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” What’s going on? What’s going on? ” The explosion caused by the battle between Rayner and Shiki immediately caught the attention of Haradas and others. These old men in robes like pajamas came from all directions.
” Oops! You stay here and don’t move! I’m going to keep them away! ” Seeing this, Marko immediately said to Belmer who was behind him.
” Don’t worry, we won’t mess around, you have to be careful! ” Nuoqi nodded and said.
” Yeah! ” Marko nodded, spread his arms, and flew directly towards Haradas and the others.
” Big Brother Shiji doesn’t want to destroy this side, or hurt the group of scholars, right? How about we move to another place? ” Reina also saw Haradas and others coming over, so he suggested with a smile.
” Idiot … This is my advantage! How could I give up? What did you learn from Newgate? Slash! ” Not only did the golden lion Shikey not agree, but he laughed at Reina, and then used his feet directly. Cut out a slash.
” What did you learn? Hehehe … Since Big Brother Shiji wants to see it, then … Let’s take a look! Let’s scatter, Senbon Sakura! ” Facing Shiji’s active attack, Reina also launched a counterattack and started to solve it directly. Thousands of Sakura.
Seeing that the long sword in Reina’s hand disappeared and the petals all over the sky appeared, Shi Ji laughed strangely and charged directly towards Reina.
And those scattered petals, unable to get close to Shiji at all, were bounced off one after another.
” It’s not just that you are a swordsman of the Erdao style! ” Seeing that his moves were useless to Shiki, he didn’t know when, Hing Lun Maru had already appeared in Reina’s hands.
” Er-knife style? Jie hahahaha … Then let’s have fun! Chopping! ” Two bouncing slashes rushed towards Reina.
” Hehe … This kind of move … It seems to be underestimated! ” With a wave of Reina’s right hand, Bing Lun Maru directly blocked the two beating slashes, and at the same time, the hilt of Senbon Sakura in the left hand waved down, countless The cherry blossom petals formed a flower path and drowned directly towards Shi Kee.
On the other side, Marco, who stopped Haradas and others, told them to quickly find a place to take refuge, and they would solve the enemy here.
Looking at the ground destroyed by Reina and Ski, although Haradas and others felt a little distressed, they also knew that they could no longer care about it. After reminding Marko to pay attention to safety, the old men disappeared as quickly as possible.
” Boom! ”
” Boom ~~~”
” Jie ha ha ha ha … This kind of move … is not enough to deal with me! ” He shook the cherry blossom petals that surrounded Shi Kee, and Shi Kee, who was unharmed, slowly floated in the air, and said to Reina with a big laugh .
” It’s really a little troublesome! ” Seeing that the two of them only fought a little, and they destroyed the place in a mess, Reina couldn’t help frowning.
” Bastard … This is not a place where you can go wild! Thunder Cloud Weather Electric Bubble! ” Nami over there took out her weather stick directly, used Electric Bubble, and launched an attack on Shiki.
” Huh? It’s interesting! ” Shi Ji easily avoided Nami’s moves and said with a chuckle, ” Since you dare to shoot at me … can you afford the price? ”
But seeing Nami’s shot, he immediately frowned.
He wasn’t worried that Ski would kill Nami, but he was worried that Ski would discover Nami’s talent for meteorology.
” This is the weather island … Do you think it’s a place where you can do whatever you want? Thundercloud Weather · Thundercloud Electric Light Gun! ” Nami waved the weather stick in her hand, and the electric bubble that Shiki had escaped immediately became A bolt of lightning went straight to Scy.
” Oops, Marco! ” Seeing this, Reina immediately went straight to Scy and shouted at Marco, hoping that he could protect Nami.
” It’s a bit interesting! It turns out that you are the talent I need … Jie ha ha ha ha …”
Sure enough, when she found out that Nami was able to control the weather to fight, Shiki immediately came to his senses.
As for the lightning that hit him, when Shikey raised his arm lightly, a large rock rose from the ground of the sky island and helped him block it.
” She’s not the kind of talent you need! Bing Lun Maru … swastika! ” Reina, who inserted Qianben Sakura into his waist, went straight to Shiji, and directly activated Hing Lun Maru’s swastika state and turned on swastika mode. After that, a frost dragon and a pair of ice wings appeared behind Reina, and twelve ice crystal lotus flowers also appeared around.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … It looks like it’s going to be real! Lion Mighty Earth Scroll! ” Facing Reina, who had turned on the state of Bing Lun Maru, Shi Ke didn’t care. With a wave of his hand, the ground was lifted up. Multiple lion heads were formed and rolled towards Reina.
” Dragon Pistol Frame! ” Reina pointed at the ice wheel pill, and then went straight to the golden lion Shiki, as for the lion heads that swept in, Reina seemed to have not seen it and ignored it at all.
On the other side, Marco, who heard Reina’s shout, flew directly towards Nami, but Shi Ke’s attack speed was faster. The lion head that came out drowned Nami.
” Nami! ” Bellemel, Ah Jian and Nuoqigao rushed towards Nami at the same time, but were pulled by Marco who came.
” Don’t go over there to cause trouble! Don’t worry, Nami will be fine! If Shiki wants to capture Nami, he will definitely not kill her! You guys step back, I’ll go help Reina now! ” Marko stopped the three of them, said seriously.
” Huh ~ Belmer , Marco is right, that’s not an opponent we can defeat, let’s not go over and cause trouble! ” Ah Jian grabbed Belmer with red eyes and whispered.
” Marco … Nami, please! ” Bermel squeezed his fist and said to Marco.
” Don’t worry, there will be no problem. With Reina and I, he will not succeed! ” Marco nodded and replied.
” Marco! ” Before leaving, Nuoqigao suddenly looked at Marco, took a deep breath, and said, ” Please save Nami! ”
Marko smiled slightly, nodded and then spread his arms, flying directly towards Reina and Shiki in the disaster relief battle.
” Boom! ”
But before Marco could get close, Reina was beaten out by Ski.
” Are you all right? ” Marko asked, holding Reina.
” It’s okay … I was a little careless just now! ” Reina shook his head, looked at Shiki in the air, and said softly.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … What’s the matter? Reina, your strength shouldn’t be the only thing! Where’s your writing wheel eye? Why don’t you open it? ” Skee looked down at Reina and asked.
” When I need it, I will use it naturally, Marco … go! ” Reina shouted without explaining too much.
” Good! ”
Marco and Reina attacked Shiki at the same time.
But at this time, Marco was a little worried about Reina. When he fought with the Navy before, Reina was seriously injured.
Although it seems that he is completely healed now, Marco still remembers that before coming out, Whitebeard specifically told him to try not to let Reina do it.
Because Reina’s physique is different from theirs, they can recover quickly after being injured, but Reina is different. His strength is not a talent, but acquired, so although his physique has become better than before A lot, but still not comparable to a powerhouse of his level.
So now Marco is a little worried, worried that the injury on Reina is not completely healed!
It doesn’t matter if you usually do it, but to fight against a strong man like the Golden Lion Shiki, you must go all out. Now Reina doesn’t even use the wheel eye, so he obviously has some concerns.
But in fact, Reina’s injury has actually completely healed. He doesn’t use the Shaker Eye because before the Shaker Eye evolves into the Eternal Kaleidoscope, the more times he uses it, the closer he is to blindness.
Now his eyes have begun to decline in normal state, so he won’t use them now if he can’t use a wheel-shaker.
After all, 400,000 points is too difficult. After he summoned Jiuwei, his points were only less than 140,000. It has increased a little these days, and now it has just passed 140,000.
However, Marco naturally didn’t know Reina’s thoughts, so he misunderstood that Reina didn’t open the writing wheel because the injury had not healed.
” bang bang bang! ”
The three of them fought in the air, and Marco intended to focus on the main attack to reduce the pressure on Reina when he faced the enemy. Moreover, as a person with flying ability, aerial combat was his forte, so Reina did not grab the main attacking position, but began to cooperate with Marco. , to act as a cover.
However, in this scene, in the eyes of the golden lion Shiji, he felt that Reina was a little underestimated by him. When the two fought before, Reina did not exert all his strength, and now Marco is the main attack, which makes him feel a little bit. Not anymore.
” Go away! ” After the outburst of arrogance shook Marko away, the golden lion Shiki went straight to Reina.
Seeing this, Reina was just about to go forward to fight, but he saw that the small sky island had been destroyed in a mess because of their relationship, so he rolled his eyes, pretending to be a little scared and flying away.
” Run? Reina … you kid … what the hell are you doing!? ” Reina’s retreat caught Skye for a moment, but he caught up in an instant.
When Marco saw it, he didn’t say much, and followed after the golden lion.
Soon, the three slowly moved away from the small sky island. At this time, Reina stopped and turned to face Shiki, the golden lion chasing after him.
” Humph! ” At this time, Shi Ji realized that he had been fooled. Not only did he not capture Nami, but he was also led away from the small sky island by Reina.
” Big Brother Shikey is really persistent! Isn’t he planning to kill me!? ” Seeing the success of the plan, Reina said with a smile.
” Hmph! You kid likes to use some small tricks! In front of the real powerhouse, such small tricks are useless! I defeated you, and I can still kill you back! ” Shi Ji said disdainfully.
” In the face of absolute strength, small means are naturally useless, but … I don’t think Big Brother Shi Ke can crush me! Shaker … Open! ” At this point, Reina was not turning on Shaker. , I’m afraid that I’m really going to be hanged and beaten by the Golden Lion Shiki.
” Finally got serious? ” Seeing the three gouyu in Reina’s eyes, Die said with a smile, with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth.
” Of course! In the face of Big Brother Ski, I don’t dare to be careless! ” Reina smiled slightly, and then said to Marco who came over: ” You go back first, leave it to me here, you go first! ”
” Reina, don’t be brave! I’ll hold him back, you go back to the small sky island! ” Marco shook his head and refused Reina’s request.
” What? Do you think you can beat me? Go, go and save Nami first! Big Brother Shiki’s purpose is her, not me! ” Reina said with a smile.
Marko glanced at Schie, then at Reina, nodded and said, ” Okay! Be careful of yourself then! ”
Seeing Marko leave, Skye, who was smoking a cigar, suddenly laughed.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … boy, did you make a mistake? Since you are here, why do I need that little girl? You are my first choice! “

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