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Although Robbie analyzed more information with the help of Xia Qi, this has already made Xia Qi quite satisfied.
At least Robin can draw inferences, and his thinking is quite clear, but there is no sharpness that an intelligence officer should have, but this is no problem. She believes that under her training, Robin will soon have it.
After handing Robin to Xia Qi, Reina began to think about the next move.
Originally, he wanted to find old man Zefa, but he knew that at this juncture, Zefa would not listen to his opinion, so Reina directly rejected the idea.
Looking at Mary Joa behind the Chambord Islands, Reina suddenly got a good attention.
After finding Xia Qi and asking for a disguised identity, Reina moved towards Mary Joa with a little disguise.
Speaking of which, Reina is also quite confusing. People in the pirate world basically cannot see through disguise, even simple disguise.
After wearing make-up like him, he walked straight into Mary Joa with a swagger, but he was not hindered by anything.
After finding an uninhabited corner and grabbing a navy costume, Reina went directly from Mary Joa to the Marine Headquarters Marine Vando.
” Hey … I can’t believe that I still have a day to come to Marine Vendor! ” Reina, dressed in a navy costume, walked generously on Marine Venduldo’s square.
He found that the management here was not very strict. Although there were many navy soldiers coming and going around, no one noticed him.
” That soldier over there! ” Just when Rayner was triumphant, a sergeant in the cloak of justice suddenly stopped him.
” Yes, sir! ” Reina quickly followed the way of an ordinary navy and saluted the non-commissioned officer.
” Which part do you belong to? Forget it, come with me now, I need manpower there! And you, you, you! You all come with me! ” The sergeant originally wanted to ask something, but after looking at the time, It seems to be more urgent, and directly let Reina and several surrounding navy soldiers follow him.
Although Reina didn’t want to go, he couldn’t refuse directly at this time, so he had to go with the rest of the navy and follow the sergeant toward the building with the words ” Navy ” engraved on it .
It was only after Reina walked to the destination with him that he realized that this was the place where the high-ranking navy and Qiwuhai had a meeting. At this time, the meeting place was quiet.
Marshal Warring States sat at the head of the round table, Lieutenant General Crane sat on his left, Qingzhi sat on his right, and on the opposite side were the seven people from the Seven Kings of Wuhai.
” Okay, the meeting inside has been going on for a whole day. After the meeting is over, you guys will bring Qiwuhai back to their respective rooms, understand? Don’t let them wander around ! ” Outside, the sergeant who brought Reina and the others over just now whispered to them.
” Sir … I just returned to the headquarters, I don’t know where they live! ” Reina immediately said with an embarrassed expression.
” Huh? Just came back? Which part are you from? ” The sergeant immediately frowned and asked.
” Go back to the commander! This subordinate belongs to the intelligence department No. XXX of the New World. He will return to the headquarters when he is fully appointed, and wait for the headquarters to dispatch! ” Reina immediately replied seriously.
Having dealt with the Navy for so many years, Reina already knew this information.
” Really ? Are you changing people at this time? Forget it, you can just follow them later. The places where Qiwuhai lives are all together! ” Sure enough, just like Reina’s guess, the other party didn’t even know what he said. The words are not true.
The navy is a huge force, and the personnel transfer of the intelligence department is relatively more subtle, and the general non-commissioned officer will not know the specific personnel transfer at all.
After bluffing through, the non-commissioned officer directly entered the venue, gave Sengoku a look, and then stood by the door and stopped moving forward, while Reina and the others waited outside the door.
” Okay, we’ve been discussing things all day, and you must be tired. Let’s take a rest and continue tomorrow! ” Warring States sorted out the documents on the desktop and said to everyone.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… Marshal of the Warring States Period! Do you really think we are as leisurely as you? It’s almost enough to waste a whole day here? ” Brother Doflaming, wearing red sunglasses, smiled directly. said.
” Doflamingo … you should know the importance of this matter, you can’t leave Marin Vando until an agreement is reached! ” Lieutenant General Crane, who was sitting there, said softly.
” Humph! What do you think of concubines and others? Subordinates? Don’t forget, we are just a cooperative relationship! ” The snake girl Hancock over there was also slightly dissatisfied.
” Eh? What? Is it time to eat? I’m hungry! And where’s my mother? Where have you been? ” Sitting at the very edge, Weibull, with a long thin Xuanyue beard, was a Deputy Gao Gao woke up and asked to the Warring States period.
” It’s really … a bunch of people who give people a headache! ” Warring States rubbed his head and said with a sigh: ” Since you also want to leave, let’s continue! If you refuse to participate in this operation, then I will represent The World Government will deprive you of your status as the King of the Seven Seas! ”
” Hee hee hee … This kind of thing, haven’t I already said it? I have no opinion, but if you want us to be cannon fodder, it is impossible! ” Moonlight Moria, who has fully recovered , heard the Warring States Period. If so, he said with a smile.
“嗈嗗嗗嗈… But … a guy like you who was defeated by a pirate group who came out of nowhere … is indeed only a cannon fodder! ” Brother Doflaming played with the little boy in his hand. Dagger, said with a strange smile.
” Bastard! What do you want to say? ” Bailey was defeated by Luffy’s group, and Moonlight Moriah was already quite upset. Now Doflamingo brought this up again, which immediately made him a little angry.
” It’s really … it’s here again! ” Sengoku looked at Aokiji who was beside him and said, ” Kuzan, let them all calm down! ”
” Phew ~~ ! ” Qingzhi exhaled a breath of cold air when he heard the words, and the temperature in the conference room dropped a lot, and the water in the cup began to freeze.
” Oh ~~ oh ~~ It’s so cold! It’s so cold! What happened? ” Weibull rubbed his arms and didn’t realize what happened.
” Okay, the farce ends here! Since you don’t need the time to think about it, give me the answer now! ” Warring States patted the table and said angrily.
” Since you’ve already made up your mind, what more do you need to say? Let me know when you’ve set a time! ” To everyone’s surprise, the first person who agreed was a hawk who sat there silently. Mihawk.
” Oh? 嗈嗈嗈嗈… Hawkeye, you agreed so readily? It’s not because you left this door, you just report to the other party, right? ” Brother Doflaming asked with a strange smile.
” My purpose is very simple … I want to see the tailed beast you are talking about … how powerful is it! ” Hawkeye said in a deep voice.
” Tailed beast? ” Reina, who was outside the door, was taken aback when he heard Mihawk’s words.
Then he understood in an instant that the purpose of the navy calling Qiwuhai was to go after him.
” Do you want to fight? I like to fight, but … who are you going to fight? ” Weibull immediately became energetic when he heard that he wanted to fight, and asked with a smile.
” Is this guy an idiot? After talking all day today, you don’t even know what you’re here for? ” Moonlight Moriah , who was sitting beside him Weibull , said disdainfully.
But just after he finished speaking, Weibull suddenly burst into a rage, grabbed Moria, and said fiercely: ” I’m not an idiot! I’m very smart! If you say that again … I will kill you! ”
Facing Weibull’s sudden upheaval, everyone present was stunned for a moment.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… Really … I’m really laughing to death … Moonlight Moria! You should quit Wangxia Qibuhai ! There is no place for you here! ” Doflamingo laughed loudly said.
Reina, who was outside the door, was also amused by the scene in front of him and almost laughed.
Moria held her own identity and thought that everyone present was the same as him. Although she said that she wanted to do something, she would not really tear her face. To do it here, at most, it was just like the green pheasant, just playing some small movements.
After all, this is the headquarters of the navy, and the high-level officers of the navy are here.
But he didn’t think that Weibull had a problem with his head. Usually his mother, Miss Bajin, was fine and could control him to some extent, but now it was the Qibukai meeting convened by the Navy. Miss Bajin was not qualified to come in, so only Weibull himself .
The angry Moonlight Moria was just about to start, but the Warring States slapped the table and shouted: ” Now I only want your results, who is messing with me … I ‘ll let him know … where is it! ”
With the shock of the Warring States period, these rebellious Qiwuhai slowly sat down.
” Now that Mihawk has made a statement, you are left! ” Lieutenant General Crane asked slowly after seeing everyone sitting back in their seats.
” I have no problem! ” Bartholomew Xiong, who has an agreement with the World Government , naturally stands by the Navy with all his strength. Although he is an undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army, he obviously listens to the World Government the most. a member of the conversation.
” I object! And I will not participate in this kind of war! ” At this time, Jinbei, who had been silent all the time, said: ” This kind of war has no meaning! You must be clear, if you attack Reina, then the Whitebeard Pirates will You will definitely not stand by and watch, are you planning to start a full-scale war now? ”
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… It ‘s not bad for Haixia Jinping … But if he doesn’t participate, the Warring States Marshal … Our plan will be leaked! ” Brother Doflaming said with a smile.
” Don’t worry, nothing like this will happen! ” Warring States said calmly.
Hearing the words of Sengoku, the snake Ji Boya Hancock , who had also planned to refuse, immediately changed his attention and said, ” Then when will you tell us the real plan? ”
” Don’t worry! So now, apart from Jinbei, no one should be able to participate, right? ” Sengoku asked after looking at everyone.
” Marshal of the Warring States! Do you really want to do such a thing? ” Jinbei is ready to break through, although he also knows that the hope is slim, but as long as he enters the sea, then he still has a chance.

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