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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
In the cabin of the Moby Dick , after putting Sabo on his bed, Ace went to pick up another glass of water, and then wiped the sweat from Sabo’s forehead.
Looking at the burns on his face, Ace recalled things from his childhood.
Sabo, who was the first to go to sea, met the Tianlong people who came to the Gore Kingdom on the day of sailing. As a result, the whole ship was directly sunk by the Tianlong people.
Ace and Luffy, who were their companions, saw this scene. They thought that Sabo died like this, but they didn’t expect to see him again today, so let alone Sabo, even Ace still has a dreamy feeling. of uncertainty.
” Ace? ” Just as Ace was recalling the past, Sabo, who had sobered up, called him.
” Sabo! Are you awake? Are you okay? Mr. Rainer said you lost your memory? What’s going on? Where have you been all these years? ” Ace asked quickly when he saw Sabo wake up.
” Huh ~” Sabo took a deep breath. His mind is still a bit messy now. Most of the things he recalled are fragments and can’t be connected at all, but he is very sure that he must have seen Ace before, and he was still a child. when.
” I’ve lost my memory, I can’t remember the past! ” Sabo said, shaking his head.
” Really? That’s right. After all, you were attacked like that. For you at the time, you were lucky to survive! ” Ace sighed and replied.
” What happened in the beginning … ? ” Sabo asked, looking at Ace.
” Back then …” Ace recounted everything between him and Sabo and Luffy, and then talked about his going to sea.
Because after reporting the news to him and Luffy, he felt that he would never be able to return home, so he chose to go out to sea alone. As a result, he encountered the Tianlong people, was bombarded, and the ship was destroyed.
With Ace’s narration, Sabo also followed, recalling every bit of the original.
” Ace … I didn’t expect … you are already the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Sabo said with a smile, ” It’s so nice to meet you … ”
” Of course …” Ace also nodded his head full of emotion, and said, ” Thank you … not dead! If Luffy found out, I don’t know how happy he would be! ”
” Speaking of Luffy … where is he now? ” Sabo asked with a smile.
” He ~ I heard from Mr. Rayner, he is exercising with Mr. Rayleigh now! I tell you! That kid is not a quiet guy …” Speaking of their common brother, Ace immediately came to the spirit.
The brothers stayed in the cabin for most of the day, and if it wasn’t for Lakjo to call them later, they would probably continue to chat.
” Let’s go, Sabo! I’ll take you to meet Dad, I think he’s the greatest pirate, no one! ” When Sabo’s dream sounded, Ace thought Sabo was a pirate now, but Reina Just happened to meet.
Sabo smiled and didn’t say anything, but followed behind Ace and walked towards the deck.
” Dad … Dad … I’m here to introduce you! This is my brother! His name is Sabo, and we’ve been drinking the righteous wine! ” When he came to the deck and saw everyone was there, Ace immediately became angry. Laughing and shouting to Whitebeard.
” Gu la la la … Is that so? Come and show me! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
In fact, they stopped Reina outside to talk about Ace and Sabo.
” I’ve seen Father Whitebeard! I’m Sabo, Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, and Ace’s brother! ” Sabo took off his top hat and bowed to Whitebeard.
Whether it’s Whitebeard’s status or being the captain of his brother Ace, he deserves Sabo’s salute.
” Gu la la la … So you are the second-in-command of the revolutionary army? I heard that you are very capable! ” Whitebeard was not surprised at all, Renner had already told him before.
” Hehe … Compared to everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates, I’m nothing! ” Sabo said with a wave of his hand.
Ace on the side looked at his younger brother in surprise. He didn’t expect that he had become the second-in-command of the revolutionary army. The last time Rayner and Whitebeard talked about the revolutionary army, they gave a very high evaluation. of.
” You actually belong to the Revolutionary Army? ” Ace asked Sabo in surprise.
Just now, they only talked about things when they were young, and they didn’t talk about things now, so Ace really didn’t know.
” Yeah! It was the current leader of the Revolutionary Army who saved me back then! ” Sabo nodded with a smile and said, ” So … I’m not a pirate! ”
” Hahaha … It’s okay! No matter who you are, you are my Ace’s brother, there’s nothing wrong with that! ” Ace patted Sabo on the shoulder and said with a smile.
” Yeah! ” Sabo also nodded and replied firmly.
The rest of the crew cast friendly glances at Sabo, Ace’s brother and their friend.
” Okay, is your memory restored now? ” Reina asked Sabo when he saw that the two brothers had recognized each other.
” Well, I have fully recovered, thank you Mr. Reina! ” Sabo said slightly, saluting towards Reina.
” Okay, relationship is relationship … You brought Robin to you and forced her to work … how do you count? ” Reina smiled and looked at Sabo and asked.
” This …” Sabo wanted to say, wasn’t this resolved in the first place? Why bring it up again?
But before he could say anything, Ace immediately tugged at his clothes and whispered, ” Follow what the deputy captain said, don’t make him angry! ”
Sabo nodded, just about to ask Rayner what he wanted to do, but there was someone faster than him.
” Mr. Reina, wasn’t this already made clear in Baldigo’s time? Why do you have to tell Sabo-kun about this now? ” Kerla, who had been staying in the corner, finally found the opportunity and stood up and said.
” Crap! ” As soon as Ace heard it, he knew it was going to be terrible.
Reina said this just now, on the one hand, it was a deliberate joke, and on the other hand, it was considered to be close to Sabo, so he asked Sabo not to explain, but directly asked what Reina wanted, which was considered to satisfy Reina’s face.
But when Kerla said this, Reina was a little bit down on the stage, and the kindness Sabo he released could not be received.
Sure enough, Ace saw Reina’s face change, then nodded and didn’t speak.
But at this time Sabo said with a smile: ” Mr. Rainer is joking, we didn’t know Robin was your daughter before, otherwise we wouldn’t let her work so hard, but you also know that our revolutionary army does not wealthy, so …”
” Hahaha … Okay, it’s enough if you have the heart! ” Reina smiled and shook his head, without saying much.
But Ace knew that Reiner would definitely not give the Revolutionary Army a good face next time, because his carefulness was in addition to his reputation on the ship.
And Kerla over there seemed to know that she was in trouble, she stuck her tongue out and stood behind Sabo and stopped talking.
Sabo patted her so that she doesn’t have to worry, as a partner, he can still afford this.
After introducing Sabo to the captains on the ship, Saatchi arranged a banquet for the sake of face, which was considered to welcome Sabo’s arrival.
After the banquet, Ace and Sabo had to part ways. There were a lot of things going on in the Revolutionary Army. As the chief of staff, Sabo was also very important.
So the two brothers just met each other, and they want to separate again. They just meet to drink together the next time they meet.
After sending Sabo and the others away, the Moby Dick moved on, and this time Robin was by Rayner’s side.
Originally, she didn’t want to come, because Luffy will definitely be in the new world in the future, and now she is doing too much ahead of time.
However, neither Whitebeard nor Rayner let her leave, so in desperation, they had to take the adventure with the Moby Dick .
” Big brother, what happened to Kaido and Shanks … how did it turn out? ” In the evening, Reyna found a free time and sat down beside Whitebeard and asked.
During his trip to Fishman Island, the red-haired Shanks’ capture of the island of the Beast Pirates was over.
However, after he came back, he happened to meet Sabo, so he didn’t have time to ask.
” That guy Kaido … didn’t show up! ” Whitebeard shook his head and said.
” Huh? He didn’t show up? So disrespectful to Shanks? Anyway, Shanks is also waiting for him on the island! ” Reina asked in surprise.
” Well, even among the three major kanbans, there was only a reckless Jack, who fought with Shanks without saying a plan, and was directly sunk to the bottom of the sea by Shanks! ” Whitebeard nodded and said.
He was also more depressed. Originally, he had found an opportunity to help Shanks this time, but Kaido was too weak, so he asked the idiot Jack to come over.
” Then the navy didn’t send someone over there? ” Rayner asked after thinking about it.
” Just that idiot Jack … Do you think you can wait until the navy shows up? It’s estimated that before they arrive, Jack has already been sunk to the bottom of the sea by the red-haired boy! ” Whitebeard said dissatisfied.
Reina’s face darkened, what is this? So anticlimactic.
” Then Shanks just left? ” Reina asked in disbelief.
” What else can he do if he doesn’t leave? Go to Kaido’s lair? Kaido made it clear that he didn’t want to intervene, so Shanks naturally evacuated after the result! ” Whitebeard shook his head and said.
” Big brother … something is wrong! When did Kaido talk so well? ” Reina frowned and said, “I guess he is busy with other things now, otherwise he will never do this! ”
” You mean he’s busy with other plans? ” Whitebeard asked, taken aback.
He had thought about it before, but there was no information that Kaido’s Beast Pirates had assembled, and the fact that he was provoked by the Red Hair Pirates was more serious no matter how you looked at it, right!
” With Kaido’s character, even if he was alone, he would have to go over and make trouble with Shanks, but now he’s just sending Jack to show his face in a symbolic way … Something’s wrong! ” Reina nodded and said.

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