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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Oh ~~ my head hurts ~~” When Nuo Qi Gao was looking at his eyes, he realized that he had actually fallen asleep in the banquet square. Besides the pirates lying like him, there were many people around him. She was still drinking, and among them was Reina, who brought her to the banquet.
” Wake up? Drink some water first! I’ve never had a bar like this before? ” A bowl of clear water suddenly appeared in front of Nuoqigao, she turned her head in surprise, and saw Marco looking at her with a smile .
” Ah ~ thank you! It’s not normal, but I’ve never had so much alcohol! ” Nuoqigao still feels a little weird when he thinks back about the past three days.
The grand banquet of the Whitebeard Pirates is known as the largest banquet in the world, but you can’t feel its charm if you don’t participate in it yourself.
So even ordinary people like Nuoqigao who are not pirates will be attracted.
” Hahaha … It doesn’t matter, I’ll get used to it after a few more visits! ” Marco said with a big laugh.
” I’ll go to see Belmer and Ah Jian first, they don’t know what’s going on! ” Nuoqigao said with a wry smile.
” Let’s go, I’ll accompany you to see it! ” Marko nodded and lifted Noqigao, said.
When the two appeared together in front of Reina, Reina was also taken aback, mainly because the two appeared together before he started to implement the plan, which made him feel a little surprised.
” Belmer … A Jian … Are they all right? ” Looking at the two of them, Nuoqigao asked worriedly.
” Don’t worry, they are about to wake up. They started sleeping at noon yesterday, and it should be almost the same now! ” Reina said with a smile.
” They couldn’t be one of them, right? ” Nuoqigao asked in surprise.
Although Belmer and Ah Jian occasionally drink alcohol, they never drink like this, so she is a little surprised.
” Don’t worry, there will be no problem, since you are here, Marko, ask the two brothers to send them back! ” Reina said with a smile.
Marko nodded, beckoned in one direction, and immediately several pirates ran over.
So under the leadership of Nuoqigao, the group went back to rest with Belmer and Ah Jian who were still sleeping.
” How? What are your plans next? ” Reina asked after seeing a few people leave.
” Huh? What do you want, kid? Now you can be quiet for me, don’t mess around! ” Whitebeard cast a glance at Reina and said softly.
” Hahaha … What is the meaning of this, big brother? ” Reina asked with a smile.
In fact, without Whitebeard’s reminder, Reina also knew that the whole world was turbulent now, and it was not suitable for him to do any action.
The rest of the Whitebeard Pirates can mess around at will, and they won’t cause too much commotion, but Ace and Reina are different. The two of them are now the focus of the World Government and the Navy.
” Don’t tell me you can’t see the current situation clearly! ” Whitebeard said with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth.
” Big brother misunderstood. I plan to go out to sea. First, I will take Belmer and the others to find Nami. Second, I will also find old man Zefa. If we can really pull him into our camp, there will be many benefits! ” Reina smiled back.
” Impossible, you don’t know that guy, it’s impossible for him to become a pirate! ” Whitebeard shook his head and said.
” Everything is done by human beings, don’t try it so you know it? ” Rainer replied with a smile: ” And even if he doesn’t join, I have an explanation for Binz and Ain! They are there, at least the doctor’s. Safety has improved a lot! ”
” Well … but you can’t go alone this time! ” After thinking about it, Whitebeard said, ” Bring two or three captains with you! ”
” It doesn’t need so many people, I’ll just take Marko! ” Reina said with a strange smile.
Whitebeard stared at Reina for a long time, and suddenly asked, ” What bad idea are you, you stinky brat? ”
” Big brother, did you see the child standing next to Marco just now? Belmer’s daughter! He picked it up from the battlefield …” Reina briefly explained Nuoqigao’s life experience.
” So what? ”
” Don’t big brother think … Marco is not too young? He is always fooling around behind us, and it is time for him to solve the problems in life! ” Reina raised his brows and said with a strange smile.
” Gu la la la … So you are thinking like this … You know that girl will agree? Anyway , just don’t force others! ” Then have you arranged other captains as well? ”
Reina rolled his eyes and said, ” How could it be possible, but who told them not to work hard? If it wasn’t for Marco and Nuoqi Gao Yiqi who came over today, I wouldn’t have made such a decision! ”
Whitebeard nodded and said: ” This matter cannot be forced, so let’s see fate! ”
After Reina nodded, he looked around, then leaned over to Whitebeard and asked in a low voice, ” Brother, tell me the truth, is that Whitebeard II yours? Last time I cut everything like that. Didn’t hack him to death! And I remember there used to be a big sister named Miss Bajin on the boat, right? Although there is a big difference from the current one, but Miss Bajin was also considered …”
” Hey ~~”
” Bang! ” The people who were fast asleep saw a person flying away suddenly, and then crashed directly into the ground, smashing a big hole.
The members who were still awake thought that there was an enemy invasion, and they all entered a state of battle.
” It’s okay, it’s okay … Dad and the deputy captain discuss it, it’s okay, everyone go to sleep! ” Seeing how Reina killed Bista, he immediately calmed everyone down.
” Bah ah ah … do you have to use so much force? ”
When everyone saw that Reina got up from the ground, they all shrank their necks and hurriedly continued to lie down and sleep.
At this time, if the deputy captain is staring at it, there is no good fruit to eat.
A week later, Reina took Marco and Belmer directly onto a small sailboat.
Originally, a hard shell could also be used, but after all, the hard shell was Reina’s exclusive mount, and the space above was built for a maximum of three people, so it would be inconvenient to use the hard shell after the number of them exceeded.
But if they were to use a whale boat, they were too few, so they simply got a small sailboat, and the five of them and a few sailors were enough.
Originally, after the big banquet, Belmer and Noqigao swayed in front of Reina intentionally or unintentionally, hoping to set off early to find Nami.
However, Reina was busy at that time, many captains left, and Lucian’s condition improved, so Reina couldn’t get away, so they had to wait a week.
” Now she is changing in a good direction. During this time, you should not mention anything about the pirates, and focus on being with her. The massage techniques I teach you are three to five times a day, not less, but not too much. A lot, do you know? ” Reina explained to Senor Pique on the edge of the port.
” Mmmmm … I see! I wonder how long you’ll be back from this time? ” Senor Pique ‘s head nodded like a chicken, his eyes full of anticipation and nervousness.
Reina sighed and said: ” It doesn’t matter if I have or not, she is getting better, as long as you don’t irritate her, it doesn’t matter! ”
The Senor Pique he knew was a real man, and he saw it when he brought him back.
But even such a man, when faced with the life and death of his beloved, still flattered Reina a little, which made Reina a little sigh.
” I see! ” Senor Pique nodded, hesitated, and asked, ” I wonder if I can ask you one thing? ”
” What’s the matter? ”
” Please announce to the public … Senor Pique is dead! Is that okay? ” Senor Pique gritted his teeth and said.
” Huh? ” Reina was stunned, looked at Senor Pique and asked, ” If you die with me, Doflamingo won’t let it go! ”
” Phew ~ I know! In exchange, Lucian and I will live on Xuanyue Island. If Xuanyue Island is invaded, I will come out to fight! ” Senor Peake said firmly.
The corners of Reina’s mouth twitched slightly, and he said, ” No problem, I agree to your request! But I have to wait until I come back! ”
” Yes! ” Senor Pique nodded in agreement .
Standing on the deck of the small sailboat, the corners of Reina’s mouth turned up slightly unconsciously, this time the harvest was really good!
With Binz and Ain on the sky island, the safety of the doctor has been greatly improved, and Perona seems to have plans to settle in the sky island. After all, the environment there is very suitable for him now, so now the sky island is The security of the edge no longer needs to worry about Reina.
The addition of Senor Peake now makes Xuanyue Island’s defense system more complete.
In terms of management, there is Frank now. Basically, Reina doesn’t need to spend any more time, but once the Moby Dick leaves, there is not a strong faction on Xuanyue Island that can reassure Reina, and Senio The addition of El Pique just made up for this, and Reina was relieved a lot!
” Mr. Reina … Do you know where Nami is? ” Seeing Reina standing alone on the deck, Ah Jian came over with a bottle of wine and asked.
” Well! I wonder if you know about Weather Island Visalia? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” Weather Island? Never heard of it! ” Ah Jian shook his head and replied.
” Don’t talk about you, most people won’t hear about this place, because it ‘s … in the sky! ” Reina pointed to the sky and said.
” Oh? It’s an empty island? ” At this time, Marco, who was passing by, asked in surprise.
” That’s right, Visalia, a small sky island, has the reputation of a weather island, because the top meteorologists in the world live on it, just like O’Hara once! ” Reina nodded and replied. .
” Oh? I didn’t expect such a small island! But we don’t have a permanent pointer, how do we get there? ” Marko asked with a smile.
” Don’t worry, before I set off, I already got the permanent pointer there, and then I’ll have to work hard for you, because we can’t get there! ” Reina said with a smile.
” I said how did you let me accompany you, so it is! ” Marko replied with a smile.
” By the way, what about Nuoqigao and Belmer? ” Reina looked around, and he hadn’t seen the two since he left the sea.
” Noqigao is resting in the cabin. She seems to be interested in doing business recently, so she is discussing something with Belle Meyer! ” Marco spread his hands and replied.
” Oh? That’s a good thing! You’ve been traveling all these years, don’t you know how to give her some advice? ” Reina said to Marko.
” Me? ” Marko pointed to himself in surprise, shook his head and said, ” I don’t know how to give advice? It’s better not to make trouble! ”
” Wouldn’t it be better for you to help her than to grope for herself? ” Reina said in a tone of hatred.
Although Marco was a little unclear, but when he heard Reina say this, he seemed to think that he should be stronger than Nuoqi, who had never been to the sea, so he had to enter the cabin to find Nuoqi at the urging of Reina.
” Mr. Reina seems to …” Ah Jian hesitated for a moment, then pointed to Marko who was leaving and asked, ” What does it seem like? “

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