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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” What about Big Brother? What rumors have you heard about Naga? ” Reina seemed very interested in the unknown.
” I don’t know that much. When we sailed in the Kuster Sea area, we heard rumors of Naga in this sea area, but nothing happened at that time, so I didn’t take it to heart! ” Whitebeard Shaking his head, he said, ” If it wasn’t for what you said just now, that kid is being controlled, I wouldn’t think about it! ”
” So that’s the case … Well, in that case … the biggest impression of Naga is that it can control people, right? ” Reina touched his chin and said, ” But this ability … maybe it’s also the ability of some kind of Devil Fruit. Ah! ”
” But don’t forget, that kid was rescued by Muir from the belly of the sea beast! That is to say … when his life was in danger, he didn’t trigger the control condition, but when you chatted later, he Triggered! ” Bista said, looking at Reina.
” That’s right … I remember when I left, he was fine, Muir … What did you tell him? ” Reina looked at Muir again and asked.
” I didn’t say anything at the time! Didn’t he lie to you, did you find out? I’ll just follow what you said and let him leave after he recovers! ” Na Muir shook his head and said, ” Then he started to get impatient . Get up and say what I will not save, I would rather be friends with humans than save my companions, and then I start to go mad! ”
” That is to say … he was probably trying to say something, but it triggered the controlled conditions? ” Reina guessed.
” It’s very possible, if it’s exciting … the fear between life and death has not changed. It shouldn’t be triggered by ordinary stimulation! ” Bista also nodded, agreeing with Reina’s guess.
” Forget it, we can’t guess anything here, let’s wait for the people from Fishman Island to come over! ” Reina picked up the wine gourd and took a sip of wine.
Just as Reina finished speaking, the captains all looked out of the side of the ship in unison, while Whitebeard and Reina did not move and continued to drink.
” This kind of vitality … is it either a sea beast or a sea king? Is it coming to seek revenge on us? ” Lakyo said with a frown.
They all felt that there was a huge amount of life energy approaching.
” Please … it’s obviously aimed at us! The bottom of the Moby Dick has a sea floor stone! Ordinary sea beasts and sea kings can’t find us at all! ” Reina opened the wine barrier, said with a smile.
” It seems that something really exists under the sea! ”
” Whoa! ”
Before Bista finished speaking, a large lion-headed sea beast sprang out of the sea, staring at everyone with blood-red eyes.
” Yoha ~ This guy is interesting! ” Everyone saw the blood-red eyes of the sea beast, and immediately came to their senses.
” It’s still an opponent at the bottom of the sea, and it’s just food when it comes out …” Saatchi has taken out his weapon and seems to be about to attack the sea beast.
” Wait … do n’t worry, take a look first …” Reina shook his head and stopped Saatchi.
” What are you looking at? ” Saatchi asked, taken aback.
” Let’s see if it will take the initiative to attack us! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” You mean … ? ” Saatchi asked uncertainly: ” Can the other party observe us through the eyes of the sea beast? ”
” It’s hard to say, but it’s also possible, so see if it proves the choice! ” Reina said with a smile.
Over there, the lion-headed sea beast that emerged from the sea did not attack the Moby Dick , but just watched silently.
” It seems that you can really see us! ” Reina waved at the sea beast and said with a smile.
Everyone didn’t believe Reina’s words at first. After all, to observe through the eyes of the sea beast is somewhat exaggerated.
But now everyone agrees, because the sea beast is clearly watching them.
” Then Muir, you said now that you’re going to get that kid over, will the fetcher from the bottom of the sea just rush out to trouble us? ” Reina said, rubbing her chin.
” It shouldn’t, he commanded to be more cautious! ” Na Muir shook his head and said seriously.
” That’s bullshit! Kill him! ” Reina waved and said.
” Then I’ll do it! ” said Bista, walking to the side of the boat.
The sea beast seemed to see Bista’s movements, so he planned to run away, but he underestimated Bista.
I saw a flash of sword light, and the lion-headed sea beast who was about to escape was directly separated from the corpse.
” By the way … We won’t eat this guy again tomorrow, right? I don’t want to eat it! ” Reina shook his head and said, looking at Saatchi’s plan to let people salvage the body of the sea beast.
” Humph! You know shit, this kind of sea beast meat can be stored for a long time after drying, and if one day we are short of food, we can still use it for emergency! ” Saatchi curled his lips and replied.
The corner of Reina’s mouth twitched involuntarily. Is this the same Saatchi who surrounded him back then and asked him to teach him how to cook?
” Okay, okay … as long as you don’t let me eat this tomorrow! ” In desperation, Reina waved his hand and said.
And just when Bista beheaded the sea beast, in the center of the underwater ruins, the shadow muttered: “The Whitebeard Pirates … ? Why are they here!? ”
As expected by Reina, she could obtain information through the eyes of the controlled sea beasts.
But when she found out that it was the Whitebeard Pirates who stayed on the sea, she had the idea of leaving.
After all, the reputation of the Whitebeard Pirates is very good, and the reputation of the world’s No. 1 Pirates is not blown out, but forged through countless battles.
So when she found out it was the Whitebeard Pirates, she had an urge to run away.
But the feeling of counteracting her control made her hesitate. She had never encountered such a situation before, so she wanted to know, how did the other party do it? Does she still have the same kind on the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates?
If there is any other place in this world to protect her kind, then the Whitebeard Pirates is undoubtedly the most likely place.
So she hesitated and did not avoid humans as she used to.
A few days later, Jinpei and the Great Prince Shark Star of Fishman Island came to the vicinity of the Moby Dick according to the coordinates .
” Boss Jinbei, the Moby Dick has been found ! It’s not far ahead! ” A murloc emerged from the sea and said to Jinbei.
” Okay, you go first and inform Dad, we’ll be there right away! ” Jinping nodded and replied.
” You guys are finally here … eh? Is this the Shark Star? It’s been a long time! They’ve grown into men! ” Leaning on the side of the Moby Dick , Reina smiled and greeted Jinping. road.
” Mr. Reina … hello! ” Shark Star hurriedly greeted Reina with a salute.
As the eldest prince, he knows more than ordinary murlocs!
In fact , it was with the help of Reina that Fisher Tiger sneaked into Mary Joa and rescued many compatriots. It was Reina who helped Tiger share most of the attention of the world government, so he let Fee Sher Tiger was not targeted by the World Government at the time .
And Fishman Island has also re-entered the eyes of the World Government. It can be said that Reina contributed to the Fishman Island’s current appearance, but just like Fisher Tiger , this matter cannot be publicized.
But as the first prince, Shark Star is very clear about Reina’s deeds, so he also respects Reina very much in his heart.
” Don’t be too polite, come up first! Fatty Lan, you and we are here too? Marco contacted you? ” After waving at Shark Star, Rayner turned his head and asked Jinping.
Hearing Reina’s name for Jinbei, everyone in the Murloc Pirates was not surprised, but Shaoxing and the Sea King Army he brought were the first time they heard it, and they were all very surprised.
” Lan … Fatty Lan? He actually called the Boss Jinping, Fatty Lan? Didn’t he know that the Boss Jinping is now one of the Seven Martial Seas under the King? ”
” Idiot, didn’t you hear what Prince Sharky called him just now? He is the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, His Excellency Chitong Reina! ”
Tingzhou Haiwangjun’s discussion, Jinping rogue stepped forward and whispered to Reina: ” Mr. Reina, this … can you change my name? ”
” What’s the matter? Aren’t you blue? Or are you not fat? ” Reina pouted and said.
The corners of Jinping’s mouth twitched and he sighed. Forget it, don’t discuss this with Reina, because in the end, it was himself who was hurt!
So after saying hello to Reina, Jinbei ran to Whitebeard as soon as possible. The Moby Dick came, and went to greet Whitebeard as soon as possible . Even Reina couldn’t say anything.
” Qi ~ What happened to Fatty Lan? Doesn’t it sound good? What a cute name! ” Looking at Jinping who was running away, Reina pouted and said, ” Hmph, in another world, there are many people calling you Fatty Lan! You Can you beat them? ”
” So … Up to now, I don’t know what’s on the bottom of the sea? ” After listening to the information on Whitebeard’s side, Jinbei thought for a while and asked.
” Nonsense, we can’t fight underwater, so naturally we have to wait for you to come! ” Reina rolled his eyes and said.
” Mr. Reina … don’t worry! I’ll arrange for someone to go down and investigate first! ” Jinbei heard Reina’s words and quickly said with a smile.
” No! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” Don’t send people down, you can take them down yourself! ”
” Ah? ” Jinpei looked at Reina in surprise, just to investigate, do you need him to go down in person?
” I agree with Mr. Reina! Dad and the others have been staying here for a while, and after discovering the other party’s clues, there are only two results for us to go down! One is that the other party has already left, and we can’t find anything. Another one is … the other party has already made preparations and is waiting for us to come! ” Shark Star nodded, directly agreeing with Reina’s words, said.
” Not bad! The little guy … looks like he’s doing a big thing! Let’s do it ~ Na Muir, you go down with Jinpei and the others! Don’t be too distracted, Shaoxing, you are in the middle of the command! ” Reina looked at the shark Xing said with a smile:
” Originally, I didn’t trust you to go down, but Neptune sent you here, I must hope you can experience something! So this time, in addition to your central command, I have another request for you, that is Protect yourself! Can it be done? ”
Seeing Reina’s encouraging eyes, Shark nodded excitedly and said, ” No problem! ”
” Okay, Jinbei, Na Muir, you two, go down and protect Shark Star. I don’t need to remind you of his identity! If he is finished … the future of your Fishman Island is worrying! ” Reina looked at the two of them. said.
Na Muir and Jinpei looked at each other, nodded, and replied, ” Leave it to us! ”
” Okay! Then let’s do it! Remember, if you can’t do it, you will attract the enemy. We will meet you on the sea at any time! ” Reina said with a smile.

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