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Looking at the lonely look of the other party, Shaoxing suddenly felt that the other party might not lie.
” Dad! Mr. Rayner! I want to take her back to Fishman Island! What she said … I can’t tell the truth from the fake, so I want to take her back to see the king! ” Shark Star said after being silent for a while.
” Shark Star, I promised her that she will release your control technique, and I will save her life! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Mr. Reina, you can rest assured … no matter what happens! I promise you that I will never hurt her! ” Shaoxing said seriously.
“The problem is … she can control you murlocs and mermaids …” Reina spread her hands and replied.
Shaoxing was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Reina with some embarrassment.
Reina shrugged and said, ” Don’t look at me, see if she agrees! ”
Shaoxing nodded, came to Naga, and said, ” I don’t know if what you said is true, but do you dare to go to Fishman Island with me to confirm it? ”
” Confirmed? Hehe … What if it is confirmed? Can my compatriots be resurrected? ” Naga said with a chuckle.
Her words made Shaoxing really unable to answer, but he did not believe that things were really as Naga said, and Fishman Island killed his compatriots.
Yes, although he is not sure if the Naga in front of him is real, but from the appearance of the other party, it is obvious that the other party is a mermaid.
” Okay, Sharking … Since she doesn’t want to, go back and ask your father yourself! If it’s what she said, let’s see how to make up for it! After all, things have happened! If she is lying … then it doesn’t matter, anyway, she let you go once, I let her go once, it’s even! ” Reina patted Shark Star on the shoulder and said with a smile.
” Hehe … a lie? Okay, don’t you want to prove it? I agree to go back to Fishman Island with you. I want to see … the current royal family … What kind of power does it have, the big deal is death! ” Naga After hearing Reina’s words, he chuckled and said directly.
” Okay! In that case, we will set off immediately! ” Shark Star nodded and said directly.
” Are you sure? If she controls you to escape halfway, it will be troublesome then! ” Reina looked at Shark Star and asked.
” She dares to go to Fishman Island with me, what am I afraid of? ” Shaoxing said firmly: ” And there is Big Brother Shiping on the road, even if she wants to do it, I am afraid it will not be easy! ”
Jinbei on the side also nodded and said, ” I will always be on guard! ”
” Gu la la la … Since you both made a promise … then … I’ll be a witness for you! ” Whitebeard, who had not spoken for a while, suddenly said, ” If both of you violate the We made a promise … then we will be hunted down by our Whitebeard Pirates! How? ”
” Okay ! ” Naga nodded in agreement without thinking.
” I have no problem! ” Shark Star nodded and said.
” That’s good! Since my eldest brother has spoken, then Naga, you will follow Sharky back to Fishman Island to prove the mystery of Naga’s disappearance. You must not attack any murlocs or mermaids in the middle! In addition, Sharkstar, you must guarantee Naga’s safety on Fishman Island, after she has completed the verification, she can leave Fishman Island safely and smoothly …” Reina repeated the agreement between the two parties, and then asked the two of them:
” If either of you violates the agreement, then you will be hunted down by all of our Whitebeard Pirates! So … is there any objection? ”
” No, I agree! ” Naga and Shark Star nodded at the same time and replied.
” Well, since you all agree, then don’t underestimate the killing order of my Whitebeard Pirates! No matter where you hide, as long as you violate the contract, then we will find you and kill you. Complete the contract! Even if you are a mermaid, we can still find you! ” Reina said solemnly.
” Don’t worry, Mr. Reina, I know this very well! ” Shark Star nodded and said.
And Naga also nodded. When he was at the bottom of the sea, he saw Reina’s strength. Although there may be some mistakes, it still made her dare not mess around.
Because Reina, who is so terrifying, is not the most powerful existence in the Whitebeard Pirates, the Whitebeard who has been sitting there without speaking is their captain!
” Very good! Then Jinpei, they’ll ask you! ” Seeing this, Reina said directly to Jinpei beside him.
” Leave it to me! ” Jinping nodded and replied.
After they all set off, Reina said to Whitebeard: ” Brother, do you want to send someone to follow them? ”
” What? You don’t believe that Naga? ” Whitebeard asked with a slight smile, ” Or what did you see? ”
” No? ” Reina shook his head and said, ” I didn’t see anything, but … Regarding the Naga race, I checked the information before, and the rumors about them are not very good! ”
” Since the contract has been made, let’s do things according to the rules! No one can ignore our Whitebeard Pirates’ pursuit order, let alone his Naga family has fallen, even in his heyday, she dares to mess around. , I also killed her! ” Whitebeard said domineeringly.
Reina shrugged and said, ” Since the big brother said so, then let’s do it! I didn’t expect to come out this time, and actually meet this legendary race! ”
” Gu la la la … The sea is very vast! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” Yeah! I don’t know since when, I seem to have become disinterested in the sea …” Reina sighed and said.
He is not from this world, he doesn’t have so much yearning for the sea, he prefers a stable life!
Over the years, he has continuously improved his strength in order to protect himself and not be killed by the powerhouses in the One Piece world.
But as time goes by, he sometimes forgets that he is not from this world, and has begun to slowly get used to this world.
” Don’t let stability kill your will. When you settle down, it’s time to stop! Boy, in a position like ours, standing still … is equivalent to giving up everything! ” Whitebeard said softly .
” Yeah! ” Reina also nodded.
Roger’s crew is the best proof. Since Roger disbanded the Roger Pirates, most of his crew have given up everything and gone into seclusion in anonymity.
Even if he is as strong as Rayleigh, he is still a little bit safe. If the navy didn’t want to touch him, he would never be so leisurely.
” So … I’m wondering … is the drunken sea too quiet! ” Reina smiled and looked at Whitebeard.
” Boy, what’s your bad idea? ” Whitebeard asked with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth.
He is not afraid of Reina causing trouble now. He had a battle with the navy before, which was a test of the navy’s bottom line and a warning to the navy.
So now the navy should not attack them again if they are not 100% sure.
So as long as they don’t provoke the navy now, there is no problem!
” Big brother, don’t you think … the four emperors are too quiet now? ” Reina asked with a strange smile.
” You want to provoke the battle of the Four Emperors? ” Whitebeard asked, narrowing his eyes.
“The Four Emperors … there should be a leader too! ” Reina nodded and said.
” I’m not interested in this kind of thing! ” Whitebeard shook his head and said.
Reina smiled helplessly, then looked at Whitebeard, and said, ” I knew Big Brother wouldn’t be interested, but … Didn’t I meet Shikey some time ago? He’s probably planning to do something recently! ”
” Huh? Do you want to unite with him? ” Whitebeard asked in surprise.
” No … I just want to see the excitement! And as soon as he makes a move, the navy’s eyes will definitely be attracted to him … Then we will be able to do what we want to do! ” Reina said with a smile.
” So what? ” Whitebeard asked, turning his head to look at Reina.
” Since I’m not interested in my previous proposal … then let’s go rob! ” Reina raised an eyebrow and said.
” Oh? Robbery? I like this … Tell me carefully! ” Lakyo, who was chatting with Bista, immediately said happily after hearing Reina’s words.
” You are everywhere! ” Reina glared at him and replied.
” Hey … robbery is such a good thing, so I can be spared so much? ” Lakyo didn’t care at all, and said with a smile.
” You kid isn’t planning to rob the other four emperors!? ” Whitebeard asked directly as if he knew what Reina wanted to say.
” Of course, if you want to grab the richest one, we don’t like the rest! ” Reina said with a smile.
Lakyo didn’t say anything, just gave Reina a thumbs up, but was patted by Bista and said, ” Don’t make fun, the battle of the four emperors is not a joke! ”
” It seems that you really want to attack someone? Let’s talk about it! Who is it that provokes you? ” Whitebeard saw Reina turn a corner, but he still focused on the other four emperors. So he asked.
” Redhead … Shanks! ”
” Huh? ”
Reina’s words surprised everyone around them. They thought Reina’s target would be Charlotte Lingling or Kaido, but they didn’t expect Reina to say Shanks.
Among the four emperors, it seems that they are fighting each other, but in fact, the BIGMOM Pirates and the Beasts Pirates maintain a tacit alliance of offense and defense when dealing with the Whitebeard Pirates.
And the red-haired pirates are on their side more often.
Of course, this is to say that in the event of a war between the four emperors, they would normally fight on their own, and there would be no tendency to join forces. This is the maximum that the navy can tolerate.
Once they have a tendency to unite, the navy will definitely take action, and will never watch them dominate.
So Reina said that when they robbed the other four emperors, they all blocked the red-haired Shanks subconsciously, because in their opinion, although Shanks was not an ally, it was definitely not a hostile.
As for the other two, it is a completely hostile relationship.
” Shanks? That kid offended you? ” Whitebeard asked with a frown.
When the BIGMOM Pirates Pirates and the Beasts Pirates attacked Xuanyue Island, the Red Hair Pirates helped them, so the Whitebeard Pirates owed them a favor after careful calculation.
” Offend? No no no … That kid has been honest recently! But I heard that there seems to be some friction between him and Kaido … Let’s not go and see? ” Reina said with a smile.
” oh _ _ _ _ _
“I haven’t fought yet! I heard that Shanks killed a pirate group under Kaido’s command. With Kaido’s character, if this matter doesn’t get back on the scene, I’m afraid I won’t be reconciled! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Gu la la la … Interesting … let’s go! Let’s join in the fun too! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh.

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