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After everything was negotiated, Neptune quickly took the opportunity to gather all the residents of Fishman Island.
When he announced that the Naga family had returned to Fishman Island, as he had guessed, everyone felt inexplicable.
“The Naga family has lived on Fishman Island since ancient times and is an inseparable part of our Fishman Island! But many years ago, for some reason, the Naga family relocated to the fisherman island for the safety of Fishman Island and sent us to fish. At the same time that the enemies of Human Island were led away, they themselves suffered heavy casualties! ”
” Fortunately, the sea god blesses them, they left their descendants. Some time ago, the first prince Shaoxing went out in person and welcomed the Naga clan back! Maybe you don’t know the Naga clan, but it doesn’t matter, you must have heard of the sea monsters. Legend? ”
Nipton stood on the high platform and wanted to talk to everyone.
” sea monster? ”
” North Sea Monster? Isn’t that the name of the big octopus? ”
When the residents of Fishman Island heard Neptune’s words, they all began to talk about it.
” Everyone, be quiet! ” At this time, Shark Star took Naga’s hand and slowly climbed the high platform to Neptune’s side.
” Huh ~ ? Is that a Naga? It’s very similar to our mermaid! But her ears are a bit weirder! And she looks so strong! ”
After Naga came out, the originally quiet scene began to be noisy again.
” Tsk tsk tsk … Is this a Naga? It looks like a stronger mermaid! ” Among the crowd, a hammerhead shark man leaning on a warhammer, with red eyes, said softly.
” Maybe this is some kind of conspiracy made by the royal family! Chika …” A small murloc wearing a helmet of an ancient oriental warrior said disdainfully.
” Let’s go! It’s just a bunch of clowns! ” A tall murloc wearing a flat hat with a trident pattern on his head, a wolfskin scarf around his neck, and a large tattoo on his left arm glanced at the speech being delivered on the stage. After Neptune, he turned around and said.
” Perhaps you don’t know the reason why the Naga clan are called sirens by humans! Back then, they were the pioneers who resisted humans from catching fishermen and the guardians of the peace of Fishman Island! Because they had the ability to summon and control sea beasts. Because of their abilities, the humans who are afraid of them call them the Siren family from the deep sea! ” Nipton continued to explain, after the Naga family they omitted.
” Summoning sea beasts? Is it true? ”
” There are still mermaids who can summon sea beasts? That’s too cool, isn’t it? ”
Hearing Nepton’s words, the discussion below grew louder.
Seeing this, Shark Star nodded towards Naga, Naga took a step forward, raised her head and said some spells, and then shouted to the top of Fishman Island.
At first, the residents of Fishman Island didn’t know what Naga was doing, but slowly they began to react, which should be calling sea beasts.
” Come … come! Really come!? ”
” It’s true! She can really summon sea beasts! ”
Soon, some sea beasts began to slowly gather outside the bubbles of the fish-man island, and finally nearly ten sea beasts stayed outside the fish-man island, quietly waiting for Naga’s orders.
She has not been promoted to queen for a long time, and now summoning ten sea beasts is her limit. If she continues to summon, it is easy to lose control, so she stopped after the tenth sea beast arrived.
After Naga became the queen, her abilities improved a lot. Originally, he could only control sea beasts, and could not summon sea beasts, but now he can.
And now she finally understands why the sea king she controlled was beheaded by Reina with one sword.
It turns out that after being controlled by Naga, the murlocs, mermaids or sea beasts she controls can be improved.
Those who are not as strong as Naga will increase the opponent’s strength to the same level as Naga, and those who are stronger than Naga will superimpose part of Naga’s strength. In this way, after being controlled by Naga, you can get A lot of improvements, especially the mermaid clan who have always been known for being weak, basically means they have the ability to fight.
However, the sea kings are an exception. Their physical strength is too strong, which is countless times stronger than the physical strength of ordinary Naga and even Naga queens. Therefore, after being controlled by the Naga family, their strength will actually decline.
This is also one of the reasons why Naga never control the Sea Kings.
Of course, they generally can’t control the sea kings, and they can only control the sea kings if the other party is willing.
The sea kings controlled by Naga before were because she had helped the other party, but she did not know that controlling the sea kings would also lead to the decline of the opponent’s strength, so they were easily killed by Reina.
After seeing that Naga really summoned the sea beast, the residents of Fishman Island cheered. King Nipton just said that Naga will officially return to Fishman Island in the future. With Naga’s help , Fishman Island will definitely become stronger and stronger.
Seeing that things were going smoothly, Shark Star and Nipton smiled with satisfaction, while Naga was a little excited. Their Naga family finally returned to Fishman Island again as a guardian.
At this time, Mrs. Charlie in the murloc coffee shop frowned and looked in the direction of Naga. He also heard Neptune’s speech in the shop.
” Phew! ” Mrs. Charlie took a deep breath and took out her crystal ball.
Just when she was just about to divination, someone suddenly grabbed her shoulder.
” Huh? ” Mrs. Charlie turned her head in surprise and shouted in surprise, ” Boss Jinbei? ”
” Don’t interfere with Naga’s affairs, her affairs are a bit complicated, you better not know about it! ” Jinbei shook his head and said.
” Why? I just want to see if she will cause damage to Fishman Island in the future! Her ability to summon sea beasts is not a trivial ability! ” Mrs. Charlie asked inexplicably.
” She is Shaoxing’s fiancee! ” Jinbei said with a wry smile.
” Eh? ” Xia Li was even more surprised, but soon she thought of something, stared at Jinping and said, ” So, the royal family is not really worried about her, so let the Shark Star eldest prince bind her. ? ”
Jinpei gave a helpless smile and talked to Charlie, just like Reina, you don’t have to say anything, and the other party can give you a clear guess.
” That’s it! So you don’t have to pay attention to Naga for the time being. When you need it, the royal family will naturally come back to you! ” Jinping nodded and said.
Mrs. Xia Li smiled slightly, nodded and then asked to the side: ” Boss Jinping, now you have lost the title of the king’s Qiwuhai, so the royal family launched the Naga at this time? But … Now you Sun Pirates What is the group going to do? ”
Jinbei was silent. Although he could stay on Fishman Island, Fisher Tiger, who founded the Sun Pirates, was a fishman who was “expelled” by Fishman Island , so he let the Sun Pirates stay on the Fishman Island for a long time. Fishman Island is also not suitable.
” Why don’t you go to see Daddy? ” Seeing that Jinping didn’t speak, Mrs. Xia Li smiled and asked.
” Dad? ” Jinping was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Madam Xia Li in confusion.
” That’s right, the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates hangs on Fishman Island, and it can be regarded as the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates! If the Sun Pirates also join the Whitebeard Pirates, then you stay on Fishman Island, right? Is it justifiable? ” Mrs. Charlie said with a smile.
Jinbei suddenly realized, at this time he also remembered that Fisher Tiger was planning to join the Whitebeard Pirates, but then the world government came up with the Qibukai system, and with Reina’s persuasion and help, they got it One place, so I didn’t join the Whitebeard Pirates.
Now that they have lost the title of Qiwuhai, isn’t it a logical thing to join the Whitebeard Pirates?
” Thanks, I’ll go back and discuss with the crew! ” After hearing Mrs. Charlie’s proposal, Jinbei immediately became overjoyed and replied with a little gratitude.
Mrs. Charlie looked at Jinping who was leaving, and then looked at the crystal ball in her arms. In the end, she did not spy on Naga’s future. She believed in Jinping and was willing to believe in the royal family.
On the other hand, after gathering the crew, he talked about his plan to join the Whitebeard Pirates, and Jinpei asked the crew for their opinions.
” Captain, it’s up to you to decide this kind of thing. There’s no need to call us all together, right? ” Vice-captain Aladdin said with a smile.
” Of course, I have to ask your opinions on this kind of thing! If anyone doesn’t want to join the Whitebeard Pirates, they can raise it now, or choose to stay on Fishman Island. ” Jinbei shook his head and said.
“What does the captain mean … we will stay in Xuanyue Island in the future? ” One of the crew members asked after hesitating for a while.
” Of course not! ” Jinping replied with a smile: ” At the beginning, Boss Tiger had to be expelled from Fishman Island because of the rescue of slaves. Our Sun Pirates were founded by Boss Tiger, so we have been staying on Fishman Island. It’s not very good either! But it’s different now, as long as we join the Whitebeard Pirates, then Fishman Island is the frontier territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, isn’t it right for us to be stationed here? ”
After hearing Jinbei’s words, the crew’s expressions were indeed much more cheerful.
Although it is not bad to join the Whitebeard Pirates with Jinbei, wouldn’t it be better if they could be stationed on Fishman Island?
So after the unanimous vote was passed, Aladdin took the crew to prepare for sailing and joined the Whitebeard Pirates, not just by saying it.
First of all, he had to get the consent of his father, Edward Newgate, the white beard , and then drank the Yizi wine and left the captain’s life paper on Xuanyue Island.
After the ceremony, it was considered that he joined the big family of the Whitebeard Pirates.
Originally, it was enough to drink the Yizi wine, but Reina asked to leave a copy of the captain’s life paper on Xuanyue Island, so that the Whitebeard Pirates could learn about the movements of each pirate group, as well as the pirate group’s behavior. Happening.

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