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” Sorry, I really don’t know about this! ” Nipton shook his head and said, ” My understanding of your Naga clan is limited to the reliefs and these two sentences! ”
” So now that you know that this is something of our Naga family, can you give it back to me? ” Naga looked at Nipton and asked.
” No one can open this door without the key. If you want to break the door and take what’s inside, then I can only say sorry! ” Neptune refused.
” Hum! Sure enough, I knew that your royal family would not agree so easily! ” Naga snorted coldly and said, ” But this is the inheritance of our Naga family. Without our magical power, you would not be able to get what’s inside. Yes! ”
” I didn’t mean to take this as my own! If you have the key, you can open it now, and everything inside is yours! ” Neptune said with a smile: “The ancestors left I must obey! ”
” Your Majesty is right, and the identity of your Naga is only what you say! We don’t know if it is true, after all, as you said, Naga is almost extinct now! If you are not a real Naga, It’s a bad guy who covets the treasures of the Naga family … Then didn’t we do something bad? ” Jinping also nodded and said.
” Okay! If I open this door, will you let me leave with the contents inside? ” Naga asked, gritting her teeth.
She has no choice. This is the only thing that allows the Naga family to continue. She must get the inheritance, otherwise the Naga family will be cut off in her hands.
As long as she can inherit the legacy of the Naga Queen, she can become the new Naga Queen, and the Naga family will have a chance to continue.
Shark Star and Jinping both looked at Neptune. Before opening it, no one knew what was inside. If it was something very important to Fishman Island, should it be handed over to the other party?
” Since I promise you, as long as you can open it, then everything inside will be yours! ” Nipton said after pondering for a while, ” But if the inside is very important to our Fishman Island stuff, I hope you can give it back to us! ”
” Hahaha …” After Naga heard Nipton’s words, she suddenly laughed and said: ” You make such a promise now, aren’t you afraid that after opening it, there will be the will of your ancestors? Let you see The Naga clan will be slaughtered? ”
Nipton smiled slightly. He actually already believed Naga’s words now. Like Shark Star, as a royal family, and even the current ruler of Fishman Island, he could understand why the ancestors made such a decision.
Even now, if he has such a group of Naga under his command, who has the ability to control all fish and murlocs to fight, he will not feel at ease.
” Even if there is an ancestor’s legacy, as long as you agree, you will never control the murlocs and mermen in the future, then I can also fulfill my promise and let you go! ” Nipton said calmly.
” Oh? Don’t you pay much attention to the legacy of your ancestors? Why do you dare to let me go? ” Naga asked in surprise.
” Although I don’t know what happened back then, the ancestors made such a decision! But now is not the same as before! Judging from your appearance, you should also belong to my mermaid family, right? As long as you can promise not to Hurt other murlocs and merfolk … so what’s the point of letting you go? ” Neptune said with a chuckle.
Looking at the confident Neptune, Naga couldn’t believe it. Is this the royal family of Fishman Island? Not only does the eldest prince have extraordinary power, but the king can make such a decision in such a short period of time. She has some doubts, is the other party showing off?
So she plans to take a gamble and open the door of the secret room in front of her. If Neptune deceives her and wants to kill her on the spot, she has nothing to say. Anyway, the Naga clan is now only herself. If it can’t be passed on. There is not much difference between dying early and dying late.
But if the other party really let her go, she would definitely find a place to pass on the Naga family with peace of mind, and no longer talk about revenge.
” Phew ~ OK, you push it away, I’ll open the door! ” Naga took a deep breath and said directly.
” Let’s say it first, you must not destroy it violently, otherwise … I will stop you immediately! ” Nipton said after hearing the words and stepping aside.
” Humph! ” Naga snorted, ignoring him, but slashed her palm, and bright red blood flowed out immediately.
After closing her eyes and chanting an obscure incantation, Naga stamped the relief with her bloody palm.
After a while, when Naga opened her eyes, the door of the secret room vibrated violently, as if it was about to open.
But after shaking for a while, the door slowly calmed down, as if nothing had happened.
” How is this possible? ” Looking at the calm gate, Naga’s eyes were full of surprise.
” What’s going on? ” The three of Nepton stepped forward and asked.
Just now they clearly saw that the door was about to open, why did there suddenly be any movement?
“On this gate, in addition to the seal of my Naga clan, there is actually a layer of seal that needs to be unlocked! ” Naga lowered her head and said after thinking for a while.
” Is it necessary to …”
“The Mermaid Princess? ”
After Neptune glanced at each other, they said almost in unison.
” Maybe you don’t need a mermaid princess, as long as you have the blood of your royal family! ” Naga shook her head and said, ” We’ve already arrived here anyway, why don’t we try it together? ”
” Okay, King Father, let me come first, if I can’t do it, let Bai Xing come over! ” Shark Star nodded and stepped forward.
” Okay! ” Neptune said, nodding towards Shark Star upon hearing this.
” Wait! ” But when Shark Star and Naga were about to open the secret room together, Jinpei stood up to stop the two and said, ” Shark Star, try it yourself this time! ”
” Huh? ” Shaoxing looked at Jinping with a puzzled look, and seemed to be asking why.
” What if this gate can be opened only with the effort of the royal family? ” Jinbei looked at Naga and said softly, ” It’s not that I don’t believe you, but this matter is very important, so be cautious! Where did you hear such rumors, and then use us to open the secret room and take away the treasures of the Naga family, then we will really be ashamed of the Naga family! ”
Naga smiled slightly, took a step back, and gestured to Shark Star, indicating that he could try it first.
Shaoxing heard the words and was not polite. After nodding towards Nipton and Jinping, he directly learned from the previous Naga, cut his palm, and then directly printed it on the relief.
The relief, like the previous Naga, began to tremble violently and then returned to calm.
” It seems that it really requires the blood of two people to open the door! ” Jinping nodded and said.
” So do you still want to try it now? ” Naga asked with a chuckle.
” No, let’s open it together! ” Shaoxing shook his head and said.
” Heh …” Naga smiled at Jinping, then took a step forward, stood with Shark Star, and said, ” Wait and follow me, when I print my palm, you will be with me too! ”
” I see! ” Shark Star nodded and replied.
So Naga recited the spell again, and then together with Shark Star, the two of them printed their palms on the relief at the same time.
” Boom boom boom ~~~~” The huge noise made the real dragon palace seem to be shaking.
” No, Jinpei, you are here with them, I need to go out to comfort them! ” Nipton said to his side immediately upon seeing this.
” Your Majesty, hurry up and leave this place to me! ” Jinping nodded and said solemnly.
” Okay! ” Looking back at Shark Star and Naga who were still in front of the door of the secret room, Neptune left quickly.
Not long after Nipton left, Shark Star and Naga retreated at the same time, and the door of the secret room slowly opened.
” Hey ~ Boss Jinping, where is King Father? ” At this time, Shark Star realized that King Neptune was no longer here.
” When the two of you opened the door to the secret room just now, the entire Dragon Palace began to shake. His Majesty was afraid that everyone would panic, so he left to appease everyone. ” Jinping explained.
” Really? Could it be to mobilize the army and plan to kill me? ” Naga on the side said with a chuckle.
“I want to kill you … I don’t need an army! ” Jinbei couldn’t help but reply in the face of the yin and yang’s strange Naga.
” Do you want to try? ” Naga was not a good-natured person either. After being scolded by Jinbei, she immediately returned it.
” Okay, Naga! Let’s go first! ” Shark Star waved his hand towards Naga and said.
Although Naga was still a bit domineering, but after hearing Shark Star’s words, she didn’t say much, and walked into the secret room first.
Jinhei and Shaoxing looked at each other and walked in as well.
” This … what is this? ” After entering, the first thing Shaoxing saw was an open crystal coffin, with a dead bone lying in it. Judging from the shape of the bone, the other party should be a mermaid.
” She should be our last Naga Queen! ” Naga said sadly.
” My condolences! But where is the inheritance you said? ” Shark Star stepped forward and patted Naga on the shoulder and said.
” All of this … all because of the mistakes made by your royal family! ” Naga said with red eyes, staring at Shark Star.
” Hey … do you think … it makes sense to say this now? ” Shark Star lowered his head, sighed, and said, ” You still want to find the Queen’s inheritance! ”
Naga’s mood slowly calmed down, and then she saluted the Queen’s corpse before stepping forward and took out a bead from the corpse’s bosom.
At this time, Jinping was standing behind Shaoxing, looking around this secret room.
” Shark Star … Look over there! ” I saw that Jinpei seemed to have found something, and pointed to something like a row of bookshelves on the opposite side.
” Huh? That’s …” Shark Star looked up and saw a thin copy of what looked like a letter on a row of empty bookshelves.
Naga, who got the beads, also heard Jinpei’s voice and looked up at the bookshelf.
The space in the entire secret room is not large, and the contents in it can be seen at a glance. Except for a crystal coffin and a corpse in the center, there are also things on that row of bookshelves.
” This text is … ancient text? ” Shaoxing took a look at the letter, and immediately recognized that the text on the letter was an ancient text, because there is still a piece of historical text in the sea forest, and there are such text.

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