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” Mr. Reina, Betty doesn’t mean that! ” After following Reina out, Sabo glanced at Bello Betty who didn’t care , and then said towards Reina.
He didn’t want to have a conflict with Reina. The other party found someone who didn’t hurt them, which also proved that Reina didn’t mean to make things worse.
So it would be better if it could be explained clearly.
” Sister Robin, hurry up! Everyone is obviously not an enemy, why are you fighting? ” Kerla said angrily, dragging Robin, who was slowly and leisurely.
” Hehehe …” Robin just smiled, she understood what Reina meant, so she wasn’t worried at all.
When the two came out, Sabo had already fought with Reina, and the four army commanders on the side were all ready to come forward to support him at any time.
The other party was Reina, so they could not be more cautious.
” Sabo! Hurry up and stop! ” Seeing that the fight had started, Kerla shouted and stopped Sabo who was about to attack.
” Huh? Little girl, we are having a good time, don’t be too happy! ” Reina frowned slightly, looked at Kerla, and said.
” Mr. Reina! We are not enemies, please don’t do this again! ” Kerla said after letting go of the Robin he was pulling, running a few steps forward, and bowing to Reina.
Kerla’s words and actions surprised Sabo and others. Although Kerla’s strength is not very strong, her ability is very good, and she grew up in the revolutionary army since she was a child, and is their important partner.
And they didn’t usually see Kerla being so serious to anyone.
” Didn’t I tell you? I’m here …”
” Mr. Rainer … you don’t remember me, do you? ”
Reina just wanted to say that he was here to rob, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Kerla.
” Huh? Are you … ? ” Reina really didn’t recognize who the other party was. He only knew that in the original book, Sabo was indeed accompanied by such a little girl, who seemed to have a good relationship with the murlocs and learned from murlocs. karate.
” Sure enough … I knew that you must have forgotten me! ” Kerla smiled and said, ” I was rescued by you from the dragons of Mary Joa! ”
” Eh? You were the survivor back then? Hahaha … that’s really fate! ” Reina was stunned, he really forgot that Kerla was once a slave of the Tianlong people, and even in the original book, it was very important character of.
It was when Tiger was escorting her back to his hometown that he was ambushed and died of blood loss.
” Boss Tiger often talked about you on the boat back then … and told us that it was you who really saved us! ” Kerla said, bowing deeply to Reina again.
” Okay! For your own sake, then forget it! ” Reina slammed it, knowing that the fight would not go on.
” How did your father come here? I have already received the letter you sent me! ” After finding the place again, Robin asked with a smile while holding the coffee.
” Drink less of that stuff, it’s not good for your health! I went to the East China Sea to look for you, but I couldn’t find you! ” Reina first pointed to the coffee in Robin’s hand, and then said with a smile, ” This time it’s not me . I’m looking for you, but King Neptune of Fishman Island, he needs your help with something! ”
Feeling Reina’s concern, Robin put down the coffee in his hand, and then asked curiously, ” King Neptune of Fishman Island? What is he doing with me? ”
Kerla on the side also looked at Reina curiously. She was known as the bridge between humans and murlocs, so she was naturally very curious about things on the murlocs.
” I really can’t say it casually! ” Reina didn’t answer directly, but shook his head and said, ” You will know it naturally after you go there. This is the secret of their fish-man island, and they certainly don’t. Hope too many people know. ”
Reina, like Shark Star, also believes that Naga’s statement is not a problem. In the face of the Naga family who can control the murlocs and mermen, the possibility of the royal family destroying them is very high.
So he didn’t want to talk too much to Robin in front of the revolutionary army.
None of the revolutionary army cadres present were fools, so they naturally changed the subject and explained to Reina why they took Robin.
” Mr. Rainer must also know the meaning of our revolutionary army … Miss Robin’s ability to read ancient texts is simply a beacon of our revolutionary army, so after our comrades in the East China Sea met her, we immediately took her with us. come back! ”
” I don’t care what the lights are! If it’s what she wants to do, I won’t object, but if anyone forces her to do something! Then it’s like declaring war on our Whitebeard Pirates! ” Reina shook his head, said.
” Don’t worry, Mr. Rainer, Sister Binluo is very happy here, otherwise she wouldn’t have gone to sleep for three days and three nights in a row! It’s not that we didn’t let her sleep, but that we begged her to go to bed and she didn’t go! ” Kerla, who was sitting beside Sabo, said with a smile.
Reina nodded, looked at Robin, and asked, ” Is the matter here finished? Let’s set off when we’re done. Fishman Island is more anxious. You know, that guy from Neptune and you. Dad has a good relationship, so this time he spoke in person, that’s why I came to you! ”
“The translation is over, but they said before that their leader was on his way back and wanted to meet me! ” Robin nodded and replied.
” Long that guy? What’s there to see? ” Renner rolled his eyes and said, ” Sabo, don’t you remember your childhood? ”
” Huh? ” Sabo was stunned for a moment. Only the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army knew about his amnesia, but Reina broke it.
” Yes, is there any way for Mr. Reina!? ” The stupid Sabo was about to say something, but he was preempted by Kerla and asked.
” I do know his past and know how to restore his memory … but … why should I do this? ” Reina rolled her eyes and asked Kerla with a light smile.
The four commanders of the Revolutionary Army looked at each other. They felt a little strange. Could it be that Reina knew Sabo when he was a child? But now that Sabo has grown so big, and there are burn marks on half of his face, even people who knew him when he was a child would not be able to recognize Sabo when he grew up!
Kerla stuck out her tongue, rolled her eyes, and immediately said to Robin coquettishly: ” Sister Robin … can’t you help me? Please! ”
” Hehehe …” Robin had no resistance at all to Kerla’s soft words, and gave up instantly, looking at Reina with a smile.
” You’re the smartest! ” Reyna pointed to Kerla, then looked at Sabo, and said, ” Go find me on the Moby Dick if you want to know ! You’ll know all the answers! ”
After finishing speaking, Reina directly stood up and waved to Robin, and then planned to leave.
After Robin smiled and said goodbye to the revolutionary army, he quickly caught up with Reina.
Looking at the two who were talking and laughing and leaving, Bello Beatty, who was holding a cigarette, asked Kerla, ” What did he mean just now? Isn’t he trying to dig our walls? ”
” That’s right, he goes as soon as he says it? Really, he seems to know everything! ” Lindbergh, the commander of the Confederate Army, replied with a displeased expression.
Kerla looked at a few people with a surprised expression, and asked, ” Don’t you all know? ”
” Know what? ” Several people looked at Kerla and asked puzzled.
Kerla hesitated, looked at Sabo and said, ” Mr. Reina’s eyes … have the ability to see the future! That’s what I heard from Mr. Tiger back then! ”
” What? ” Several people looked at Kerla in disbelief.
Although there are many people who know this kind of thing now, they all know to keep Reina a secret, so Reina’s ability has not spread.
Kerla was also afraid that Sabo wouldn’t believe Reina, so he hesitated for a while and then said it.
” When I was sent back by Mr. Tiger, I heard him mention that Mr. Rayner’s eyes can see the future, but only those who can influence the changes of the times can do it! I think he should see it from Sabo’s body. What happened, that’s why you say that! ” Kerla nodded and said.
Everyone looked at each other in dismay, not expecting such a thing to happen.
” Why don’t we wait for the leader to come back, let’s discuss it before we decide!? ” Mori, who looks like a giant clan, said in a urn voice.
” No need! ” Sabo shook his head and said, ” I’ll go to the Moby Dick after I’m ready , I believe in Kerla! ”
As chief of staff, Sabo is quite decisive.
” But didn’t Reina just say to go to Fishman Island? You go there now, and he’s not here either! ” Bello Beatty said with a frown.
Sabo was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that Rayner came here this time to find Robin to go to Fishman Island, and now he can only find the Moby Dick !
” That’s right, let’s wait until the leader comes back! Maybe he has more news about Reina! ” Sabo nodded and replied.
On the other side, Robin who returned to the hard-shelled back, after listening to Reina’s remarks, looked at Reina in surprise and asked, ” Is there really a Naga family? ”
” Eh? Have you heard of Naga? ” Reina was taken aback by Robin’s erudition, knowing that he had never heard of Naga’s name after being on the sea for so long.
” Yeah! I saw it in a historical text! ” Robin nodded and replied.
” Oh? How is it recorded? ” Reina asked curiously.
After thinking about it, Robin said: ” I remember that it was a historical text that recorded a war. It mentioned the Naga clan, saying that they were a sea monster clan from the deep sea and possessed evil powers! ”
“The record is so general? Isn’t it detailed? ” Reina asked with a frown.
” No, that’s why I was so surprised when my father talked about the Naga family just now. They can be said to be a race that has disappeared! ” Robin nodded and said, ” It’s very worthwhile to study! Maybe in their heritage, What other secrets are recorded! “

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