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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
When Reina and Robin left and were about to leave, they received an invitation from Shark Star and Naga. They will hold a wedding a month later and officially announce that the Naga family will return to Fishman Island.
Of course, even if Reina listened to Neptune’s opinion, he had to applaud.
Not only did it retain the blood of the Naga family, but it also controlled the possibility of their runaway.
Each generation of Naga is married to the royal family, and only one person can inherit the talent of Naga, so that everything can be solved perfectly.
It’s just that Robin said to Reina after Shark Star and Naga left: ” Father, I always feel that it is not good for them to do this … ”
” Why? I feel good! ” Reina asked in surprise.
” Humanity! You all ignore this! Will each generation of Naga fall in love with the royal family of the mermaid? You know that the murlocs have always advocated love. Since Naga is also a kind of mermaid, then this kind has not been born yet. Will they really agree to what has been determined? ” Robin said softly.
” You’re right … but there are a lot of royal families, and they still have room to choose! But this is indeed an aspect that may be unexpected! Since we can’t attend their wedding, we will tell this information. They, make it a gift! Let them worry and solve it by themselves! Hahaha …” Reina said with a big laugh.
Robin smiled slightly, nodded and followed Reina towards Dragon Palace City.
After everything was settled, Reina and Robin rushed towards Xuanyue Island.
Nami came to Xuanyue Island with Haradas and others from Weather Island to attend Marco and Nokigao’s wedding. When the Moby Dick set off, Haradas and the others were still discussing with Dr. Ahsie. According to the news from Xuanyue Island, they have not left until now.
That’s why Reina took Robin back to Xuanyue Island and planned to meet Nami.
” Then you will leave with Nami next time? ” On the way, Reina asked Robin about the next plan.
” Yeah! In two years, I will go directly to the Chambord Islands with Nami and join Luffy! ” Robin nodded and said.
” That’s fine! You can decide for yourself! But if I knew this earlier, I might as well just throw you in the Chambord Archipelago! Anyway, Luffy is also practicing with Rayleigh. You can also practice with you when you drop by. Why bother? Let you run around! ” Reina said, spreading her hands.
” Haha … I’d better not bother Luffy in the past! ” Robin said with a smile: ” He may have awakened the domineering arrogance before, but he still doesn’t know how to use it! ”
” Don’t worry, in terms of domineering, Rayleigh grabs too much more than me, he is enough to teach Luffy! But about the advancement of domineering … Forget it, these are still too early for you! The world … is about to officially contact our Four Emperors Pirates! Are you confident? ” Reina said with a smile.
” Of course … Although Father and Dad are very powerful! But I think the one who can become One Piece … must be Luffy! ” Robbie replied firmly.
” Hahaha … Wanting to be the Pirate King … it’s not that simple … you know the reason! At that time, he will be facing our Four Emperors! ” Reina said with a big laugh.
” It’s okay, I believe my friends can do it! ” Robin replied with a smile.
She knew that her father had four rubbings of the text of the road sign, but she would not ask for it, and she believed that Luffy would not ask for it either!
As for the location of the text of the four road signs, she also knew all about it. In addition to the one in the hands of the fur tribe, there was one in the hands of Kaido of Wano, and one in BIGMOM , one of the four emperors .
The last piece was originally on Fishman Island, but was taken away by her father Reina, and is now stored on Xuanyue Island.
That is to say, except for the fur tribe, Luffy must defeat the BIGMOM Pirates, Kaido’s Beast Pirates, and Reina’s Whitebeard Pirates before he can get the text of the road sign from them. In the end, he became the one-of-a-kind Pirate King.
This kind of difficult thing, no one in this world dares to pat his chest and say that he can do it 100%.
Even the red-haired Shanks, as one of the four emperors, dare not say that he can do it.
But if Luffy really did it, Reina would call him One Piece, and he would be willing.
As for now … Luffy, who can’t even beat Qiwuhai, is not qualified to challenge them.
However, the two people who were heading towards Xuanyue Island received a message from Marco while they were still on the road, saying that Nami had left with Haradas and others on Xiaokong Island, which made Reina and Luo who were preparing to go there. Bing had no desire to go back all of a sudden.
So the two turned directly toward the Moby Dick .
It just so happened that the father and daughter hadn’t seen each other for a while, and Reina could take this opportunity to spend more time with Robin.
However, when Rayner arrived on the Moby Dick , he happened to meet Sabo, who was looking for him according to his information.
” Yo ~ it’s coming very fast! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Also ask Mr. Reina to tell me what happened before I lost my memory! ” Sabo’s attitude is very good, maybe the dragon told him before he set off that Reina is soft and not hard, as long as you have a better attitude, he will not Too embarrassing for you.
” Go up! Everything you want to know is on board! ” said Rayner, pointing to the Moby Dick with a slight smile .
” Huh? ” Sabo was confused and didn’t understand what Reina meant, but seeing that Reina and Robin had already started boarding the boat, he had no choice but to follow.
” Yo ~ Reina is back? Didn’t you get any good treasures this time? ” Lakyo joked immediately when he saw Reina.
” I didn’t get anything good, but King Neptune of Fishman Island gave me a box of pearls, all of them the size of a fist …” Reina raised his brows and said happily, ” But you also know, This thing is in my hand and I use it as medicine, so …”
” So you’re going to give it to me? ” Lakyo asked, his eyes lit up.
” Are you thinking of farting? I’ll give it to Robin for sure! ” Reina pointed to Robin who came up behind him, and said with a smile.
” Qi ~~ I knew that Robin was coming back with you, so I won’t come to pick you up! Little Robin … long time no see … this is … your boyfriend? Reina didn’t kill him? What a fate You guys! ” After saying hello to Robin, Lakyo immediately misunderstood when he saw Sabo who came up with her.
” If you’re too long-winded … I’ll let Yoyo take you to the windless belt to play! ” Reina said with a slight twist on the corner of his mouth.
I don’t know if it’s because the tacit understanding between him and Yoyo has grown, or because his proficiency in spiritism has reached. Now that Reina is channeling out Yoyo, and if someone is on Yoo, then when he releases the spiritism, he will I can send Yoyo along with that person.
Reina was overjoyed by this discovery. This is simply an extra teleportation skill!
It’s a pity that this trick is useless to Reina himself, but Reina can let Yoyo go to a place in advance, and then send a large number of people from the Whitebeard Pirates to it, which can play the role of sneak attack.
” Where’s Ace? Did you see him? ” Reina asked when he saw Rack about leaving.
” Ace? I don’t know, he seems to be on Joz’s side! That kid doesn’t know what he’s been researching with Joz recently. It’s mysterious … Are you looking for him? ” Lakyo asked curiously.
” It’s not me, this guy is looking for him! ” Reina pointed to Sabo and replied.
” Eh?? Is it Ace’s friend? ” Rakyo asked curiously.
Because he looked at Sabo with a dazed look, as if he didn’t know Ace.
” Sure enough, you can’t hear the name? Come with me … I’ll take you to find Ace! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
Lakyo raised his brows, and the man’s sixth sense told him … There are melons to eat.
Reina didn’t pay any attention to Lakyo who was following behind him, because there must be a lot of movement later, and everyone on the boat would know about it, so there was absolutely no need to drive him away.
Soon, several people came to the position of the rudder, and Ace and Joz were fiddling with something at this time.
” Ace! ” Reina whispered.
” Huh? Mr. Rayner! When did you come back! ” As soon as Ace looked up, he saw Rayner smiling at him.
” It’s not important, what’s important is … look who this is! ” Reina said, stepping aside, letting Ace see Sabo.
And Sabo over there, when he saw Ace, his body began to tremble slowly, and it seemed that some images were constantly flashing in his mind.
” Are you … Sabo? ” Ace looked at Sabo carefully. Although Sabo’s face was burnt, Sabo’s dress was exactly the same as when he was a child, so when Ace recognized Sabo, there was a surprised expression on his face. The expression couldn’t be restrained any longer.
” Bang! ” The thing in Ace’s hand burned instantly, which was a manifestation of his inability to control the power of the fruit in his body.
Joz, on the side, twitched the corner of his mouth … The thing in Ace’s hand just now, but the success of the two of them researched for a long time, actually disappeared.
” Who are you … ? Why … why do I seem to know you … my head hurts! ” Sabo started to have a headache when he saw Ace, so he didn’t hear Ace’s voice or see Ace at all That look of surprise.
” Sabo? Is that you? Is it really you? What’s wrong with you? ” Seeing Sabo’s painful expression, Ace immediately stepped forward, hugged Sabo, looked at Reina, and asked, ” Reina What’s the matter with Sabo, sir? Help him! ”
” Don’t worry, it’s alright! He’s not that fragile! Take him back to your room! Just let him rest for a while! Then you can have a good chat! Now Sabo has amnesia, so he doesn’t know you, But after seeing you, it should have aroused the memory in his mind, so there will be such a painful process! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Yes, I understand! This time … I will take care of him! ” Ace squeezed his fists, put Sabo in a coma, and walked directly towards the cabin.
” Qi ~ that’s all? ” Lakyo seemed very disappointed that he didn’t see what he wanted to see.

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