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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Then Muir, I heard that you rescued a murloc child? ” After training Rayner, after hearing the discussion of the crew, Rayner found Namur.
” Hmm! ” said Na Muir, nodding his head.
” How is it now? Is anyone awake? ”
” Not yet, but the ship’s doctor has seen it and said that it is enough to rest! ” Na Muir shook his head and replied.
” The vitality of your murlocs is really strong! It’s okay to be eaten! ” Reina sighed.
That Muir touched the back of his head a little embarrassedly, and said with a smile: ” I don’t know, it should be dead under normal circumstances! ”
” Oh? So … that child is special? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” No … it should be that he was eaten not long ago! ” Na Muir shook his head and replied.
Reina was almost choked to death by that Muir’s words, and after glaring at him, he said, ” The child wakes up and asks clearly, don’t scare people casually! ”
” No! That’s my compatriot! ” Namu Erhan replied with a smile.
” That’s fine … come find me if you have anything! I’m going to wash first, I’m full of stinky sweat! ” Reina waved his hand and walked towards his room.
But when he came out of the shower, he found that Muir was already sitting in the room waiting for him.
” Is that so? Is there something wrong? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” Well, the boy is awake! ” replied the Muir, nodding.
” Wake up and wake up! Isn’t that your compatriot? You can deal with it yourself! ” Reina asked in confusion.
” But … didn’t you come to see you when you said something? ” Na Muir looked at Reina and replied with a serious face.
” I said you didn’t do it on purpose, right? You always forget what you remember, but you remember it! ” Reina waved his hands helplessly and said, ” Tell me, what can’t be done? ”
” The child said that at the bottom of this sea … there is a city! ” After thinking for a while, Na Muir replied: ” But there are powerful guardians there to keep them from getting close! ”
“And then? Didn’t you want to ask us for help? We can’t go down. You said it yourself at the bottom of the sea! ” Reina shrugged, indicating that there was nothing she could do about this kind of thing.
” Yeah! I told him so too! He said he could lure the Guardians up, and I hope we can help solve it! ” Na Muir nodded and replied.
” Eh? Then what benefits can we get? It’s just a ruin, is there any treasure that can’t be made? ” Reina shook his head, obviously he didn’t want to participate in this kind of thing.
” Would you like to talk to him yourself? ” said Na Muir , standing up suddenly, looking at Rayner.
” Why? ” Reina asked in surprise.
“What he just said … I forgot! ” Na Muir replied very seriously.
” I’m going … you really … forget it, I’ll go find him myself! ” Rayner shook his head, followed behind Na Muir, and walked outside.
Soon, the two came to Muir’s room, and a murloc child was lying on Muir’s bed.
” He’s our vice-captain, Rayner! Talk to him if you have anything! ” Namur pointed to Rayner and said to the boy.
” Reina? Chitong Reina? I know him! ” Unexpectedly, the murloc child knew about Reina.
” Tell me, what do you need us to do!? ” Reina found a stool and sat down and said directly, ” But let me make it clear first that asking us for help comes at a price, and besides … I hope you can truthfully handle the matter. Say it, if I find out that you lied to me, then our cooperation is over! You know? First of all … What’s your name? ”
” My name is Maslin, I am a tiger ben, and I live in this sea area. Besides me, there are also members of our family! ” Maslin looked at Reina with some fear, and continued: ” In the At the bottom of this sea, there is an abandoned city where our family lives! ”
Rayner glanced at Muir, nodded, and said, ” So what do you need us to do? ”
Maslin hesitated for a moment, and then said: ” It was very beautiful for our family to live here, but one day, a sea king suddenly came here with a group of sea beasts, seized our homeland and killed it. Many of our compatriots, we just have to hide around! ”
” Later we learned that the sea king seemed to be looking for something in the city, and the surrounding sea beasts listened to his orders and helped it find it! Many of our compatriots will be questioned after being caught, but we don’t know anything at all. Treasure! ”
” So … you want us to help you kill that sea king? ” Rayner looked at Maslin and asked.
Maslin nodded and said, ” Yes … yes! ”
” But we are all human, and we can’t go to the deep sea at all! ” Reina shook his head and said.
At this time, Maslin looked at Muir, and the meaning was quite obvious. Isn’t there a murloc here? Or the shark fish people fighting in the mountain field.
What’s more, he knew that this ship was the Whitebeard Pirates that spread many legends among their murlocs.
To be a pirate on this ship, Muir’s strength must not be bad.
Reina smiled slightly, looked at the expressionless Muir, and then said to Maslin: ” So, you want Captain Muir to help you? ”
Maslin hesitated for a moment, then said: ” Then Big Brother Muir probably won’t work … The sea kings are very strong, and there are many sea beast helpers! ”
” Oh? You really talked about my interest. It’s just a sea king. He actually knows how to hunt for treasures, and he also knows how to call my little brother! Interesting …” Reina smiled and said, ” Then Muir, you Go down and see! See if what he says is true! ”
That Muir nodded and turned to leave.
Seeing that Muir left, Maslin seemed a little nervous.
” Let’s talk, if there is anything left unfinished, say it … otherwise … If we find out by ourselves, you may not have a chance to say it! ” Reina knew at a glance what the other party was paying attention to.
What Maslin said just now, Reina believed it was true, but there was definitely something he hadn’t fully said.
” I … my sister was captured by that sea king! ” Maslin was silent for a while, as if unable to resist the pressure Reina put on him, he said, ” She seems to know something. ”
” Hahaha … boy … do you know who is in front of you? ” Reina burst out laughing and said to Maslin, ” I’m a pirate! The big pirate Chitong Reina! What’s your point ? Small tricks still showing off in front of me? Then Muir … come out! ”
After hearing Reina’s words, with Maslin’s surprised expression, Na Muir walked out of the door again.
” Oh … I said, don’t lie! ” Na Muir sighed, looking at Maslin and said.
” I … I didn’t lie! ” Maslin bowed his head, and quibble with some unwillingness.
” Hehehe … Well, Muir, let him get off the boat when his injury heals! We have other things to do, and we don’t have time to play with him! ” Reina shook his head and got up and said.
” Wait! ” Seeing that Reina really got up to leave, Maslin became anxious and shouted at Reina: ” Okay, I tell you! It was my sister who found the treasure by accident, so she led the way. Here comes the sea kings and sea beasts! Now they occupy our homeland, and they also occupy my sister and the treasure. As long as you can rescue my sister, the treasure will be yours! ”
” Hey … boy, you’re still too tender! Pirates are not so easy to deal with! ” After Reina finished speaking, he turned and left.
After Reiner left, Na Muir said to Maslin: ” Leave after the injury is healed! ”
” Brother Muir, aren’t you helping me? We are compatriots! Are you watching your compatriots being eaten by sea kings and sea beasts? ” Maslin was really anxious at this time.
” I told you before! If Reina doesn’t promise you … then I can’t do anything! It’s you who didn’t follow his rules! In the sea … rules are very important! I am now the first of the Whitebeard Pirates. The captain of the eighth division, and then the murloc Na Muir! ” Na Muir shook his head and said seriously.
” But … but … but I’ve said it all, what if he kills people and steals treasures? ” Maslin said a little aggrieved.
” If you’re afraid, don’t ask him for help! ” replied the Muir, shaking his head.
” I see, Big Brother Muir! Please give me one last chance, this time I will say it completely and never hide it again! ” Maslin said firmly.
” No chance, what Rayner said … will not change! ” Namur shook his head and said.
” Then what? By the way, isn’t he just the co-captain? How about we try the captain? If Captain Whitebeard agrees, he shouldn’t be able to object, right? ” Maslin suddenly suggested.
That Muir glanced at his companion and found that the other party was really pitiful. He didn’t understand at all what Reina meant to the Whitebeard Pirates.
Seeing Muir’s anxious eyes, Maslin seemed to be provoked, and shouted at Muir: ” Why? Why can’t you help me? We are compatriots, aren’t we? Even those human beings, you help, Why can’t you help me? Why? We murlocs are trampled to death by humans because of guys like you … ”
” Huh? ” Na Muir watched Maslin’s eyes gradually turn red, as if he was about to lose his mind, and immediately stepped forward, intending to stun him first.
But he didn’t expect that Maslin seemed to see Muir’s movements, and turned over to avoid Muir’s capture.
” Who the hell are you? ” If Muir didn’t know that the other party was not easy at this time, he would have been in vain for so long.
” The one who wants your life! ” Maslin rushed forward and went straight to the Muir.
” Boom! ” Na Muir, who was caught off guard, was punched by Maslin and was directly knocked out of the cabin.
” Cough cough … This kind of strength … That sea beast can’t eat you! Who the hell are you! ” Muir, who slowly got up, looked at Maslin who was slowly approaching, and asked in a deep voice.
” Blood … Blood …” But Maslin seemed to have lost consciousness, his eyes were red, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, slowly walked out of the hole in the room, and approached Na Muir.
” Captain Muir, what happened? ” The pirates who heard the sound came to Na Muir and found that there was blood flowing from the corner of Muir’s mouth, all of them asked in surprise.
” Be careful, don’t go over there, something is wrong with this guy! ” The 429th Octopus Kid immediately stopped the crew from approaching.
But if they don’t pass, it doesn’t mean that the other side won’t attack.
I saw a flash of figure, Maslin suddenly appeared in front of a pirate, grabbed the other party, and then bit his neck in one bite.
” Bastard! What are you doing? Stop me! ” Seeing this, the surrounding crew members drew their weapons and attacked Maslin.

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