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” Ancient writing … this is bad! No one should be able to understand this type of writing now! ” Shark Star said with some regret.
Although I couldn’t understand what was written on it, Shaoxing guessed that it should be the reason for the great changes in the Naga family.
” No! ” On the side, Jinping shook his head and said, ” There are still people in this world who can read ancient scripts! ”
” Who? ” Shark Star and Naga looked at Jinping at the same time and asked.
” Mr. Rainer’s daughter, Nicole … No, it should be Bernery D. Robin! ” Jinbei said with a smile: ” Mr. Rainer’s wife, a member of the Western Sea historian Holy Land O’Hara, And Robin is a historian who has inherited O’Hara’s legacy and pursued the truth of history! She can read ancient texts! ”
” Benery D. Robin? ” Shark star was stunned. He lived on Fishman Island all the year round and didn’t know anything about Robin.
Naga, who has also been hiding at the bottom of the sea all year round, has never heard of Robin’s name.
” It doesn’t matter, we will take this out and give it to Mr. Reina, he will translate it for us! ” Jinbei said with a smile.
” No! This belongs to my Naga clan, I must stay by my side! ” Naga shook the picture and rejected Jinpei’s proposal.
Jinbei watched Naga snatching the letter from Shark Star. Just as he was about to say something, he heard Neptune’s voice coming from outside the door. He saw him walking and said:
” It is very likely that there is the real reason for the destruction of the Naga family! Whether it is the hand of the fishman island or not, we must know the truth more than necessary! The door was opened by you and the shark star, you took the bead, Then the letter is rightfully ours, isn’t it? ”
” And now you can’t prove that the letter belongs to your Naga clan! If it is translated and it proves that the letter was indeed written by the ancestors of your clan, then we will return the original letter to you! What do you think? ? ”
Seeing Neptune coming alone instead of bringing soldiers to surround her, Naga hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, ” Yes, but … either let someone who can translate come over, or let’s go find him together, This thing can’t leave my sight! ”
” This …” Neptune and Jinhe glanced at each other, feeling troubled.
If it is someone else, with Neptune’s face, the other party will give some of it, but Reina really can’t say it well.
As for looking for him, they don’t know where the Moby Dick has gone now, how can they find it?
And it’s not enough to find Reina, you must find Reina’s daughter.
” Father, let’s get in touch with Xuanyue Island first! Let them ask Mr. Reina’s meaning first, and then we decide what to do. What do you think? ” Shark Star saw Nepton’s troubles and immediately went up said the previous step.
He knew that in the face of Reina, whose temperament was uncertain, even if it was his father’s face, the other party might not give it to him, so he quickly came out and gave him a step.
” Alright! After all, now that the Moby Dick is out to sea, it’s not easy to find them! ” Sure enough, Nepton immediately followed Shark Star’s words and said.
” Didn’t you get the inheritance bead? Then while we are inquiring about the news, you should complete the inheritance first! Don’t worry, it is very safe on Fishman Island, and no one will shoot you! ” Shaxing saw Na Ka was about to speak, and immediately turned his head and said to her.
Originally, Naga hated all the mermaids and murlocs on Fishman Island except Shark Star, but after coming here, she discovered that the royal family of Fishman Island was not the same as she imagined, not the kind Selfish royal family.
So she didn’t reject Shark Star’s proposal, but she didn’t nod to agree, just kept silent and didn’t speak.
Seeing Naga’s silent appearance, Shark Star thought she had acquiesced, so he took her out of the secret room and prepared a guest room for her.
” If you need anything, let someone find me! You can rest here during this time! How’s it going? ” After settling Naga into the prepared guest room, Shark Star said to Naga.
” Aren’t you afraid that I will seek revenge from you after I become Queen Naga? ” After a moment of silence, just as Shark Star walked to the door, Naga suddenly said.
” Haha … Do you know that? ” Shark Star, who has always been steady, didn’t know why he said such a sentence. When he reacted, he had already finished speaking. In order to hide his embarrassment, he quickly fled.
On the other side, Nipton, who returned to the hall, immediately had someone contact Xuanyue Island.
” This is Xuanyue Island, please tell me! ”
After the phone worm was connected, there were intelligence officers from Xuanyue Island.
” Hello, I’m Nipton from Fishman Island, who is in charge of Xuanyue Island now? ” Nepton asked the phone bug.
Although he is the king of Fishman Island, Fishman Island is nominally occupied by the Whitebeard Pirates, so even if it is just an intelligence officer, he also gives considerable respect.
” King Neptune? ” The intelligence officer was stunned for a moment, and then quickly replied: ” At present, Chief Frank is in charge of the daily work of Xuanyue Island! But Captain Marko is also resting on Xuanyue Island! ”
The intelligence personnel of Xuanyue Island naturally know what Fishman Island means to the Whitebeard Pirates. Even among the pirate version of the monopoly that is now popular all over the world, Fishman Island is a place that must be seized, so He heard that the other party was the king of Fishman Island, and immediately cheered up.
” Oh? Is Marko too? Could you please contact Captain Marko, I have something to look for! ” Neptune said with a smile when he heard that Marko was on the island.
If Marco spoke, maybe Reina could come to Fishman Island.
” Okay, please wait a moment, I’ll contact Captain Marko right now! ”
The intelligence officer put down the phone bug in his hand, picked up a phone bug next to him, and said, ” Captain Marko … Captain Marko! Please come to the communication room if you hear me! Come to the communication room if you hear me! ”
Marco, who was having lunch with the Nuoqigao family at home, immediately frowned when he heard the shouting on the radio.
This kind of broadcasting is nothing new, it can be done with phone bugs and loudspeakers.
In Frank’s construction plan, Xuanyue Island was divided into two floors, ground and underground, so it was very inconvenient to communicate news, so he installed a broadcast on Xuanyue Island.
The broadcast is managed by the communication room, and the message can be delivered to the whole island at the fastest speed.
” Come on! Don’t delay the business, I’ll wait for you to come back and eat together! ” Nuo Qigao, who was sitting beside him, naturally heard the voice on the radio, and immediately patted her husband beside him and said softly.
” No! Let’s eat first, it shouldn’t be a big deal! Dad and the others seem to have found something on the bottom of the sea some time ago. It’s probably related to this! ” Marko smiled and asked Nuoqigao and the others to eat first, without waiting. Own.
” Okay, got it! You go! ” Nuo Qigao smiled and handed the coat to Nuo Qigao and replied.
Marco took the coat and put it on. After going out, he spread his arms, turned directly into a half-beast form, and flew towards the communication room.
” Okay, let’s eat first! He doesn’t know when he will be back! ” Ah Jian shouted towards Nuo Qi at the door.
” Bermel, you eat first, I’ll wait for him! ” Nuoqigao turned his head and said with a smile.
” Okay, just let her wait, let’s eat first! ” Seeing Ah Jian, Bellmer wanted to say something, interrupted him directly and said.
” Okay! ” Ah Jian shrugged and replied.
And when Marco came to the communication room, after learning that it was King Neptune of Fishman Island, he immediately connected the phone bug.
” Ah ~ it’s His Majesty Neptune! I’m Marko! ”
” Marco? Do you know where the Moby Dick is now ? ” Neptune asked with a smile after hearing Marco’s voice.
” Huh? ” Marko was stunned for a moment. He thought that the team sent by Fishman Island didn’t find the Moby Dick , so he was stunned for a moment before asking, ” You didn’t find the Moby Dick ? ”
Hearing Marco’s question, Nepton knew that Marco had misunderstood, and quickly explained it, saying: ” No, Naga’s matter has been resolved, but we need to ask Reina for help! Accurate. Said to ask her daughter, Benery D. Robin, for a favor! ”
” Robin? What are you looking for her for? I remember Reina said before that she seems to have gone to the East China Sea, but Reina went to find her and didn’t find her before. It seems that she went to the Revolutionary Army! ” Marko said suspiciously.
” Revolutionary Army? When did you get involved with the Revolutionary Army? ” Neptune asked in surprise.
Marko’s face darkened and he said, ” We have nothing to do with the revolutionary army. Captain Robin, Ace’s younger brother, is the son of the revolutionary army leader Long! ”
” Wait … wait … you let me stroke …” Neptune said with a headache: ” Robin is Rayner’s daughter, right? Her captain … who is it? ”
” Monkey D. Luffy, Ace’s younger brother! ” Marco replied with a smile.
” Ace? Fire Fist Ace? Are you Roger’s son Ace? He has a younger brother? ” Neptune asked in surprise.
” It’s not my brother! They are sworn brothers, and Luffy’s father is the leader of the revolutionary army, Long! ” Marko quickly explained.
“…” After listening to Marco’s explanation, Neptune felt even more confused.
” Who else is there in their pirate group? ” Even Neptune suddenly felt speechless about this pirate group.
” I’m not very clear, but you haven’t said what to do with Robin? ” Marko suddenly thought that the building seemed to be crooked, so he quickly returned to the topic.
” Is that so, I heard that Reina’s daughter can read ancient texts? Of the people I know, only Oden can understand, but you know, Oden has already … So now I can only find Reina’s daughter Yes! ” Neptune said directly.
” Ancient script? ” Marko was stunned, he knew that Robin knew ancient script, but now Robin went to the revolutionary army’s territory, only the father and Reina who have Robin’s life card can find her, the rest Will not work.
So when Marco explained the situation again, Nepton felt that the situation was a little troublesome.
” In other words, we still have to find Reina or Dad! ” Neptune said with a sigh.
” Well, it should be like this, but … have you found any historical text? ” Marko asked curiously.
” No …” Nipton didn’t hide it, but told the story of Naga again.
” It turns out that this matter can’t be delayed, so let me contact Reina for you, let him pick up Robin, and then go to Fishman Island! ” After thinking about it, Marko replied.
In fact, at this time, Marko already understood why Nepton didn’t let the intelligence officer contact Moby Dick directly , but to find him first.

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