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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” So can I go now? ” Reina asked with a chuckle, looking at the gangster who fell to the ground.
He didn’t hit the person, but the gangster boss himself succeeded, slapped the opponent on the ground with a slap, and then, regardless of the younger brothers’ puzzlement, nodded and bowed to Reina and said, ” Yes … Yes … Of course you can! please! ”
” Boy … The flag of the Whitebeard Pirates … It’s not that easy to hang. They also have hostile forces. If you encounter one, it’s enough to destroy your group! ” Reina patted the boss of the gangster and left with a smile. .
After he left, a group of younger brothers looked at their boss and asked, ” Big brother … Who was that person just now!? ”
” Don’t ask! That’s not something you can know! ” The boss of the gang made a melancholy look and said: ” You just need to know that the person just now can kill all the people on our entire island! ”
” What … what? ” The younger brothers looked at their elder brother in shock.
In fact, he didn’t recognize Reina himself, but he knew that since the other party was a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, he definitely had such strength.
This incident had a great impact on them, but for Reina, it was nothing but a laugh.
After leaving the island, after a period of sailing, Reina finally arrived at Baldigo, the island of white soil.
But to his surprise, when he landed, no one came out.
This is too lax for the headquarters of a major power.
You must know that he is not hiding, so he just landed on the shore!
But it was just right that the other party didn’t notice him. After removing the hard-shell psychic, Reina swaggered into Baldigo.
” Have you heard? The Nicole Robin that I brought back recently is really amazing. All the historical texts we found here have been translated by him! ”
” Really? So many historical texts, all translated? ”
” Yeah, I heard that I haven’t slept for three days and three nights! It’s amazing! ”
Walking on the road, listening to the surrounding revolutionary army talking about Robin’s news, Reina was stunned for a moment, and then his face darkened.
Her daughter … did n’t come here to work! Not to be allowed to rest for three days and three nights?
Reina, with a dark face, continued to follow the life paper. He decided that if he found out that Robin was not doing well here, he would definitely make a scene!
After a while, Reina came to the gate of a high-rise building.
The rocks on this island are all white, so it is called the island of white soil, so the revolutionary army also took advantage of this, and made the buildings with white materials. From a distance, it looks like there are no buildings on the island. It’s like an uninhabited island.
” You can’t go in here! ”
When Reina was about to go in, he was stopped by the guard standing at the door.
” Go away! ” Reina, who was in a bad mood for a long time, didn’t bother to say anything to these people, and replied in a low voice.
” Huh? ” After the two guards took a closer look at Reina, their expressions changed and they asked, ” Who are you? You are not ours! ”
” Hmph, get out! ” Reina glared, the two guards fell directly, he used the domineering domineering look.
At the same time, several different places on the island looked towards Reina at the same time after feeling the domineering arrogance of the overlord.
” No, it’s Nico Robin ‘s side! ” A man with short yellow hair, dressed in aristocratic clothes, but with severe burn marks on his face, suddenly changed his face, picked up a steel pipe beside him and moved towards him. Reina ran over there.
” Sabo? What’s wrong? Wait for me! ” A girl with orange hair, a short dress, high heels, and a small hat with goggles saw this and immediately chased Sabo over.
Speaking of Reina, he deliberately used the overlord color, just to inform the top of the revolutionary army.
But he wouldn’t wait here stupidly, but walked in. He first had to confirm Robin’s state.
” Huh? Why is it so noisy outside? ” In one room, Robin, holding coffee, asked the revolutionary army beside him.
” Sorry, have you disturbed your work? I’ll go out and take a look! ” The revolutionary army beside her immediately got up, smiled apologetically, and said.
” No, don’t worry, I’m just curious! ” Robin replied with a slight smile.
The other party smiled and walked towards the door. He knew that this was just a polite remark from Robin.
But when he opened the door, he saw a strange man standing outside the door.
” Who are you _ _ After that, he shouted to Robin who was behind him: ” Miss Robin, hurry up, I’ll block him! ”
“I heard that you have been working here for three days and three nights in a row? ” Renner ignored the revolutionary army soldiers standing in front of him, but walked towards Robin who was sitting there.
” Huh? Father? How did you come here? ” Robin was really stunned when he saw that it was Reina, and then asked with a smile.
” Father … Lord Father? ” The revolutionary army, who had just prepared to attack Reina, froze there, looking at the man in front of him with an unbelievable face.
” I don’t have a son like you, hmph, go away! ” Reina snorted coldly, walked directly to Robin, sat down, and said, ” Are you taking your body seriously now? ”
” Hehehe …” Robin just smiled and didn’t say anything.
The revolutionary army that was frozen there was a little confused and didn’t know what to do.
At this time, Sabo, who came first, had just arrived at the door. He checked the fainted comrades and found that they were not injured, but just fainted. He breathed a sigh of relief and quickly ran inside.
” Sabo … wait … wait for me! What’s the matter? ” Kerla caught up, panting, only to see that the guards all fell to the ground, and only then did she know something was wrong.
” What happened here? ” At this moment, the commander of the Union Army, Karas, fell in front of Kerla and asked.
“I don’t know, Sabo has already entered, there should be an enemy invasion, and I just arrived! ” Kerla shook her head and said with a cautious look.
” Okay, I’ll go take a look first! ” Karas nodded, turned into countless crows, and flew into the building.
At this time, Sabo, who came to the room, looked at Robin and Reina, who was sitting opposite him, and the revolutionary army soldiers who were already standing there, feeling overwhelmed, felt a bit strange for a while.
” This is the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army … Chief of Staff Sabo, right? ” Seeing Sabo appearing at the door, Reina turned his head and asked.
After seeing Reina’s appearance clearly, Saba immediately relaxed a little and asked with a smile: ” It turns out to be the vice-captain of the famous Whitebeard Pirates, Your Excellency Chitong Reina is here! I didn’t know you came to our revolutionary army. Headquarters … what’s your job? ”
” What am I doing here? You have to ask yourselves about this! ” Reina snorted and replied.
Sabo was at a loss when he heard Reina’s words. Could it be that their people provoked the Whitebeard Pirates?
But before he could ask questions, the commander of the Union Army, Callas, appeared beside him, and he also saw Reina sitting there.
” What’s the matter? ” Callas whispered to Sabo.
He naturally recognized Reina, but he didn’t understand why the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates came to them.
Soon, the cadres of the revolutionary army came here one after another.
” It ‘s Chitong Reina! How did he come to the door? Ah ~ He must have found it through Sister Robin’s life card! ” Kerla, who came last, said suddenly after seeing Reina.
” Huh? Why does he have Nicole Robin ‘s life card? ” Reina and Robin have been sitting there without talking or moving, and they don’t know what to do with Sabo.
” Idiot, don’t you know Sister Robin’s real name? Benery D. Robin! ” Kerla said, putting one hand on her forehead.
” Benery D. Robin? ” Sabo asked in surprise, ” Isn’t her name Nicole Robin ? ”
” I really convinced you, didn’t you read the information I gave you last time? ” Kerla looked at Sabo speechlessly and said, ” Sister Robin is the daughter of Chitong Reina! ”
” What? ” Except for Kerla and the revolutionary army soldiers standing there, all the revolutionary army cadres looked at Reina in surprise. They couldn’t believe that Reina’s daughter was Nicole Luo Bing.
” What? Your revolutionary army’s intelligence is so straitened out? ” Reina chuckled and said, ” You brought my daughter here … Is something wrong? And I heard that she hasn’t slept for three days and three nights … ? ”
Reina’s words made the cadres of the Revolutionary Army break down in cold sweat. They really didn’t expect things to be like this. If they fought the Whitebeard Pirates over this matter, and waited until the leader returned, it would be really unclear.
” That … Uncle Reina … It’s not that we let Sister Robin work continuously! ” Standing at the end, Kerla took a step forward and said, ” And we invited Sister Robin back, not back! ”
” Nonsense … I’m blackmailing you! Otherwise, if it’s true, would you still have a chance to talk to me? ” Reina rolled his eyes and said.
” Hehehe …” Hearing Reina’s words, Robin couldn’t help but covered his mouth and laughed.
She had long known that her father had no intention of doing it, otherwise it would have stood up and explained.
When the rest of the people heard Reina’s words, their faces were strange. What is this? How could anyone extort such blatantly?
” I don’t know what Your Excellency Reina wants? ” Sabo, who thought for a while, still thought he couldn’t solve it casually, asked in a low voice.
” What do you want? Compensation, of course! Where’s the dragon? Why didn’t he come out? Just let you guys stay here? ” Reina looked around and found that there was no dragon, so he asked.
Hearing Reina’s question, Sabo replied directly: ” I can directly make the decision if there is anything that needs compensation, so why don’t Mr. Reina talk to me directly? ”
” Huh? ” Reina looked at Sabo in surprise. The meaning of what he said was very obvious. He can make the decision here, so there is no need for the dragon to come out to see Reina. Everyone is second-in-command with equal status.
” It’s interesting … boy … when I was in the sea … you still don’t know where you are! ” Reina chuckled, squinting at Sabo.
” Hmph, it’s not a matter of seniority in the sea! ” Sabo said before answering, the commander of the Eastern Army, Belo Beatty, with short purple hair, a red top hat, sunglasses, and red boots . said.
” Okay! Then … let’s talk with our strength! ” Reina’s words just fell out, and someone had appeared in front of Sabo, but he did not attack, but after a pause, he continued to move towards the outside, while He opened his mouth and said, ” Some kind of … come out and fight! “

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