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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” According to the information, the bottom of the sea should be a sunken city, but because Reina was worried about scaring the snakes, he didn’t let me down to investigate! ” After entering the sea, Namur shared the information he knew with Jinping and the Great Prince Shark.
” Understood, I’ll ask you two this time! ” Shark Star nodded and said.
Although Reina asked him to be in the center of the command, he was more protected by Jinping and Namur. He also understood that in terms of strength, he was not as good as these two.
” Prince Shark Star, do you have any good ideas now? ” Jinping seemed to know Reina’s idea of training Shark Star, and asked directly with a smile.
” The situation is unclear now, and I don’t have any good attention. The main thing is to investigate it first. Maybe … the other party is afraid of the reputation of the Whitebeard Pirates and may have escaped in advance! ” Shaoxing said with a smile.
” Don’t hold this kind of thinking, if you think like this … maybe you will hit the other party’s trap! ” That Muir shook his head and said.
” Yes! Senior Muir! I understand! ” Shark Star immediately shocked and expressed his understanding.
He knew that Muir was reminding him not to be too careless.
Compared with the battle-hardened Muir, he was too immature.
” Okay, don’t be too nervous! Our combat power, even if the navy comes, and there are not a few warships, it can’t take us! ” Jinping said with a smile.
His purpose is to help Shaoxing relax. If he is too nervous, it will cause some errors in judgment.
Soon, a group of people dived to the bottom of the sea. The dark bottom of the sea could not see five fingers, but Jinbei and the others were ready. When there was a lack of light, they had turned on the light source they carried with them. Originally, they were murlocs living on the bottom of the sea, so it wasn’t a problem.
” It seems that this place was indeed a city before! But now it can only be regarded as a ruin! ” Shaoxing said with a sigh, looking at the undersea city that could vaguely see its appearance.
” Let’s go, let’s go and survey the surroundings first! ” Jinbei said to Namuer beside him.
” Okay! The Sea King’s Army will stay to protect the Shark Star Prince, and we will take half of the rest! ” Namur nodded and said.
” Wait … Boss Jinping, Senior Namur! ” At this time, Shark Star stopped the two of them and said, ” I suggest that we don’t disperse first, but go directly to the center of the city, and then look for it in all directions, so that It might be better! ”
Jinpei and Namur looked at each other, nodded, and agreed with Shark Star’s suggestion.
This is not a big problem. Anyway, it’s all exploration, and there is no problem with it.
” Pay attention to whether there are any traces of the life of sea beasts or sea kings along the way! ” On the way forward, Shark Star instructed the sea king army beside him.
” Yes! ” The Sea King Army, who was originally protecting Shark Star, immediately dispersed, and while advancing, began to investigate everywhere!
” You go too! ” Jinping looked at Sharksing’s calm look, nodded with a smile, and said to the crew around him.
Just like that, a group of people moved towards the center of the city while searching for traces.
But they don’t know, not far from them, a dozen pairs of blood-red eyes are staring at them.
” Hehehe … There is actually the blood of the royal family of Fishman Island here … It’s true that I stayed here for this adventure! ” In the cave outside the ruined city under the sea, a mermaid shadow said with a strange smile.
Immediately, the shadow understood her arm, and after muttering words in her mouth for a while, a black gas slowly drifted out of her body and drifted towards the city.
The shark star group, who knew nothing about everything, just arrived at the center of the city.
” Boss Jinbei, Senior Na Muir, I will take the Sea King Army to search this generation, and I will leave the surrounding areas to you! ” Shaoxing said to the two politely.
The two nodded and naturally understood what Shark Star meant.
” Everyone, spread out with Prince Shark Star as the origin, search around to see if there are any traces of the life of sea kings, sea beasts or murlocs! ” Jinping ordered directly to the members of the murloc pirates.
” Yes! ” The members of the Murloc Pirates immediately scattered and began to search for possible traces.
” Eldest prince, come and have a look! There are discoveries here! ” After a while, the soldiers of the Sea King Army seemed to have discovered something and shouted towards Shark Star.
When Shaoxing heard the words, he immediately swam over there.
” What’s the situation? ”
” Eldest Prince, look, there is a moving building here that is quite well preserved, and it seems that there are traces of murlocs living there! ” The soldier pointed to a building and replied.
” Very well, you guys, follow me in and see! The rest of the people continue to search! ” Shaoxing said after thinking about it.
In his opinion, these people are surrounded by their people. If there is danger in it, as long as he makes a little movement, the rescue will come immediately, so he does not think it is a dangerous place.
But when Shark Star entered the building, he frowned immediately. He seemed to be quite disgusted with the environment, smell and layout here.
However, as the eldest prince, he must lead by example, so even if he was a little disgusted, he still decided to move forward with the soldiers.
” Eldest Prince, look, there are murals around here! ” After walking a short distance, the soldiers soon discovered something again.
” Let’s see! Ah ~~~~” Shaoxing heard the words and was about to go forward to check, but a black gas suddenly enveloped him, causing Shaoxing to cry out in pain.
” What’s going on? Everyone is on alert! ” The unknown Neptune Army immediately protected Shark Star, and a soldier also walked towards Shark Star, seemingly wanting to check on Shark Star’s condition.
” Hoo ~~ No … don’t come here … all go away! Hu ~hu ~ hu ~ go … go to inform Jinping … Boss … Quick! ” Before the soldiers approached, Shaoxing immediately held his head and shouted loudly. shouted at the soldiers.
The soldiers of the Sea King’s Army looked at each other in dismay. They didn’t understand what was going on, so they didn’t dare to leave at will.
” You go and notify Lord Jinping outside, and the rest will stay here with me to protect the First Prince! ” At this time, a soldier chief spoke, pointing to a soldier closest to the door, and instructed.
” Yes! ”
” Pfft! ”
” Ow! ”
But the soldier had just turned around, and the eldest prince, who was still in pain suddenly, suddenly appeared behind the soldier with red eyes, stretched out his hand and pierced the soldier’s body, and then bit the opponent’s neck.
Shark Star’s sudden action shocked the soldiers, and they took out their weapons and aimed at him.
The blood on the corners of his mouth and the blood-red eyes made the eldest prince look very strange. Everyone only dared to confront him like this, but did not dare to go forward.
” Big … eldest prince … you … are you all right? ” the commander of the soldier asked boldly after seeing the soldier who was about to leave after killing the soldier who was about to leave.
But Shark Star still stood there motionless. At this time, the captain of the soldier quietly gestured towards the soldiers beside him, telling them to leave now to inform Jinping.
Seeing the soldier with the long gesture of the soldier, he slowly retreated, but his body did not dare to turn around, fearing that if he turned around, he would be killed by the Shark Star First Prince.
But when he took two more steps back, Shark Star suddenly raised his head and looked at the soldier.
” It’s bad! Everyone … go! ” The captain of the soldier knew at a glance that it was going to be bad, and at the same time he rushed to Shark Star, he asked his subordinates to leave immediately.
” Pfft! ”
” How … so possible? ”
Looking at the arm that penetrated his chest, the soldier looked at the Great Prince Shaoxing in disbelief. As the Sea King’s Army, they still had some understanding of the strength of the three princes. Although the other party was stronger than him, he absolutely couldn’t do it. In one move, he instantly killed him, but now the other party has done it.
” Captain! ” Upon seeing this, the soldiers of the Sea King Army wanted to come over to rescue their captain.
” Come on ~~~ ! ” The soldier grabbed Shaoxing’s arm, preventing him from chasing the soldiers of the Sea King Army.
” Go! ” The soldier shouted angrily and shouted at the soldiers.
Seeing this, the soldiers of the Sea King’s Army had to grit their teeth and ran towards the door.
But before they could run far, Shark Star chased them at a very fast speed. As for the soldier, he had already fallen to the ground and stopped moving.
” The First Prince ~~~~ ! ” Just when a soldier was about to be caught up, he had to close his eyes and shout at Shark Star in fear.
After shouting, the soldier slowly opened his eyes and found that he had not been killed.
It wasn’t that Shark Star woke up and let him go, but Shark Star’s attack was blocked by a thick blue arm.
” What happened? ” Jinping asked in surprise after blocking Shark Star.
He is a shark fishman and is quite sensitive to blood, so even if Shark Star and the others are inside the building, when he killed the first soldier, Jinbei felt the smell of blood, so he could quickly come to support.
” We don’t know. After we discovered this well-preserved building before, we went in with the first prince to investigate, and then walked, the first prince suddenly seemed to be entangled by something, and the whole person became Quite manic, and then he shot at us! ” The Sea King Army soldier hiding behind Jinbei quickly recounted what had just happened.
” Look at his eyes! It’s exactly the same as the tiger ben fish kid who was controlled at the beginning! ” Muir, who didn’t know when he arrived, pointed to Shark Star’s blood-red eyes and said, ” Has his strength increased a lot! ”
” That’s right, even the captain of the soldiers was killed by the first prince! ” The soldier of the Sea King’s army nodded and replied.
“The strength has indeed hit a lot! ” Jinping, who was in front of Shark Star, also confirmed.
” Stun him first, and then send him to the Moby Dick ! ” Namur looked at Shark Star and said directly.
” Okay! ” As soon as Jinpei exerted force, he directly forced Shark Star away, but just as he and Namur were making their move, Shark Star suddenly jumped and ran away quickly towards the building.
” Not good! Stop him, absolutely can’t let him go! ” Na Muir was startled and said loudly at once.
The sea is so big, if Shaoxing escaped, where would they go to find him?
And lost the eldest prince of Fishman Island, and going back to Reina would never spare him.
And they also know that the eldest prince is the next King of Fishman Island. If he really wants to leave it here, they can’t explain it to Neptune.
Although the speed of Shark Star is very fast, but fortunately, everyone used this side as the origin to search for clues before, so soon, he was surrounded again.
“The speed and strength have been greatly enhanced, and it seems that it is not afraid of damage, which is a little troublesome! ” Looking at the shark star colliding left and right in the encirclement, the Muir who came over said with a frown.
” Ocean Current · One-handed over shoulder throw! ” At this time, a stream of water directly hit the surrounded Shark Star, and it was Shiping who shot.
” Pfft! ” Although it was in the sea, Shark Star was hit by a stream of water shot by Jinping, and the whole person stumbled a few times.
When the surrounding pirates saw this, they all rushed over, trying to suppress Shark Star.
” Boom! ” The shark star that was pressed down at the bottom directly bounced all the murlocs away, then glanced at Jinping and prepared to leave.
” Murman Karate Five Thousand Wazheng Fist! ” I didn’t know when he came to Na Muer behind Shark Star, and punched Shark Star who had just turned around, knocking him out.
” Murman Judo , Lock! ” Jinping saw this, and without waiting for Shark to land, he stepped forward and locked all Shark’s hands and feet, and the opponent could not escape no matter how hard he struggled.
” Bang! ” The Muir who came here smashed Shark Star’s neck with a knife and stunned Shark Star directly.

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