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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” I said what exactly do you think? Is this kind of thing going to take so long? ” Looking at Marco who was drinking, Reina wanted to rush up and kick.
Today is the last day for Nuoqigao and the others to stay. Early tomorrow morning, Reina will escort them back to the East China Sea, so he came over to ask Marko what he meant.
Unexpectedly, Marco just kept drinking, but he didn’t pay attention to Reina at all.
” Hey ~” With a sigh, Reina also knew that this kind of thing could not be forced. After taking a look at Marco who was still drinking, Reina left directly.
After Reina left, Marco slowly got up, looked at the place where Nuoqigao lived, thought about it, and sat down again.
” What’s bothering my child so much? ” Just as Marko was sitting down, Whitebeard’s voice suddenly sounded behind him, startling Marko.
” Dad …” Seeing that it was Whitebeard, Marko relaxed and said, ” It’s nothing, I just want to drink! ”
” Gu la la la … When I grow up, I am no longer willing to share my secrets with my father? ” Whitebeard asked with a slight smile.
Marko hesitated with a wry smile, and then told Whitebeard about it.
” Gu la la la … What’s the hesitation? If you like it, go for it. If you don’t like it, tell the other party clearly! They are all good sons and daughters who rule the sea, so why are they so mother-in-law and mother ? ” said with a smile.
” Dad … This is not the same as killing an enemy! In fact, Nuo Qi Gao is still very good, but because of this, I am afraid that she will be with me …” Marko smiled bitterly and said with a dull look in his eyes. .
” What? Don’t have the confidence to protect the beloved girl? ” Whitebeard asked Marko with a glance.
” Of course not … it’s just … I can’t stay on Xuanyue Island all the time, but if she follows me out to sea, it’s too dangerous! So … so I have some …” Marco first refuted Whitebeard, but In the end, it seemed that he couldn’t even speak for himself.
” If that’s the case, why don’t you ask her to clarify? That’s all you can give her. If she doesn’t want to, then it’s best to let go, but if she wants to, then it’s not enough for you to do everything you can to protect her and love her. already? ” Whitebeard put away his smile and said directly.
Marko looked at Whitebeard and seemed to be thinking about Whitebeard’s words.
” I see, Daddy! I’ll make it clear to her tomorrow morning! ” Finally Marko got up, patted the dust on his buttocks, and said.
” Bang! ” Unfortunately, before Marco could stand firm, Whitebeard’s big hand slapped the back of Marco’s head, hitting Marco in a staggering manner and almost fell to the ground.
“You bastard … go to Lao Tzu now! ” Whitebeard said angrily.
” Okay, okay … I’ll go now! Don’t be angry, Daddy! ” Marco naturally knew why Whitebeard was angry, and he also felt that he was too unmanly.
Soon, Marko came to the place where the Nuoqigao family lived, and looking at the bright lights inside, he knew that Nuoqigao and the others should not have rested.
But the more he got here, the more hesitant Marco became. He lingered at the door for a while, but he couldn’t make up his mind.
” Big brother … Look at this … can it be done? ” Beside Whitebeard, Reina didn’t know when to come out, handed a bottle of wine to Whitebeard and asked.
” Gulugulu …” After taking a sip of wine, Whitebeard looked at Reina and asked, ” Why does your kid seem more nervous than Marco? Is it because of what you saw? ”
Like Nami, Whitebeard thought Reina had seen something from Marco or Nogigo.
” No! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” It’s just the first time I’ve done something like this, so I feel a little bit looking forward to it! ”
” If there is anything, you might as well tell them directly, I think they will understand! ” Whitebeard nodded and replied after hearing this.
“I really didn’t see it! ” Reina said helplessly: ” If I saw it, why wouldn’t I tell them? ”
Whitebeard smiled undeniably, but when he was about to say something, he found that there was another movement from Marco.
It turned out that Marco had been wandering outside the door of the Nuoqigao family, so Nuoqigao, who found something, opened the door and came out to take a look.
However, Marco found out in advance and hid before Nuoqigao came out.
” That idiot …” Whitebeard and Reina, who had been observing, couldn’t help saying at the same time.
Sure enough, after coming out to have a look, Nuo Qi Gao, who did not find anything, whispered a few times, and then closed the door and went back.
At this time, Reina, who couldn’t stand it any longer, threw a stone towards Marco’s position.
” Who? ” The sound from the stone immediately caught Nuo Qigao’s attention. She was not worried about any danger, after all, this was Xuanyue Island.
Seeing that it had been discovered, Marko had no choice but to stand up.
Looking at Marco’s pineapple head and his somewhat awkward look, Nuoqigao couldn’t help laughing.
” Why are you hiding there? ” Nuoqi asked with a high smile.
” Ahem … that … do you have time? I have something … I want to tell you! ” After taking a deep breath, Marco finally gathered his courage and said to Nuoqigao.
” Okay, wait …” Nuoqi glanced at Marco, nodded and said, ” I’ll go talk to Bermel! ”
After a while, Noqigao came out wearing his coat.
” Come on, where are we going? ” Nokigao said with a smile.
” Let’s … go to the port for a walk! ” Marko said after thinking about it.
So the two accompanied each other and walked towards the port together.
And Whitebeard, who was still in place, grabbed Reina, who wanted to follow him.
” Let them deal with the young people’s affairs themselves! What are you running for? ” Whitebeard said in dissatisfaction when he didn’t see that Reina was going to follow him secretly.
” I’m a young man too! ” Reina pouted back.
But at this time, the two also found that Jian was coming out of the house at night, and Reina was suddenly speechless.
” Hey ~~ this way ! ” Seeing that A Jian wanted to secretly follow the two, Reina quickly made a sound and waved to A Jian.
” Eh? Why are you here too? ” Ah Jian said embarrassedly, watching Whitebeard and Reina sitting there drinking.
” Hey ~ I also want to listen to the gossip! But my eldest brother doesn’t allow me to go, so I can only drink here! ” Reina sighed and said, ” Don’t go either, leave their business to them. Let’s have a drink! ”
Sure enough, when one share of sadness is shared with another person, it becomes half.
Seeing A Jian’s depressed appearance, Reina couldn’t help laughing, and the laughter quickly infected A Jian and Whitebeard beside him, and the laughter of the three quickly broke out.
On the other side, the two people who were walking couldn’t help but smile when they heard the laughter of the three of them.
” Sorry for calling you out so late! ” Marko said, looking at Nuoqigao.
Nuoqi shook his head high and did not reply.
” That …” Marko’s words came to his lips, but looking at Nuoqigao who was looking at him, he found that he couldn’t say it at all.
” It doesn’t matter, you can say what you think! ” Nuo Qigao replied with a slight smile.
” Okay! Then I’ll be blunt …” Marko took a deep breath and said what was in his heart.
It’s just that he didn’t know that besides Reina and Ah Jian, there were others who had been eavesdropping tonight.
” Don’t squeeze, be careful to be found by Marko! ” In a corner of the port, several figures were hiding there, secretly watching Marko and Nuoqigao.
” Hey … Lakeyo, what are you talking about? ” Captain Kuriel of the tenth division, lying on Lakeyo, asked curiously.
” How do I know, it’s too far away to hear at all! ” Lakyo shook his head and said.
” Speaking of which … isn’t it bad for us to do this? If we are discovered, we will be killed! ” Frank, who was promoted to the manager of Xuanyue Island, was still a little afraid of eavesdropping on the captain’s secrets.
” It doesn’t matter, as long as it doesn’t get discovered, it’s fine? ” Lakyo replied with a smile.
” But we’re taking such a big risk now, but we can’t hear anything … It’s not worth it! It’s better to leave earlier than this! ” Frank looked at Marco in the distance and said with a sigh.
” You’re right … Is there a way to get closer? ” Lakyo asked immediately after hearing the words.
Curiel on the other side also looked at Frank and seemed to be looking forward to it.
” Well … I heard that Captain Marko usually wears glasses when he’s not fighting. Is it because of his poor eyesight? ” Frank asked after thinking about it.
” How is that possible? He is a bird with the power of the bird and the phoenix. How could his eyesight be bad? ” Lakyo shook his head, thought about it, and said, ” As for why he wears glasses … Maybe it’s because of his normal life. Really bad eyesight! ”
His words sounded a bit contradictory, but in fact it was easy to understand. As long as Marco entered a fighting state and had the blessing of the fruit ability, then his eyesight must be very good.
When you are usually not in the combat state, you don’t have the blessing of fruit ability, maybe your eyesight is really bad.
Because Marco is an ability user of the animal type and phantom beast species, it is usually very rare, so they do not know.
” Then it’s just a gamble! Wait for me to turn off some of the lights in the port, and then you guys don’t move for a while, wait until they start talking again, then slowly move forward, it’s better to find something as a disguise! ” Frank gritted his teeth and said directly.
” But you suddenly look at the lights, don’t you make Marko suspicious? ” Coolier asked with a frown.
” It’s up to me! ” Frank smiled confidently and said.
” Okay, you can do it! Don’t worry, we will definitely tell you the news as soon as possible! ” Lakyo nodded and agreed without thinking.
So after a while, Frank, who was patrolling around with a flashlight and a pair of flashlights, pretended to patrol Marco’s side by accident.
” Who’s there? ” Frank, who was on a flashlight, asked with a light drink.
” It’s me! ” Marco frowned slightly and said.
” It turned out to be Captain Marko … Why are you still here so late? Ah ~ Sorry! I don’t know what the two of you are talking about here! But in order to save electricity, some lights in the port will be turned off at night, so before the lights are turned off, I’ll come over and check again! ” Frank approached, pretending to have just seen Nuoqigao, and explained to Marko.
” It turns out that it is so hard for you, you continue to be yours! Don’t pay attention to us, we will leave after a while! ” Marco nodded and said after hearing the words.
” Okay, then Captain Marko, I’ll say goodbye first! ” Frank nodded slightly, then left.
” This person seems to be the steward on the island, right? You actually do this kind of thing yourself? ” Nuoqigao asked curiously.
” Well, he was originally the head of a pirate regiment on the great route. Later, Reina sent him back to Xuanyue Island, but his strength was simply unable to survive in the new world …” Marko smiled and told Frank about Frank’s affairs. After explaining it again, he said: ” But he is still very capable! After Xuanyue Island was handed over to him, it has become much better than before! “

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