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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” These idiots! ” Seeing that the Pirate Flag was slowly pulled down after losing momentum, Reina covered his forehead with a wry smile.
” It doesn’t matter, no one’s pirates are flying every day! ” Marco, who fell from the sky, said with a smile: ” Don’t you think that the pirate flag is very shocking? ”
” Humph! ” Reina turned his head and snorted coldly, but didn’t answer.
This is indeed shocking, but the key is that he did not participate! So I’m not happy now!
Marko knew what he was thinking when he saw Reina’s appearance, but he didn’t lead this matter, so he couldn’t do anything, just quietly prayed for Frank in his heart, don’t let Reina know, otherwise he was afraid pill.
” Hmph, if I don’t participate, that’s all you have. If I do it, it will be more perfect! ” Reina said deliberately when Marco didn’t talk.
” Oh? Also ask the deputy captain for advice? Is there anything else that can be improved? ” Frank, who was smug over there, ran over and asked when he heard Reina’s words.
” This matter … you led it? ” Reina asked softly.
” It’s not a dominant player … it’s just an attention! ” Frank replied with a smile.
” Where is it … Lord Frank is too polite, this matter is indeed done under his leadership! Although we are participants, we are all obeying his orders! ”
” That’s right! Chief Frank’s ability is obvious to everyone! Right? ”
” It ‘s just … and I think it’s perfect this time, especially when Dad made up the last one, it’s simply impeccable! ”
The rest of the captains naturally knew Reina’s virtues, so they came out and praised Frank at this time.
” Ahahaha … You guys are so polite, what am I doing? It’s all because of your sincerity towards your father that this happened. If it was just me, I wouldn’t be able to get the materials alone! ” Although Frank’s mouth is modest, anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is quite proud of completing this matter.
Seeing Frank give face like this and take this big black cauldron, the captains and captains couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.
” It seems that you are very satisfied with this plan ! But if it were me, I would bring the doctor to join the team, so that he can help you solve the problem that the flag can’t be flown in the end! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Eh? It’s not bad that it’s the vice-captain, that’s true, but it’s not a shame right now ~ When the banquet is over, I’ll ask the doctor for advice! ” Frank nodded in approval with an expression of sudden realization.
” Hehehe … I’m afraid you won’t have that kind of time! ” Reina said with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth.
“That ‘s right, the banquet is over … It’s true that I’m still busy, but the deputy captain can rest assured that I will handle it! ” Frank said confidently.
It’s just that he didn’t see it, and the captains and captains around were looking at him with sympathy.
” Little ones … the banquet is about to begin! Let’s make a fuss! ” After the ceremony was over, with the announcement of Whitebeard, the banquet plaza opened directly, and all the pirates and people who came to Xuanyue Island moved towards Run to the banquet square, where food and drinks are already ready.
This is the most attractive part of the grand banquet. As long as you come, as long as you want to participate, you can participate, and everyone can enjoy the carnival.
People sang, danced, and drank together happily and noisy.
” Marco, this is Nuoqigao, the daughter of my good friend Belmer, you have to take care of her for me! ” After bringing Nuoqigao to Marco, he threw Nuoqigao to Mal Ke, Reina continued to drink with Whitebeard and others.
Marco, who was drinking and chatting with the captains, didn’t understand the situation at all, and Noqigao was thrown to him by Reina.
” That … I ‘m sorry, Reina may be a little busy these days, if you don’t mind, you can play with us! ” Marco thought Reina was really busy, so he didn’t have time to take care of his friends, so it was natural took over this task.
Although Nuoqigao was a little embarrassed, but Marco said so, she had to stay by Marco’s side and listen to him and the rest of the captains and captains talking about the interesting things in the past.
” Hehehe … Are your sailings so interesting? ” Listening to Marco’s conversation, Nuoqigao also joined in unconsciously.
” Ah ~ the sea is very big! There are countless things you can’t imagine, so we are so keen on the adventure on the sea! ” Marko said aftertaste: ” By the way, how did you and Reina know each other? ? ”
Nuoqigao smiled and told them how he and Reina met.
” Ah ~ I see, so you grew up and went out to sea to become a pirate? Then Reina can be your guide! ” Marco exclaimed in admiration.
He always thought that Nuo Qigao was also a pirate, although he didn’t know Nuo Qigao’s strength, but looking at the tattoo on his arm, he did look like a pirate.
Nuo Qigao took a sip of wine, shook his head, and said, ” I’m not a pirate, and this is my first time to go to sea on Xuanyue Island! ”
” Ah? ” Everyone, including Marco, looked at Nuoqigao in surprise.
Especially the look in Marko’s eyes when he looked at the tattoo on his arm made Nuoqigao a little amused.
” This tattoo … is for my sister! ” Nuo Qigao covered his arm with one hand, and said a little embarrassedly.
” Sorry, I didn’t mean anything else, you see I also have tattoos …” Marko pointed to his chest and said, ” This is our honor! ”
Nuoqi nodded high and said, “I heard that all of you pirates take the pirate flag very seriously? ”
” Ah ~ That’s the symbol of a pirate group. If you lose the pirate flag, that’s a big deal! ” Marco replied with a smile: ” But after contacting you, I also found that you don’t have any on you at all !” The breath of a pirate! ”
” Can you still feel this? ” Nuoqigao asked curiously.
” Of course, pirates won’t be as quiet as you! Hahaha …” Lakyo said with a big smile.
Nuo Qi Gao smiled and said, ” My sister is a serious pirate! ”
” Then can you talk to us? ” Bista asked with a smile.
Anyway, they are also boring, it doesn’t matter if they listen to the story.
Nuo Qi Gao looked at the tattoo on his arm, not knowing where to start for a while.
” After Reina left … Later, a group of murloc pirates came to our Cocosia Village … So my sister joined them, but I knew that she had thousands of unwillingness in her heart, so I also learned I got a tattoo on her arm just like her …” Nuoqigao said what happened to her.
” Your sister is such a strong little girl! ” Bistan said with a sigh.
” Murloc pirates? As far as I know … in this world … there is only one murloc pirate! ” Lakjoo frowned.
” No, although they are all murlocs, their pirate group is called the Evil Dragon Pirates, and the leader is the murloc Aaron! ” Nuoqi shook his head high and replied.
” So did Reina rescue you in the end? ” Marco, who had been silent since Noqigao started speaking, suddenly asked.
” No, it was a pirate named Luffy with a straw hat who defeated the Evil Dragon Pirates and liberated our Cocosia Village! ” Nuoqi shook his head high and said.
” Luffy? Straw hat? Is your sister on his boat? ” Everyone asked in surprise.
” That’s right! It’s amazing, isn’t it? Mr. Rainer’s daughter is there too! The first time I heard it, I was startled! ” Noki said with a high laugh.
” Hahaha … that’s really amazing! That straw hat boy is Ace’s younger brother! ” Lakjoo said, clapping his hands.
” I heard it too, it seems to be a very powerful pirate! ” Nuoqi nodded and said.
” Ace … Come here! ” Lakyo heard the words and shouted towards Ace who was drinking with Little Oz over there.
” What’s wrong? ” When Ace came over with a puzzled look, everyone also introduced Nuoqigao to him.
” Ah ~~ is that so? Navigator? I still have the impression that I saw her in Alabasta. She was a very energetic beauty! ” Ace also said with some surprises.
But when everyone told Ace what Nuoqigao had just said, Ace’s face sank.
” Sorry, wait! ” After Ace said to Nuoqigao, he got up and left.
” What’s wrong with him? ” Noqigao asked Marko in confusion.
Because she seemed a little unhappy when she saw Ace.
” It doesn’t matter, this kid is like this! ” Marko waved his hand and said indifferently: ” But then again, you are strong enough, so did Reina bring you this time to let you meet your sister? ”
” That’s not …” Nuo Qigao said a little embarrassedly: ” He took me out to see the world because he saw that I hadn’t been to the sea. On the way, he really let me see a lot of incredible things. ! ”
” Hahaha …”
Hearing Nuoqigao’s words, the surrounding captains and captains burst into laughter.
“The sea is huge, if you want … I can take you around when the banquet is over! ” Marco said with a smile.
He has a good sense of Nuoqigao, and thinks that she is a gentle and strong girl.
” What’s the fun in following him? A group of stinky men who can’t take care of people at all, little sister, follow my sister … my sister will take you to buy the most beautiful clothes! ” The witch Huaidibe on the side hugged Nuoqigao, the big said with a smile.
” Buy? Miss Whitby, have you forgotten your title? You are the guy called a witch … When did you buy clothes? Didn’t they all get them? ”
” Fart, I bought all of my mother’s clothes. Although Bailey, who bought the clothes, snatched it, it’s different! ” Whitebey immediately retorted.
” Pfft hahaha … Did you hear that? This is her true face! ”
” Hahaha …”
The surrounding captains and captains couldn’t help laughing when they heard the words, and even Wadebe himself couldn’t help laughing.
” Hehehe … Your adventures must be very interesting, right! Is pirates such a fun thing? ” Nuoqigao said with a smile.
Looking at Nuo Qigao’s smile, Marco didn’t know why, but suddenly his heart jumped. He already knew how Nuo Qigao was hurt by pirates through what happened just now, but now she can be here with her group The pirates are so easy to talk and laugh, he really admires Nuoqigao, at least he feels that if he has experienced such a thing, he will definitely hate all the pirates.

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