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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Me? Does Big Brother Shiki really want to fight with our Whitebeard Pirates? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” Humph! If you hold me with the idea that I won’t hurt you … then you might really die here today! It’s the same when I go to find that little girl! ” Shiki’s eyes flashed dangerously. Light, said to Reina.
Reina was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood the meaning of the golden lion. As a top powerhouse, he originally recognized Reina quite a bit, but in the battle just now, Reina didn’t do his best to face him, which made history Key felt insulted, and that’s why he said it now.
” Phew ~ I understand! It seems that Big Brother Shikey wants to fight me! ” Reina, who was floating in the air, said softly.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … boy, be careful … or you will really die! ” Shi Ji laughed strangely and charged directly towards Reina.
” Here … you are not my opponent! ” Reina said with a smile: ” There is nothing for you to control here! ”
Shi Ke was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood what Reina meant, but he smiled and said: ” It seems that you have forgotten … Who taught you swordsmanship at the beginning! ”
” Hahaha … You don’t think I’m still the same as I was back then? I think about it … How many years have you not been active in the ocean? You wouldn’t think that the ocean was still when you and Roger were the only ones. ? ” Reina asked, laughing.
” It seems that I have disappeared for too long, so long that even you have forgotten my existence! ” Shikey said softly, squinting his eyes.
” You don’t need to say nonsense! Try it and you’ll know! ” Reina waved the ice wheel pill in his hand and attacked Shiki directly.
On the other side, go back to Marco on the small sky island, find Haradas directly, and ask him to transfer the position of the small sky island immediately.
” Don’t worry, we also have our own way to protect us! ” Haradas nodded and asked his companions to open the mechanism. Soon the small empty island was shrouded in white clouds. If people didn’t know it, they would never be able to see any flaws.
” Huh ~ That’s good! ” Seeing that Haradas had the corresponding means, Marko’s heart was relieved in an instant. At this time, he continued to run in the direction of the previous battle. There are Nami and others there. rescue him.
” Marco! How’s the situation over there? ” Seeing Marco falling from the sky, Ah Jian, who was waiting anxiously, hurried forward and asked.
” Reina is fighting the golden lion, I’ll come back to rescue Nami first, and then go back to help him immediately! ” Marko said, walking towards the place where Nami was submerged.
” Phoenix Seal Heavy Attack! ” The half – beast-turned Marco flew directly into the air, and then kicked over there.
” Boom ~~~” The lion-shaped rock suddenly became torn apart, revealing Nami, who had passed out in a coma inside.
” Nami! ” Bellemel and Noqigao immediately exclaimed and ran towards Nami.
” Hey ~ I just passed out, it’s okay! You take care of her! These clouds and mists are released by the small sky island to hide! You don’t have to worry! I’m going to support Reina now, Nuoqigao … If anything happens, Use this to contact me immediately! ” Marco took out a small phone bug from his body and handed it to Nokigao, saying.
” Okay! You … be careful yourself! ” Nuo Qigao also knew that the situation was urgent, so he didn’t talk too much. After picking up the little phone bug, he followed Ah Gym who carried Nami on his back and moved towards Haradas and the others. Go over there.
Seeing Nuoqigao and the others leaving, Marco was relieved, and with his arms outstretched, he flew towards the forehead where Reina and Shiki were fighting.
But when he arrived, he found that there was no one here. When he was about to look around, he found that there were fluctuations in the battle from the sea below.
So Marco immediately began to descend, flying towards the place where there was a fight.
” Frozen and Hundred Flowers Burial! ” Before Marco could drive in, he found that the sea below was frozen in many places, and Rayner and the golden lion Shiki were fighting on the sea.
” Jie ha ha ha ha … This is decent! I haven’t seen you for many years, and your kid has grown to this point! ” Seeing Marco coming over, Shi Ke and Rayner said with a big smile after a fight against each other.
” Brother Shiji’s style is the same as before! ” Reina smiled slightly, he knew that this was the golden lion Shiji saw Marco coming over, so he planned to retreat.
With his current strength and Marco’s words, even the Golden Lion would not dare to say that he has a chance of winning.
Sure enough, after Shi Ke glanced at Marco who was approaching, his figure began to rise slowly, and said, ” Since we have already said hello, then I will not bother you any more, farewell! ”
Watching the golden lion Shiji leave in the other direction, Marko frowned and asked, ” He left like this? It’s really incredible! ”
” He just retreated temporarily. It seems that he has already set his sights on Nami! Let’s go, let’s go back first! ” Reina shook his head and said.
When the two returned to the small sky island, Nami and the others were tidying up the places damaged by the battle with Haradas and the others.
” Sorry for making a mess here! ” After landing, Reina released the swastika mode of Hirinwan Maru and said to Haradas a little embarrassedly.
” Hehehe … If it wasn’t for you this time, we would be in big trouble! ” Haradas shook his head and said.
” Indeed, the small sky island has been targeted by the golden lion, have you thought about what to do? ” Reina asked after pondering for a while.
” Don’t worry! Except you have our permanent pointer here, we have not only made another permanent pointer! As long as we hide the small empty island, ordinary people will never find us! ” Haradas said confidently .
Reina nodded, took out Visalia’s permanent pointer, and directly destroyed it in front of Haradas.
” Are you … ? ” Haradas was taken aback and said, ” You don’t have to do this. We trust you, so we will give you this! ”
” I know, but it’s still necessary to do this just in case! In addition … if there is any urgent matter, you can use this to contact me! ” said Reina, and took a small phone bug Come out, hand it to Haradas, and say.
” Hey … this phone bug … is a little weird! ” Haradas, who took the phone bug, immediately felt something, tilted his head and looked at the phone bug, and said.
” That’s right, this is a phone bug that was re-bred after Dr. Sière’s improvement. Even in the first half of the Great Route, it can contact the same kind! Every captain of our Whitebeard Pirates will have this phone bug. Carry it with you! In addition, there are their female insects on Xuanyue Island, and the acceptance range is wider! ” Reina explained with a smile.
” Oh ~~ what a great invention, is that doctor also a member of your Whitebeard Pirates? ” Haradas immediately asked with an expression of interest.
” That’s right! The sky island of our pirate group was handed over to him to manage, and he has now completely turned the sky island into his laboratory! ” Reina said with a smile.
” I really want to visit your Xuanyue Island when I have the chance! ” Haradas said with a smile.
” Welcome anytime! If you want to come, you can contact me on the phone! I’ll pick you up when the time comes! ” Reina also said with a smile.
” Hey ~~ Reina, Marco ~~ Haradas ~~ Don’t pretend to be standing there talking, come and help! ” Nami, who has been working all the time, saw Reina and the others standing there talking, without a trace The meaning of coming to help, immediately shouted loudly.
” Oh ~ it looks very energetic! How is it? Are you not injured? ” Reina smiled and walked over.
” Humph! How could he hurt me? ” Nami said disdainfully.
” Don’t be careless! The golden lion may have been eyeing you! Back then, he was the guy who almost wiped out the Roger Pirates! ” Reina shook his head and said seriously.
” What? ” Hearing Reina’s words, both Bermel and Ah Jian looked at Nami with some worry and said, ” What should we do then? ”
” Don’t worry, it’ll be alright, didn’t Reina say it? He only almost killed the Roger Pirates! Otherwise, the Pirate King would be him, not Roger! So in this way, he Still no better than Pirate King Roger! ” Nami said with a wave of her hand, as if she didn’t care at all.
But Reina saw it at a glance, she just didn’t want to worry her family.
” Anyway, you shouldn’t be in danger in the small sky island now, but if you sail in the future … it’s hard to say! So after you meet Luffy, remember to tell him about it! ” Reina smiled slightly. It didn’t break her down.
While talking here, Nuoqigao over there found Marko and returned the phone bug to him.
Having lived in Xuanyue Island for a while, Nuoqigao naturally knew what the phone bug meant, so the first thing he saw Marco was to return the phone bug to him.
In the following time, Reina and the others were finally ready to leave after staying on the small sky island for a few days.
” Ajian, Bellemel will take care of you! If there are other problems, when I go back, you will be miserable! ” Nami raised her small fist and said to Ajian.
” Humph! What do I want him to take care of? ” Belmer, who was smoking a cigarette, glanced at Ah Jian who was smirking, and said disdainfully.
A Jian can be said to be the happiest when he came out this time, because Bellemel seems to have begun to accept him, and neither Nuoqigao nor Nami seems to have objected.
” Nuoqigao, my advice to you … you think about it! ” Nami waved at Nuoqigao with a smile and said.
And when Nuoqigao heard Nami’s words, her pretty face blushed, and with his short blue hair, she looked quite cute.
” Okay, let’s go! Nami … I’ll be waiting for you in the new world! When the time comes … I’m looking forward to your challenge! ” Reina looked at Nami, who was about to cry, smiled and said.
” Wait for us! Luffy can definitely beat you! ” Nami nodded and said firmly.
On the way back, nothing happened.
But the relationship between Marco and Noqigao has become very strange. To say that the two have no interest in each other … their relationship is sometimes very close.
But after both parties knew about it, they seemed to have become quite restrained, which made Belmer and Reina dare not intervene rashly, after all, it was their own business.
Finally, when they returned to Xuanyue Island, neither of them pierced the window paper, which made Reina and Ah Jian sigh.
Because arriving at Xuanyue Island also represents separation.

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