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” Your Majesty … is it really the Naga family? ” Jinping asked with a shocked face.
He returned to Fishman Island after attending the big banquet, so he heard it when Neptune and Marko were talking just now.
” It’s hard to say. Although there have been very few Naga legends in these years, there are still rumors of Naga in some places, so Marco just said that they are not sure! ” Nipton shook his head, said.
” Then what do I do now? Are you going to take a look? ” Jinpei got up and asked.
Although he asked this question, he already had the answer in his heart.
” Jinping, I can only trouble you about this. I will let a team of Neptune and Sharks come with you! ” Sure enough, Nipton nodded directly.
” Okay! ” Jinping nodded, turned and left Ryugu Castle, he was going to gather the members of the Murloc Pirates.
After Jinpei left, Nepton also asked people to find the Great Prince Shark Star.
” Father, you are looking for me! ” The first prince, Shaoxing, has a serious, responsible and calm personality, and has been selected by Neptune as the next king candidate.
” Yeah! A message from Xuanyue Island just now said that a suspected Naga was found in the Kuster Sea Area! ” Nipton nodded and said.
” What? ” Shark Star was stunned, and then asked in surprise: ” Naga? Is that real? ”
” I don’t know, I haven’t seen the real Naga clan, but according to the documents left by our ancestors … Maybe the Naga clan once really existed, but then disappeared for some reason! ” Nip Dun explained.
” So this time … is it possible that it is true? ” Shark Star asked in surprise.
” That’s why I asked you to take a look … This time Jinbei will also go with you, so you can bring a team of Neptune over there! ” Nipton said with a smile.
” Yes, Father! ” Shaoxing nodded, then hesitated, and asked: ” If … if it is the real Naga clan, what should we do? ”
He had heard rumors about Naga, so he asked this question.
” Bring it back to Fishman Island! If it’s fake, you can deal with it yourself! ” Nip hesitated and said softly.
Although he has also heard the legend of Naga, he can’t say what the specific situation is, so if it is true, then everything will only be known after seeing the Naga family.
” Yes, Father! Then I’ll prepare first! ” Shark Star nodded, then turned to leave.
After a while, Shaoxing, who was ready to go, found that his two younger brothers came to his room at some point.
” Royal Star, Rollover Star, why are you here? ” Shark Star asked with a smile when he saw his younger brother coming over.
” Brother, what are you going to do? ” Huang Xing asked curiously.
” Father asked me to go out and do something! ” Shaoxing didn’t tell his two younger brothers too much, for fear that they would be worried.
” Eh? Will you be out for a long time? ” Rollover Star asked curiously.
The two of them spoke in a strange tone, because their little sister, the mermaid princess Bai Xing, always liked to cry when she was born, so the two of them often sang and danced to make her sister happy. People speak in such a tone.
” It’s hard to say, but it’s estimated that it will take a while, what’s wrong? ” Shark Star asked with a smile.
” If eldest brother goes out for a long time, it’s best to talk to Bai Xing! Otherwise, she will be sad when she can’t find eldest brother! ” Rollover Xing said solemnly.
Shark Star smiled helplessly and replied: ” Okay, I get it! You stay at home, and you need to help Father and King share some of the burden! ”
” Yes, big brother! ” The two brothers nodded and replied at the same time.
” Okay, let’s go, let’s go see Baixing! ” Shaoxing smiled and walked towards the hard-shell castle with his two younger brothers.
Because of Vanderdeaken IX, the white star can only live in the hard shell castle.
” Crackling ~~” After the three brothers entered the hard shell castle, the gate closed again immediately.
” Big brother, second brother, third brother! You are here! ” Bai Xing was very happy to see the brothers coming over! She has been locked in a hard-shell fort all these years, and she can’t get out at all.
” Yeah! Bai Xing, Big Brother is here to say goodbye to you! ” Shark Star nodded and said indulgently.
” Eh? Is big brother going out? ” Bai Xing asked in surprise.
” Well, the father asked me to go out, because the distance is relatively long, so I came over to tell you! ” Shaoxing smiled and nodded and said.
” Hey ~~ Then go out, big brother must pay attention to safety! Bai Xing will miss big brother! ” The huge Bai Xing immediately folded his hands on his chest and said in prayer.
” Yeah! You also have to listen to the words of the king and the overturned star at home, don’t make the father angry, you know? ” Shaoxing nodded and said.
As the eldest brother, he must maintain his majesty, so compared to King Star and Rollover Star, Bai Xing is a little more afraid of Shaoxing and less close.
” Yeah! ” Shaoxing looked at his little sister who was huge but rather weak and nodded.
” You two, take care of Bai Xing at home, pay more attention to the movements of Vanderdeken IX, if there is any news about him, no matter if it is true or not, report it to the father immediately! ” Shaoxing looked at Huang Xing and Rolling Star, exhorted.
He was afraid that these two younger brothers would act recklessly, so if they got news, they must tell Nepton as soon as possible, so as not to miss the opportunity to capture Vanderdeken IX.
Vanderdaiken IX, a guy with a very strong possessiveness and jealousy, because he loves Princess Bai Xing, he does not even allow Bai Xing to spend his life with others.
When Bai Xing was 6 years old, Van der Deaken IX witnessed her calling out for sea kings by crying, and learned that Bai Xing was the legendary mermaid princess who could control sea kings that the first ancestors had been looking for for many years. A delusional desire to marry Bai Xing as his wife.
After Vanderdeaken IX touched the white star with his right hand, he never washed his right hand again in order to pursue the white star.
Because he has the ability of the target fruit ability, as long as the opponent is set as the target, the objects thrown by the ability person will automatically track to the ends of the earth, unless they are shot down on the way or blocked by obstacles.
If you wash your hands, the target locked by the hand will be eliminated, and you must touch the opponent again to lock it again. Therefore, after Vanderdeken IX touched Baixing with his right hand, he never washed his right hand in order to chase Baixing.
This is also the reason why Bai Xing has been hiding in the hard shell for so many years, because she will face the attack and killing of Vanderdeaken IX at any time.
” Brother, don’t worry, we will definitely not let Bai Xing be hurt! ” Huang Xing and Rollover Star nodded at the same time, and said firmly.
” Okay, the family will be handed over to you, I’m going! ” Shaoxing patted the two younger brothers on the shoulders and turned to leave.
Soon, when Shark Star came to the port, he found that Jinpei and his murloc pirates were ready and ready to go.
” Boss Jinpei … I’ll trouble you this time! ” Shark star stepped forward and greeted Jinpei.
” Let’s go, I’m also curious, in this world … is there any Naga family! ” Jinping smiled and replied.
Just when Jinbei set off from this side, the Kuster Sea, the bottom of the sea where the Moby Dick stayed.
” Who is it? It can shake my control number? ” A black shadow in the shape of a mermaid, standing in the center of the ruined city under the sea, looked up at the sea.
Just now, she felt that the control technique she planted was touched, and the direction seemed to be on the sea above her head.
” Someone …” After thinking about it, Hei Ying made a move, and an incomparably huge sea beast with blood-red eyes came to her side obediently.
” Go to the sea and see what happened! ” Sombra sensed it just now and found no problem, but out of caution, she still asked her subordinates to investigate.
At this time, on the Moby Dick , everyone was drinking and chatting while eating the sea beast that Muir caught earlier.
” Dad, is there really a Naga family in this world? Why have we never heard of it? ” Jin Guduo asked the white beard who was sitting in the center while tearing the meat from his mouth.
” Gu la la la … don’t talk about you, I have only heard the legend of Naga, I have never seen this kind of race! ” Whitebeard said with a smile: ” But that Muir, as a murloc, should Do you know more? ”
The Eighth Division Captain Namuer shook his head and said, ” No, not many people have heard of a creature like Naga, even on Fishman Island! But when I was a child, I seemed to hear from the older generation. However, the Naga originally existed, but it seems to have become extinct for some reason! ”
” Speaking of … What kind of abilities does the Naga you mentioned … have? ” At this time, Reina, who was confused, asked.
When he came here, One Piece was still in the series, and before again, the original book did not mention Naga at all, so he knew nothing about Naga.
Hearing Reina’s question, many captains also shook their heads. Like Reina, they had never heard of Naga.
” According to legend, long ago, Naga belonged to a branch of mermaids. They are different from weak mermaids! Even compared with murlocs, they belong to a race that is brave and fighting! Not only do they have bodies as strong as murlocs, they also have A magical ability, they can control the weak-willed! ” Namuir stepped forward to explain.
” Control? Like Maslin just now? But it was obvious that Maslin just now, after being controlled, his strength has greatly increased! ” Reina asked inexplicably.
” Yes, this is also a unique ability of the legendary Naga clan, that is, if they are controlled by murlocs or mermen, then they can give them the strength to fight! Legend has it that long ago, once the murlocs and the renters started a war , the Naga clan will control those weak mermaids to fight, causing those mermaids to suffer heavy casualties, and finally all of them were killed by the resisting mermaids! ” Namur told what he knew.
” Ah? Those mermaids actually have the ability to resist? It’s incredible. ” Reina sighed.
In his impression, mermaids are quite weak, except for swimming very fast, they seem to have no other abilities, so they are captured by humans and turned into playthings for appreciation.
” I don’t know, anyway, the legend I heard is like this! ” Na Muir spread his hands and replied.

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