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Hearing Naga’s words, Shark Star and Neptune fell into silence.
They all knew the reason why the Naga family was destroyed back then. The reason why they are like this is entirely because of their ability.
Because of their abilities, they are called the guardians of Fishman Island, and because of their abilities, they are called sea monsters from the deep sea, and they almost broke Fishman Island apart.
Through Robin’s translated letters, they knew what happened.
Back then, the Naga family was known as the patron saint of Fishman Island on Fishman Island, because they were not only powerful in themselves, but also empowered murlocs and mermaids to be equal to them. Their queen even had the powerful ability to control all sea beasts.
However, with the development of the times, the fish-man island has more and more contacts with humans, and more and more frictions are generated. Mermaids are favored by humans because of their sweet appearance and charming singing. They are often caught by traffickers through various methods. Mermaid.
This also made the Naga clan known to humans during the battle.
However, the Naga family belongs to the mermaid, and the number is scarce, so every time they fight, they will be in the rear, and then control the murlocs and mermen to fight, which also leads to the death of a large number of murlocs and mermen.
Although they did this to protect more murlocs and mermen, it was acceptable to everyone at first. After a long time, more and more family members of the murlocs and mermen died, and problems began to appear.
Facing the doubts and accusations of the clan, the Naga clan couldn’t argue, everything they did was to protect the fish-man island.
” We have never raised a butcher’s knife to our compatriots. Why do our compatriots look at us in the same way as they look at humans? ” This was the most impressive sentence of Naga.
When Robin said this sentence that the previous Naga Queen couldn’t understand, Naga suddenly felt the same way.
After the Naga family was questioned by ordinary murlocs and mermaids, they began to be restrained in the battle, resulting in even more heavy casualties in the battle with humans.
And such consequences also aroused the dissatisfaction of more ordinary murlocs and mermaids. Finally, everyone gathered in Dragon Palace City and asked Dragon Palace City to give a statement.
The royal family at that time naturally understood the importance of the Naga family. Although they tried to calm the excitement of the ordinary murlocs and mermaids, in the end they had to make the Naga family sign an agreement that they would not control their compatriots to fight in the future, and let them in Fight when you are fighting, not hiding in the rear.
Although most of the Naga clan do not understand why this is the case, in this case, in the future fight against humans, will more murlocs and mermen die?
But the Queen had given orders and they had to obey.
That is, on the night of the signing of the contract, a radical Naga tribe, taking advantage of the dead of night, assassinated all the murlocs and mermen who came to force the palace during the day. The Naga clan and the other murlocs and mermaids turned against each other.
In the end, the trouble was too big, and the Naga family had to come out and bear the consequences. Fortunately, the royal family was benevolent and informed the Naga family to secretly send the children away from other places.
In the end, all the Naga on Fishman Island, and the last Naga Queen committed suicide on the square of Fishman Island to apologize.
At the same time, the royal family also sealed up all the information about the Naga family, leaving only the corpse of Queen Naga in the secret room of Dragon Palace City, and the last text of the truth of the events recorded by the queen herself.
” As long as you promise not to use your abilities to control other murlocs and mermen, then I can allow you to stay on the murloc island! ” Neptune said, looking at Naga with a sad expression.
” It doesn’t make much sense for me to stay! ” Naga shook her head and said.
” Why doesn’t it make sense? This is your home! Don’t you want the Naga clan to rise from Fishman Island again? Even if you don’t control the murlocs and mermaids, with your own strength, you are enough to be on Fishman Island. Do you have a place? We destroyed that document directly, no one knows your abilities now, can’t you still control the sea beasts? ” Shark Star stepped forward a little excitedly and said to Naga.
To be honest, Naga was indeed a little moved by Sharksing’s proposal, and she believed that the reason why her ancestors left the letter here, in addition to what happened to her back then, should also have the intention of wanting her to return to Fishman Island.
But she couldn’t get over the hurdle in her heart.
At the same time, Robin, who went to the hard-shell castle with Reina, also asked curiously: ” Father, do you think Naga will stay on Fishman Island? ”
” It doesn’t matter if they stay or not, as long as they still have such abilities, they are a ticking time bomb for Fishman Island! Even if Naga promised not to control other murlocs and mermaids, does it work? It’s better now, there is only one Naga, but she always has to reproduce, can she guarantee that her offspring are the same as her thoughts? ” Reina shook his head and said.
The incident with Naga made Reina think of the Uchiha family with Sharinyan, they are also a family with a tragic fate, and the origin of everything is also because of their ability.
” That’s right, so the royal family at the beginning should have the ability to prevent that incident, right? But they saw what happened in the future, so they let the collective suicide of the Naga clan be allowed! ” Robin said softly: ” Maybe the Naga clan The queen also knew about this, so she asked the royal family to send the children away and destroy all records about the Naga! ”
” It should be true, but this method is only a temporary solution, not the root cause, and can’t solve the problems of the Naga family at all! ” Reina shook his head and said.
Robin was silent and did not speak, this kind of thing is really difficult to solve.
” Your Excellency Reina … you are here! ” The voice of the guard of the hard shell woke Robin from his thoughts.
” Well, is Bai Xing still inside? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” Yes! ” The guard nodded and replied.
” Okay, open them up! Let her come out and play, and I’ll be by her side! ” Reina nodded and said.
The guards didn’t say a word, and immediately opened the door of the hard-shell castle. With Reina by Baixing’s side, safety was no problem.
” Huh? ” The door of the hard shell castle was completely opened, and Bai Xing, who was lying in the shell room, immediately sat up and looked at the gate in surprise.
” Lord Reina … you are here? ” Shirahoshi immediately laughed when he saw that it was Reina.
When Reina often came to Fishman Island, she would take her out to play. With Reina by her side, even Neptune felt very at ease.
Reina, who has a wheel eye, will definitely not be able to hurt Bai Xing, no matter it is any sneak attack.
” Let’s go, where do you want to play today, I’ll accompany you! ” Reina waved to Bai Xing and said with a smile.
” Wow ~~ Sister Robin, are you here too? ” Shirahoshi was even happier seeing Robin behind Reina.
So under the leadership of Reina, the three of them left the Dragon Palace City and wandered around the Fishman Island.
Nepton, who received the news, smiled helplessly, but he was actually very relieved that Reina helped take Bai Xing out, but this completely ignoring his existence gave him a headache.
The matter of Naga here has not been completely resolved, and Neptune can’t go away.
Looking at the appearance of Shark Star and Naga, Nepton suddenly got inspiration and said directly to Naga and Shark Star: ” How about you two get married? ”
” Ah? ” Shark Star and Naga were stunned at the same time.
” As the queen of the Naga family, if you marry the rest of the mermaids, you will have the chance to give birth to Naga with pure blood, right? ” Neptune looked at the Naga and asked.
” Yes, except if it is an ordinary Naga, after marrying the rest of the murlocs, it is impossible to give birth to a Naga family with pure blood! ” Naga nodded and said.
” That’s it! After you marry Shark Star, only give birth to a pure Naga, to maintain the continuation of your race, and then let her also marry the royal family, and only give birth to a pure Naga! What do you think? ? ” Nepton said after thinking about it.
” This …” Naga hesitated for a moment and said, ” Your majesty means to use the prestige of the royal family to help our Naga family continue? ”
” That’s right, and each generation guarantees that only one person has the ability of Naga, so this should be able to control the situation to the greatest extent! ” Neptune nodded and said.
” But …”
” The rest of your children can get married at will, and let the blood of your Naga family be completely integrated with the Fishman Island. Although they may lose the ability of Naga , they can still live happily, right? ” After Naga finished her concerns, Neptune interrupted her directly.
Facing Nipton’s proposal, Naga was silent for a while, and said with some blushing: ” But … but why does it have to be him? Don’t your royal family have other princes of the right age? ”
When Naga said these words, Shark Star immediately became nervous and looked at his father with some unease.
” This … Indeed, I have three sons in total. Shaoxing is the eldest prince, and there are two younger brothers below, namely the emperor and the rollover star! ” Nipton glanced at his son and thought a little. smiled back.
” Father, King Star and Overturning Star are still young, I think I should take care of this kind of thing! ” Shark Star gritted his teeth, stood up and said directly.
” Oh? But … Naga doesn’t seem to agree very much! ” Neptune said, pretending to be embarrassed.
Shaoxing took a deep breath, looked at Naga, and said: ” First of all, we will face this matter together, then in the future … I hope we can face it together! Although my two younger brothers are also very good, but I Believe that I am the most suitable for you! ”
Naga didn’t expect Shark Star to be so bold, and was stunned for a while.
” How? Naga, do you agree? ” Neptune asked with a smile.
” I … I … I don’t know … I have to think about it! ” Naga said in a panic.
” Hahaha … don’t be in a hurry … don’t be in a hurry … you think about it slowly! ” When Nipton saw Naga’s appearance, he knew that this daughter-in-law couldn’t run away, so he said with a big laugh.

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