at the noisy crowd with some envy.
Although Don Quixote Jiangzu is said to be a family, there is absolutely no such atmosphere.
So seeing the Whitebeard Pirates so lively, Senor was actually a little disappointed in his heart.
Sitting not far from Senor was the Belmer family of three. It was the first time they had seen so many pirates, and they didn’t seem to be the same as the pirates they imagined.
” It’s not bad that it is the world’s number one pirate group. The power of the Whitebeard Pirates is really hard to underestimate! ” Ah Jian said with a smile, looking at the aura emanating from the many pirates.
” Dude? Come to visit the Whitebeard Pirates’ banquet first? ” A middle-aged man standing beside Ah Gym asked with a smile.
Ah Jian looked over and saw the camera on the other side’s neck. He was stunned for a moment and asked, ” Are you … a reporter? Is it okay to appear here in such an upright manner? ”
” Hahaha … This is Xuanyue Island! It’s the place of the Whitebeard Pirates! What could be wrong? ” The reporter asked with a smile.
Ah Jian’s face darkened, and he said, ” You should also be considered members of the World Government, right? Are you not afraid that they will kill you when you appear in the place of the pirates so openly? ”
” You are talking about ordinary pirates. The Whitebeard Pirates are not that kind of murderous pirates. As long as we don’t make trouble here, they won’t do anything to us! ” The reporter said with a big laugh.
When Ah Jian heard this, he glanced at Bellmer who was beside him, and then smiled together.
Although they knew that Reina and the Whitebeard Pirates were good people, they were a little surprised that such a pirate group could be recognized by the World Government personnel.
” They’re not just because of their style! What’s more important is their strength! Look at the captains who are standing there! They are all famous people, even if they go out to become captains, it’s more than enough! ” A middle-aged man said calmly.
” Oh? This big brother seems to know a lot? ” Ah Jian asked with a smile.
” Of course, I live on the surrounding island, and every year I will come to the big banquet! ” The middle- aged man said with a smile.
Hearing the middle-aged man’s words, Ah Jian was puzzled. In his opinion, the income of the Pirates should be the protection fee of the surrounding islands. Why does this middle-aged man seem to like the Whitebeard Pirates very much? Same?
” Isn’t it strange why I come to participate every year? ” The middle-aged man saw Ah Jian’s appearance and immediately guessed what he was thinking, and said with a smile: ” Because the Whitebeard Pirates have established the characters of Xuanyue Island here. In the end, the benefits brought to us are not one or two! And they don’t ask us to collect protection fees at all, so we have to give Dad our hearts in the form of gifts during the annual banquet! ”
” Ah? No protection fee? ” Not only Ah Jian, but also Belle Meyer and Nuoqigao on the side looked at the middle-aged man in surprise.
” Isn’t it weird? How can there be a pirate group that doesn’t charge protection fees? That’s what my dad is like! He said they were pirates, and they needed to grab anything by themselves. What is it like to ask us civilians to charge protection fees!? ” The middle-aged man said with a big smile.
” It’s not bad for Whitebeard! ” Bermel sighed and said with emotion.
” What’s the matter? ” Ah Jian, who was beside him, seemed to see that Bellmer was not in a good mood, and asked in surprise.
” Although I’m not in the navy now, but seeing the pirate’s career developing so well … it’s still a little … Forget it, let’s not talk about this! ” Bermel shook his head and said with a wry smile.
But just when Ah Jian was about to say something, he suddenly found that there were many pirates coming in from the square, and they were all carrying boxes that looked heavy.
” Yo ~ It seems that this year’s gifts are not light! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Gu la la la … If there is only this thing, I can’t help your hard work! ” Whitebeard said with a smile, the corners of his mouth curled up.
He had also noticed the abnormality of his subordinates for a long time, but unlike Reina, he did not say it, but acted as if he did not know.
” Hehe … This group of guys should be more than that. Frank and some captains are involved! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Don’t worry, Dad, don’t be startled! ” Marco said with a smile.
” Oh? It seems you know what!? ” Whitebeard asked, looking at Marco.
” Ah ~ they asked me for help, so I know a little bit! ” Marco nodded and admitted.
” Oh? It seems that I and the eldest brother don’t know about it! You guys … It seems that this is intentional! ” Reina said through gritted teeth.
” This has nothing to do with me! ” Marko quickly cleared his relationship.
Reina pouted and looked at the opened box below. The contents inside were no different from previous years.
” That’s it? ” Reina waved his hand, and he was carried away directly into the warehouse.
Reina’s disdainful expression, the captains under the watch can’t wait to go up and play with him now, and they seem to be disdainful, but they accept it faster than anyone else.
But they are too lazy to care about Reina now, after all, there are bigger things behind!
” Dad! In order to thank you for taking care of you for many years, everyone specially made a gift, I hope you like it! ” The Ice Witch Whitebeard, as the representative of the captains, stood up and said to Whitebeard.
Whitebeard nodded and said, ” Goo la la la … You guys have a heart! ”
With a wave of Whitebee’s hand, dozens of pirates walked in slowly carrying a rolled up cloth bucket.
Before Rayner could take a closer look, he saw Little Oz slowly get up, walked over and grabbed the rolled up bucket, then shook it vigorously and unfolded the canvas.
A pirate flag, all printed with the golden white-bearded pirate group logo, unfolded in the wind, and before the other side of the flag landed, more than a dozen captains jumped up, grabbed the corner of the flag and slowly dropped, and then all the foreheads. All the pirates stepped forward, raised the flag over there and shouted loudly:
” Congratulations to Daddy Fulu Wushuang! ”
” Congratulations to Daddy Fulu Wushuang! ”
” Congratulations to Daddy Fulu Wushuang! ”
Looking at the huge golden Whitebeard Pirates flag unfolding below, the corners of Whitebeard’s mouth could not help but cock up.
” Gu la la la … You are really caring, but there is no place to hang such a big flag! ” Whitebeard said with a big smile.
Reina looked at the huge golden pirate flag, and his shock couldn’t be added. He finally understood why Frank had secretly modified it on the top of the main building before. Now it seems that it is to hang this huge pirate flag. .
” Captain Joz, Captain Blenheim! Captain Atmos! ” Sure enough, after hearing Whitebeard’s words, Frank raised his hand and shouted to the three of them.
The three captains who were named came directly to the crowd, then raised the flagpole that had been prepared earlier, and with the help of Little Oz’s body, they climbed directly to the top of the main building, and then erected the flagpole.
” Oh ~~ it’s my time! ” Little Oz smiled and raised the huge flag over the country’s head. The other pirates let go of the flags in their hands. On the other side, Marco stretched his arms and turned into a half-beast form. , fly into the sky.
With the cooperation of the two of them, the pirate flag was successfully hung on the top of the main building.
But the flag was too big, and the pattern on it was also printed in gold, so it couldn’t fly at all.
” Too bad … Sure enough, there is no huge wind, so it can’t be done? ” Frank’s expression changed, and he said with some annoyance.
The rest of the people also seemed to have discovered this problem, and the scene was a little depressed for a while.
Marco, who was in the air, didn’t dare to put down the flag at all, because as long as he defended, the flag would inevitably curl up.
” Humph! A bunch of idiots! ” Reina didn’t expect them to hang the pirate flag at this time. It’s normal for such a big pirate flag to not be able to fly.
” Gu la la la …” But at this time, Whitebeard stood up from his seat, and while laughing, his aura was fully released, and a wave of energy swept away, suddenly shaking the flag he had just installed. flutter up.
” Oh ~~~~” all the forehead pirates shouted loudly when they saw this.
As the audience watching the ceremony, the rest of the people have long been frightened by this scene.
The huge Whitebeard Pirates flag fluttered in the wind, as if declaring that this time belonged to them.

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