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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Just the day after Reina and Robin left, the leader of the revolutionary army, Monkey D. Long, returned to Baldigo, the island of white soil. After learning that Reina had come and picked up Robin, although Long It’s a pity, but I don’t care too much.
After all, the historical text that needs to be translated, Robin has worked overtime to help them translate it.
But when he heard that Reiner had sent Sabo to the Moby Dick , he immediately frowned.
” That means … Reina knows about your past? ” Long asked after listening to Sabo’s remarks.
” I don’t know, but Kerla said … that Reina has the ability to see the future! ” Sabo hesitated and said.
” That’s right, his ability is basically no longer a secret. The high-level officials of the major forces know it, but it has not been completely spread. Usually we have no contact with the Whitebeard Pirates, so you don’t know it’s normal! The dragon nodded and said: ” Since he sees the future in you, then you should go to the Moby Dick ! ”
” But … he’s taking Nico Robin now … No , it’s Benery D. Robin who went to Fishman Island! ” Sabo scratched his head embarrassedly and said.
” It’s okay! His mount is very fast, and he should be almost back when you get to the Moby Dick ! ” Long shook his head and said with a smile.
” Yes! ” Sabo nodded, turned and left to prepare for sailing.
” Why are you on the boat? ”
When Sabo was about to set sail, he saw Kerla on the boat.
“The leader asked me to follow you, don’t let you cause any trouble, the other party is the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Kerla said with a forced expression that I didn’t want to come.
Sabo smiled, but did not expose her lies.
He knew that if the chief asked Kerla to go with him, he would have told him first.
But this time he didn’t go out to fight, so Sabo didn’t drive him back.
A few days later, Reina and Robin had come to the vicinity of Fishman Island, and before they could contact Fishman Island, they saw Shark Star with a team of Neptune Army greeted.
” How did you know I was coming? ” Reina asked Shark Star with a smile after entering Fishman Island.
” Father said that you should be arriving these days, so I’ll come out every day to see! I’m lucky today, just happened to meet! ” Shaoxing replied with a smile .
” Yo ~~ It seems that this time is not a small thing! How polite? ” Reina raised his brows and said with a smile.
Shark Star smiled embarrassedly and said: ” Naga has already accepted the power of inheritance, and now her combat power is even stronger! So …”
” So your father is afraid of her messing around, so he naturally wants me to arrive soon, right? ” Reina said with a smile.
Shaoxing shook his head and said, ” No, Naga has no plans to fight with us … It’s just that she wants to leave! ”
” Huh? Leave? Why? Doesn’t she want to know what happened back then? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” This …” Shark Star didn’t know how to explain to Reina for a while.
It turned out that during the time when Naga accepted the inheritance, she also saw the peace of Fishman Island now, which has been done by the royal family, especially Shark Star.
If she is now the enemy of Fishman Island, she doesn’t know whether she can still attack Shark Star without any scruples like before.
So she is a little afraid to face it now. She is afraid that after the letter is translated, there will be no room for change.
Although what has been handed down from the family now is the fish-man island’s treachery and extermination of their Naga clan, but according to what Neptune said, this is their side of the word.
But if there is decisive evidence in the letter from Fishman Island, then she and Fishman Island will have to live forever.
There is Shaoxing who has the same idea as her, but he is more likely to face it positively, no matter what the content of the letter is.
If it is as Naga said, then he will do his best to make up for Naga. If things are not what Naga said, but there are other secrets, it will be even better.
So Shark Star didn’t follow Nepton’s orders at all, but he counted the time himself, wandering around Fishman Island every day, waiting for Reina to come.
Under the leadership of Shark Star, Reina and Robin soon came to Dragon Palace, where Neptune and Naga were already waiting.
” Hey ~ you’ve changed a lot! ” Looking at Naga at this time, Reina felt that she was very different from before.
It’s not that she looks, but the feeling on her body is completely different.
” Naga has accepted the inheritance of their clan, and now she is the queen of the Naga clan! ” Shaxing explained with a smile.
” Hehe … what queen … it’s just me! ” Naga replied with a chuckle.
Hearing Naga’s words, Shark Star also fell silent.
The destruction of the Naga clan is like a hill, blocking the two.
As a visitor, Reina immediately discovered something was wrong between the two. Looking at Nepton, who was smiling bitterly, Reina knew that Nepton had definitely discovered this, but he didn’t say it.
” Where’s the letter? Take it out and take a look! ” Reina smiled slightly, but he didn’t say anything. Let them handle this kind of thing themselves!
” Here! ” Hearing Reina’s question, Naga took the letter out of her arms.
” Non-Naga clan, don’t open it without authorization! Naga Banshee! ” Robin, who was holding the letter, looked at the cover of the letter and said softly.
” Huh? Is that the word on it? ” Rayner asked, turning to Robin.
Robin nodded and was about to open the letter, but was snatched by Reina and threw it to Naga, saying, ” Open it yourself! ”
Looking at Robin’s surprised eyes, Reina explained with a smile: ” Their abilities are a bit strange, it’s the kind of ability to control people! Although I’m not sure if they can control humans, they should be careful! ”
Naga smiled lightly, opened the letter in her hand, and said: ” There are indeed remnants of the Naga family’s magic on this, but it has been completely useless for a long time! ”
” Look! I knew it! ” Reina pouted, took the letter from Naga’s hand, and then handed it to Robin.
” My descendants, when you read this letter, there should be no more members of our Naga clan left! ” Robin took the letter and read the first sentence, which made Naga a little bit. sadly.
” I am the last queen of the Naga clan, and I will destroy the Naga clan with my own hands! ” Robin continued to read softly.
” What? ” Both Shark Star and Naga looked up at Robin in surprise.
” Are you sure it’s written like this? If you dare to talk nonsense … I’ll kill …”
” Are you looking for death? ”
After hearing Robin’s translation, Naga excitedly stepped forward and walked towards Robin, but before she could move, Reina appeared in front of her, and Hirinmaru directly pressed against her neck.
” Don’t think that you have inherited some queen … you can be presumptuous in front of me! She is my daughter … if you dare to mess with … I will kill you! ” The strong murderous aura on Reina’s body immediately shocked Naga to dare not dare move.
” Mr. Rayner …”
” Humph! I don’t care what kind of hatred there is between you, but don’t get involved with Robin! Otherwise … the consequences will be at your own risk! ”
Shark Star took a step forward and just wanted to persuade Reina not to be angry, when Reina glared at him.
” Okay, Reina, they are still children, don’t scare them! ” Neptune over there said with a smile.
” I’m not trying to scare her …” Reina took back the ice wheel pill, slowly returned to Robin’s side, and gave her a look that didn’t need to worry.
Nipton smiled helplessly. He had long heard that Reina loved his only daughter quite a bit, but he didn’t expect to love her to such an extent.
If Naga really did it just now, he believed that Reina would never hesitate to kill Naga directly here.
Robin smiled slightly, ignored these, and continued to read the letter.
” Okay, I have translated all the words for you! As for whether you believe it or not … it’s up to you! ” After Robin finished reading, he handed the letter back to Naga and said with a smile.
” Just now … I’m sorry! I’m not …” Naga said softly to Robin when she took the letter.
” No need to apologize … you didn’t hurt me! ” But before she could finish her words, Robin interrupted her.
” Mr. Reina … We have prepared a guest room for you … Please! ” Shark Star nodded to Reina, and then planned to lead Reina to rest in person.
” You don’t have to worry about me, I’ll go see Xiaobaixing first. Does she still live in Hard Shell Castle? ” Reina waved her hand and said.
” Well! We haven’t been able to catch that guy …” Shark Star said somewhat ashamed.
” You’re a big brother, you want some snacks! How many years has Bai Xing lived there? You really … Forget it, I don’t even bother to talk about you! ” Reina shook his head and took Robin directly towards the hard shell. Go to the fort.
Looking at Reina who had left, Shark Star seemed to feel even more guilty.
” Now that the truth of the matter has come to light, what are you going to do next? Are you going to leave Fishman Island? ” Neptune asked softly, looking at Naga who was standing there.
” Fu ~ According to the wishes of the ancestors … Unless the fish-man island is in a state of life and death, the Naga clan cannot step into the fish-man island for half a step! As the only member of the Naga clan now, I naturally have to abide by the wishes of the ancestors! ” Naga nodded and replied.
” Actually, so many years have passed … Now you are the only one left in the Naga clan … If you want, I can represent Fishman Island and promise to let you stay! But you have to promise that you will never control the fish on the island. Humans or mermaids … not even when there is a war! ” Nipton said seriously to Naga after thinking about it.
” I stay … In addition to making history repeat itself, what else can I do? ” Naga replied with a wry smile.

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