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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Looking at Jinbei who was tied up with five flowers, Reina covered her face and couldn’t see it.
This guy is so stupid, he didn’t even look at Hancock, he didn’t agree with him before, but when something was wrong, he immediately knew to change his position to protect himself.
It’s really strange that Shiping’s fool wants to be here with the Warring States period and not be taken away.
” Marshal Warring States, you are waging war by doing this! A lot of people will die innocently! ” Jinpei who was arrested was still persuading Warring States, but the other party didn’t bother to pay attention to him at all.
” Okay, everyone, now let’s discuss the battle plan! ” After Jinbei was taken away, Sengoku knocked on the table and said softly.
” Hey, there are so many of us … what plan do we need? ” Doflamingo said with a weird smile.
Reina, who was outside the door, also felt strange. If the navy really united with Qiwuhai, there was no need for any plan. After finding him, he would just go straight up. There is absolutely no possibility for him to escape.
” We will use bait to lure him over at Reina. It’s not a problem to catch him. The key is the revenge of the Whitebeard Pirates. We need everyone’s help! ” Sengoku cast a glance at Brother Doflamingo and said.
” You don’t really plan to wipe out the Whitebeard Pirates, do you? ” Hancock asked in surprise.
” If they don’t come, we naturally won’t catch them all! ” Warring States said calmly.
But if Reina is taken away by them, then the Whitebeard Pirates cannot fail to come, so everyone here knows that the tailed beast mentioned by the Warring States at the beginning is not the reason at all, the reason is that the navy needs to march now The new world, so the four emperors must be attacked.
Among the four emperors, Whitebeard is the oldest. Although he is strong, if Reina is really captured in advance, then he is the best one to deal with.
Because of Reina’s importance in the Whitebeard Pirates, they all knew that capturing Reina would be tantamount to messing up Whitebeard’s position. When the time comes, adding these people from Qiwuhai, their chances of winning are not small.
” Hee hee hee … It’s really interesting … If there is one less of the four emperors … Does it mean that we have a chance? ” Moonlight Moria’s words made several Qiwuhai also brighten their eyes.
” Don’t think about it, everyone, it is impossible for us to allow a force like the Four Emperors to appear again! ” Aokiji on the side said.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… That’s not a good idea! ” Brother Doflamingo was obviously thinking something.
” If that’s the case … then what do we need to do? ” Hawk-Eyed Mihawk is always so dull, it seems that only when a powerful swordsman appears can he arouse his mind.
” Everyone just needs to stay in Marin Fando. When everything is ready, I will inform you! ” Warring States nodded and replied.
” Then how are you going to lure Reina? Under normal circumstances, he won’t be easily trapped! ” Hancock asked after being silent for a while.
” Don’t worry about this … We have already obtained the information that he recently left the Indifferent Bee Dick ! In order to find Zepha who has left the Navy, he is likely to have come to the vicinity of Marivendo! So it is only necessary for Weibull to come forward and Zefa lured out, then Reina will inevitably follow! ” Sengoku said softly.
” Zefa? Former Admiral Zefa? ” Everyone asked in surprise.
” Yes, Zefa has left the navy! Reina has always wanted to win over him, so he will never miss this opportunity! ” Sengoku nodded and said.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… Reina’s brain is broken? Pulling over an admiral? Or … Your intelligence has gone wrong? ” Doflamingo asked in distrust.
” The things here are very complicated, and the explanation in a few words is not clear. You just need to know that when Reina appears, you must arrest him back! ” Warring States shook his head and did not explain much.
” So how many troops did your navy dispatch this time ? ” Moonlight Moria asked.
” Ordinary troops don’t mean much to Reina, so apart from the six of you, the navy will send Admiral Aokiji to act with you! ” Sengoku said.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… Shichibukai plus a navy admiral? It’s really enough to give him face! ” Doflamingo said.
” Don’t be too optimistic! As far as I know, in the Qiwuhai, besides Jinbei, there should be people who will help the Whitebeard Pirates! So you also need to beware of your companions! ” Sengoku was expressionless said.
” Who? Rainer … ? Where is he? I must kill him! ” Suddenly, Weibull asked, as if going crazy, stood up and looked around.
There were stitch marks on his left wrist, neck, and left cheek. These were all fatal injuries caused by Reina. If he hadn’t died, he would have really died.
So for Reiner, Weibull is the sensitivity of the packing list.
” Idiot! It’s still assigning tasks, it’s not the time to fight at all! ” Moonlight Moria couldn’t stand it any longer , and sneered.
” Bastard … I said, you’re calling me an idiot … I’ll kill you! ” Weibull’s eyes narrowed and he punched Moria directly.
” Boom! ”
This time Moria took precautions and directly avoided Weibull’s attack, but the table in front of them was unlucky, and was directly torn apart by Weibull’s punch.
” You’re courting death! Shadow horn gun! ” Moria wasn’t so easy to bully either. Seeing that Weibull didn’t show any mercy at all, he directly launched a counterattack.
The movements of the two were very fast, and before the Warring States and others could react, the two were already fighting together.
” Bastard! ” Can’t believe that the Warring States that they dared to do it here, after reacting, slapped the two of them with a palm.
“IceTime ( Frozen Time ) ! ” Aokiji over there also used the fastest speed to stand in the reluctance of Lieutenant General Crane, resisting the aftermath of the battle for her.
With the actions of Sengoku and Aokiji, the battle between the two was quickly separated.
But this time, Reina was a little embarrassed.
The small conference room could not resist the aftermath of these people’s battles, so even if they stood outside the door, they, the navy soldiers, were all affected.
And except for him, all the navy soldiers have all fallen.
” Who are you? ” Sengoku asked with a frown, looking at the only Reina who was still standing there.
At this time, in Reina’s heart, it was like 10,000 mythical beasts, grass and mud horses rushing past.
You say you have a good meeting and you will have a meeting? What fight? Fight, fight! It’s so choppy that he still can’t stand, and he doesn’t know what to do.
” Warring States, call the medical staff first! He may have fainted! ” Under the protection of Qingzhi, Lieutenant General Crane said.
Her words immediately inspired Reina, and she quickly pretended to faint, let her body relax, and then fell straight down.
After seeing his subordinates fall, Sengoku was also stunned for a moment. He didn’t feel Reina’s situation carefully just now. He just felt that there was such a marine soldier who was unscathed in the aftermath of the battle just now. ask who the other person is.
Unexpectedly, the other party has fainted.
After letting Reina escape, he naturally couldn’t hear the information behind.
But now that he already knew the Navy’s plan, Reina would naturally not go into the trap in a foolish way.
After finding a chance to slip away from the Admiralty, Rayner stalked toward Judiciary Island.
Over there, after changing a new conference room, the more the Warring States thought about it, the more wrong it became. The naval soldier just now should not have passed out in the aftermath of the battle. If he passed out in the aftermath of the battle, then there must be scars on his body. Because all the naval soldiers standing beside him were injured, only he was intact.
However, it was not that the other party had a particularly good luck accident, so Warring States did not express the doubts in his heart, but just found a soldier, in the name of visiting the injured soldiers just now, to see how their injuries were.
However, when the soldier in the past came back to report, he told Sengoku that the soldier who was in a coma just woke up immediately.
” No, no soldiers from the intelligence department have come back to change defenses recently! Quick, find the man just now for me! ” After listening to the report, Warring States immediately knew that the other party would definitely not be a member of the navy, because the intelligence department was personally in charge of him. Yes, if anyone comes back, he is the one who knows best.
The plan for Whitebeard and Reina risked being leaked before it was implemented. At this time, Sengoku’s heart was full of powerlessness.
Although he doesn’t know who that person is, since the other party fled immediately, it means that he must want to leak it out.
And once this news leaked out, it would be impossible for them to target the Whitebeard Pirates again, because Reina was not that stupid and jumped in knowing that he was trapped.
” Since such a situation has been created now! Warring States, let Weibull be dispatched immediately! Didn’t we have already analyzed it before? Zefa is likely to be on Judiciary Island, so let Weibull lead him out, maybe it was an intelligence leak. Before, Reina could be lured out! ” Admiral Tsuru said immediately after listening to Sengoku’s words.
” That’s the only way it can be now! Qingzhi, take Weibull for a trip! Ah He, I’ll leave it to you at Qiwuhai ! ” They can only implement plans ahead of time now.
At that time, as long as Reina is caught, then they will still have time to arrange, otherwise, this time, it is difficult to summon Qiwuhai, but it can’t just die like this.
After the assignment was completed, Aokiji left with Weibull directly. They had to move towards Judicial Island first. The Warring States side immediately spread the news that the meeting was over and asked Qiwuhai to leave.
The purpose is to lure Zefa out first, and notify Reina, who doesn’t know where to hide, that Zefa may have to do something.

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