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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” In other words … he needs Robin to help him decipher the words on that letter? ” After listening to Marco’s explanation, Reina pondered for a while and asked, ” How many words are on the letter? Not many words … I can help him decipher it! ”
” You? Do you know ancient script? ” Marko asked in surprise.
” A little bit, not much! So if the number of words is too many … I can’t do it! ” Reiner said with a smile: ” How can I say that my wife and daughter are historians, I’m not surprised? ”
” Then I really didn’t ask about the number of words! Well, I’ll contact you at this time tomorrow, and I’ll ask Nipton’s side later! ” Marko replied after thinking about it.
” Okay ! ” Reina nodded and said with a smile, ” How are you and Nuoqigao getting along? ”
” Very good! Nuoqigao is a very good person, we get along very happily! ” Marco replied generously.
” That’s good! ” Reina was still very confident in Marco’s character, so he introduced Nuoqigao to him.
The two chatted for a few more things before hanging up the phone.
” Is it Marco? ” Whitebeard asked when he saw Rayner returning to the deck.
” Yeah! ” Reiner said it all, then smiled: ” So Nepton wants Robin to translate for him! But ask Marko, I’ll be a little bit better, so let him ask , there are not many words in the letter, if there are not many words, even guessing, I should be able to translate it. ”
” You? Gu la la la … Don’t delay other people’s business, this matter really needs to be resolved, or fishman island is not easy to explain to others, why don’t you go ! ” said with a smile.
” Big brother has spoken, can I not do it? But Shanks and Kaido, let’s leave it to big brother! Originally, I wanted to take advantage of this time to go out to see Robin, so I did it together by the way. Let’s go! ” Reina smiled and nodded and said, ” But if Big Brother has news about Zefa … remember to notify me! ”
Based on the relationship between Whitebeard and Neptune, as long as Whitebeard heard about this, Reina would definitely go, so he was already mentally prepared.
” Don’t worry, that guy can’t beat anyone by the way! ” Whitebeard nodded and said with a smile.
He knew what Reina was thinking about. During this time, he kept poaching people from other places, just to protect Xuanyue Island. The same is true for the doctor. Now Xuanyue Island is really more and more like a The war machine is now not only capable of going up to the sky, but also entering the sea. Once it really works, it will be terrifying.
That’s it, Reina doesn’t seem to be satisfied. Recently, he put his idea on Zefa’s head, planning to bring Zefa back to Xuanyue Island to be the head coach.
But for this matter, Whitebeard is really not very optimistic. The other party has blocked the navy for a lifetime. Although he has turned against the navy now, it does not mean that he will join the pirate group!
And it’s even more impossible for them to exist like the Whitebeard Pirates.
However, Whitebeard didn’t know why Reina was so confident, so he did as he said, and informed him when he met Zefa, but if he didn’t, he didn’t bother to look for it.
The sea is so big that if a person wants to hide, even the Whitebeard Pirates may not be able to find it.
” Spirituality · Hard Shell! ” After everything was ready, Reina summoned the hard shell.
This time he went to Robin, and it was estimated that he had to go to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army, Baldigo, the island of white soil, so it was better for him to be in the past.
” Dad, let Reina go like this … Is there any problem? Those people in the revolutionary army are not easy to deal with …” Bista, who was standing beside Whitebeard, looked at Reina who was leaving, some said worriedly.
” Gu la la la … He just went to pick up Robin, there will be no problem! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” He’d better be beaten there … Then we’ll just kill him directly, and at the same time avenge him, we can also rob him by the way! ” Lakyo said with a weird smile.
” Gu la la la … It’s very possible! But let’s deal with Kaido first! ” Whitebeard smiled and said, ” When the time comes, we really need to stop by, that kid Reina. Didn’t you say that you wanted to rob when you came out this time? Then snatch it! Goo-la-la-la-la …”
” Oh ~~~” Hearing Whitebeard’s words, the surrounding members cheered. As pirates, robbery is their job.
The next day, when Marko contacted the Moby Dick again , after learning that Rayner had set off to look for Robin, he told Nepton that he could wait with peace of mind.
On the other side, Reina followed the guidance of Robin’s life paper all the way. When he encountered a small island, he went up to replenish it, and his life was quite leisurely.
It wasn’t until a few days later, when Reina found an island again, but found that the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates was hanging on the island, but from the texture and style … it seemed to be pirated.
Reina, who originally had enough supplies and did not want to land on the island, got to the shore curiously and landed on the island.
” It seems that there is no pirate group stationed … Who is using our name fraudulently? ” Reina remembers very clearly that in this sea area, they have no territory, so the person who hangs the pirate pirate flag must be are using their names.
All the way to the town of the island, and after walking around, Reina found that it was fairly stable, and it was a little different from the chaos he imagined.
When I came to the only tavern in the town, there were not many people in it. Reina chose a table at random and sat down, intending to hear if there was any news.
” Big brother … When are we going to sea? It’s so boring to stay here all the time! We are the men of the Whitebeard Pirates! How can we not go to sea? ” After a while, a group of people not far from Reina Man, he has the information he is interested in.
” Idiot … Dad said, let’s be stationed on this small island, how dare you run around? ” A strong man sitting in the middle drinking and scolding replied with a smile.
After listening for a while, Reina knew what was going on.
It turns out that this group of people is basically the people on this island, but they are lazy and don’t want to do serious work, so this is the idea of protecting money.
Especially their boss, the strong man of the lieutenant general, he thought of using the prestige of the Whitebeard Pirates to deter the residents of the island, so he made the pirate flag himself, and hired someone to direct and act it. As soon as Whitebeard attacked the island, he fought to the death and fought hard to protect the island. In the end, he was taken in by Father Whitebeard and included in the pirate group, responsible for garrisoning the island.
Not to mention, after that incident, the residents who did not know the truth really gave him protection money, allowing him to live such a carefree life from now on.
Therefore, he was completely uninterested in his younger brother’s request to go to sea.
In his opinion, spending time on the island every day is the best life.
However, because this is his hometown, he didn’t do anything excessive.
After understanding the truth, Reina did not intend to dismantle the other party, because the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates is not only good but not bad!
Once discovered by other pirates, this small island will inevitably be attacked, so the group of gangsters who usually receive protection fees will be out of luck.
However, just as Reina got up and was about to leave, the door of the tavern was suddenly opened, and a teenager rushed in and just hit Reina, causing him to fall.
” Hey! You don’t have eyes? How dare you stand in the way of the young master? ” The boy got up from the ground and immediately yelled at Reina.
“…” Reina just looked at each other in silence, just a teenager, Reina didn’t bother to shoot at him.
” Old … Boss! Look at him, he still wants to beat me! ” It seemed that Reina was not easy to mess with. After the boy looked around at the meeting, he found a group of gangsters, and immediately ran over crying.
” Hey … the guy over there … you bumped into someone, don’t you know to apologize? ” A little gangster who was a little drunk heard the boy’s cry, and immediately got up and said to Reina.
Reina turned his head and looked at the other party. He was considering whether he should just do it himself, get rid of them, and destroy the pirate flag.
” Yo ~ ? It’s quite arrogant? The uncle is talking to you … you … you didn’t hear it!? ” Seeing that Reina ignored him, the little gangster immediately stepped forward, wanting to take a shot at Reina. But before he could get to Reina, he fell over himself because he was drunk and kicked the foot of the table.
Looking at the gangster who fell to the ground, Reina, who was just about to take action, suddenly lost his mood. Bullying an opponent of this level would almost cost him a bit.
” Want to leave? You want to leave like this after hitting my brother? ” Seeing Rayner turning around and preparing to leave, the little gangster’s eldest brother immediately got up and shouted.
” Touching porcelain? ” Reina turned his head and asked, ” Just now anyone with eyes could see that he fell by himself, and I didn’t touch him! ”
” Who said that? I just saw that you pushed my brother, and he fell! What? Do you want to admit it ? ” As for the boy who hit Reina just now, he hid behind the little gangster and made a provocative move towards Reina.
” So what do you want to do? ” Reina asked helplessly.
” What should I do? Of course I’m losing money! You won’t pay my brother’s medical expenses? ” The little gangster’s eldest brother said with a fierce look: ” I’m a member of the Whitebeard Pirates! This is also Father Whitebeard’s territory, you If you dare to mess around, I will call someone over immediately! My relationship with Captain Marko is quite good! ”
” Oh? Marco? ” Reina smiled lightly and said: ” Then you let him out, I want to see how much he can charge me! ”
” Huh? Who are you? Know our Captain Marco? ” When the little gangster’s eldest brother heard Reina’s words, he immediately felt that the other party’s origin might not be simple.
According to his life-saving principle, he never makes a move easily until he finds out the origin of the other party, so as not to hit the iron plate himself.
What’s more, listening to Reina’s words, he knew that the other party should not be a simple character.
” Marco from the Whitebeard Pirates … I heard about it! Are you a member of the Whitebeard Pirates? ” Reina asked with a smile, looking at him.
” This …” The gangster boss was sweating like rain at this time. Just now, he saw the tattoo of the Whitebeard Pirates on Reina’s arm, and he knew that he had met the real master, so he didn’t dare to talk to him.
” What nonsense are you talking about? Our boss was personally appointed by Father Whitebeard to be stationed on this small island! Boy, if you want to cause trouble, you must weigh it … The Whitebeard Pirates are not offended by anyone. Get up! ” The little gangster hadn’t spoken yet, but the younger brother on the side couldn’t help but say.

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