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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Oh? What is Mr. Ah Jian referring to? ” Reina asked with a slight smile.
” I don’t know if it’s my delusion … I feel that Mr. Reina … intends to match Captain Marko and Nokigao? ” After hesitating for a while, Ah Jian asked through gritted teeth.
” Eh? Am I so obvious? ” Reina was stunned and asked in surprise: ” Actually, it’s not a match! After all, they are already adults, I just provide them with opportunities, if they can reach It’s best to be together, if not, I won’t force it! I didn’t expect Mr. Jian to be so meticulous, how did you find out? ”
Ah Jian shook his head and said, ” I didn’t discover it … it was Belmer! ”
” I see … this is the mother! ” Reina replied suddenly.
” But why didn’t Belmer come over and ask? ” Reina looked at Ah Jian and asked, ” Isn’t it because I was afraid of using force? ”
” That … I’ll tell the truth! It was Belmer who asked me to ask! In fact, I didn’t even notice it at first! ” Ah Jian stroked the back of his head and said with a smile: ” And she said, if I ask If you have a different opinion, it won’t have much impact, but she is different, that’s why I came here! ”
” Hahaha … She is still thoughtful, but I’m not the kind of person who uses force … Do n’t worry! ” Reina smiled and shook his head, and said, ” By the way, did you ask Nuoqigao? ? ”
” This … If it wasn’t for Bellmer who told me, I wouldn’t have found out! ” Ah Jian said embarrassedly: ” But Bellmer should have said something to her! ”
” Ah ~ So that’s the case. I haven’t asked Marco yet, but that kid doesn’t need to worry about him. If Nuoqigao agrees, he will never refuse! ” Reina said confidently.
Unexpectedly, Ah Jian, who usually respects Marko very much, actually nodded in agreement.
It seems that in the hearts of all fathers, their daughters are the best, and no one is unworthy.
In the following time, the three of Reina seemed to have a tacit understanding, and tried their best to create opportunities for Nuoqigao and Marko, but they did not explain it, and the two of them were a bit baffling.
However, seeing the relationship between the two getting better and better, but they always stayed in the position of good friends, which made Reina and Ah Jian start to feel a little anxious.
” Don’t worry, this kind of thing can’t come in a hurry, what we have to do is to give them a chance. As for whether they can succeed, it depends on them! This is fate …” Bermel dipped a lady’s cigarette, lightly said with a smile.
” I know, but after seeing Nami, are you going to go back? I’m afraid I don’t have time! ” Reina said with a sigh.
” If that’s the case, it can only be said that their fate ends! ” Bermel said with a smile.
Reina was silent for a while, sighed, and said, ” That’s all, that kid Marko … It’s up to him to see if he can seize the opportunity. ”
” I think Marco is good, strong and caring, and has a gentle personality! ” Ah Jian had a very good impression of Marco and said to Bermel.
” It’s up to Nuoqigao herself … After all, this is a major event in her life! ” Bermel shook his head and said.
Reina and Ah Jian looked at each other, they saw helplessness in each other’s eyes, it really depends on them.
But when they got to the bottom of Visalia, the small sky island, neither Marco nor Noqigao seemed to have any intention of developing in this direction.
” Okay, according to the record pointer, there should be a small empty island directly above us! They are different from the real empty island, so the height should not be very high … Marko, you go up and take a look first, after confirming the position, come pick us up Come on! ” Reina said to Marco after looking at the permanent record pointer.
” Okay, I understand! ” Marco heard the words, spread his arms, turned into a half-beast form, and flew upwards.
” Be careful! ” Nuoqigao couldn’t help shouting as he watched Marco fly higher and higher.
Although I don’t know if Marco heard it or not, Reina and Ah Jian laughed happily, at least this is a good performance!
” The fruit that Marco ate is the animal system , bird fruit , phantom beast , phoenix form! Even in the new world, it is a very rare flying fruit! ” Reina smiled and explained to Nuoqigao: ” So don’t worry about his safety in the air, and in air combat, there are only a handful of people who have won him! ”
Hearing Reina’s words, Nuoqi blushed. He is different from Marco with a wooden head. She already knew what Reina was thinking these days, and Belle Meyer also told her to let her choose. .
It’s just that she has never made up her mind. When she came to see Nami this time, she also wanted to hear her sister’s opinion. Although Nami is probably not familiar with Marco, they are both pirates and may know more about them.
Not long after, Marco in half-beast form returned to the pirate ship.
“The small empty island has been discovered, and the other party is moving due south, but the speed is not fast! ” Marko changed back to human form, landed on the deck, and said to Reina.
” Okay! You take Nuoqi up first, remember not to be too harsh, we are just here to find someone! ” Reina nodded and replied calmly.
Marko nodded and said to Nuoqigao: ” I’ll take you up first, come, come on my back! ”
Nuoqigao hesitated for a while and came directly to Marko’s back, but Reina couldn’t help but smiled and gave Marko a thumbs up.
Marco was a little baffled for a while.
Originally, he usually grabbed each other with his claws, which was more convenient, but Nuo Qigao was a girl and had not exercised. He was afraid that holding directly would hurt her, so he planned to carry Nuo Qigao on his back.
But in the face of Reina’s inexplicable praise, Marco felt that he had done something wrong, and Reina was staring at him.
Before he could think about it, he felt that Nuoqigao behind him was ready, and Marco spread his arms and flew towards the small sky island.
” Okay, let’s just wait! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Without Captain Marko, we really don’t know how to get up! ” Ah Jian said with a smile.
Reina smiled slightly and didn’t tell them that he had a way to contact Xiaokong Island. As long as he contacted Xiaokong Island, the other party would send someone down to pick them up.
This is a good opportunity for the two to contact, and Reina will naturally not miss it.
Isn’t Marco’s performance just now very good? If he was going to grab Noqigao with his claws just now, Reina would definitely not mind opening up Marco.
Fortunately, Marco performed well just now, so Reina suddenly had the feeling of an old father watching his son finally grow up.
After a while, several balloon-like things slowly floated down from the sky, while Marko and Noqigao were no longer inside. Inside were two old men in robes like pajamas.
” It turns out that the deputy captain of the Whitebeard Pirates is here! ” An old man said with a smile when he saw Reina.
” By the way, little Nami is living a good life here, right!? Mr. Haradas! ” Reina asked with a smile.
” Of course, the little girl is quite energetic! ” The old man, who was called Haradas by Reina, replied with a smile.
” Ah ~ that’s good! Did Marco go up just now? ”
” Well! Are you talking about the guy who can turn into a bird? He scared us a lot! ” Haradas said with a smile.
” Let’s go, let’s talk as we go! ” Reina smiled and invited Ah Jian and Bellemel to get on the balloon-like tool together.
The two suddenly looked at each other in dismay. Can they go to Xiaokong Island if they have transportation? Then why did Reina want Marco to carry Noqigao on his back just now?
But seeing Reina’s smile, the two naturally understood.
” Let me introduce you! This is the great meteorologist Mr. Haradas, thanks to his care for Reina on the Weather Island! ” Reina smiled and introduced Ajian and Belmer.
” Mr. Haradas, hello! Did Nami cause you trouble? ” The two immediately greeted Haradas with a salute.
Whether it was because of their age or taking care of Nami, it was very necessary for them to salute.
” Hehehe … don’t be too polite, the little girl has brought us a lot of joy! ” Haradas replied with a smile.
” As for these two … they are Nami’s father and mother! ” After introducing Haradas, Reina introduced Ah Jian and Belmer to Haradas.
” Ah ~ haha ~~ that ~~ haha …” Ah Jian felt a little embarrassed when he heard Reina say this, but seeing that Bellemel didn’t object, he just smiled.
” Ah ~ So it’s Xiao Nami’s parents! Are you here to pick her up? ” Haradas asked in surprise immediately after hearing this.
” No, we’re just here to see her, she has her own life, we won’t restrict her! ” Bermel shook his head and said.
” What an enlightened parent! Hahaha …” Haradas replied with a smile.
Soon, several people passed through the bottom of the small sky island and entered the interior of the weather island. At this time, Marco and Nuoqigao were waiting for them at the entrance, and with them was an excited Nami.
” Bermel … Ah Jian … ! ” After seeing the two of them, before they could stand firm, Nami flew directly towards Bellmer and held her back.
” Haha … you’ve grown into a big girl! ” After seeing Nami, Bermel immediately transformed into a kind old mother and said with a smile.
” I really didn’t expect … you guys would come here … I was stunned when I saw Nuoqigao just now! ” Nami seemed to be quite excited. After seeing Belmer, she kept going telling.
” Okay, there’s still a lot of time. If you have any secrets, let’s talk as we go! Don’t stand here all the time! ” Reina was quite happy when he saw the reunion of their family.
When Nami heard this, she nodded immediately, and then said sincerely to Reina: ” You are so emotional, Mr. Reina, Nuoqigao has already told you just now! ”
” Okay! It’s not a difficult thing! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” Then little girl, take your family to your house first! ” Haradas said with a smile when he saw Nami’s excited look.
” Okay, Mr. Haradas! ” Nami nodded, and then excitedly walked towards the place where she lived with Belmer and Nokigao, leaving Ah Jian standing there embarrassed.
” Let’s go! What are you still doing there? ” After walking a few steps, Bellemel turned around and shouted when he realized that Ah Jian was not following.
” Oh ~ oh ~ it’s here! ” When Ah Jian heard this, he was immediately shocked and chased after him excitedly.
” Huh? ” Nami was stunned when she saw Bellmer and Ajian like this, and looked at Bellmer and asked, ” Bermel … Could it be that you and Ajian …”
” No! Don’t think about it, I just don’t want him to disturb Mr. Rainer! ” Bermel showed a rare shy look, and Nami immediately knew the real answer.
Looking at the family who laughed and laughed along the way, Reina was filled with comfort, but soon, he also found Marko who was staring at him, and his eyes were full of resentment.

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