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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” So what do you mean … ? ” Whitebeard asked, looking at Rayner.
” Should we send someone to take a look? ” Reina suggested.
Whitebeard thought about it for a while, but didn’t agree, because if Kaido wanted to do something, it was too late for them now.
” Dad, Reina! ” At this moment, Bistan came over with a strange look and shouted to the two of them, ” Look at them! ”
” What is this? ” Reina asked Bista after receiving the information Bista handed over and giving it to Whitebeard first.
” Two things! First, the navy summoned Shichibukai! In addition … Kaido appeared in the Red Hair Pirates’ lair alone, and left after making a lot of trouble! ” Bistan explained the matter briefly.
” He actually went to the other party’s nest alone, that guy … is he serious? ” Reina shook his head, shaking his forehead, and replied.
” Goo la la la … It looks like it’s Shanks’ turn to have a headache this time! ” Whitebeard smiled slightly and said, ” As for the navy … Why are they anxious about Qiwuhai, have you sent someone to find out? ”
” Yeah! Hancock has been sent to contact Moonlight Moriah , Jinbei and the others, but I haven’t received any response yet. ” Bista nodded and said.
” Wait … you mean all the Qiwuhai have passed? ” Reina asked with a frown.
” Yes! Judging from the information sent by Hancock, the World Government forced them to participate this time. If they don’t participate … the name of Qiwuhai will be removed, so they all went to participate ! ” Sta nodded and replied.
” What? Is there any problem? ” Whitebeard asked curiously when he saw Reina lost in thought.
” If all the Shichibukai have passed, will Weibull, who replaced Sand Crocodile, also go? ” Reina asked after thinking about it.
” You mean … that fellow Zefa will stop Weibull halfway? ” Whitebeard asked with a frown.
He thinks Reina’s guess is very reasonable. If Zefa also learns the news, he will definitely go to Weibull to fight for his life and death!
” That’s right! Big brother … I think …”
” Go! But do what you can! Now you are a big threat in the eyes of the Navy ! ” Whitebeard nodded and said.
” Why don’t … I’ll go with you! ” Bistan said, ” This time you’ll have to find him around the Admiralty Headquarters. If the Navy finds out, it’s going to be a hassle. With me I can help you if you are here! ”
” No! My own words are more convenient. When the time comes, I will let Yoyo follow the Moby Dick , and let Yoyo inform you if necessary! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Otherwise, you go to Xuanyue Island and bring Marko with you! ” Whitebeard seemed a little worried and said to Reina.
” No need, Marco is newly married, it’s not good to take him to fight! I want him to get a little Marco out sooner! ” Reina said with a smile and shook his head.
” Little Marco? Gu la la la … That’s right! Then be careful yourself, if you have any questions, let Yoyo bring us news back! ” Whitebeard nodded and said.
So Reyna made his way towards the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando while trying to communicate with Hancock and Jinbei.
But no matter how he got in touch, he couldn’t get in touch with Shiping and Hancock, and even if he tried Moonlight Moriah , he couldn’t get in touch at all.
” It seems that the navy has blocked the signal! ” Robin, who went to sea with Reina, said softly.
On the grounds that she had her own adventure, she followed Reina and asked Reina to send her to the Chambord Islands, where she would wait for Luffy to return from his studies, and learn how to collect intelligence from Aunt Xia by the way.
After all, she is the intelligence expert of the Straw Hats.
She couldn’t tell her Reina, so she brought Robin.
It didn’t take long for Reina, who was still on the road, to receive news that the red-haired Shanks and the Beast Pirates were still fighting, and the Moby Dick was heading to the sea area where they were fighting at full speed.
Reina put down the information in his hand and said with a smile: ” It seems that the eldest brother must give this favor back! ”
” Hehe … Dad is most afraid of owed favors to others! ” Robin covered his mouth and said with a smile.
” It’s not just eldest brother who is afraid! People at our level are afraid! What they can’t solve, it’s not easy for us to solve it! ” Reina sighed and said.
Robin smiled and didn’t speak, because she knew that Luffy was definitely not afraid!
Because as long as it is what Luffy wants to do, he will definitely go back and do it, no matter what kind of behemoth the opponent is, he can always defeat the opponent.
But she also knew that it was definitely wrong to say this, so she just thought about it in her heart and did not discuss this issue with Reina.
A few days later, the two came to the Chambord Islands.
” Yo ~ Sister Xia Qi! Are you alone? ” Pushing Aunt Xia’s shop away, Reina laughed and teased when she saw Xia Qi wiping glasses at the bar.
” You stinky boy, why are you here again? Reilly isn’t here, you go somewhere else if you ask him! ” Xia Qi couldn’t help rolling her eyes when she saw Reina and said.
” Hahaha … I’m not here to find him this time! ” Reina found a seat and sat down, pointed to Robin behind him and said, ” I brought her here! ”
” Hehehe … it turns out to be little Robin! Just come back, little Luffy is receiving training from Rayleigh on an uninhabited island. If you find him, you can ask your father to send you there! ” Facing Robin, Xia Qi’s Attitude is much better.
” No! This time I’m here to ask Aunt Xia … to follow you and let me learn to collect intelligence! ” Robin shook his head and said with a smile.
” Oh? ” Xia Qi was taken aback, but she didn’t expect Robin to come to her.
Glancing at Reina, who was smug at the side, Xia Qi’s mouth curled slightly unconsciously, and said to him, ” Let your daughter study with me? No problem, but …”
Before she could finish her words, Reina waved her hand directly, and a shiny round bead fell into Xia Qi’s hand.
” Ouch ~ such a big pearl is not common! You kid didn’t loot Fishman Island, did you? I heard that something big happened to them recently! It seems that it has nothing to do with you! ” Xia Qi’s eyes lit up, and immediately asked with a smile.
” Ask Robin, she knows it! ” Reina smiled slightly and replied, ” You have to teach me carefully when you receive my gift! Otherwise … hum … Sooner or later, your black shop will be demolished! ”
” Hehehe … I already knew that you were upset with my shop! ” Xia Qi smiled, walked to Robin, and said to Robin: ” Gathering information is not so easy to learn! Are you sure? ”
” Yeah! I’ll work hard! ” Robin nodded and replied.
” Then when the time comes … you can’t feel bad, since you want to learn from me, then naturally you have to listen to me … is there any problem? ” Xia Qi looked at Reina and asked seriously.
The corners of Reina’s mouth twitched, but after seeing Robin’s appearance, he could only sigh and say, ” Ah ~ I understand! I’ll give it to you and I won’t ask any more questions! ”
” Very good! Then you can get out of here now! ” Xia Qi pointed to the direction of the gate and said to Reina.
” Don’t ~ Sister Xia Qi! We’ve been friends for so many years, don’t you even have a glass of white water? ” Reina sat on the stool with a sullen face, and didn’t seem to get up at all.
” Look … this is shameless! This guy definitely has something to ask me, otherwise … hum …” Xia Qi pointed at Reina and said to Robin: ” So! You still have to look at people in the future. Be careful! ”
Reina’s face darkened and he defended: ” What’s wrong with me? I really can’t please you anymore? ”
” It’s no problem to please me … If you have the ability, don’t ask me for any information today! ” Xia Qi took a breath and said to Reina with a smile.
Reina’s face froze. He really needs to find Xia Qi for information today. First, he needs to find the trace of Zefa, and secondly, he also asks why Qiwuhai was called here.
He suspects the Navy wants to target him.
Jokes aside, in the end Xia Qi told Reina all the information Reina needed. First of all, Zefa said that there was indeed information that he had seen him at the Naval Headquarters, but he did not go to Marin Vando, and Weibull had already Entered the Admiralty, so Rayner’s guess that Zepha wanted to ambush Weibull was no longer valid.
The second is the reason why the King’s Qiwuhai gathered Malin Fando, and she has no news for the time being.
” It’s really strange … that old man Zefa didn’t attack Weibull? ” Reina was extremely surprised after hearing Xia Qi’s information.
” I’ll test you now … Based on the information you know now, tell me, why do you think Zefa didn’t attack Weibull!? ” Xia Qi handed a document to Robin and asked with a smile.
” Oh? This is the beginning? Exactly, I’ll listen to it too! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
Robin carefully looked at the documents that Xia Qi handed over, then raised his head and said, ” I think the answer is a warship! ”
” Warship? ” Reina and Xia Qi both looked at Robin in surprise.
” Yes, I remember that my father said that although Zefa left the navy first, he devoted his life to the navy, so he didn’t do anything in the face of Weibull who was taken over by the warship, he just didn’t want to accidentally hurt those Marines! ” Robin nodded and replied.
” Hahaha … that seems to make sense! ” Reina nodded and agreed with a smile.
” You analyzed it from his character, and I can’t say you’re wrong, but you can read it from the newspaper! ” Xia Qi said with a smile.
” Please read it in the newspaper? ” Robin was stunned for a moment, then looked at the information in his hand again in amazement.
But after looking for a long time, I didn’t see anything.
” Have you noticed this place? There are separate routes from Qiwuhai on it. Look around Malin Fando. What did you find? ” Xia Qi walked over and instructed Robin to analyze what was not mentioned in the intelligence. those hidden intelligence.
” So … do you know where Zefa is hiding? It’s impossible for him to be in the sea all the time, he needs to find a hiding place! ” After speaking, Xia Qi asked the question again.
” It’s here … Judiciary Island! ” This time Robin quickly gave the answer.
” Yes, the Judiciary Island has basically become a ruin after the original war, but its geographical location is very important, so neither the navy nor the world government can easily give up! And rebuilding the Judiciary Island … requires A large number of staff, which also gives opportunities to those with ulterior motives, Zefa should be one of them! ”
” So from the point of view of the route, this time Weibull came in the wrong direction at all, so that’s why Zefa didn’t shoot! ” Robin said thoughtfully.
” That’s right! Since he has left the navy, he doesn’t think he will be soft-hearted because of those soldiers! These heroes who have been across the sea in their early years are quite affordable and let go! ” Xia Qi nodded with satisfaction , said.

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