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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Bang bang bang! ” When Na Muir saw that Maslin actually shot at the crew, he immediately rushed towards the opponent with one step, and then punched the opponent.
But at this time, Maslin, whether in speed or strength, has increased greatly, and Muir can’t control the opponent for a while.
” Then Muir, what happened? ” Bista and Rakyo rushed over at the same time, and immediately asked in surprise when they saw that he was actually fighting with a murloc child.
” This child suddenly went crazy, and I don’t know why! ” That Muir felt that it was not Maslin himself, because if he had such strength, the previous sea beast couldn’t have eaten him.
Bista and Rakyo looked at each other and shot directly, intending to help Namuer subdue each other first.
But it was indeed looking for ruthlessness, even if the three of them joined forces, they would not be able to catch each other without injury in a short time.
” What are you doing? Are you playing the house? ” Reina’s voice came over when more and more people were around, but it made everyone feel a little helpless.
” Reina, this kid is not slow, it’s a little tricky! ” Lakyo said while pulling a crew member behind him and dodging Maslin’s attack.
” Then kill him directly! Could it be that his life is more precious than our crew? ” Reina snorted and said dissatisfied.
Everyone looked at Muir, because it was a fish man, so everyone thought it was someone from him, so none of them were ruthless, aiming to catch each other alive, so they gave him the opportunity to hurt others.
” Reina, he is a little strange! It seems that he is controlled by something! ” Na Muir was afraid that Reina would directly kill Maslin, and quickly explained.
” Huh? ” At this time, Reina also found the other’s eyes, which seemed to have turned into two rubies, not like normal people’s eyes at all.
” Then Muir, what happened, why did he become like this? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” I don’t know. After we rejected him, he seemed very angry, and then it became like this! ” Namur shook his head and said.
” You back up! ” Reina slowly stepped forward, letting the people who surrounded Maslin spread out.
” Blood ~~ Blood ~~ Blood! ” After seeing Reina approaching, Maslin didn’t seem to have the ability to distinguish, and rushed towards Reina directly.
” Sharing Eyes … Open! ” Sangou Jade’s writing round eyes looked directly at the opponent’s ruby-like eyes.
After seeing Rayner’s Shaker, the other party’s movements slowed down, as if something was struggling.
” It seems that he is indeed being controlled … It’s really interesting! Give it to me! ” While the other party seemed to be struggling, Reina dodged and appeared behind the other party, and then stunned the other party with a knife.
” Dong, dong, dong …” At this time, Whitebeard brought Joz out slowly and asked, ” What’s wrong? ”
Rayner had Maslin tied up before asking Whitebeard to explain what had just happened.
” Oh? It was controlled by something? And the strength has greatly increased? ” Whitebeard heard the words, touched his chin and thought carefully.
” Where are we now? ” After thinking about it, Whitebeard suddenly asked the navigator.
” Dad, we are now in the Kuster Sea Area! ” The navigator replied without thinking.
” What’s wrong, big brother? ” Reina asked in confusion.
” This kind of thing … is similar to something in the legend … a bit similar! ” Whitebeard said softly.
” Something in the legend? What? Why don’t I know there is something that can control people like this? ” Reina shook his head and asked in confusion.
The Muir on the side was stunned for a moment, then looked at Whitebeard and said: ” Dad is suspicious of the Naga clan? But even if this race is among the murlocs outside, it is only a legend, and no one really sees it. Pass! ”
” Naga? What is that? ” Everyone asked in confusion.
” Naga is a branch of our mermaid family, but they are not the same as good mermaids. They are synonymous with evil. They not only have powerful combat power, but also have the ability to control others and sleep in their minds! ” Namur will know for himself said it.
” Naga clan? ” Reina was really dumbfounded. He knew the word, and he had heard it before, but it was definitely not in this two-dimensional world of One Piece.
” It shouldn’t be possible! As the murloc, Muir said, how could this legendary creature be encountered by us? ”
” That’s right, Dad! Don’t scare us! That’s a legendary monster! ”
The pirates around said one after another.
It seems that they all know about the legendary creatures like the Naga.
” But … many years ago, I remember that there were rumors of Naga haunting this sea area! It’s just that after so many years, no one has witnessed the real Naga clan! ” Whitebeard shook his head and said.
” Many years ago? Brother, why haven’t I heard of it? ” Reina asked in disbelief.
” When we passed this sea area, didn’t you work every day? When did you notice this? ” Whitebeard said with a smile: ” But these are all legends, and no one has really seen the Naga clan! ”
” That’s right, I think someone is using that rumor and pretending to be a ghost here! Let’s wait for the kid to wake up, and we’ll ask him again! ” Reina nodded, pointing to the horse that fell to the ground and was tied up Sling said.
So everyone began to be interested in this murloc child. It would be interesting if there were really clues of the Naga family.
Soon, with the help of the ship’s doctor, Maslin came to his senses.
But when he saw that everyone was looking at him and he was tied up, he panicked.
” Then Big Brother Muir … this … what’s going on? ” Maslin was about to cry, he was just a child.
” What happened just now … don’t you remember? ” Na Muir hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and asked.
” Just now? What happened just now? I don’t remember! ” Maslin shook his head and replied.
” Think about it … Where is your memory? That is to say, where is the place you can remember? ” Reina stood up at this time and asked.
” This …” Maslin hesitated, looked at Reina with some fear, and said, ” I … I remember that you refused to help me, and then I begged Brother Muir to wait for me to meet Captain Whitebeard. , I hope Captain Whitebeard can help us! ”
” And then? ” Rayner continued.
” And then … and then I feel so sleepy … and then I don’t remember anything! ” Maslin shook his head and said.
” Look at my eyes …” Suddenly, Reina directly turned on the Shaker, let Maslin look into his eyes, and asked, ” Do you remember what happened just now? ”
” Remember … don’t … remember … don’t remember … wow …” Maslin, who looked at Reina’s eyes, said that he remembered for a while, and then said that he didn’t remember, and then suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. , fainted again.
Everyone looked at each other, did this kid remember or not?
And Reina pouted, after all, his Shaker is not a complete version, otherwise this kind of torture is simply trivial.
Now it seems that he must use the kaleidoscope to control the opponent in a short time.
But now his eyesight has begun to decline, and if there is no clue of Naga at all, it will be a big loss.
Seeing to see Reina’s hesitation, Whitebeard said directly: ” Whether it’s true or not, based on what you just said, his purpose is to let Na Muir go alone, it seems that something is in the way. Waiting for that Muir! ”
Reina nodded and said, ” That’s right, maybe the other party’s goal is that Muir, and when the time comes to control that Muir, he can break into us! ”
” Then what do we do now? Just wait like this? It’s not appropriate, right? ” Lakjoo asked anxiously.
” Why do n’t … let’s call Jinpei over? This kind of thing is the most convenient for the Murloc Pirates to deal with! ” Saatchi suddenly suggested.
” It makes sense, but now we can’t get in touch with Shiping for a while! What should I do? ” Bista said, spreading his hands.
” This …” For a while, everyone seemed to have no good solution, after all, being under the sea was not their area of expertise.
” So … how about we coat the Moby Dick ? ” a crew member offered his opinion.
” Dive under the coating to fight the murlocs, it is pure courting death! They only need to destroy the coating, and we will be wiped out! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Dad, Reina … Shall we inform Fishman Island? Let them handle this matter? ” At this time, Na Muir stepped forward and said.
” That’s okay ! After all, whether it’s a real Naga or not, it’s more appropriate to leave this to Fishman Island! ” Reina nodded and agreed.
” Well! Okay, then notify Xuanyue Island and let Marco contact Fishman Island and send them the coordinates here! ” After thinking about it, Whitebeard agreed to Muir’s proposal.
Soon, after dialing the phone bug on Xuanyue Island, Reina told Marco about the matter here, and asked him to pass the news to Fishman Island. It is best to tell Jinpei the news as well.
After all, in Reina’s view, the identity of the first powerhouse of the Jinping murlocs should not be able to escape.
But Marco, who couldn’t get in touch with Shiping for a while, planned to pass the disappearance to Fishman Island first.
” Hehehe … So it’s Captain Marko! Don’t you know what’s going on? ” On the other end of the phone bug, the King of Fishman Island, Great Knight Neptune asked with a smile.
Because Fishman Island is the site of the Whitebeard Pirates, there are also phone bugs specially cultivated by the doctor for them to contact Xuanyue Island.
” What? Naga? Are you sure? ” After listening to Marco’s words, Neptune suddenly floated up from the throne and asked in disbelief.
” I’m not sure here, but the other party seems to have the ability to control people! And the other party is underwater, so we can’t do anything about him, so we came to inform you! ” Marco explained with a smile.
” It turns out that, I know, I will immediately organize an army and rush to the Kuster Sea area! ” Nipton said solemnly.
” Reina said, if you can, you’d better contact Shipin and let his murloc pirates go with him! ” Marko relayed Reina’s words to Neptune.
” Okay, I got it! ” Nepton looked at Jinping who was shocked not far away, and hung up the phone.

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