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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” So … First of all, you and Marco are relatively close, so Mr. Reina has the idea of matching you? ” Nami asked, looking at Nuoqigao, who was a little shy beside her.
” Yeah! Belmer said so! ” Nuoqi nodded and replied.
Nami nodded thoughtfully and said with a slight seriousness: ” It seems that this is not what Mr. Renner did deliberately. If so, you’d better follow his arrangement and stay with Marko! ”
” Eh? Why? ” Nuoqi was taken aback and asked in confusion.
” Don’t you know? Mr. Reina has the ability to see the future! So many of his behaviors that he doesn’t seem to understand are actually planning for the future! Remember the box of gold he gave you back then? Actually …” Nami explained with a smile.
” So it is! So do you think he wants to change this time because he sees my future? ” After listening to Nuoqigao, he thought for a moment and asked.
” I thought so too, but didn’t you say it just now? He only made such an arrangement after seeing you and Marco in contact, so it’s probably not the case, but it’s hard to say! So I just give it to you Provides an idea, if you feel indecisive, this may help! ” Nami said with a smile.
” Thank you …” Nuoqigao gave Nami a hug and said, ” Now Nami has become a big man who can be on her own! ”
Nami smiled slightly and said: ” Actually, I agree with Mr. Reina’s point of view. Staying on a small island, you never know how wonderful this world is … You know, we have encountered many wonderful adventures! ”
Nuoqigao just listened quietly to Nami and she told her about her adventure, and looking at the smile on Nami’s face, she suddenly felt that Nami was really happy.
She didn’t tell Nami that she followed Reina this time, and she also experienced many incredible adventures. Although she didn’t want Nami and the others to rely on their own abilities to overcome, she also saw a lot.
The two sisters walked and chatted like this, seemingly forgetting all their troubles.
Reina, who returned to the pirate ship, started his own work.
” Return of Life ~ On! ” After exercising, Reina used the Return of Life to convert the energy in his body to replenish his physical strength, but it seemed that the effect was still somewhat unsatisfactory.
In desperation, Reina had to start eating, using food to convert physical strength, which is better than using energy.
” What went wrong? Why is it so difficult to convert energy into physical strength! ” From the beginning of acquiring the life return skill, until now, Reina has never relaxed the exercise of life return, but he has never been able to make the return of life very smoothly and quickly. The energy in the body is converted into physical strength.
” If it doesn’t work, then I can’t convert even a bit of physical strength. Now that I can convert, then this method is proven to be correct! But why is the conversion speed so slow? ” Reina sat on the deck,
The speed of his conversion now has not changed much from before, it is a little faster, but it is also limited.
So Rayner began to wonder if he had gone in the wrong direction.
But he doesn’t have too many research directions now, and he will return his life. Basically, he is a senior naval officer. Obviously, they will not share their experience with Reina.
As for Whitebeard … It’s not that Reina didn’t ask him, but according to what Whitebeard said … He eats to replenish energy, isn’t it normal? Feeling strong shortly after eating? What more conversion does this require?
Reina hides her face and retreats …
Talking to the kind of guy who is a natural monster, gets hurt too easily.
So so far, Reyna has been exercising by herself without anyone’s guidance.
In the evening, Reina used the transportation of the small sky island to return to the small sky island.
When he went up, he found that Marco and Ah Jian were already there waiting for them.
” Yo ~ are you still waiting for me? ” Looking at the two of them talking and laughing, Reina asked with a smile: ” It looks like you two get along well! ”
Marco didn’t bother to pay attention to Reina’s ridicule, and said directly: ” Let’s go, dinner is ready over there. ”
” Good! ”
Reina nodded, so the three walked towards Nami’s hut together, but as soon as they reached the door, Reina’s face suddenly changed and looked in one direction.
” What’s wrong? ” Ah Jian asked in surprise.
” Something is approaching this way, Marco, you stay here to protect them, I’ll go to Haradas! ” Reina frowned.
Because Nami said before that the place is occasionally attacked by giant birds, Reina thought it was another encounter.
” Okay! ” Marko nodded and replied.
He also turned on the knowledge color just now, and felt the abnormality that Reina said.
” Why haven’t you come in yet? Dinner is going to be cold! ” At this time, Nami, who came out of the house, shouted loudly, seeing Marco and Ah Jian standing still.
” Mr. Jian, let them hide in the house first, don’t come out, I’ll be outside! ” Marco ignored Nami and turned to A Jian.
” Okay, I understand! ” Ah Jian nodded, walked towards the hut with a serious look, and brought Nami into it directly.
” What’s wrong? ” Nami, who was brought back to the house by Ah Jian, asked in confusion.
” Reina said just now that something seems to be approaching this way, so he went to find Haradas! Marco is afraid there will be some danger, so let’s not leave for the time being! ” Ah Jian repeated what happened just now.
After hearing Ah Jian’s words, Nami was a little confused, only she knew that what she said in the morning was just to leave the steps that Marco gave, and it was not true.
As a weather island, the small air island Visalia is generally impossible to encounter any birds in the air, because they can use the meteorological science they have mastered to make the surrounding birds unable to approach at all.
So Nami was pretty sure that the one near Visalia this time was not a bird at all.
” But … if it’s not a bird … what would it be? ” Nami was also a little puzzled at this time, because although this world is very strange, it is only birds that can fly.
However, at this time, she saw Marko standing outside the door, and she wondered whether there was someone who, like Marko, ate the fruit of birds and birds, and just happened to be passing by.
Although the bird fruit is rare, it is not without it. For example, the adjutant of the guard team in the Kingdom of Alabasta seems to be the ability of the bird fruit.
At the same time, Reina of Haradas was found and told him that something was approaching.
” This shouldn’t be possible, right? The surroundings of Visalia Island have been hidden by us using meteorology. Under normal circumstances, even birds will not come. Except for the special existence of news birds, it should be Nothing will come. ” Haradas said in surprise.
” It’s not wrong, I sensed it … and … the other party seems to have discovered this place! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Then it seems that a guest has come to the door! ” Haradas said with a smile.
He is not worried about anything. First of all, the people here are a group of old men. Although they have extremely important knowledge, they are unknown.
But even though he said that, Reina was not at ease. He was afraid that because of his existence, he had attracted someone. If the peace of the small sky island was broken because of this, Reina would feel bad about it.
So after notifying Haradas, Reina came to the edge of the island and wanted to see what was coming.
” Golden Lion … Ski? ” Rayner was really surprised when he saw the person coming. He didn’t expect that Shiki actually found here.
The other party has always wanted to find a powerful navigator, Reina knows it, but … according to the plot, he shouldn’t appear in this place either.
” Jie ha ha ha … look … look … who is this? Reina! Why are you in this place ?” Shi Ke, who fell from the sky, asked with a big laugh.
” This … shouldn’t I ask you? Big Brother Shikey … long time no see! ” Reina smiled and greeted.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … You kid is really unkind … Knowing this kind of place, you didn’t tell me before! Are you afraid of what I’m going to do? ” Shiji asked, holding a cigar and slowly walking towards Reina.
” That’s not … it’s just because … there’s no one you’re looking for here! ” Reina replied calmly in the face of the aggressive Shiki.
” Is there any … you can’t say it! ” Skye said softly, narrowing his eyes.
Reina shrugged and said, ” Okay ~ Then I’ll introduce you to Big Brother Shikey! ”
Just at this time, Haradas also brought people over, and he also wanted to see who came to the small empty island.
” Huh? ” Seeing a group of old men coming over, Shi Kee was slightly taken aback, his eyes flashing a dangerous light.
” Mr. Haradas … why are you here? ” Reina hurriedly took two steps forward and asked.
” Let me see what kind of guests are here! ” Haradas said with a smile.
” This is no ordinary person … He is a great pirate with the same name as my elder brother, Whitebeard … Once across the sea, he is known as the Golden Lion Shiki! ” Reina’s mouth curled slightly as he introduced.
” Eh? The big pirate with the same name as Whitebeard? ” Haradas tilted his head, thought about it carefully, and said, “I haven’t heard of it! ”
” Pfft hahaha …”
” Jie ha ha ha ha …”
Hearing Haradas’s answer, Reina and Skee laughed at the same time.
” Don’t mind Big Brother Ski … Mr. Haradas and his mates are meteorologists who have devoted their lives to meteorology, let alone you … I guess the name of Whitebeard, if not for my relationship, They don’t know either! ” Reina shrugged and explained with a smile.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … oh? Meteorology experts? Exactly what I need! But … only these old men? ” Shi Ke asked with a slight smile.
” Sorry, our knowledge of meteorology in Visalia is not spread, so we won’t teach you, because it’s too dangerous! ” Haradas thought that the golden lion was here to learn meteorology, so he directly refused.
” Oh? Dangerous? Don’t you mean you haven’t heard my name? Then why do you think it’s dangerous? ” Golden Lion Shiki squinted his eyes and asked.
” Because no matter who it is … if you can’t fully grasp meteorology, it’s dangerous to use it! ” Haradas replied seriously.
Reina, who was on the side, didn’t interrupt. He knew that Haradas and others were right, and Shikey wouldn’t bring these old people with him, because they couldn’t help Shiji.

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