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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Tsk tsk tsk … The construction speed of this Judicial Island is still quite fast ~” Seeing that the Judicial Island, which was already in ruins, was being rebuilt little by little, Reina sighed and said: ” But … Where the hell is old man Zefa hiding? ”
At this time, Reina did not know that the Navy had discovered the possibility of intelligence leakage, so it planned ahead.
However, he set off before the navy, and the speed of the hard shell was very fast, so when he arrived at Judicial Island, the navy had not yet set sail.
” Go, let’s go! Didn’t you say you were going to fight? Why didn’t you go! ” Weibull stood on the deck of the warship at the port of Marinfando, urging Kizaru to the side.
” Good son, don’t worry, the Navy still needs to spread our news, so that those bad people will be fooled! ” Miss Bakin, who had reunited with Weibull , said with a strange smile.
” It’s so strange ~~ Isn’t this Aokiji’s mission? Why did I suddenly become here? ” Kizaru ignored the mother and son, but looked in the direction of Malin Fando with a puzzled expression on his face. said.
” Yes! Lord Polsalino, because General Kuzan has other tasks temporarily, the Sengoku Marshal has asked you to come and escort Edward Weibull of Shichibukai! ” Explain again.
In fact, he already explained it once when he asked Huang Yuan to come, but since the general asked, it doesn’t matter if he explains it again.
” Okay then! When are we going? ” Kizaru asked, looking at the non-commissioned officer.
” We need to wait for news from the Warring States Marshal, and you need to hide on the road! ” the sergeant replied.
” Ah ~~ I understand, then it’s up to you to arrange, I’ll go to the cabin to rest! ” Kizaru smiled and walked towards the cabin.
It didn’t take long for the navy on the ship to receive an order from the Warring States Period and move directly towards Judicial Island.
On the other side, Reina, who was still hanging out on Judicial Island, did not find any trace of Zefa.
” This old man … where did he hide? It’s really a headache! ” Reina, who was about to punch the entire Judiciary Island, just couldn’t find any trace of Zefa.
However, since Zefa dared to hide here, he would not be easily found, otherwise he would not dare to come here.
At this time, in the former site of Judicial Shimahara Court, in the basement below the court, Zefa was resting against the wall, and his current state was not very good.
In order to snatch an important thing before, he suffered a serious injury, and he came here directly without a doctor’s treatment.
Fortunately, as a former admiral, he knew that there was a basement under the courthouse on Judiciary Island, otherwise he wouldn’t even have a hiding place.
” Di ~~~ Zizi ~~~ Please open the door of justice, here is the warship that escorted Edward Weibull of Shichibukai! Zizi ~~”
” Receive it, open the door of justice immediately! ”
A phone bug on the table suddenly opened its eyes, and there was a conversation from the Navy inside.
Zefa, who had closed his eyes, opened his eyes after hearing this, his mouth curled slightly, and said softly, ” It’s finally here! ”
Just as Zefa was preparing, Reina on Judiciary Island also discovered that the door of justice had actually opened a suture.
” Huh ~ ? It seems that they should have been discovered. It’s not a loss for the Sengoku … A new plan was designated so quickly! But you can’t think of it, the person who overheard your news … will be me! Gah! Gaga … It seems that this time … I can only watch from the sidelines! ” Seeing the door of justice opened, Reina knew instantly what the Navy was paying attention to.
He must be worried about information leakage, so he planned ahead of time and used Zefa to lure himself to appear.
But they couldn’t imagine that it was Reina himself who overheard the news, so if Reina couldn’t find Zefa before the war … they could only give up on him, after all, he couldn’t put himself in danger.
Otherwise, the entire Whitebeard Pirates will be in danger.
He didn’t want to stage another top war, especially if he was arrested.
So if before the two sides go to war, if he can’t find Zefa, he can only watch him be beaten by the navy!
But time is running out now, and Reina has no idea where Zefa is at all.
Seeing that the warship was already heading towards Judicial Island, Reina could only sigh and hide herself.
He doesn’t need to look at Ye to know that there must be a strong naval force around the warship. As long as he is discovered, it will be really bad.
After all, the navy is coming for him this time. As long as he doesn’t show up, the other party will definitely not be too embarrassed.
” Boom ~~”
Just when Reina was still thinking, a shelling on Judiciary Island suddenly hit the warship that transported Weibull.
” Enemy attack ~~~” The shell did not hit the warship, but instead reminded the navy.
” That idiot … isn’t he trying to kill the opponent by shelling? ” No need to think about it, Reina knew that it was definitely Zefa’s shot.
But in such a way as shelling, he was extremely puzzled.
As we all know, the artillery and firearms in the world of One Piece are all used for fun, and they never hit people. Only when one party is finished, the artillery will hit one hit and give the final funeral.
But before Renardo thought about anything, he heard Zefa’s roar: ” Polusalino! You’re actually here? It seems that you already know what I’m doing here? ”
” Teacher Zefa … let it go! Your plan will not be successful! ” Kizaru turned into a ray of light, appearing directly on the sails of the warship, and said to Zefa on Judicial Island.
” Hahaha … Boy, it’s too early to say this, let that guy from Weibull come out! ” Zefa narrowed his eyes and said with a big smile.
Kizaru had already been ordered by the Warring States period to try to delay Zefa and wait for Reina to appear, so he gave Miss Bajin a wink below, and stood there without moving.
” My dear son, it’s time for us to play! ” Miss Baggin said with a weird laugh, patting Weibull’s butt.
” Mom, are you just going to beat that old man? Watch me cut him! ” Weibull, who was holding a big knife, looked at Zefa and asked.
” No no no … My dear son, you just need to stand here. If he comes over, it’s not too late to hit him! Anyway, just follow your mother’s orders! Hehehe …” Miss Bajin smiled said.
” Okay, I know Mom! ” Weibull nodded, standing on the side of the boat on deck.
” Edward Weibull … I finally see you again! ” Seeing the other party, Zefa’s momentum burst out immediately.
” Mom, who is this old man? He seems to know us! ” Looking at the angry Zefa, Weibull asked in surprise.
” Hahaha … I don’t even remember me! It’s so good! It’s so good! ” Zefa didn’t bother to talk nonsense, and with a little footsteps, he killed in the direction of the warship.
” Worthy! Old man Zefa is so reckless? He even rushed over knowing that Kiabou was there? ” Reina, who was hiding in the dark to observe, was extremely puzzled when he saw that Zefa actually rushed over.
He should know that he is no longer the opponent of his own disciple.
And there is a Weibull on board who once defeated him. What kind of cards does he have to dare to be so bold?
Seeing Zefa coming towards him, Weibull had already fought back with his big knife, but Kizaru blocked Zefa first.
” Teacher … you have no chance of winning, so why bother? ” Kizuna sighed and said.
” Hey … When did you learn to care about me? Polsalino! ” Zafa hit Kizaru with his robotic arm.
His mechanical arm is equipped with a sea floor stone, which can restrain the natural ability of the yellow monkey.
However, as a general, Kizaru would not be easily hit by Zefa, and his purpose was to delay time, so he was only a defender and did not counterattack.
” Why don’t you attack? Defense is not your forte! ” Zefa asked while attacking.
Every time he wanted to get rid of Kiba and attack Weibull, Kizaru would block him, and the rest of the time he would just walk by his side, and he didn’t seem to have any intention of fighting.
” I just can’t bear to watch the teacher die at the hands of the pirates! ” Kizaru chuckled and replied.
” Just because of you … also want to kill me? ” Zefa said, suddenly raised his right arm and shot directly at Kizaru.
A firearm similar to a machine gun is also installed in his right mechanical arm, and the bullets are all made of Hailoushi, so the yellow monkey had to avoid the bullets.
And Zefa also took this opportunity to attack Weibull.
” Hehehe … My good son … kill him! ” Miss Bakin, who was standing beside Weibull , pointed at Zepha and said to Weibull .
” Okay! Look at me! ” Weibull heard the words, swung the big knife in his hand, and attacked Zefa.
Seeing this, Kizaru had no choice but to stop. If he and Weibull attacked Zefa, the other party was afraid that the commander would be defeated faster.
” If you don’t force him, you won’t achieve your goal! ” Miss Bakin seemed to know something, so she explained to Kizaru.
Kizaru shrugged and said softly, ” If you screw up our plan, you should know the consequences! ”
” Black quack … don’t worry, there will be no problem! Dear son, remember not to kill each other! ” Miss Bajin told Weibull with a smile.
” Got it, Mom! But this old man has some strength! ” Weibull said as he attacked.
On the other hand, Zefa, after playing against Weibull, can only be in a defensive position, unable to launch an attack at all.
” Plan? Polsalino … What are you paying attention to? ” After being slashed by Weibull, Zefa immediately got up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and asked.
” Teacher Zefa … Do you think you still need to dispatch me to deal with you? You can’t deal with just one Weibull! ” Kizaru said with a chuckle.

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