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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Brother Ace, where are you taking me to? ” Haixia Jinping, one of the seven martial seas under the king, was being dragged by Ace, who said nothing, to a place and asked the The powerful murloc was a little helpless.
Soon, Ace, who brought Jinpei, came to Nuoqigao, then pointed to Jinpei and said, ” He is the current leader of the Murloc Pirates, you can call him Jinpei! ”
” Ace! ” Sure enough, after seeing the murlocs, Nuoqigao’s fear and disgust for the murlocs came up all of a sudden. Although she didn’t show it, Marco saw it.
” Brother Ace, I don’t know what you brought me here for? ” Jinbei also saw that things didn’t seem simple, so he asked seriously.
” Jinping, let me ask you, do you know a murloc named Aaron? ” Ace asked solemnly: “The other party claims to be a member of the murloc pirates. As the leader of the murloc pirates, you You should know each other, right? ”
” Ah Long? ” Jinbei was taken aback, nodded, and said, ” I do know him, but he quit the Pirates many years ago! What’s wrong? ”
When they heard the approval that they really knew Aaron, everyone was stunned and looked at Nuo Qigao.
” Okay, Ace! It’s all over, there’s no need to call Jinpei over, let alone this has nothing to do with him! ” Seeing that the atmosphere on the court was a little depressed, Marko immediately came out to smooth things out and said.
Unexpectedly, Ace shook his head and recounted Ah Long’s evil deeds in the East China Sea in front of Jinping.
” So it is! No wonder Brother Ace is so angry! ” Jinbei sighed and said, ” It was because of the way we treated humans that Aaron and I had a disagreement, so after the death of Boss Tiger, the fish-man pirates The regiment split! ”
Jinpei told everyone what happened at the beginning, and then bowed to Nuoqi and said: ” No matter what, it is my compatriots who have caused you harm, so I hereby apologize to you and your villagers, although I Knowing that this kind of apology has no real effect, but as long as you can say how to make up for it, you will definitely try your best! ”
Everyone just looked at Nuoqigao and didn’t speak, even Ace, who brought Jinping, didn’t speak at this time.
Nuo Qigao looked at Jinping who sincerely apologized, got up and helped him up with a smile, and said, ” This matter has nothing to do with you at all, you just know him, as you said, human beings hurt murlocs even more Too much, do all of us humans have to bear it? Whether it is a murloc or a human, there are good people and bad people, and Aaron has also been captured by the navy, so it is no longer necessary! ”
Hearing Nuoqigao’s words, Marco nodded in agreement, and his evaluation of Nuoqigao was higher in his heart.
After explaining it clearly, Jinbei did not leave, but sat here with Ace.
” When I came here … I’ve been to Fishman Island! ” Seeing that Jinpei was still a little embarrassed, Nuoqigao smiled and said actively to Jinpei.
” Oh? You actually went to Fishman Island? ” Jinbei was taken aback, but looking at Nuoqigao’s smile, he knew that the other party really didn’t mind.
” Yeah! I’ve been to the Dragon Palace! It’s a pity I didn’t see the Mermaid Princess! ” Nuoqi shrugged.
” Hahaha … We have all heard the legend of the Mermaid Princess, but Jinping … Have you ever seen it? We have never seen it! ” Lakyo on the side heard the words and said with a smile.
Jinbei smiled bitterly and said, ” Princess Shirahoshi is a little timid, so she usually lives in a hard-shell tower, and basically never comes out! ”
” Then is she really beautiful? ” Nuoqigao also asked curiously.
Although she went to Fishman Island with Reina, she didn’t see Princess White Star either.
” What do you say? Everyone is different, so I can’t say it, but as far as I think, it’s still very good! ” Jinbei said shyly.
” Oh ~~~”
Hearing Jinbei’s words, everyone started to boo, and the topic changed in the direction of men and women.
” Okay, there are still guests here! Don’t be too presumptuous! ” Seeing Nuoqigao’s blushing look, Marco couldn’t help but help.
” Oh ~~~ ? ”
Seeing Marco helping Noqigao like this, the bad guys around started to boo again.
” Come here … you sit here, I’ll go away! ” Lakyo, who was sitting beside Nuoqigao, immediately got up and pulled Marco over.
” I said you don’t do this, it will scare her! ” Marco said helplessly.
” Hahaha … Nuoqigao, don’t you mind? Our Captain Marko is strong and can take care of people. You can think about it! ” Huaidibe raised his brows and said to the smiling Nuoqigao .
” Captain Marko is really good, but Sister Wydibe … why didn’t you like Captain Marko? ” Noki asked with a high smile.
After the initial embarrassment, now Nuo Qigao has become more generous. She knows that they all treat themselves as their own, so they will make such a joke.
Sure enough, after hearing Nuo Qigao’s counterattack, the atmosphere became hot again. He was joking, generous and gentle, and everyone was quite satisfied with Nuo Qigao.
” Hahaha … Sister, my life has been dedicated to the pirate flag, and a wicked person like me, I’m afraid no one dares to ask for it! ” Huaidibei said with a big smile.
” I think my elder sister is very good! It’s not worse than those men! ” Nuo Qigao said enviously: ” You can go wherever you want, and you can protect the people you value! Unfortunately, I don’t have the talent to become a strong man! ”
” Didn’t you already call me sister? I have something to tell my sister in the future! I think whoever doesn’t have long eyes dares to bully you! ” While Dibei said, he looked at Jinping.
” Miss Whitebee, don’t look at me! I haven’t bullied her! ” Jinpei said with a bit of laughter.
” Humph! What kind of Aaron, if she is encountered by my sister in the future, my sister will avenge you! ” Whitebee was obviously still a little worried about Nuoqigao’s previous experience.
” Sister … you don’t have to do this, it’s all in the past. If you do this, it will make it difficult for Brother Jinping to do it! ” Nuoqi Gao quickly persuaded him.
” Forget it, I’m happy today, everyone don’t say anything about Shaoxing ~ Come, let’s have a drink! ” Lakyo is a master of observing words, seeing that the atmosphere has dropped a little again, he immediately changed the subject and said loudly.
” Come come come ~~ drink! ” Marco also quickly toasted and echoed.
So a new round of wine competition began.
On the other side, Olga and her new partner Perona were happily traversing the banquet square, and the two little guys were jumping around looking for something delicious.
“I didn’t expect the big banquet to be so interesting, ha ha ha ha ha …” Perona followed behind Olga, unobstructed all the way, and she could eat whatever she wanted.
” It’s Captain Saatchi! He must have something delicious there! ” Olga, who was walking in front, saw Saatchi who was busy at a glance, and immediately said to Perona behind him.
” Oh? Why is there delicious food when you find him? ” Perona asked curiously.
” Hee hee … Saatchi is our head chef, do you think there is anything delicious to find him? ” Olga said with a strange smile.
” Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go! ” Perona’s eyes lit up when she heard it, and she ran towards Sage with Olga.
When the two came to Sage, Sage discovered them immediately.
As the little devil on the island, Olga can be said to have long been famous.
“The food is over there, go get it yourself, I’m very busy now! ” Before Olga could speak, Sage pointed to the place where the finished food was stored and said.
” Those are ordinary things, I don’t want those! ” Olga shook her head and said in a tone that you understand.
Saatchi said helplessly: ” Now there are only these, those top ingredients are not with me! ”
” Huh? Not with you? It was with you in previous years! ” Olga said with an expression of disbelief.
“I got a lot of good things this year, so Reina plans to do it himself, you go to him! He may be on Dad’s side! ” Saatchi shrugged and sold Reina directly.
Sure enough, after hearing Saatchi’s words, Olga’s face was so excited that Reina had the urge to do it herself. It seems that the ingredients this time are not simple!
” Let’s go, let’s find Reina! ” Olga took Perona’s hand and was about to leave, but Perona didn’t follow her this time.
” What’s wrong? ” Olga asked perplexed when she saw Perona standing there.
” Why don’t we still eat here! Otherwise, Reina will definitely teach us a lesson! ” Perona shook her head and said.
” Don’t worry, if it was only Reina himself, I wouldn’t go looking for him, but since he’s by Daddy’s side, it doesn’t matter, Daddy won’t let him beat me! Hee hee hee …” Olga Yi With a shrewd look, he said with a smile.
” I won’t beat you, but what if I beat me? ” Perona still didn’t want to go.
” Don’t worry, we are one now, I’ll cover you! ” Olga looked like a big sister, with Perona, who was suspicious, and ran directly in the direction of Whitebeard.
Before they got close, they smelled a special smell.
” what does it taste like? ”
Olga and Perona looked at each other and shouted at the same time, ” Top ingredients? ”
” Hurry up! Dad’s appetite is very big. If he is eaten up by Dad, there will be no more! ” Olga pulled Perona impatiently and rushed towards Whitebeard.
” Dad! What are you eating? Stupid father? Why are you here? ” When Olga and Perona arrived, they found that in addition to Whitebeard and Reina, there was also Dr. Sière And Binz, Ayn, and two men and women she didn’t know were here.
” Why am I not here? ” Dr. Ahsie was inexplicably asked by Olga. He was suitable for Whitebeard to be together at the annual banquet.
” No … that … by the way, Reina, what about delicious food? ” Olga also remembered that her father would accompany Whitebeard to chat for a while every year, but soon, he remembered the purpose of his visit , asked directly to Reina.
” Are you a dog? Have such a sharp nose? Come and have a taste! ” Reina saw Olga who couldn’t wait and Perona, who was a little reserved, and did not refuse their request, but distributed the food on the plate to the two people.
Looking at the two people who were eating food directly into their mouths, Whitebeard and the others stopped strangely and looked at them like this.
” What are you all looking at us for? ” Olga soon discovered something was wrong and asked directly to Reina.
” Yuck ~~~”
Before Reina could answer, Olga heard Perona vomit next to her.
” Perona … what’s the matter with you? ” Olga looked at her new partner in confusion and asked.
” Bastard … Reina! What did you give Miss Ben? You actually gave me such a horrible thing? ” Perona wiped her mouth, pointed at Reina angrily, and asked.
” It’s bad? It’s not bad! Wait … Could it be … Reina, did you do it on purpose? Gave Perona unpalatable food? ” Olga asked Reina with a bad look on her face.
This is their reason, so Olga is not afraid of Reina at all.
” Don’t talk nonsense, you both eat the same food, you look at what I made for you from the dinner plate! ” Reina shrugged and said slightly innocently.

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