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When Doflamingo returned to Dressrosa, he couldn’t believe his eyes.
The palace was full of wounded, and even the cadres were not spared.
” Hey … Who can tell me … What the hell happened here? Who is … ? ” Doflamingo’s forehead popped up several tic tac-toe, and his anger was clearly visible at this time.
” Cough cough … Dover …” Inside the palace, a thin middle-aged man shouted at Brother Doflamingo.
He is the leader of the Plum Blossom Army of the Don Quixote family, leading Doflamingo to the road of the underground king, the senior cadre Torrepol.
” Torrepol! What the hell is going on here? Who did it? ” Doflamingo quickly stepped forward and asked.
You must know that the usual Torrepol uses the mucus created by his ability to wrap his body, and now the body is exposed by the beating, so it is obvious that the opponent’s strength must be extremely strong.
” Ahem … yes … it ‘s Chitong Reina! Didn’t he say you said that Chitong is nothing more than that? So I’ll come over and let you see … Is he nothing more than that! ” Torrepol coughed a few times. , said a little weakly.
” That bastard … I’m going to kill him! ” Brother Doflamingo was already on the verge of going wild, and all the members he had always regarded as writers were knocked down, which made him feel boundless anger.
In the palace at this time, in addition to Torrepol, several other senior cadres fell to the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.
” No! Dover … This is not the time to say this … Sugar! Reina took the sugar! ” Torrepol grabbed Brother Doflamingo and said anxiously.
” What? ” Doflamingo was taken aback for a moment. The key to his ability to rule Dressrosa lies in the ability of sugar. She is a childlike fruit person. As long as she is touched by her hand, the touched creature will becomes a toy, and can make a contract that prevents it from acting freely according to ideas and obeying orders.
The person who becomes a toy will be erased from the memory of other people, just like disappearing from the world, but the toy has its own consciousness, its own emotions, and its own memory.
Doflamingo relies on the ability of sugar to turn opponents into toys, so that he can safely become the emperor of Dressrosa.
But this ability has a great disadvantage. As long as the person with the ability loses consciousness or loses the ability, then the toy will automatically return to a human, and the memory about him will also return automatically.
Now that Sugar is taken away by Reina, then as long as Reina puts the Shanghai Stone handcuffs on Sugar, or stuns Sugar, then all the toys will become human again, and the people of Dressrosa will remember what happened. whats the matter.
Then it was a disaster for him.
” He’s gone now? ” Doflamingo asked in a low voice.
” Cough cough … He should have just left Dressrosa, Dover … Be sure to get the sugar back! ” Torrepol also fainted after he finished speaking.
Looking at the family members who fell in the palace, and the most important subordinate was taken away by Reina, Doflamingo sneered and flew out directly. He is a thread fruit ability and can use his ability Hang on to the cloud and let him act like Spider-Man.
He can be sure now that Reyna was hiding there when they shot Zefa, but didn’t come out because they discovered their lineup.
At that time, in order to force Reina to come out, I talked a lot, and now I am retaliated by the other party.
Now not only hates Reina, but also hates the navy, and hates the navy for not acting carefully, which caused Reina to vent his anger on him.
After coming out of the palace, Doflamingo took off quickly, and then looked around, and found that there seemed to be something in the southeast, so he quickly chased there.
” Hey … Do you think your young master doesn’t want you anymore? It’s been so long, he hasn’t come yet? I’m stuck in time! He should be back in Dressrosa today ! ” On the lounge chair, Reina, who was drinking red wine, asked Sugar, who was tied to the mast.
At this time, he was not on the back of the hard shell, but grabbed a small boat and hung the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates directly, and then hung the grabbed sugar on it.
” You … you let me down, otherwise … otherwise, after the young master comes, he will not let you go! ” Xia Tang said this, and he didn’t have much confidence.
She saw with her own eyes that Reina defeated all the senior cadres who stayed behind in Dressrosa. Of course, the method was not so open. He first attacked the top cadre Pika, so that the person with the ability of the stone fruit had not reacted. fell directly to the ground.
Then take advantage of the fact that everyone didn’t react, and broke them one by one, and finally wiped out the entire Don Quixote family.
By the time Sugar and Torrepol found out, all the cadres had been piled up in the palace by Reina.
As the guardian of sugar, Torrepol was in Reina’s hands, and he didn’t even hold it for ten minutes, so he just knelt down.
Therefore, at this time of sugar, I really don’t know if the young master chases after him, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.
” Don’t let me go? Hahaha … If I’m afraid of him … you think I’ll come to Dressrosa? ” Reina said with a smile.
” You … how on earth are you going to let me go? I … I’m still a child! ” Xia Tang pretended to be weak.
” Pfft hahaha … Do you really think I’m a child? A person with the ability to play fruit, isn’t the age of the body determined when you eat the fruit? You don’t even know that? ” Reina asked with a strange smile.
Sugar’s face changed, and Reina actually knew that she was a fruit of childlike ability. This kind of thing, even within the Don Quixote family, was a secret that only cadres could know.
” How did you know? ” Seeing that the other party already knew his secret, Xia Tang simply stopped pretending, and instead planned to get information out of Reina’s mouth.
” How did I know … you don’t need to know! ” Reina chuckled and replied.
” I see … Sure enough, Senor has betrayed the young master? Damn it! ” Sugar said with an ugly face.
There is Senor’s life card in their family, so it is natural to know that Senor is not dead.
But the other party hasn’t come back for so long, so they have to start to doubt Senor.
” Don’t worry … I’ll take you to see him right now? When you see him, you’ll naturally know why he didn’t return to Dressrosa! ” Reina was deliberately ambiguous, because he had already discovered that the fast approaching of Doflamingo.
” So … Did Senor really betray us? ” Xie Tang was only guessing before, but Reina’s ambiguity immediately made her misunderstood.
If Reina directly said that Saniol betrayed them, then Sugar might not believe it, but what Reina said just now did not say that Senor betrayed them, just said that he was on Xuanyue Island, then Sugar would be able to It’s confirmed, if it wasn’t for the Whitebeard Pirates, how could outsiders expect to stay on Xuanyue Island for a long time?
” Rena! ”
But before Reina could answer, Doflamingo’s roar came from the sky.
” I can hear it, don’t make such a loud noise …” Looking at Doflamingo who was slowly landing on the deck, Reina poked his ears and said softly.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… I don’t know where I offended Your Excellency Reina, and asked Your Excellency to injure all my family members and take away the sugar while I was away? ” Brother Doflaming glanced at the being The sugar hanging on the mast suppressed the anger in his heart and asked Reina.
” Oh? You want to play stupid with me? Can I make you really stupid? ” Reina hooked his hands and said with a chuckle.
As soon as he finished speaking, Doflamingo found a man with dark green long hair on the mast, and a cross scar on his face with thin ice, holding a long sword on the sugar neck.
” Young Master … save me! ” Xia Tang was so scared that he almost cried.
” Say your terms! How can I let go of my people! ” Doflamingo looked at Reina and asked in a low voice.
At this time, his anger had reached its peak, and it was possible that he could not control it at any time.
” It’s easy to say, then Jinbei will change it! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” This is impossible! He has been detained by the Navy in the deep-sea prison, and my strength is not enough to rescue him! ” Brother Doflaming shook his head and refused without thinking.
” Rejection so readily? ”
” That’s because I can’t do it at all! ” Doflamingo said directly.
” Really? You can’t do it as a Tianlong person? ” Reina asked with a frown.
” Dragon people? ” Brother Doflamingo was startled, then pretended to be calm and said: ” I’m not a Tianlong person now, our Don Quixote family has long been expelled from Tianlong people! ”
” Really? But why did I hear … You have a private deal with the Tianlong people? Is it a rumor? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” I don’t know where you got the news, but I really can’t do anything about it now! ” Doflamingo said with a chuckle.
” Hahaha … Don Quixote Doflamingo! You still want to pretend in front of me? I know your details! Including what you used to threaten Tianlong people … I know all about it! ” Reina said with a smile.
Hearing Reina’s words, not only the sugar that was tied there, but also Doflamingo himself was a little dumbfounded.
When he didn’t start the capital, he did rob the heavenly gold of the Tianlong people, and because he held the secrets of the Tianlong people, those Tianlong people were not easy to deal with him. After he promised that this would not be the case in the future, the two sides began to cooperate instead. .
But no one should know about these things except the grateful cadres who followed him in his early years.
Now, like Sugar, he has begun to doubt Senor, because he knows all these things.
” How? Can I use Jinbei instead? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” Okay! I promise you, but you must ensure that you will never hurt Sugar, he is my family! ” Doflamingo said after being silent for a while.
She was moved to tears by the sugar tied to the mast, and she did not expect that the young master would agree to such harsh conditions as Reina in order to save her.
But Reina knew that Doflamingo was not because of Sugar, but because of her ability.
” Okay! Then I’ll wait for your news here! Whenever I receive the news that the World Government releases Jinbei, I will release your people! ” Reina nodded and made a gesture of please.
Doflamingo glanced at Sugar and said, ” You stay here for the time being, and I will rescue you as soon as possible! ”
” Young master, rest assured, I will persevere! ” Xia Tang understood what Brother Doflamingo meant at the end, so he nodded and replied firmly.

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