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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Although they were shocked by Whitebeard, Binz and Ain did not pay their respects. They hadn’t figured out what to do, and now that Zefa wasn’t dead, they wanted to go back instead of staying here. Zefa’s side.
But these are just small episodes at the banquet. As time goes by, the atmosphere of the banquet slowly begins to climax. As the sky darkens, a bonfire is lit on the banquet square, and countless pirates sing and dance here. , have a good time playing.
” Ha ha ha ha ha … This is called a banquet! It’s so fun! ” Perona laughed loudly as she drank a small wine bottle.
” This makes you satisfied? The big banquet was held for three days and three nights in a row! ” Olga said triumphantly.
” Three days and three nights? ” Perona couldn’t close her mouth in surprise.
” Otherwise? The drinks and ingredients consumed during this period are a lot of money, otherwise why do you think Reina is so distressed? ” Olga said with a smile.
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha … So doesn’t it mean that we can play like this for three days like crazy? It’s really cool! ” Perona almost jumped up with joy.
” By the way, I remember you said that your ghost is called a negative ghost, right? ” Olga suddenly looked at Perona and asked with a smirk.
” Yes, as long as he is touched by my ghost, his whole person will become very negative! ” Perona nodded and replied: ” But why are you asking this at this time? ”
” How negative is very negative? ” Olga tilted her head and asked carefully: ” Can you be resisted? ”
” Definitely! Or am I not invincible? Domineering can stop it! ” Perona said helplessly.
” No, I mean, if you are hit by your ghost, no one should be able to resist it!? ” Olga waved her hand quickly and asked.
” That’s when …” Perona just wanted to boast, but she immediately thought of the long nose in the Straw Hat gang. Among all the people she met, the only one who resisted the negative ghost by her own will!
” Unless he is already very negative, even more negative than my negative ghost, then … it can be resisted! ” Perona said through gritted teeth.
” There shouldn’t be such a person, right? Who would be so negative in ordinary people? ” Olga shook her head and said.
Perona was silent and did not answer, because she knew that such people really existed.
” We’re like this, how about you sneak up on those guys with ghosts and make them look ugly?? ” Olga whispered in Perona’s ear.
After listening to Olga’s plan, Perona raised her brows, excited and wanted to execute it immediately, but when she thought of where this place was, she immediately shook her head and said, ” No, in case … in case … we will be beaten. dead! ”
” This … is really not right …” Olga thought about it carefully and knew that it would not work, so after thinking about it, she said, ” Yes, we can make them do it voluntarily! ”
” Voluntary? How could they be willing!? ” Perona asked in confusion.
” Look at me, come with me! ” Olga smiled and ran towards a group of pirates who were drinking. When Perona came over, one of the pirates patted her chest and said, ” It’s her . ? Let him let the horse come over! ”
Perona looked at the pirate with a surprised expression, and asked Olga in confusion, ” What does he mean? ”
” He? He said that he doesn’t believe in your ability, thinking that as long as you are strong-willed, how can you be affected by foreign objects? ” Olga pretended to sigh.
” Really? I understand, then try it! Negative ghost … go! ” Seeing Olga wink at herself, Perona immediately understood, and released a negative ghost towards the Pirates fly away.
” I’m sorry, I’m just sorry for this world as a human being, if you can … please let me drown in the sea! ” The pirate who was hit by the negative ghost suddenly fell to his knees, looking like I didn’t want to live anymore .
” Um? ”
” Pfft hahaha …”
” Ha ha ha … drowned … drowned in the sea? ha ha … laughing at me! It’s so funny! ”
Everyone around, including Olga, was stunned for a moment, and then all burst into laughter.
And the pirate who was concentrated by the negative ghost quickly recovered, and clearly remembered what he said just now.
” Xiaoxiaoxiao … laugh at the fart! If you go, it will not be the same result! ” The pirate roared a little annoyed.
” Hahaha … how is that possible? No matter how negative I am, I can’t say such a thing! ”
” It ‘s just … It’s so funny, I think I can laugh about it for a year! ”
And it seems that in order to verify what they said, people came forward one after another and asked Perona to release the negative ghosts at them.
Not surprisingly, everyone was defeated by the negative ghost.
But because there is no danger, at most it is just a shame, so even if everyone fails, more and more people have always tried!
” Sorry, if there is an afterlife … I just want to be a piece of shit! ”
” It ‘s such a failure … I didn’t expect my life to be such a failure … You can laugh at me as much as you like! ”
Rows of pirates knelt there and seemed to be repenting, while the pirates around were laughing.
This show also started to see who could resist, and it became the funniest thing to see.
And Olga and Perona laughed and rolled on the ground with their stomachs in their arms, which was so interesting.
The movement here naturally attracted the attention of many people, and soon even the captain and those captains slowly gathered around.
” Is this the devil fruit person? How can ordinary people block the fruit ability, these idiots! ” Seeing the crew members kneeling there and repenting, the captain and the captain said one after another.
” How is it? Do you want to come and try? ” Olga naturally found the captain who came over, so she asked provocatively.
” Humph! Just try it! ” Rakyo was the first to come out and said, ” Come on! ”
” Hehe … Negative Ghost, come on! ” Perona waved her hand, and a Negative Ghost flew directly towards Lakjoo.
” Boom! Pfft! ”
However, when the negative ghost was about to touch Lakyo, it hit him and was bounced off the ground and disappeared.
” Wow hahaha … If you see it, I’ll say it’s useless for me! ” Lakjoo laughed proudly.
” Captain Lakyo … cheating in this way … is not a good guy! ”
” It ‘s just … when we can’t see it? You used domineering! ”
In the face of Lakyo’s shamelessness, the surrounding pirates immediately erupted in dissatisfaction.
” Hmph, I didn’t say I had to get hit! Wouldn’t it be the same if she couldn’t hit me? ” Lack said with a big laugh as if you were all idiots.
” What a bastard! Brothers … Go! ” Finally, the surrounding pirates couldn’t stand it any longer. With a loud shout of wine, countless pirates rushed towards Lakyo.
” Bastard … what do you want to do? ” Lakyo suddenly panicked.
” Perona, hurry! Attack him! ”
” That’s right, don’t worry about us, even if you die, you have to take him with you! ”
The pirates let Perona take action one after another, and Perona was unambiguous. He directly created a super-large negative ghost, and then threw it into the crowd.
” Hala Hala Hala …” A huge negative ghost exploded in the crowd, and a plume of white smoke suddenly rose.
When the white smoke dissipated, everyone in this area slowly knelt on the ground and began a new round of repentance, including Olga, who had been watching the fun, who was also affected at this time, kneeling on the ground and repenting. .
” This … ? ” Reina looked at the central area of the banquet square, and a large crowd of people actually knelt down, suddenly a little dumbfounded.
” Perona … You don’t plan to … destroy our Whitebeard Pirates in one fell swoop, right? ” Reina asked in a cold voice, looking at Perona who was standing there with the same look of astonishment.
Hearing Reina’s question, and seeing the scene in front of her, Perona, who had been drinking a lot, suddenly shuddered, turned her head back with trembling, and said to Reina, ” If I say … It does n’t matter … I don’t know if you believe it or not? ”
” Do you think I believe it or not? ” Perona trembled even more as she watched Reina slowly approach.
She knew what the big banquet meant to the Whitebeard Pirates, and when she did such a thing on such an important occasion, it was hard for her to imagine how Reina planned to deal with her.
At this time, she also remembered the fear of Reina back then.
” Pfft hahaha … It’s … It’s really interesting! ” At this time, one of the main characters who triggered this incident, the captain of the seventh division, Lakyo, sat on the ground and said with a big laugh.
The surrounding pirates looked at their embarrassed companions and couldn’t help laughing.
” Hee hee hee … Perona, why did you get me involved just now? It’s so boring! But it’s really spectacular! How about we get another bigger one? ! ” Olga obviously did not find Reina who came here, ran to Perona’s side, and said.
Perona swallowed and motioned her to look behind her with her eyes.
” Isn’t it fun? And a bigger one? Since you like to play so much … Then Perona! You can release ten ghosts for me, and play with him in turn! ” Reina’s voice seemed to be passed from hell Come on, Olga shivered suddenly.
” Ha ~~ That … it’s Reina? Look! ” Olga suddenly pointed behind Reina, as if she had found something, then turned her head and pulled Pero and ran away without looking back.
” Hahaha … Reina, forget it! It’s no wonder they are, it’s what we want to play! ” At this time, Lakyo also stood up to smooth the game. After all, he also had to take some responsibility for what happened just now.
” Don’t play too crazy for me, just look at your appearance … I don’t even know how to say hello to you! ” Reina shook his head helplessly and said.
Originally, the big banquet was a time for everyone to get together to play, so Reina didn’t say much.

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