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” Oh ~~~~” The huge sea kings roared, making the movements of the even people start to be a little stiff.
” Hey ~ it’s quite loud! ” Reina slowly stepped forward, and Hing Lun Wan did not know when it appeared in his hand, and slashed directly at the sea king class.
” Crack clap clap …”
Reina’s slash began to freeze the sea kings before they came into contact with them, and then where the sword energy passed, the frozen sea kings were directly divided into two.
” Boom ~~~”
After the huge sea king corpse was cut in half, it fell to the bottom of the sea, stirring up a burst of mud and muddying the surrounding sea water.
” Huh? ” Reina was stunned. Judging from the growth rate of murlocs and sea beasts, he shouldn’t kill the sea kings so easily with this move.
Watching Reina take action and kill the huge sea king, whether it is the members of the Murloc Pirates brought by Shipin, or the Sea King army brought by Shark Star, or even the fighting Na Muir and the strange mermaid, all. Looking at Reina with some doubts.
To be honest, Reina himself was a little confused. Just now, his main idea was to freeze the opponent, and he never thought of killing the opponent directly with one move. Who knew that the sea kings were so pulled across, and they were directly cut into pieces by the slash. two halves.
But this did not prevent the shock caused by everyone after Reina’s blow.
Looking at Reina who was standing there pretending to be forceful, (actually because of a little surprise), Reina who didn’t move, the strange mermaid who had just separated from Na Muir, turned around and planned to run away.
Reina’s threat to her was too great. Her strongest sea king was killed like this. She completely underestimated Reina’s strength, so running away now is the best choice.
But just when she turned around, Na Muir had noticed her movement and directly blocked her.
” Are you really going to kill them all? ” said the strange mermaid, looking at Muir who was blocking him.
” Let’s kill them all? It seems that you provoked us first, right? ” Na Muir said softly: ” Look at these tiger Ben murlocs under your control, they are all my compatriots! ”
” So what? How did you fisherman island treat our Naga clan back then? You won’t forget that history now, right? ” the strange mermaid asked in a cold voice.
” Naga clan? ” His words made Na Muir and Reina and Jinbei who came over were stunned.
” Are you really the Naga family? ” Reina asked curiously.
” If it’s a replacement! I should be the last Naga in this world! ” The mermaid who claimed to be the Naga clan shook his head and said somewhat lonely.
” Is there really a Naga clan? It’s so strange. Are you really driven out from the Fishman Island? I heard that you were able to control the mermaid to fight, and you didn’t take their lives as your life, so you were killed by the fishmen. The union with the mermaid was expelled! Is that true? ” Reina asked curiously.
” Fart! That’s their side of the word! In fact, it’s not at all! ” The mermaid, who called herself Naga, immediately retorted excitedly: ” If we really do that, will they have a chance to fight back? ”
” Yeah! ” Reina nodded and said with approval, ” I find it strange, if you had that kind of ability, wouldn’t you already be the royal family of Fishman Island? How could you be submissive? If it was me … not at all . Give them a chance to rebel! ”
” No! Back then, our Naga clan was the same as the current mermaid clan, only living on Fishman Island, and the position of Grand Knight of Fishman Island has always been held by the Naga in our clan! We are the barrier of Fishman Island! But they … … The so-called royal family of Fishman Island feared our abilities, so they drove us out on trumped-up charges! ”
” Except for some clansmen who traveled abroad and escaped because they were not on Fishman Island, all the Naga clan on Fishman Island died in battle! This is the root cause of our genocide! ” The self-proclaimed Naga Mermaid, looking at Jinping and Namur, said viciously.
” That’s why you attacked Shark Star as soon as you saw him? ” Reina asked again.
” That’s right, I can smell the foul-smelling blood of the Fishman Island royal family on him, no matter how far away! ” The mermaid who claimed to be Naga nodded and replied.
” But I have a question. You Naga clan, as the strongest warrior clan on Fishman Island, why were they defeated by the murlocs and mermaids? ” Reina raised a question again.
” That’s because that despicable mermaid princess attacked our queen! After killing our queen, our ordinary Naga’s control technique can’t resist the mermaid princess’ singing! ” The mermaid who called herself Naga shook her head and said: ” The only thing that can compete with the mermaid princess’ singing voice is our queen’s ability — the siren’s call! ”
” The song of the mermaid princess? What do you mean? ” Reina was slightly surprised, guessing that the other party should be talking about the sea king ” Poseidon ” of previous generations .
” The singing of the mermaid princess has the ability to control all sea kings, and the call of our queen Naga can control all sea beasts! ” Sure enough, the mermaid who called herself Naga said directly.
Reina, Jinpei, and Namuir looked at each other. They couldn’t tell whether what the other said was true or not. After all, it was too long ago, and secondly, the Naga family belonged to legends to them. I don’t know the existence of this family.
” Sorry, now I can’t confirm whether what you said is true! But let me let you go … Let’s release the control of them first! ” Reina pointed to those sea beasts and tiger beasts and said.
The mermaid who claimed to be Naga struggled for a while, then sighed and began to chant the spell. Soon the tiger beasts and the sea beasts who were fighting frantically stopped their movements and stood in place without moving.
” Where is this? ”
” Why are we here? ”
” Father? Mother? What’s the matter with us? ”
Unlike the sea beasts who ran away as soon as they woke up, the fish people of the Huben clan didn’t seem to remember what happened before after they woke up, and everyone became quite surprised.
” They didn’t know they were under my control, and thought they lived in this sea area. I needed to use them occasionally, so I used sea beasts and sea kings to misjudgment them! ” Seeing what he saw, he called himself Naga Mermaid explained.
” Jinpei, they handed it over to you, please appease them! This … By the way, what should I call you? ” Reina asked, looking at the other party.
” You can call me Naga … because in this world, I should be the last Naga! ” Naga sighed and said.
” Okay, then, Naga, can you get out of the sea? Take me to the Moby Dick ! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Didn’t you say let me go after I lift their control technique? ” Naga obviously didn’t want to follow Reina.
” First of all, I have to go up to make sure Shaoxing is safe, and secondly … I can’t fully believe you about what you said about the Naga family! ” Reina said directly: ” So I can’t let you go now! ”
” Don’t worry, I have also unlocked the control technique of the mermaid royal family! I don’t need to lie to you! ” Naga said softly.
” If Shark Star is okay, then I’ll keep you okay! How? ” Reina nodded and said.
Naga looked at Reina, sighed, and said, ” Let’s go! I hope you can keep your promise! ”
” Don’t worry, what Reina said … always counts! ” Reina nodded and said with a smile.
So several members of the Murloc Pirates were left to help appease the tiger beasts, and Reina returned directly to the Moby Dick with Jinping and Namur.
When Reyna took Naga back to the Domoby Dick , he was sure that Shark Star was all right, although he was still tied up with five flowers on the deck.
” Okay, let’s untie Shaoxing! It’s all right! ” Seeing Shaoxing staring at him with innocent eyes, Reina said with a smile.
” Eh? Is it really okay? Before this kid was going crazy and wanted to attack us! ” Lakyo was taken aback and asked with a smile.
” Well, let’s untie it first! Go to Big Brother and I’ll explain it together! ” Reina shook his head and said.
Seeing Reina say this, the crew immediately stepped forward and released Shark Star.
” Mr. Reina … what the hell is going on? ” Shark star glanced at Naga who was following Reina and asked Reina.
” Come and listen too! As for the final result, just do it according to your own ideas! ” Reina patted Shark Star on the shoulder and walked towards the white beard on the deck.
Whitebeard had already seen Reina coming back, and he had also seen Naga behind him, but he was not in a hurry, but waited for Reina to come over and explain to him.
Soon, Reina asked Naga to repeat the matter in front of everyone.
” This is impossible! What evidence do you have to prove what you said? ” Shark Star couldn’t believe that his ancestors had ever done such a thing, so after Naga finished speaking, he immediately stood up and objected.
” Hmph, that’s how your Fishman Island royal family is … You dare not admit to what you’ve done? ” Naga said with a chuckle.
She is also fighting it out now. Anyway, it has reached this point, and it is easy for Reina to kill her.
” You don’t have to say that you are so yin and yang! First of all, you said that you are Naga, how do you prove it? ” Shaoxing asked with a look of anger.
” Prove it? It’s a joke. I am a Naga and I am a Naga. How do I prove it? Then how do you prove that you are a mermaid? ” Naga chuckled and said disdainfully.
Naga’s words surprised everyone.
yes! They know Shark because everyone has a basic understanding of murlocs or mermaids, but many people don’t know about Naga, including Reina and Shark, or even have heard of it, so they have no idea about Naga. What it looks like, there is no clear concept at all.
” I don’t know what a Naga should look like! ” Shark Star lowered his head and replied.
Naga was stunned for a moment, then looked at Shark Star and asked, ” I don’t know? As the royal family of Fishman Island, you don’t know what our Naga looks like? ”
Shark Star nodded and said, ” If it wasn’t for Mr. Reina and the others to inform us this time, I wouldn’t even know that there is a Naga race! ”
” Hehehe … It turns out … we have long been forgotten by you! ” Naga seemed to have lost her previous hostility to Shark Star, but said a little lonely.

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