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Fishman Island, Dragon Palace.
” King! The eldest prince is back today, and I plan to have the Sea King’s Army come to greet him. What do you think? ” An elderly man wearing a top hat, a single-sided glasses in his left eye, and a horn cane in his right hand, turned to Nip. Dun said.
” Minister Zuo, isn’t it necessary? It’s just a trip back! ” Nipton said with a frown.
” Going for a trip? Your Majesty, the eldest prince went out in person this time and returned victorious. What kind of event is this? Naturally we need some scenery! ” Minister Zuo immediately said with his beard and eyes wide open.
” This … I don’t need it anymore! He has already sent someone to report in advance, and this time I have important things to discuss with me! Let’s go … you can have someone pick it up, but pick him up directly to the Dragon Palace, Don’t delay on the road! ” Neptune said after thinking about it.
The hostage sent back by Shark Star said that he had caught a mermaid who was suspected of being a Naga. He didn’t know the specific situation, so he desperately hoped that the Shark Star would come back soon. After all, the legendary Naga, even he Haven’t seen it either.
” Yes, Your Majesty! ” Upon hearing this, Minister Zuo thought that Neptune made such a decision because of his persuasion, so he happily went to implement it.
It didn’t take long for Nipton to feel that the outside of the Dragon Palace was quite lively. After a while, Jinhei and Shaoxing walked away with a female mermaid with pointed ears, dark green hair, and some scales on her face. came in.
” Father! ” Shark Star greeted Neptune immediately when he saw Neptune.
” Get up! This time things went well! ” Nipton nodded with satisfaction and praised.
However, Shaoxing shook his head and said, ” This time I have embarrassed my father. If it wasn’t for Mr. Renner’s rescue, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to come back! ”
” Oh? Tell me carefully, what happened! ” Neptune asked curiously.
Shark Star nodded, but did not immediately tell, but asked Neptune to withdraw everyone.
” Okay, now there is no one else, what happened to make it so serious? ” Nipton asked Shaoxing after waving everyone away.
He knows that his eldest son has always been stable, so there must be some reason for doing this.
” Father …” Shaoxing sighed, looked at Jinbei next to him, stepped aside, pointed to Naga and said, ” She said she was the last member of the Naga clan … I can’t tell the truth . Fake, so I had to bring her back! ”
” Oh? Is it really Naga? ” Neptune stepped down from the throne, looked at Naga with interest, and asked.
” Haha … As the king of Fishman Island … you don’t know that history, do you? ” Naga chuckled and said slightly contemptuously.
Nipton was stunned for a moment, looked at Naga in surprise, and then asked, ” What do you mean by history … what? ”
” Pretending to be garlic? Hehehe … This is the king of Fishman Island? ” Naga seemed to become angry when she heard Nipton’s words. The other party either lied or really didn’t know.
Either way, it’s not good news for her.
Originally, Naga, who had slightly changed her opinion of the fisherman island royal family because of Shark Star’s daring, suddenly lost her goodwill towards these royal families again.
Obviously, if the other party is lying, then he is deliberately not wanting to admit this history. In her opinion, in this case, the king of Fishman Island is not even comparable to Shark Star!
If the other party didn’t lie, then it can only prove that Fishman Island has completely forgotten the Naga family, and even the royal family has no records about them.
Seeing Naga so angry, Neptune was a little puzzled, but soon, Shark Star told Nepton everything.
” I see … but I really haven’t seen these contents from any ancestral home! ” Nipton shook his head and said: “The only record of our royal family about the Naga is on the door of a secret room! ”
” The door to the secret room? ” Shaoxing and Jinping were taken aback for a moment. They didn’t know that there was a secret room in Dragon Palace City.
” That’s right! ” Neptune nodded and said, ” According to my father’s instructions, this secret room cannot be opened or destroyed until the key is found! ”
” Where is the key? ” Shark Star could feel, as if the record of Naga on Fishman Island should be in the secret room.
” I don’t know, my father didn’t tell me anything about the secret room key! He only said that my grandfather told him that way! ” Nipton replied with a wry smile.
Jinhei and Shaoxing glanced at each other, and they thought of one thing at the same time, that is, violent destruction, but King Neptune also said that it cannot be destroyed there.
At this time, Naga, like Shark Star and Jinpei, thought about Naga on Fishman Island, and it should be in the secret room.
” Why did you say things about Naga … it was recorded on the door of the secret room!? ” Naga hesitated and asked Neptune.
” Come with me! I said directly that you might not believe it …” Nipton glanced at Naga and said with a smile.
” Wait … Father! ” Just when a few people were about to go to the secret room with Nepton, Shark suddenly stopped Neptune and said, ” I promised Mr. Rayner, no matter what the result is, I won’t. Embarrass her! So …”
” Hahaha … Don’t worry! Even if she’s not a real Naga clan, it doesn’t matter if she just looks at the door of the secret room! ” Nipton said with a big laugh, looking at Shark Star’s nervous look.
” Hoo ~ Thank you, Father! ” Shaoxing said with a sigh of relief.
” Let’s go! ” Nipton smiled slightly and walked towards the depths of Dragon Palace first.
” Hey … this is …” Looking at the familiar scene around, Shaoxing asked in surprise: ” Father, this is not …”
” That’s right, this was my father’s bedroom, but it was abandoned later! ” Nipton nodded and said.
When he came to the end, Neptune opened a hidden compartment, then opened a trap, and the last wall turned away directly.
” Come on, it’s in there! ” Neptune walked in first.
Jinping and Shaoxing, who were following behind him, looked at each other and walked in.
Naga, who was walking at the end, looked a little complicated. She was looking forward to it and nervous, but in the end, she took a deep breath and walked in.
” The clues above … that’s all I know about Naga! ” After Naga entered the small room, Nepton pointed to the innermost door and said.
I saw some reliefs of mermaids and murlocs fighting humans on the gate, but if you just look at the picture, you can’t tell if there are Naga in it.
But there is a strange pattern above the gate, as well as a sentence, which proves the existence of Naga.
“The princess’ singing guides us in the direction we are going, but the call of the Kraken Naga guards us forward! ” When Shaoxing read out the two sentences on the gate, his face changed greatly.
Because this not only proves the existence of Naga, but also proves that Naga did once belong to Fishman Island, or existed as the protector of Fishman Island.
Then what Naga said is likely to be true, otherwise the royal family of Fishman Island would not have to seal the secret here and not let anyone open it.
Obviously, they themselves know that the decision they made at the beginning may not be so correct, and they are just forced to help.
Unlike him, standing at the last Naga, when he saw the pattern on the gate, the whole person trembled with excitement.
” Female … the Queen’s inheritance? Why … ? Why is the Queen’s inheritance here? ” Naga took a few steps forward and reached out to touch the door, but was grabbed by Neptune.
” What are you doing? This is something that belongs to our Naga family. As a royal family … you are not qualified to own it at all! ” Naga roared angrily at Neptune.
As her anger rose, some traces of black energy appeared on her body.
The appearance of these black qi shocked both Jinping and Shaoxing.
” Naga! What do you want to do? Did you forget the agreement between us? ” Jinbei shouted angrily, pulling Naga, who had been dazzled by anger, back to reality.
” Phew ~ I ‘m sorry, I lost control just now! ” Naga took a few deep breaths, slowly retracted the black energy into her body, and said softly.
” It’s okay … I just wanted to tell you that there is something weird on this door. Anyone who wants to touch it will get hurt, so I stop you! ” Nipton gave Jinping and Shaxing a strange look before shaking his head. Said to Naga.
” Humph! That’s of course! This is the inheritance of the queen of my Naga family. You are not Naga, so naturally you can’t touch it! ” Naga snorted coldly and said.
” The inheritance of Queen Naga? What do you mean? ” Shark Star asked inexplicably.
” The queen of our Naga family is not born naturally, but needs to be passed down through inheritance. After each generation of queens, the first thing to do is to portray this magic circle and use it for later generations to inherit. Only by constantly instilling the magic circle of Queen Mori can you have the ability to inherit! ” Naga glanced at Shark Star and explained softly.
” So can you inherit your Naga queen now? ” Shark Star asked curiously.
” Yes! ” Naga nodded and said, ” All adult Naga have the right to inherit, and the Queen will also choose her successor among all adult Naga! ”
” In addition, we Naga can only ensure the purity of blood when they marry Naga, so after that happened, our number will become less and less, and finally I will be the only one left! But the Queen does not The same! Only the queen has the ability to give birth to a pure Naga after mating with a murloc or a mermaid! ”
” Ah? In this case … Doesn’t it mean … As long as you inherit your queen’s heritage, there is still hope for the Naga family? ” Shaoxing said with a little surprise.
” That’s right! ” Naga nodded, then looked at Neptune and said, ” But why is such an important inheritance of our Naga family in the hands of your royal family? “

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