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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After separating from Doflamingo, Reina did not put the sugar down. He felt that the other party was too noisy, so he kept hanging her from the mast, but there was no shortage of food and water, so the other party did not faint for the time being. sign.
As for Doflamingo, who returned to Dressrosa, he found that the cadres were all awake, but all of them seemed to be seriously injured. It seemed that they had no ability to fight for a while.
” Young Master! ” Seeing Brother Doflamingo coming back, everyone shouted towards Brother Doflamingo.
” Dover … have you found the sugar? ” Torrepol asked quickly.
As the top cadre who guards the sugar, he is to blame for being robbed of the sugar.
” Reina is waiting for me in the sea not far away! The sugar is still in his hands …” Brother Doflamingo repeated what had just happened.
” Wait … Young Master! What do you mean … Reina knows all about our information? ” Torrepol asked in disbelief.
” It must be Senor! I knew it must be him, otherwise, how could Reina know so much about us and knock us all down before we reflect it! ” Pika said angrily with a sharp voice.
Pika was particularly concerned about Reina’s sneak attack that brought him down.
” At the moment … we have no proof that it was Senor who betrayed us! So this is temporarily pressed! The most important thing at the moment is to rescue the sugar, otherwise it will be really bad once she can’t hold on to her coma. ! ” said Doflamingo, sitting back in his seat, shaking his head.
” Why don’t we temporarily recall everyone’s toys, just in case? ” Diamanti, who had not spoken, stood up and said.
” I think so! ” said Torrepol, nodding his head.
” That’s good! Torrepol, I’ll leave this to you, don’t mess it up again! ” Doflamingo nodded and said, ” I’ll set off right now to go to Marijoa! ”
” Yes, Young Master! ” Everyone immediately saluted and replied.
With the friendship between Doflamingo and the Tianlong people, as long as he pays some price, he will be able to release Jinpei, which can be regarded as Reina kills two birds with one stone.
However, after this incident, the title of Jinpei Shichibukai is about to be lost.
Sure enough, within a few days, Reina learned from the intelligence that Jinbei had been released and deprived of the title of King Xia Qiwuhai.
After receiving the news, Reina took the boat and headed towards Dressrosa again.
Before he could land this time, everyone in the Don Quixote family was waiting for him.
” Hey hey … Isn’t there such a big battle? I’m just here to return your hostages! ” Reina pointed to the sugar on the mast and said with a smile.
However, when the cadres of the Don Quixote family saw the state of the sugar, they almost couldn’t hold back their actions against Reina, because the sugar hanging on the mast was basically already supported by perseverance. It looked as if one could die at any moment.
” Reina! The young master has done what he promised you, and you still haven’t let go of the sugar? ” Torrepol pointed at Reina with a cane with a plum blossom in his hand and roared.
” Do you try pointing at me again? Believe it or not, I’ll kill you? ” Reina pouted and said, ” No matter how big or small I am, Reina is not too big or small, don’t worry … I won’t break my promise! ”
After finishing speaking, Reina summoned the hard shell in front of the other party, and left without landing in Dressrosa.
After Reina left, the Don Quixote family immediately got on the boat and rescued the sugar.
” Doctor? Hurry up, call the doctor here! Sugar, it’s good, hold on, don’t pass out! Otherwise, we really won’t be able to explain to the young master! ” Torrepol hugged Sugar and said softly.
At this time, Xia Tang was speechless, but nodded stubbornly. She still remembered that the young master agreed to Reina’s harsh conditions in order to save her, so she would never allow herself to faint even for the sake of the young master.
” Fu ~ it’s okay, it’s just a little overly frightened, plus her blood vessels are not alive, let her rest more and eat something! ” After examining the sugar, the doctor breathed a sigh of relief and said.
As a member of the Don Quixote family, he naturally knew the importance of sugar. Now that sugar is okay, their biggest crisis has passed.
It’s just that among this group of cadres, there is one person who shows disappointment, and that is the former Princess of Dressrosa, Violet!
As a superhuman star with the ability to stare at the fruit, Doflamingo saw her ability to read people’s hearts, so he accepted her as a subordinate and gave her the treatment of ordinary cadres.
But whether it is herself or the rest of the cadres, everyone knows that she is not really her own.
When Reina defeated all the cadres of the Don Quixote family, Violet was so excited. She thought it was time to overthrow Doflamingo, but before she could contact Reina, the other party arrested him. Left with sugar.
Afterwards, although she also tried to find Reina, Dressrosa did become so troubled that she couldn’t find a chance to contact Reina at all, so she had to pray in her heart, sugar couldn’t support it, and then fainted.
It’s a pity that in the end, the sugar still held up, which made Violet quite disappointed.
When Doflamingo returned to Dressrosa, he was relieved when he learned that the sugar was all right. This time, he paid a great price for the World Government to intervene and release him. Jinpei, who was imprisoned in the Great Underwater Prison.
Reina, who taught Doflamingo a lesson, also achieved the purpose of saving Jinbei by the way, which made him extraordinarily happy.
And he believed that the feeling he gave to Doflamingo’s and the Don Quixote family would be that Senor betrayed them, which was also a foreshadowing for the future.
After practicing on Xuanyue Island and determining the location of the Moby Dick , Reina originally planned to go directly, but Marco asked him to go back to Xuanyue Island first, so Reina had to change the route and head towards Xuanyue Island. Moon Island advances.
On the other hand, Jinpei, who was released, did not know why the navy released him, but he received news that the title of Qiwuhai had been stripped.
Now what he wants to do most is to contact Reina immediately and let him be careful not to be found by the Navy.
Because once Reina is captured, a war that sweeps the world will definitely break out.
Moreover, the position of his king under Qiwuhai was given to him by Reina after he won it for Tiger, so he felt it necessary to tell Reina that he is no longer Qiwuhai.
However, when he returned to Fishman Island and contacted Xuanyue Island, he realized that it was Reina who saved him.
” Father! Although our Fishman Island is protected in the name of Dad and the Whitebeard Pirates, the lack of the shocking power of King Jinpei’s Qiwuhai is always a bit disadvantageous to me! ” The Great Prince Shaoxing was a little worried. to King Neptune.
Since Shark Star and Naga got engaged, Neptune has begun to deliberately let Shark Star get more exposure to political affairs, and began to train him as the next King of Fishman Island.
Neptune, who was still in his prime, didn’t need to start cultivating Sharks so early, but he always felt that the situation would change greatly in the next few years, so he had to make arrangements early to avoid the fish-man island being unled by then. confusion.
” So? What do you want to do? ” Neptune asked, looking at Shark Star.
” Can you announce the existence of Naga to the people now? Tell them that Naga has the ability to control sea beasts, so … we can be regarded as an additional deterrent force! ” Shaoxing said directly.
” Hahaha … Prince Shark Star, don’t worry, Naga’s affairs don’t need to worry, if she just exposes her ability to control sea beasts, I believe everyone will soon accept her! ” Jinping thought Shark Star was helping Naga spoke, so she said with a smile.
” No, Boss Jinpei! I don’t know if you’ve noticed it. Starting this year, whether it’s the Four Emperors or the navy … they’re all in constant motion. You must know that as usual, let alone a scene where the Four Emperor Pirates are fighting, even in the It’s hard to see them at sea! ” Shark Star shook his head and said.
What he said was exactly what happened not long ago when the Red-haired Pirates and the Beasts Pirates fought. In the end, because of the intervention of the Whitebeard Pirates and the addition of BIGMOM , the two sides had to shake hands and make peace. If the battle of the Four Emperors begins, it will be really lively.
” That’s right! ” Thinking of the reason why he was deprived of the title of Qiwuhai, Jinbei also put away his smile, nodded seriously, and replied.
If it weren’t for the big move prepared by the Navy, he would not have been arrested for opposing it.
So Jinbei still agrees with what Sharks said just now.
” That’s why I made a proposal to bring Naga into the public eye! In fact, personally … I don’t want Naga to be exposed so early, it’s a little dangerous for her! I prefer her to be able to make peace with her. I will show up again when I get married, in this case … everyone’s attention will be shared by me to some extent! ” Shaoxing sighed and said.
” Idiot … What nonsense are you talking about? Your Majesty Neptune … Now is a good opportunity for my Naga clan to come back. As long as I don’t show the ability to control mermaids or murlocs, then there will be no problem! ” At this time, Naga walked in through the side door and spoke directly.
” Have you made up your mind? Naga! ” Neptune looked at Naga and asked earnestly, ” Although I am quite sure that there should be no one who knows about the existence of your Naga clan on Fishman Island now, but … You know, many mermaids have some strange abilities, so maybe someone can know you … For example … Xia Li’s divination, that’s an ability that even Reina is willing to give up! ”
” Hoo ~ It would be better if someone remembers my Naga clan! ” Naga said with a smile: ” Then at least it proves that they have not forgotten our Naga clan! ”
Neptune looked at the Naga, then smiled slightly, and said: ” That’s good! Just do it according to your idea! Shark … If there is a Naga among the people who recognize the existence of the Naga … then it will be announced in public . Your wedding to the Naga! Do you have any comments? ”
” The father who is willing to obey the arrangements! ” Shark Star smiled and replied without any hesitation.
” Your Majesty …” Naga was stunned, and looked at Jinping Shark Star and Neptune in surprise.
At this moment, she finally knew why the Queen made such a decision to let the whole family commit suicide on Fishman Island. Such a royal family is indeed worthy of their Naga family to follow.
Nipton’s meaning was obvious just now. As long as she is recognized, Shark Star will be used to guarantee all the residents of Fishman Island, because if she wants to be controlled, Shark Star as her husband will definitely bear the brunt.

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