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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Reina’s words just fell out, and Muir swung down, rushed in one direction, and then punched the outside of the building.
” Boom! ”
” Bah ~~” A sea beast with a sheep’s head was knocked into the air by that Muir, and then ran away without looking back!
” Okay, Muir, stop chasing! ” Calling Muir who was about to chase out, Reina smiled and said, ” Now I’m basically sure that the other party hasn’t left! It seems that he cares here. stuff, so he didn’t leave! ”
” What do you care about? What is that? ” Jinbei felt that he couldn’t keep up with Reina’s rhythm at all. He didn’t understand what was the basis for Reina’s judgment.
” Okay, you don’t need to worry about this! That Muir, the sea beast you hit just now … Did you see its eyes? ” Reina smiled slightly, without explaining anything, instead facing the returning Mule Er asked.
” Yeah! I see, red! ” said the Muir, nodding.
” Very good, come with me now! ” Reina nodded confidently, and asked Jinbei to gather everyone together.
” Now let’s start from here and move towards the place where the previous building was located. Along the way, everyone will destroy me wantonly. No matter what, they will destroy me! ” The corner of Reina’s mouth curled slightly, facing all the fish. said the man.
” Yes! ” Although he was a little puzzled, since Reina said so, everyone followed his orders.
” It’s not bad for the Whitebeard Pirates! I found a way to force me to show up so quickly! ” Just before they could start, a huge sea king approached them in the distance.
” Sea kings? Can you actually speak? ” A fish man looked at the other in surprise. He had never seen a talking sea king before.
” Idiot, there is someone on the head of the sea kings! ” Jinbei said, squinting.
The first time he spoke to the other party, he had already discovered the other party.
” Hehe … You really can’t hold your breath! You showed up so soon? I thought you would wait until we were about to destroy the altar! ” Reina chuckled and replied.
” How did you find out? ” The figure standing on the head of the sea king asked softly.
” Discovered? No, I didn’t find anything, I just tried it! It doesn’t matter if it’s wrong anyway, in case it’s right … won’t you come out the same as now? ” Reina said easily.
” I see …” The shadow was stunned, she thought it was Reina who found something, and forced her to come out like this on purpose, but she didn’t expect that the other party was just holding the form of trying, and it was the same as Reina said, she was a little anxious .
” What about me ~ I’m not very interested in you, but Shaoxing came here this time at the invitation of our Whitebeard Pirates, so he must not have an accident here! You release his control, and I will let you go. , how? ” Reina glanced around and found that many sea beasts and strange murlocs had quietly surrounded them.
” Let me go? Hehehe … Did you make a mistake? I admit that these two murlocs are very powerful … but this is not a problem, you should be an important member of the Whitebeard Pirates!? As long as I caught you … then the current situation can be solved! ” Sombra pointed at Reina and said with a chuckle.
” You’re right, if you can catch me, they will definitely let you go under pressure! ” Reina nodded and said, ” But are you so confident that you can catch me? ”
” Hehehe … This is the bottom of the sea! You ask the fish people around you to see if they are afraid of humans at the bottom of the sea? Hehehe …” The shadow seemed to have heard a joke and said with a big laugh.
” Looking at your appearance, you seem to be from the mermaid family … Why do you want to catch Shark Star? ” Reina was not in a hurry, as long as the other party showed up, then he would be relieved.
“The mermaid family … I’m not from the mermaid family! ” The shadow said, walking out slowly from behind the sea kings, directly to the top of the sea kings.
Seeing the other party come out, the lights of the very equal people immediately shone in the past.
The other party is very similar to the mermaid on the whole, but the body is taller than the ordinary mermaid. The upper body looks like a human, and the lower body is a fish tail. He holds a trident in his hand, and has dark green hair floating in the sea. Wearing a crown that looks more like a princess crown.
” Mermaid? ” Reina looked at Jinping and asked, ” Isn’t this a mermaid? ”
” No … he’s not a mermaid. You can see his ears are completely different from a mermaid, and his tail is also different from an ordinary mermaid! ” Jinbei shook his head and said, ” Who the hell are you? ”
” That’s right, I’ve never seen a mermaid like this! ” said Namur, also nodding his head.
” Ah? Isn’t it the same? I thought it was the same! Uh … Then what race are you? Mutated murlocs? So you were discriminated against by the guys on Murloc Island, and then hid here and waited for revenge? ” Reina Immediately make up a big play.
” Hehehe … It seems that you have all forgotten! Fishman Island … is really disgusting existence! ” Come out and surround Reina and the others.
” Oh hey ~ it seems so true! ” Reina quickly took a step back, waved at the strange mermaid and said, ” This is about your fishman island, I won’t join in! ”
Jinpei and Namur’s face turned black, looking at Reina who was retreating, as if asking if Reina was serious.
” Don’t look at me like that! If it’s an enemy, I will naturally help you, but this is your own business on Mermaid Island. Maybe you bullied her! So you should solve this problem yourself! ” Reina Shrugged and replied.
” Who the hell are you? Make it clear …” Jinping absolutely did not believe that Fishman Island would do anything to hurt his compatriots.
” Who am I? When I catch you, you will naturally know! Give it to me! ” The strange mermaid waved the trident in his hand and shouted loudly.
Immediately, the surrounding sea beasts and murlocs of the Tiger Ben tribe all rushed towards them.
” These murlocs are all under his control, then Muir, I’m entangled in them, you go and get rid of him! ” After looking around quickly, he said.
” Okay! ” Na Muir nodded, and then immediately rushed towards the strange mermaid, and all obstacles on the road were blocked by Jinping and his partners.
And Reina really just watched from the side, and didn’t mean to do it. Except for Jinping and deputy captain Aladdin, the rest of the crew actually showed signs of losing to the tiger and benyu people. As for the soldiers of the Sea King Army, it was even more so. Can only be gathered together to protect themselves.
” After being controlled, the strength has increased so much …” Reina stood at the end and observed the controlled fish and sea beasts, and found that after they were controlled, their strength increased a lot. One of the rabbit-headed sea beasts was actually strong. Can suppress Aladdin.
You must know that ordinary sea beasts, in the hands of murlocs like Aladdin, are the existence of food.
But now, the Rabbit Sea Beast that was fighting against him not only ignored most of Aladdin’s attacks, but even suppressed him for a while during the battle.
” Roar ~~” Just as Reina was still leisurely observing each other, a sea beast with a giraffe neck and head suddenly appeared behind Reina and attacked him directly.
” Eh? Didn’t I say it? You should solve the matter of your fishman island! Don’t involve me! ” Reina said while avoiding the opponent’s attack.
But whether it was a strange mermaid or a sea beast attacking him, he ignored him.
” Bastard ~ Fight me again! ” Reina, who was dodging left and right, began to find that the current on the bottom of the sea blocked his movements, making him unable to continuously dodge the sea beast’s movements.
” Boom! ”
Reina punched the opponent’s head, directly punching the giraffe sea beast.
” I told you not to trouble me! What a disobedient guy! ” Reina said, shaking his hands.
Over there, seeing that Reina actually knocked the giraffe sea beast away with a single blow, the strange mermaid was obviously a little surprised. You must know that the strongest sea beast under her control is the giraffe sea beast. In terms of strength, it is only worse than the sea kings under her. It took some time for him, so he sent the giraffe sea beast to attack Reina, but he didn’t expect this to happen in the end.
” Murman Karate Five thousand tile fists! ” At this time, Na Muir , who had come to the strange murloc’s side, punched the strange merman.
However, he waved his trident on the other side and directly blocked Na Muer’s attack.
Seeing that his attack was blocked, Muir was obviously a little surprised.
In his opinion, the opponent who has the means of control should not be strong.
But he didn’t expect the opponent to use the trident with one hand to block his attack.
” Don’t think I’m one of those weak mermaids! I said it before … I’m not the same as them! ” The strange mermaid slapped its tail and attacked Muir directly.
However, Na Muir was also a battle-hardened warrior. In the face of the opponent’s attack, he also refused to come and fought directly with the opponent.
” Roar ~~~” After the strange mermaid fought Namur, the sea kings who had been silent all the time also roared, and the huge body began to wake up, and it seemed that they had plans to join the battle.
” Oops! ” A murloc from the Tiger Ben tribe was knocked into the air with one punch, and Jinbei immediately felt that something was wrong.
If the sea kings also grow at such a rate like these controlled murlocs, then even he may not be able to deal with each other.
” Oops ~~ there’s a big guy coming out! ” Reina over there smiled and walked over.
Seeing Reina, Jinbei breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. If this person is here, then it shouldn’t be a problem.

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