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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” In other words, you have already persuaded Belmer and Ah Jian, they are willing to stay? ” The next morning, Marco found Reina to discuss what to do next.
” Well! From now on, I will accompany them back to the East China Sea once a year, and stay there for a few days! ” Marko said with a smile.
” That’s fine …” Reina nodded and said, ” You can talk about it yourself, big brother! ”
Marko nodded, naturally he had to talk to Whitebeard himself.
” Then when are you going to hold the wedding? ” Reina asked with a little teasing after finishing the business.
” This … I never thought about it! ” Marco said a little embarrassedly.
” Hahaha … Hurry up with Nuoqi Gao, I may have to go to sea in a few days! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Yeah! I see! ” Marko nodded, then asked curiously, ” Why are you going out to sea again? ”
” Why are you asking so much, little brat? Mind your own business! ” Rayner didn’t tell Marco what he was going to do.
Although Marco is curious, he does have more of his own business now, so he doesn’t have the energy to care about Reina.
At noon that day, while everyone was eating food in the cafeteria, Marco and Nochigao showed up together and announced that their wedding would take place in a week.
Originally, Nuo Qigao meant that it should not be too big. After all, the big banquet on Xuanyue Island has just ended. If it is too big at this time, it will not be very good.
However, both Marco and Whitebeard think that this kind of thing still needs to be arranged, after all, the wedding! There should be no girl who doesn’t look forward to it!
And there is Nami on the small empty island. If she learns that she and Marco are married, she will definitely come over.
So Reina contacted Haradas, who happened to want to see the empty island on Xuanyue Island, and Dr. Sière in Reina’s mouth, so he decided to set the time in a week, because the small empty island was floating. It takes about five to six days to get here.
After deciding on the time, the rest is to set up the venue and invite guests.
This time, Marco and Nuoqigao didn’t plan to invite many people, and they didn’t even plan to inform the pirate group under their command. After all, they just left Xuanyue Island and called them back, which is very unnecessary.
So after handing over the arrangement of the venue to Frank, Marko suddenly found that he had nothing to do when he was free.
But soon, Marko’s leisurely days will come to an end. With all kinds of ordered things in place, Frank basically grabs Marko every day to ask him and Noqigao what styles and styles he likes.
” Okay, don’t complain about me here! You’re just making choices. Frank is so busy running around for you that he didn’t say anything. You still have the face to complain? ” Marko casually said. If he was too tired to complain, after being heard by Reina, he just taught him a lesson.
With the passage of time, all the things that were slowly prepared are almost finished. Under the control of Haradas and others, Xiaokong Island also came to the sea area near Xuanyue Island.
” Nuoqigao … I didn’t expect you to choose this in the end! When I heard the news, although I was prepared, I was still shocked! ” Nami came down from the small empty island, the first thing was Found Nuoqigao and wanted to share her joy.
” Yeah! Marco is good! ” Nuoqigao replied with a smile.
” But what about Bellemel? After attending your wedding, will she go back to the East China Sea? ” Nami sighed and asked a little reluctantly.
” No, she will live with me here, and Ah Jian is staying! Marco promised me that he would accompany us back to the East China Sea for a few days every year! ” Nuoqi said with a high smile.
” Ah? ” Nami was taken aback, she really didn’t expect it to be like this.
” But … but …” Nami stayed for a long time, but she didn’t say what was on her lips.
She wanted to tell Nuoqigao that as the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco should not be able to return to the East China Sea casually! ?
But when she thought that this was Marco’s promise to Nuoqigao, she seemed a little distrustful of Marco when she asked.
Nuoqigao naturally saw what Nami wanted to say, but this matter was related to the core secret of the Whitebeard Pirates, so she just smiled and didn’t explain anything.
A few days later, the grand wedding took place as scheduled.
The happiest part of the wedding was not Marco and Nuoqigao, but the fear of Perona and Olga. The two of them have now become the big devils on Xuanyue Island, especially Perona’s negative ghosts. It just became a trick weapon.
It’s just that when they were happy here, the rest of the big forces were completely stunned.
They inquired for a long time, and they didn’t know who this woman named Nuoqigao was.
As the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, they did not think that the woman who married Marco would be any casual person.
It’s a pity that no matter how they inquired, the news they finally got was that Nuo Qigao was an ordinary woman.
After Marco’s wedding was over, Rayner found Whitebeard and said he wanted to go out.
” What do you want to do? ” Whitebeard asked, looking at Reina.
” That guy Zefa … I’m still a little worried if I don’t find him! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Let’s go, we stayed here for a long time, it’s time to go out for a walk! ” Whitebeard replied with a slight smile.
” Big brother going out together? Marco is newly married! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Just let him stay here! ” Whitebeard pouted and said.
” That’s fine! I’ll go get them ready for the voyage, and I won’t bring Marko to play this time! Hehe! ” Reina said with a strange smile.
The next day, the Moby Dick was making the final preparations for sailing, while Marco watched with some envy in the port.
” Sorry, if it wasn’t for me, you should have gone too! ” Nuoqigao held Marco’s hand and said a little embarrassedly.
” It doesn’t matter! ” Marko tightened Nuoqigao’s small hand and said with a smile: ” There will be more opportunities in the future! I can take you out for a walk if you want! ”
” No, there are still a lot of things at home. Let’s talk about it first, shall we? Dad, how long will it take for them to sail this time? ” Nuoqi shook his head high and asked.
” It’s hard to say. If it’s okay, it may take a long time. If there is a big war, I will come back early to repair it! ” Marko said with a smile.
” Then come back later! ” Nuoqigao covered her mouth and said with a smile.
” Let’s go, it’s time for us to go back! ” Looking at the Moby Dick leaving , Marko took Nokigao’s hand and walked towards their new home.
After going to sea, Reina felt a sense of comfort after a long absence. It seemed that he had not been with Whitebeard for a long time and was riding the Moby Dick .
When he went out to sea with Whitebeard at the beginning, the past of the establishment of the Whitebeard Pirates gradually emerged, which made Reina suddenly fall into memory.
” Boom ~~” Suddenly a sea beast with a hippo-like head appeared from the bottom of the sea next to the Moby Dick .
Its appearance not only startled the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, but it also startled itself.
Because the bottom of the Moby Dick is equipped with sea towers, no matter whether it is a sea beast or a sea king, the existence of the Moby Dick will not be found .
Just now, this sea beast was exposed to the sea as usual, but it was unexpectedly located right next to the Moby Dick .
As soon as the Moby Dick was found , the hippo sea beast was instantly happy because it was just hungry.
Just before it could act, Bista, who was sitting on the side of the boat, glanced at it. Suddenly, the hippo and sea beast froze in place, and it felt Bista’s killing intent.
” It’s actually a hippo? I don’t know if it’s delicious! ” Ace, who was playing Pirate Monopoly with the crew, glanced at the hippo sea beast who was about to escape, and said softly.
His words made the hippo sea beast cold sweat.
” Captain Ace, this is clearly a sea beast, not a hippo! ” The crew member immediately said with a smile.
” Eh? Sea beasts? I remember who said that? Sea beasts seem to be edible! ” Ace touched his nose, looked at the hippo sea beast and said, ” But no matter how you look at it, it seems to be a hippopotamus! ”
As if feeling the malicious intentions of Ace and others, the hippo sea beast slowly sank to the bottom of the sea, intending to escape.
” Forget it, there is no shortage of food now, let it go! ” Seeing that the hippo sea beast was about to escape, Ace was about to make a move, the fourth division captain Saatchi stopped Ace and let the hippo sea beast go.
” But … it has been caught! ” Ace said to Sage, pointing to the fainted hippo sea beast floating on the sea.
Saatchi was stunned for a moment, and when he looked back, he saw that Muir was standing on top of the hippo and sea beast.
It turns out that Muir went to explore under the sea just now, and when he came back, he happened to meet the hippo sea beast who was about to escape. The unknown Muir thought that the sea beast was going to attack the Moby Dick , so he directly brought the hippo sea beast down. .
” Forget it, since I’ve caught it … then I ‘ll eat it tonight! ” Saatchi shook his head and put his hand on his forehead.
” Eh? Eat this hippo? Is it delicious? ” Ace asked suspiciously.
” I don’t know! Try it and throw it away if it doesn’t taste good! ” Saatchi said casually.
However, after the crew salvaged the hippo and sea beast for autopsy, they discovered that there was still a murloc child in his stomach who was not completely dead.
Everyone looked at each other, they really didn’t know what to do, so they called Na Muir and Saatchi over.
” Then Captain Muir … Look … how to deal with this? ” The members pointed to the murloc child lying on the floor and said.
” Where did this come from? ” Na Muir asked in surprise.
Everyone pointed to the sea beast he killed, indicating that it came from there.
” This … wash him first, I’ll go to Marco to show him! ” After thinking about it, Namur said.
” Then Captain Muir, Captain Marko didn’t come out this time, he’s just married … Have you forgotten? ” The members were suddenly speechless.
” Eh? Is that so? What should I do? ” Na Mu suddenly asked in a panic.
” We have a ship doctor on board! Captain Muir, don’t worry! ” Although they were used to the nonsense of the captains, Muir’s short memory still made them speechless.
” Ah ~ Yes! I’ll go to the ship’s doctor! ” Namur clapped his hands and ran towards the cabin immediately.
” It seems to be a sea beast that eats meat, in that case … wash it clean, throw away its head, and have a barbecue at night! ” Saatchi looked around the hippo sea beast, and then said to the members.
” Yes, Captain Saatchi! ” The chefs who were responsible for decomposing the sea beasts immediately replied loudly.

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