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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” What are you doing? Why are you looking at me like this? ” Looking at Marco’s resentful eyes, Reina asked angrily.
” You are obviously from here, why didn’t you tell me that there is transportation here? That way I will inform them, and let me carry Nuoqi up, almost exhausted me to death! ” Marco looks like you Deliberate expression, asked.
” Did I say you’re really stupid or just pretending to be stupid? ” Reina looked at Marco with an expression of hatred for not being steel, and said, ” Why did I do this, you don’t know? ”
” Wh … what? ” After Marco heard Reina’s words, his eyes evaded a little, and his tone became a little unsteady.
” Huh? It seems that you are acting stupid with me? ” Reina looked at Marco, frowned and said, ” In a word, if you don’t have that kind of thought, tell me in advance, so that you don’t make me inside or out. people! ”
” Alas! ” Marko sighed and said, ” Actually, I don’t know what you’re thinking, but when you came up just now, Nuoqigao told me! ”
” Eh? Nuoqigao confessed to you? Could it be that your boy refused? If that’s the case … do n’t blame me for throwing you out of here now! ” Reina immediately stepped forward and said.
“You two, come with me, I’ll arrange accommodation for you! ” Before Marco could answer, Haradas, who had already put the transport away, walked over and said with a smile.
” Ah ~ I ‘ll trouble you then! ” Reina glanced at Marco, instructing him to wait, and then the two followed Haradas to a small house.
” This is the home of an old friend of mine, but he has passed away now. If you two don’t mind, you can stay here for the night! ” Haradas opened the door and said to Reina.
” Ah? ” Reina was stunned for a moment, then hesitated, and said, ” We have nothing to do with it, but will it be bad if we do this? Actually, we can go anywhere! ”
” It doesn’t matter! As long as you don’t mind, just stay here! ” Haradas said, shaking his head.
” Thank you so much then! We shouldn’t be here long, and we’ll leave when Nami and her family get together! ” Reina thanked Haradas again.
As for how Reina knew each other, it could be said that Reina deliberately got to know each other.
During a voyage in the New World, Reina met Haradas who went to purchase. The representative dress of the other party was immediately recognized by Reina, so under Reina’s deliberate friendship, the two became friends. .
After Haradas left, Reina closed the door immediately, then stared at Marco, and I got: ” Now … you can actually recruit! ”
” What … what! ” After a while of panic, Marco said intermittently: ” It’s just … that Nuoqigao asked me, did you tell me something, I said no! She told me that you plan to match The two of us, ask me what I think! ”
Reina looked at Marco, whose face was a little red, he knew that the conversation between the two could not be so straightforward and brief, but now these are not the point.
” Then how did you answer? ” Reina asked, pressing step by step, continuing to stare at Marco.
” I … I didn’t answer! How did I answer? At that time, my mind was blank and I almost fell out of the air! ” Marco took a few steps back and replied.
It was only then that Reina understood why Marco looked at him with such resentful eyes at first. The original reason was that it wasn’t something that led people to fly, but that he blamed himself for not communicating with him in advance.
” Hey … You can’t blame me for this! How did you ask me to tell you? I didn’t say the same thing about Nuoqigao, so even if you don’t make it, you can still be friends. Who knows Bermel sees it. , and then … you’ll know! Of course, she was also afraid of Nuoqigao’s loss, so she reminded her and let her think about it! ” After thinking about it, Reina said:
” Anyway, you’d better think about it clearly, and give Nuo Qigao a clear answer before you leave. After all … you are a man! ”
After Reina finished speaking, he ignored Marco who was in a daze, and went to rest alone.
This night, unlike Nami’s elation, both Marco and Nuoqigao had some insomnia. As for what the two of them said in the air, only the two parties knew about it, and no one else knew.
The next morning, after Reina got up, he was shocked to see Marco staring at the dark circles under his eyes.
Originally, he liked to pull his eyes, but now with a pair of dark circles, it’s a bit scary!
” What did you do last night? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” You said … it’s all your fault! What am I going to do now? ” Marko asked with a look of embarrassment.
” What’s so confusing about this? Like it if you like it, or don’t like it if you don’t like it! Just say it according to what you think! ” Reina pouted and said disdainfully.
” Hmph! You were … not like this! ” Marco glanced at Reina and replied.
Reina and Olvia’s original love story, but Marco knows clearly.
So when Rayner said this, he immediately knew that his chance to act as a love expert was in vain.
However, he still patted Marco on the shoulder as if he had come over, smiled and said, ” If I … cherish this opportunity! Seize the opportunity … Sao Nian! ”
Marco glanced at Reina, ignoring him at all.
The two came out of the hut and went directly to Bellmer and others. They made an appointment to have breakfast together today.
By the time the two came to Nami’s hut, Belmer and Nochigao had already prepared breakfast.
” Come in? Come in and sit! You can eat right away! ” Noqigao greeted with a smile after seeing Marco and Reina.
Reina looked at Marco, who lowered his head to hide the dark circles under his eyes, smiled and sat directly at the dining table.
” Is this all prepared by Nuo Qigao? It’s really virtuous! If someone marry you in the future … it’s really a blessing that has been cultivated in eight lifetimes! ” Reina said with a strange smile.
” Of course! The breakfast made by Nuoqigao is delicious! ” Nami, who hadn’t seen Nuoqigao for a long time, did not target Nuoqigao like before.
Maybe they have grown up, maybe they have been separated for too long, but now the two sisters are quite affectionate!
However, Nami, who had just met, naturally didn’t know what was going on between them, but after seeing Nuoqigao’s expression and actions seemed a little strange, Nami began to observe it carefully.
With Nami’s observation skills, before she could finish her breakfast, she got a result that made her a little unbelievable.
” Noqigao seems to … seem to be in a situation with this Captain Marko? And Mr. Reina and Ajian seem to be fueling the flames? Belmer didn’t stop it? What’s the situation? ” Nami observed while thinking in her heart. thought in shock.
” Okay, your family hasn’t seen you for a long time, so we won’t disturb you! ” After breakfast, Reina got up to leave, he still needed to go back to the pirate ship to sign in, so he had to leave.
Seeing that Reina was about to leave, Marco also quickly got up and prepared to leave with him.
” Huh? What are you doing? ” Reina asked, looking at Marco who got up.
” Didn’t you say you were leaving? ” Marko asked in surprise.
” Yeah! But why are you following me? ” After nodding, Reina said with a puzzled expression: ” Don’t you plan to stay and protect them? Although this is a small empty island, there will be no problems in general, but Only you have the ability to fly here, isn’t it a matter of course to stay and protect them? ”
Marko’s face turned black, and Reina had already started talking nonsense in order to create an excuse for him.
” That’s right! It’s better to stay with Captain Marko. There is no combat power in the sky on the island. Occasionally we will encounter some flying beasts. They often bring some trouble to the island, if you are here. , it will definitely be a perfect solution! ” Nami smiled slightly, and also stood up and said.
” Then … that’s fine! ” Marko first glared at Reina, then quietly glanced at Nuoqigao, and when she saw that she had no objection, he nodded in agreement.
Seeing the success of the matter, Reiner left with a strange smile, went to find Haradas to send him down, and asked him to go to the pirate ship to finish his work time.
” Hahaha … It’s not good to just sit like this after breakfast, Captain Marko, let me accompany you for a yo-yo meal! ” Not long after Reina left, after seeing Marko’s embarrassment, Ajian took the initiative to propose Go out for a walk with Marco.
This made the slightly embarrassed Marco immediately lose his breath, got up with a smile on his face, and left here with Ah Jian.
After the two left, Nami came directly to Nuoqigao, looked at Nuoqigao with a smirk, and asked, ” Okay! When are you talking to this Marco silently? Captain got the right eye? ”
” Nami, don’t talk nonsense! He is the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, and he is a famous pirate in the world! ” Nuoqigao quickly shook his head and said.
” So what? Isn’t he acting according to your eyes? Our Nuoqigao is not worthy of him! ” Nami pouted and said, ” Are you right? Belmer! ”
Sitting there, Bermel, who did not speak, smiled and said, ” Although what Nami said is not completely correct! But his identity, you only need to consider the pirate! ”
” Bermel also thinks … is that so? ” Nuoqigao hesitated and asked.
” You don’t have to ask me about this … just ask yourself! ” Bermel shook his head and said, ” As the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, he will inevitably follow the Pirates in the future. Zhan, if you are not prepared for this … you can think carefully and not be influenced by them! ”
Nuoqi nodded high and replied thoughtfully: ” I understand, thank you Belmer! ”
At this time, Nami realized that things seemed to be different from what she had imagined, and it was not the scene that Nuoqigao and Marco made by themselves.
” Then can you explain to me what happened? ” Namei asked curiously.
Looking at the curious Nami, Nuoqigao knew that if she didn’t explain it clearly, she would not give up, so she explained the matter from beginning to end.
” So that’s the case … If that’s the case, then you really have to think about it yourself! As the world’s number one pirate group, there are quite a few people staring at them. As far as I know, every once in a while, there will be some The rookie pirates challenged them, although no pirate group has succeeded so far, but as long as they are still in that position, there will be no less! ” Nami nodded and said.
” Hey ~ I see, so you think I should do this? ” Nuoqi looked at Nami and asked.
” What do I think …”
” Nami! Don’t give Nuoqigao any advice on this kind of thing! ” Before Nami could say anything, she was interrupted by Bermel.
” It’s okay, I just want to hear her opinion, not that I will do as she says! ” Nuoqi shook his head high and said.
She knew what Bellemel had scruples about.
“A little bit … Let’s go, Nuoqigao! Let’s go for a walk too! ” Nami stuck out her tongue at Bermel, made a face, pulled Nuoqigao and ran out laughing.

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