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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” This …” Olga was also a little dumbfounded when she heard Reina’s explanation. She was indeed looking at the food that Reina gave them, so there should be no tricks.
” I don’t believe you can try Perona’s share! ” Reina said to Olga, pointing to Perona’s plate.
Olga looked at Reina dubiously, then at Whitebeard and Dr. Ahsie, seeing everyone just looking at them with a smile and not speaking.
Driven by curiosity, Olga picked up Perona’s plate, first smelled it, and then ate a little.
” Huh? It’s the same taste! Perona … yours is the same as mine! ” Olga said suspiciously.
” Impossible … Your food is obviously delicious, but Reina gave me such unpalatable food. He did it on purpose! ” Perona didn’t believe it at all, and stared at Reina angrily.
” It’s true, no, you can eat my food! ” Olga said as she handed her food to Perona.
Perona took Olga’s food suspiciously and sniffed it.
” Yuck ~~~”
” Olga … you … you actually said it was delicious food? ” Perona asked in shock, looking at Olga who was eating her share of food, with an expression of disbelief.
” Hahaha …”
” Pfft hahaha …”
Seeing Perona’s appearance, Whitebeard and the others finally couldn’t help laughing.
Even Binz and Ain, who had been expressionless, couldn’t help but snicker.
” Do you know what this is? ” Rayner asked, pointing to the food on the plate.
Perona and Olga shook their heads at the same time and said, ” I don’t know! ”
” It’s called stinky tofu! People who like it can’t put it down, and people who don’t like it can’t even smell it! ” Reina said with a smile: ” But the so-called stinky tofu means it smells bad and tastes good! ”
” That’s right, it’s very delicious to eat, and it smells delicious! ” Olga nodded while continuing to eat.
On the other hand, Perona looked disgusted, and her strength explained what Reina said just now.
” Okay, you have already got the food. Let’s go. We are talking about things! ” Reina waved and motioned them to leave.
” That’s it? There’s nothing else? Saatchi said, all the top ingredients have been taken away by you! ” Olga said to Reina, looking like you don’t want to lie to me.
Reina rolled her eyes and said, ” Do you think I have time to prepare these things when the banquet is so busy? ”
When Olga heard it, she also felt that Reina was right, so she told Reina to notify her when handling those ingredients, and then dragged Perona and jumped away.
After seeing the two of them leave, Dr. Sière said with a smile: “The little girl has caused trouble for everyone! ”
” Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo together … the doctor said that and you’re out! We’re all one family! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” By the way … where did you just say? ” Reina smiled, looked at Binz and Ain, and said, ” By the way, about that old man Zepha? I really haven’t found his whereabouts yet, you guys I also saw that during the big banquet, all the pirate groups returned to Xuanyue Island, so at this time we don’t have any hands to do this! ”
” Your Excellency Reina has misunderstood. We are not urging your Excellency … it’s just … just a little worried about the teacher! ” Ain said with his head lowered.
” Don’t worry, with his strength, as long as he doesn’t mess around, there is no problem in this new world! ” Reina said with a smile.
However, the two were not relieved because of Reina, but they were still a little depressed.
” Your teacher … won’t you explain anything to you? ” Whitebeard cast a glance at the two of them and asked directly.
Binz and Ain were stunned for a moment, looked at Whitebeard in surprise, and asked, ” How did you know? Did the teacher tell you about it? ”
Whitebeard smiled and said, ” Is that what he said? We’ve been dealing with each other for most of our lives! Didn’t he tell you? Since the establishment of our Whitebeard Pirates, he has been in charge of arresting us! ”
” This …” Binz and Ain looked at each other, obviously they didn’t know about it.
” It seems that old man Zefa really did it! ” Reina said with a wry smile.
” Your Excellency Reina also guessed it? ” After being silent for a while, Ain sighed and said.
” You were caught so easily by me that day, and I knew his plan! It’s just that you didn’t say anything, so I didn’t ask. After all, you were both in the navy before! If you don’t have any ideas in this regard, it would be equivalent to saying it. White talk! ” Reina shook his head and said.
Hearing Reina say that they were the navy before, Bellmer immediately became interested and asked Reina in a low voice, ” Are they the navy captured by you? ”
“To be precise, they were thrown into trouble by their teacher! I wonder if you’ve heard of the name Zefa? ” Reina nodded and said with a wry smile.
” Lord Zefa? You’re talking about the former admiral, Zefa the Black Wrist? ” Belmer asked in surprise.
” That’s right, both of them are Zefa’s disciples! ” Reina nodded and said.
” But … didn’t I hear that Lord Zefa is no longer in charge of catching pirates? ” Belmer asked inexplicably.
” That’s right, Zefa was known as the general who did not kill, and he often fought with our Whitebeard Pirates! But then he left the front line and was called a naval instructor, you should know? ” Reina nodded and sighed One sound, back.
” Yes, because of the revenge of those shameless pirates, the family members of Lord Zefa were killed! I still remember that when our branch heard the news, everyone was angry! ” Bermel nodded . head, said.
“The branch? Are you also a navy? ” Binz and Ain asked in surprise after hearing Bellmer’s words.
” No, I’m no longer in the navy. I was also a member of the navy branch when I was young, but later in a war, all my comrades were sacrificed, and in the end I was the only one who survived the battlefield! So come back After that, I left the navy and returned to my hometown! ” Bellmer simply replied.
Hearing Belmer’s words, Binz and Ayn both remained silent.
Reina smiled slightly and said, ” Yes, the navy is so dark sometimes, and that stupid old Zepha is obviously not fit to live there! ”
” Our teacher … is n’t an idiot! ” Binz couldn’t help but retorted to Reina’s words.
” Well, he’s not an idiot …” Reina spread his hands and said, “The whole family was killed, and the navy didn’t help him find the murderer, so he didn’t pay attention to those pirates after placing a bounty on them. Tell me … he actually helped him . Doing things for the navy, aren’t you stupid!? ”
“I finally cultivated a group of disciples, and they were killed by pirates as soon as they went out to sea. Not to mention that he lost his arm. All the disciples were killed by the two of you, and he couldn’t avenge his disciples. Are you an idiot? !? ”
” It’s even better now! The pirate who broke his arm and killed his disciples changed his body and became the king of the Seven Martial Seas! But he can only throw you two to me! Are you saying that you are stupid? ”
Listening to Reiner’s words, Binz and Ain gritted their teeth, lowered their heads, and the veins on their arms were about to pop out.
Belmer and Ah Jian on the side looked at each other in dismay. They didn’t know that Zefa, who was a naval admiral, actually had such an experience.
” Huh ~ the teacher said that he is very grateful to you! ” After being silent for a while, Ai Yin seemed to have figured it out, his whole body relaxed, and he said, ” You helped to catch the pirate who killed his whole family, and cut him off. Arm, the pirates who killed those brothers and sisters, were also seriously injured by you! That’s why he let us take refuge in you! He doesn’t want us to follow his old path! ”
” What’s the use of that, I can’t get out of that vicious circle for the rest of my life, that’s why he should be damned! ” Reina snorted and said rather unhappily.
” Teacher … don’t be damned! ” Binz heard Reina’s words, stood up suddenly, and shouted at Reina with tears in his eyes: ” He just hopes that there will be no war in this world, and he doesn’t want anyone to die! What’s wrong with him? ”
” Innocence is his biggest fault! ” Rayner looked at Binz and said softly: ” There are so many people here, there are pirates, there are people from the World Government, and I believe there are even the navy! You go and ask … just ask . See how they answer you! Undead? Even without war, it’s impossible to be undead! ”
Hearing Reina’s words, although Binz wanted to refute, but before he could speak, Ain grabbed him and said, ” We know! But this is the teacher’s will, and we will pass it on! Let the world There is no war, so that all civilians will not die innocently! Even if it costs my life, this will be my lifelong pursuit! ”
” Gu la la la …” Reina just wanted to retort, but Whitebeard suddenly burst into laughter and said, ” That guy Zefa has a good eye! Since you have inherited his will … don’t be as confused as you are now. … whether you find Zefa or not, your will should not change! ”
Binz, Ain, Belmer, and Ah Jian all looked at Whitebeard in surprise. Listening to the tone of his words, they seemed to agree with their ideas.
” Big brother …” Reina shouted helplessly.
” Stinky boy … people’s dreams … will never end! ” Whitebeard glanced at Reina and said with a smile, ” There will definitely be someone who inherits the ideals of those great heroes and strives for them all their lives! Goo la la la …”
Whitebeard’s words shocked everyone except Reina and the Doctor, and their eyes were different when they looked at Whitebeard.
” Be my son! Bear my Whitebeard’s name … Let’s make this ocean … turn it upside down! ” Whitebeard stretched out his palm and said with a big smile to Binz and Ain.
Reina put his hand on his forehead, and he knew that things would turn out like this. People’s ideals were completely different from their pirates, but Whitebeard didn’t care about them at all, and didn’t even want to change them.
Reina is different. He will use various sophistication reasons to persuade the other party to let the other party’s goals overlap with his own, so as to achieve integration.
It was not only Binz and Ain who were shocked, but also Belmer and Ah Jian, who were beside him, were impressed by Whitebeard’s divine bearing.
” It’s not bad it’s Whitebeard … It’s … so domineering! ” Ah Jian couldn’t help muttering.
” Don’t think about it, even if you join us, you won’t be able to join the battle team! ” Reina couldn’t help but attack him.
But Ah Jian didn’t mind, but said with a smile: ” So what? It’s enough to meet such a great hero in this life and drink with him … that’s enough! “

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