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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Shark Star was stunned by Na Muer, in the cave outside the ruined city under the sea, the body of the mermaid shadow swayed a bit, then looked towards the center of the city, and said, ” Hehehe … you … you can’t save him . Now! This mermaid prince … is mine! Hehehe …”
Although her tone was a little weird, her voice was very nice.
” That is to say … you guys went down together, but you didn’t know anything, so Shark was controlled? ” When Jinping and Namur returned to the Moby Dick with the unconscious Shark , Rayner Some asked in disbelief.
” That … they said that he was suddenly enveloped in a black mist, and then it became like this! ” Jinbei touched his head a little embarrassedly and said.
After all, it is true that they did not do well enough.
” Then you didn’t look around carefully? That kind of black fog can’t appear for no reason, and if it doesn’t appear around you, it just appears next to the shark star? To say that no one is targeting, I absolutely don’t believe it! ” Reina shook her head and said.
The two looked at each other. The situation was in a hurry at the time. After they stunned Shark Star, they were in a hurry to bring him back, so they didn’t go to investigate.
Looking at the expressions of the two, Reina knew that they didn’t think of this, sighed, and said, ” It’s not the first day for you to hang out at the sea, you should know this kind of thing! ”
” Yes! Mr. Reina … We were a little flustered at that time, mainly because we were afraid that Prince Shark Star would have an accident! ” Jinping said a little embarrassedly.
” Okay, you two, let’s go down, Sharks stay here! Although my writing wheel has a certain suppressing effect, it can’t crack the opponent’s control technique at all, so if you want to save people, you still have to rely on you! ” Reina Shaking his head, he said to the two of them.
” Yeah! ” The two nodded, and without saying a word, jumped directly into the sea and swam towards the place where the Shark Star had an accident before.
” What’s wrong? Something happened to Neptune’s son? ” Whitebeard asked, coming behind Rayner.
He just saw Shark Star being tied up and thrown on the deck by the five flowers, and he knew what should have happened.
” Yeah! ” Reina said the matter again, and said: ” It seems that the other party should recognize Shark Star and know his identity, so he started to attack him! But we didn’t even see our Whitebeard Pirates. Escape, it seems that you are very confident in your own ability! ”
” Oh? Do you think it’s an ability person? Not the Naga family? ” Whitebeard asked with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth.
” It’s hard to say, but Naga … I really can’t believe it! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” It’s not so much a Naga, I believe it’s a capable person! ”
” Gu la la la … No matter what it is, you can’t just let him leave now! Otherwise, it’s hard to explain it to Neptune! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” Yeah! ” Reina glanced at Shark Star lying on the deck, who was graceful when he came, but now he is tied to the deck like a dead fish.
” I hope Jinpei and the others can handle it! Otherwise, we are not good at underwater combat, it’s a bit bad! ” Reina sighed and said.
” Do you want to go down and have a look? ” Whitebeard asked with a slight smile.
” I don’t want to! ” Reina quickly shook his head and said.
He is not a capable person, and he has no problem in the sea, but compared with the murloc, he is beaten at the bottom of the sea.
But whether it was him or Whitebeard, even if it was at the bottom of the sea, they were 100% sure to leave, so they were not afraid of murlocs at all.
On the other side, Jinpei and Namur, who had returned to the bottom of the sea, looked around the area, but found no clues at all.
” What do we do now? If we just go back like this … Mr. Rainer won’t let us go easily! ” Jinbei said to Muir with a wry smile.
” Should we expand the scope? ” Namuir suggested after thinking about it.
“The problem is that we don’t have any clues. Even if we expand the scope, we don’t have enough manpower! ” Jinping sighed and replied.
” Then go back to Rayner and ask him what to do! ” said Namur directly.
” Eh? Why don’t you try harder? ” Jinping asked in surprise.
” Are you smarter than him? Or more calculated than him? ” Namur asked, looking at Jinping.
After thinking about it for a while, Jinbei shook his head and said, ” I shouldn’t be able to compare to him in these! ”
” That’s it!? ” Namur said directly.
” But …” Jinbei wanted to say that this was not good, but he didn’t know how to refute that Muir. For a moment, he felt that he had made a mistake.
But before he could think about it, Muir had already swam towards the sea and he had to follow.
When the two returned to the Moby Dick again , Rayner seemed to have been waiting for them.
” No useful information? ”
” No! ” Na Muir shook his head and said, ” Although there are some murals in the building that Shark Star discovered, I have looked carefully. They should all belong to humans and have nothing to do with Naga! ”
” Who told you that the other party must be a Naga? Don’t make a decision so early, or you will miss a lot of clues! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” Forget it … you wait, I’ll get a bubble wrap. , go down with you! ”
This kind of thing, Reina didn’t want to go down in person, after all, if the bubble burst, it would be very troublesome for him, but obviously, with Jinpei and Namur, it is not enough to complete this kind of work.
Compared to Jinbei’s embarrassment, Muir didn’t seem guilty at all, as if this kind of thing was very common in his eyes.
” That … that Muir! Are you usually like this? ” Jinbei couldn’t help asking while waiting for Reina.
” What’s it like? ” Na Muir looked at Jinping with some puzzlement and asked.
” It’s this kind of asking for help from Mr. Reina! Obviously we can work harder, right? ” Jinpei asked a little uneasy.
” But the search efficiency of the two of us is obviously not as fast as Reina! So why should we waste time? Maybe it’s the time we wasted that made the other party escape. ” Na Muir said with a natural look.
Hearing that Muir’s words, Jinbei fell into contemplation. He didn’t expect the daily behavior of the Whitebeard Pirates to be like this.
In a normal pirate group, don’t everyone try to do more things on their own instead of bothering others? Why is it so natural for everyone to ask Reina to help here?
After thinking about it for a long time, Jinbei still couldn’t figure it out. It wasn’t until Reina came out that he cheered up and went to the bottom of the sea again with Reina and Namur.
” You two must protect me! I always feel that this bubble film is not so safe! ” After descending to the bottom of the sea, Reina said to the two with a smile.
” Don’t worry, you won’t die here! ” said Na Muir casually.
” Bah, bah, bah … What unlucky things to say? I’m not a man who will die easily! ” Reina pouted and said.
While the three of them were talking, they came to the place where Shark Star had an accident. Reina carefully looked at the murals on the wall, and then groped forward.
” Jinpei, move the stones here! ” Reina pointed to a huge rock on the ground and said to Jinpei next to him.
” This … can I destroy him? ” Looking at the stone several times bigger than himself, Jinping hesitated and asked.
Such a big stone, if it is not destroyed, it will be difficult for him to get rid of it by himself!
” Yes, but be careful not to damage the floor! ” Reina nodded after looking around.
” That’s no problem! Then Muir help me, and if there is a gravel later, help me stop it! ” Jinbei said with a smile.
” Boom! ”
” Boom! ”
I saw Jinping punching the boulder directly into pieces.
After clearing the debris, Reina directly stepped forward and started to check.
” It’s … a bit strange! It looks like an altar! ” Reina carefully looked at the traces on the ground, then touched his chin and said softly .
“The altar? You really didn’t see it? ” Jinping asked in confusion.
” I told you, you don’t know! But what is this altar used for? Why did they cover it? ” Reina didn’t explain to Jinbei, but continued to think!
” Cover? Who? You said someone put the stone here on purpose? That’s impossible, right? ” Jinbei asked in surprise.
” Nonsense, did you look at the moss on the stone just now? Look at the surrounding ground and walls, it’s obvious that it’s normal! But the stone you smashed just now can’t be integrated with this place at all, obviously someone is there It was released later! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” But such a big stone, ordinary people can’t move it at all? ” Jinbei said with a frown.
” Ordinary humans, not even murlocs, but what about sea beasts or sea kings? Don’t forget, the other party can control them! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
Jinbei suddenly realized, nodded, and said, ” Mr. Reina is right! So the other party did this because he didn’t want us to see this altar? ”
” That’s right! But … I can’t see anything different about this altar! ” Reina circled around the altar again and said, ” And this altar doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the surrounding frescoes! These frescoes It should have been left by the humans who lived in this city a long time ago! But this altar … it shouldn’t be! ”
” This … how did you see it? ” Jinping asked in confusion.
” Style! The style of the fresco is completely different from the style of the altar. It should not be a product of a person or a period! ” Reina explained.
However, after Jinbei took a closer look, he still didn’t see any difference.
” I said and you explained that you are different! I have to ask …” Reina rolled his eyes and said to Jinping.
Jinbei looked at Muir beside him in embarrassment. The other party didn’t ask any questions at all. Anyway, Reina said so, so he did what he did.
” What are we going to do now? ” Namur asked after seeing Rayner’s investigation.
” If I were the other party … I should have left by this time! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
” Why? ” this time Jinpei and Namur asked at the same time.
” Although I don’t know why he didn’t leave when he saw us, when he saw Shark, he should have recognized Shark’s identity. Now that he has controlled Shark, there is no need to risk and When we meet, as long as we find a way to follow us, or Shaoxing, and then find an opportunity to let Shaoxing leave our monitoring, then his goal has been achieved! ”
Reina looked up and looked around, smiled and said:
” But there’s another possibility … that he’s still around, because there’s something here that he can’t give up! So he has to stay nearby lest we take that thing he values! “

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