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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” So … is this also where you are embarrassed? ” Nuoqigao looked at Marco and asked.
” That’s right! ” Marco nodded and said, ” It would be too cruel to keep you trapped on Xuanyue Island forever as the price! ”
” Did you know? Ever since I was picked up by Bermel, I have been living in the village of Cocosia, and I have never been to the sea! This time I came here with Mr. Reina, and it was my first and only time to go out to sea! ” Nokigao tossed his hair and said.
Looking at the stunned Marko, Nuoqi asked with a high smile: ” What? Don’t believe it? ”
” No, it’s not that I don’t believe it … it’s just … haven’t you thought about going wherever you want to be free? ” Marko asked in disbelief.
” Do you think I’m the same as you? I’m just an ordinary person, and I don’t have the ability to go out to sea, even if it’s in the East China Sea … not good! ” Nuoqi shook his head high and said.
In Marko’s view, keeping a person on an island all the time is simply the biggest torture. This is also the biggest obstacle for him to not dare to confess to Nuoqigao, but it has been solved inadvertently.
On the other side, after the lights in the port went out, Lakyo and Kuriel also started their actions.
While Marco and Noqigao were chatting, the two slowly approached them.
In the beginning, because of the light, and the chatter with Nuoqigao became more and more speculative, Marco really didn’t find them.
But as they got closer and closer, they were immediately spotted by Marko.
” I knew … you guys … get out of here soon! ” After discovering the whereabouts of Lakyo and Kuriel, Marko immediately shouted towards their hiding place.
After Lakyo and Kuriel looked at each other, they saw the same words in each other’s eyes, that is …
” Run! ”
Lakyo and Kuriel got up at the same time, separated from the two directions, and fled at the same time, watching Marko extremely speechless.
” Hehehe …” Seeing this, Nuo Qigao covered her mouth and snickered.
” Since it’s been decided … then let’s go! I’ll take you to meet Dad! ” Marco took a deep breath and said.
” Yeah! ” Nuoqigao nodded embarrassedly.
She knew that Ah Jian was actually there, and it was even possible that Belmer was waiting for her news at home.
Soon, the two came to the place where Whitebeard and Reina drank before, and sure enough, they saw Ah Jian who was drinking with Reina and Whitebeard there.
” Oh? It looks like … you two have already made a decision? ” Reina asked sarcastically when he saw Marco and Nuoqigao coming together.
This time he didn’t have to hide his thoughts.
” Phew ~ yes! ” Marko nodded, exhaled, and said to Reina: ” Thank you very much for letting me meet Nuoqigao, and I will do my best to take care of her for the rest of my life! ”
” Don’t tell me this. You know both Ah Jian and Belmer. How to convince them to hand over Nuoqigao to you is your next task! ” Reina pointed to Ah Jian beside him, facing the Marco said.
But before Marco could say anything, Ah Jian waved his hand and said, ” I basically agree with your business! I grew up watching Nuoqigao. To exaggerate a little, I really It’s to treat her as my daughter! So I only have one request … don’t let her lose her smile, can it be done? ”
” Of course! ” Marko replied firmly.
” Very good! If one day you fail to keep your confession, then even if I am not your opponent! I will definitely kill you with a mortal heart! ” Ah Jian said seriously.
” A Jian! ” When Nuo Qigao heard A Jian’s words, he was moved to cry.
” Don’t worry, there won’t be that day! ” Marco replied sternly.
Facing Ah Jian’s words, he has no doubts at all, and if there is such a day, he believes that even Dad and Reina will never help him.
” Let’s go! Let’s go meet Belle Meyer! She already guessed the ending! After Nami leaves, Nuoqigao will also leave her! ” Ah Jian suddenly waved his hand and placed the two drive away.
After Marco and Noqigao glanced at each other, they walked towards the place where they lived together.
” Come ~ Drink! ” Seeing the two leave, Ah Jian suddenly raised his glass and said to Reina and Whitebeard.
” Gu la la la … This isn’t something to worry about! Is it? ” Whitebeard and Ah Jian touched glasses and said with a smile.
He was very satisfied with what Ah Jian just said. A man who dared to fight against the Whitebeard Pirates for his daughter deserves respect no matter what.
The three of you drank the wine one cup at a time, and I don’t know how long it took. When Ah Jian fell, Marco came over.
” Send her back to sleep! Nuoqigao is a good boy, don’t let her down! ” Reina got up and patted her buttocks and said to Marko.
” Yeah! I know! ” said Marco, nodding.
He and Nuoqigao talked to Belmer just now. Although she was very free and easy, Marco still saw the reluctance in her eyes, so Marco didn’t stay long, and gave the time to their mother and daughter. two people.
” Stupid guy … Don’t you know to keep both Belmer and Ah Jian? How stupid! ” Looking at Marco who left with Ah Jian on his back, Reina chuckled and said deliberately.
Marko who left was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at Whitebeard and Reina who had already left, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, yes! Why didn’t he think of it?
As long as Bellemel can be persuaded to stay, then Nuoqigao must be quite happy too! ? But for what reason?
While walking back, Marco carefully thought about the reason for leaving Bermel, and came to the door unknowingly.
” Why are you standing at the door? Huh ~~ Why is Ah Jian drunk again? ” Nuo Qigao, who opened the door, saw Marco standing at the door with Ah Jian on his back, and couldn’t help but ask with a smile.
” Ah? I was thinking about something just now, and I arrived at the door before I knew it! ” Marco replied a little embarrassedly.
When he looked up, he saw the tears in Nuoqi’s high eyes, and he couldn’t help but firm up the thoughts just now.
” Hu ~ Nuoqigao …” After thinking for a while, Marco asked, ” You said … how about we keep Bellmer and Ah Jian on Xuanyue Island? ”
” Huh ? ” Nuoqi was stunned for a moment, then asked in surprise, ” Why do you have such thoughts? ”
” That … I think you seem to be reluctant to bear Belmer and Ah Jian! And if they were by your side, you would be happier, right? ” Marko touched his head, but did not say that Reina taught him.
” Yeah! But … I’m afraid Bellemer will miss Cocosia Village! After all, they’ve lived there all their lives! ” Nuoqi nodded and said.
She is such an empathetic person who will always consider others.
” Huh ~ I’ve thought about it, if Belmer and Ah Jian miss their hometown, we’ll accompany them back, what do you think? I can ask Reina to borrow his hard shell and take the windless way. It won’t be long! We can even go back once a year! ” Marko said, looking up at Noqigao.
” Ah? But … but if that’s the case … are you okay? ” Nuoqi was looking forward to it, but hesitantly asked.
” No problem, just tell Dad when the time comes! Our pirate group is still very free, and we didn’t say we have to stay here! ” Marco replied with a smile.
” But … Didn’t they all say that the pirates of the new world will not go to the first half of the Great Route? If you go to the East China Sea like this, isn’t it better than the first half of the Great Route …” Nuoqigao was afraid that Marco was hiding something, and directly speak up.
She has also been here for a while, so I have heard other pirates talk about some things.
” You’re right, ordinary pirates really won’t go back! Because their purpose is to circle the world and find the ultimate island, Ralph Drew! But … we are different! ” Marko said confidently: ” We’re the Whitebeard Pirates! We can reach Ralph Drew anytime, if Daddy wants to! ”
” Ah? ” Nuoqi was taken aback and asked in surprise: ” Ralph Drew? The island of the end that only Roger the Pirate King has ever arrived at? Does that mean that Dad can become the Pirate King at any time? But why didn’t Dad go there? where? ”
” The reason why Dad and Reina formed the Pirate Group was not to become the Pirate King, he just wanted to form his own big family! So he has no interest in becoming the Pirate King! Before Roger went to Ralph Drew, Reina had already Found the right route to Ralph Drew, Roger can’t be the Pirate King at all if Daddy wants to! ” Marco said with a smile.
” There is still such a thing … But if Reina has a route to the final island of Ralph Drew … Isn’t anyone here to snatch it? ” Noqigao asked curiously.
Even the Whitebeard Pirates, if someone knew that they had such an important clue in their hands, those pirates would never give up.
” It’s a secret! No one except me and Dad knows that Reina has a clue to Ralph! ” Marko said with a smile: ” I’m telling you, just to reassure you that I have enough time to spend with you. Back to the East China Sea! ”
” Thank you for your trust, I won’t tell anyone! ” Nuoqi nodded and said firmly.
” You don’t have to. If your life is threatened, use this secret in exchange for life. Renner said that nothing in this world is more important than life. I agree with his philosophy very much now! Say that! ” Marko shook his head and replied.
” I understand! ” Nuo Qigao smiled, she felt that the Whitebeard Pirates was really a strange one.

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