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” Then if you don’t mind … Would you like me to visit here? ” Golden Lion Shiki asked after thinking for a while.
Reina didn’t answer, but looked directly at Haradas.
” If you promise not to destroy the island … no problem! ” Haradas nodded and said.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … If I want to do it … I’m afraid this kid won’t agree? ” Shiki pointed at Reina and said with a big laugh.
” That’s right, Mr. Haradas and I are very good friends! If Big Brother Shikey wants to do something to them … I really won’t stand by! ” Reina nodded and said seriously.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … your kid’s sailing skills … didn’t you learn it here? ” Skee asked with a weird smile.
” Mr. Rayner’s knowledge of navigation is very rich. Although we did communicate, we did not teach him meteorology! ” Before Rayner could answer, Haradas shook his head and said.
” Well! Haradas and the others are good at meteorology, not navigation! Although they have something in common, they are not the same! ” Reina also nodded and said.
“That’s it … then just stay with me and visit this weather island! ” After thinking for a while, Shiki said.
” Then you’d better follow Haradas and the others! Otherwise, what I said … Brother Shikey probably won’t believe it! ” But Reina shook his head at this time and refused, ” Besides, I still have friends here. , don’t bother! ”
” Oh? I don’t know who else is on this small empty island besides us? ” Shikey suddenly narrowed his eyes and asked.
” If Big Brother Ski wants to know, why don’t we have dinner together? ” Reina asked.
The golden lion Skir suddenly had no idea what Rayner was paying attention to.
He made an invitation at this time, and Shi Ke had some suspicions that he wanted to prevent him from visiting the small sky island.
But if Reina and these old men didn’t lie … then this small island really has no value for him to visit, and there may be other surprises when going to Reina.
After thinking about it for a while, the Golden Lion Shiki said with a smile: ” Since you have all invited, then I will be disrespectful! ”
Reina was stunned for a moment. He did not expect that Shi Kee would accept his invitation. After all, his primary purpose was to find a suitable navigator, and the people on the Weather Island were his primary goal.
However, it is one of Reina’s goals to have Shiki follow him instead of having Haradas take him to visit. Even though the weather island is not big, many records and meteorological knowledge here are quite important.
And Haradas and the meteorologists on the island are not the kind of liars at all, so it is quite dangerous to let them be guides.
As for Reina himself, why didn’t he follow, so that he could interrupt Haradas and the others at the critical moment?
Get rid of … Golden Lion is not a fool, if Reina really does that, it will definitely make Golden Lion misunderstood, thinking that there is a bigger secret hidden here, and that will outweigh the gain.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … Let’s go! Brother! ” Seeing Reina’s obvious stunned moment, the Golden Lion Shiki was particularly proud.
Seeing this, Reina had no choice but to shrug and say, ” Then Mr. Haradas, Mr. Skee, I will entertain you! ”
” Hehehe … Then I’ll trouble you, Reina! ” Haradas said with a smile.
He was quite assured of Reina, and they were really not good at such troublesome things.
Soon, Reina with the golden lion Shiki came to Nami’s hut, and Marco saw the golden lion Shiki next to Rayner from a distance.
” What is he? ” Marko muttered softly after seeing Skee.
” Who is that? ” Nami and the others who were in the room naturally saw the golden lion following Reina, and could not help but whispered to Marko.
” That’s the great pirate with the same name as Dad … The Golden Lion Shiki! ” Marco replied softly.
” Is he the Golden Lion Shiki? The first and only great pirate in history who pushed the city to escape from the deep sea prison? ” Nami immediately exclaimed.
As a serious pirate, Nami has naturally heard the name Golden Lion Shiki.
And besides her, Belle Meyer has also heard the name of Skye, and when she was in the Navy, it was when Skye was active.
” Yo ~ Marko … I didn’t expect you to be here too! ” Seeing Marko standing outside the house, Shikey greeted with a smile.
” Golden Lion … Ski! Why are you here? ” Unlike Reina, Marco’s impression of Ski was not so good.
” Don’t be like this, I was invited by Reina as a guest! Jie hahahaha …” Seeing Marko’s unhappy appearance, Shi Kee immediately laughed and said.
Reina shrugged and said jokingly: ” He’s looking for a navigator! You know, his pirate group doesn’t have a navigator who can satisfy him! So didn’t this inquire about the weather island and plan to come and arrest people? It turns out that the island is full of old men … hehe! ”
Reina’s words not only explained why Skee appeared here, but also conveyed a message to Nami and others in the room, telling them what Skee’s purpose was.
” Crack …” Ah Jian opened the door and walked out with a smile, ” Since he’s Mr. Rainer’s friend, if you don’t mind … let’s eat together! ”
” This is Mr. Jian, a friend I met in the East China Sea, but he’s not a pirate! ” Reina quickly introduced the Golden Lion.
Hearing Reina’s words, the golden lion frowned immediately. In his opinion, the strong can only make friends with the strong, and the strong like him and Reina should not be friends with those ants!
But this is Reina’s own business, so although he was a little unhappy, he didn’t say it. It was just his appearance that anyone with a discerning eye could see, which was quite unpleasant.
It’s just this kind of unhappiness that Reina and Marco know what’s going on.
” Let’s go, what are you doing standing here? ” Reina said with a smile, looking at Shi Ke, the golden lion, who didn’t want to go in at the door.
Hearing Reina’s words, although Shikey was a little unhappy in his heart, he still raised his legs and walked in, but when he went in and saw three women inside, his eyes became even more strange.
” Don’t guess, they’re a family, they’re all my friends! ” Reina knew what he was thinking when he saw the look in his eyes, and quickly explained.
Hearing this, Shiji the Golden Lion immediately understood, sat down on the bench and said, ” Boy, I’m not talking about you, you are just like your eldest brother, you make friends with everyone, and the strong must have the temperament of the strong! ”
” Don’t tell me you were born strong? ” Nami, who had long seen that the Golden Lion was a little dissatisfied, finally knew why he was dissatisfied, so she retorted directly without waiting for Reina to speak.
Following Luffy’s journey, she didn’t learn anything else, but don’t be shy, just do it and learn it.
” Hmph ~ The little girl is not very talented, but she has sharp teeth and sharp mouths! ” Shi Ji snorted and replied.
Reina wasn’t worried about Shiji’s shot at Nami, just as he said, he wasn’t interested in the weak, and as a strong man, he wouldn’t bother to shoot at the weak unless it was necessary.
After Nami heard it, she sneered and was about to refute again, but was stopped by Reina and Belmer.
” Okay, Big Brother Ski, they are all my friends! ” Reina said in a deep voice.
” Okay, it’s for your own sake … forget it! ” Golden Lion Shiki glanced at Nami, who was full of anger, and said with a chuckle.
The dinner table that should have been full of laughter and laughter, because of the addition of Shikey, the atmosphere became a lot more awkward.
It was Shi Ke himself, who didn’t care, and drank and chatted with Reina while eating food.
But soon, Shi Ke put down his chopsticks and said to Reina: ” You also know the situation here, brother, how is it? Can you recommend me a good navigator? ”
” It’s not that it can’t be done, but Big Brother Shikey’s requirements are too high! ” Reina said with a wry smile, ” Even the navigators on Roger’s ship didn’t find out about it, they were just lucky! So I really couldn’t find it. The kind of navigator that Big Brother Ski needs! ”
Hearing Rayner’s words, Skee was silent for a while, and then said, ” If you can’t, come and help me! I’ll talk to him at Newgate! ”
” Don’t! It’s not that you don’t know the temper of the elder brother. You are going to tell him about this. Apart from the fight between the two of you, I really can’t think of another result! ” Reina quickly stopped.
” This doesn’t work either, that doesn’t work either … Could you show me a plan!? ” Golden Lion Shiki seemed to be limited and irritated, and said to Reina.
” Humph! Aren’t you a strong man? Why do you ask for help? Why don’t you come by yourself! ” Nami, who couldn’t hold back her long ago, could not help but sarcastically said when Shiki was angry with Reina.
” Little girl … If you think you have Reina to protect you … you can do whatever you want! ” Shi Ke, who was already a little irritable, had begun to emit a fierce light in his eyes.
” Brother Ski … In fact, I’ve always been a little bit confused …” Seeing this, Reina immediately changed the subject and asked, ” You should be setting up an air fleet now, right? Then why do you still need navigators? ”
” You are also a person who owns an empty island. Can you go anywhere on your empty island? Natural disasters such as storms and tornadoes, the empty island is still unable to escape! It’s really impossible … I can only invite these old men to me. It’s a guest! They want to study the weather, and it’s the same everywhere! ” said Skye with a cold snort.
” What? What do you want to do to Haradas and the others? ” Hearing Shiki’s words, Nami stood up and asked in shock.
But Skye ignored her at all and looked at Reina!
In fact, what he said was also threatening Reina, asking him to find a way for himself.
But Reina didn’t seem to care, shrugged and said: ” You brought such a group of old men back … Accompany you to conquer the world? Hahahaha … Brother Shikey, stop being funny! ”
” Jie ha ha ha ha … What? You think I won’t do this? ” Skee squinted, looked at Reina, and asked.
Reina nodded and said, ” If you’re sure you want to do this … then you have to beat me first! ” Reina also put down the chopsticks in his hand and said softly.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … kind of! Then you come … stop me from trying! ”
Shi Ji’s words were only finished, and he kicked Reina beside him, and Reina seemed to be ready, Qianben Sakura appeared directly in his hand, blocking Shi Ji’s slash at Sakura Ten.
On the other side, Marco, at the moment Shiki made his move, directly grabbed Noqigao and Belmer who were beside him, and protected them as well as Nami and Ah Jian.
” Boom! ”
Reina and Shiki just touched each other, and Nami’s small house was directly turned into two halves.
” Go! ” Marko rushed out of the hut with the four of them, not letting them affect Reina.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … The kid back then, dare to fight with me now? ” Shi Ke looked at Reina, slowly floated up, and said.
Reina waved Qianben Sakura in his hand, and said with a chuckle, ” Big Brother Shiki … if you’re careless … but something big will happen! “

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